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Republic of the Philippines )

) S.S.
Done in the City of Baguio )


I, BEVERLY ANNE G. CASTRO, of legal age, Filipino Citizen, single, with

residence and postal address at No. 316 Dardarat, Tagudin, Ilocos Sur, Philippines, after
having been sworn to in accordance with law, hereby depose and state:

1. That I am one the children of ABRAHAM R. CASTRO who was born on

November 20, 1966 at the Baguio Medical Center, Inc., Baguio City, Philippines and the facts
of his birth were duly registered with the Local Civil Registry of Baguio City. Copy of his
Certificate of Live Birth is hereto attached and marked as Annex “A” and made an integral
part hereof;

2. That my father has been using the first name “ABRAHAM” as his first name
unaware that what was registered and recorded in his certificate of Live birth with the
Philippine Statistics Authority is “BABY BOY”, so that, all his school records and other
equally important documents contain “ABRAHAM” as his first name;

3. That the names ABRAHAM R. CASTRO and BABY BOY R. CASTRO who
was born on November 20, 1966 at the Baguio Medical Center, Inc., Baguio City refers to one
and the same person who is the undersigned’s father;

4. That the discrepancies might have due to inadvertency and done in honest mistake
and not intentional nor illegal;

5. That I am executing this affidavit to attest to the truth and veracity of its contents
and for the purpose of requesting the Local Civil Registry of Baguio City to supplement my
father’s first name from “BABY BOY” to “ABRAHAM” and to endorse the same with the
Philippine Statistics Authority and for all legal intents and purposes it may properly serve.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand this 13th day of June 2017 in
the City of Baguio, Philippines.



SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 13th day of June 2017in the City of
Baguio, Philippines. Affiant exhibited to me her Philippine Passport No. EB8493693 valid
until June 25, 2018, issued at DFA La Union.

Doc. No. 462; ROMEO F. BUSLAYAN, JR.

Page No. 93; Notary Public
Book No. XXXVIII; Until December 31, 2017
Series of 2017. PTR No. 2923279-Dec. 22, 2016-Baguio City
IBP No. 1039786-Dec. 22, 2016-Baguio-Benguet
N.A. No. 32-NC-16-R

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