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Exam-Style Questions

Application Based Questions

1. In which changes do the particles move further apart?

gas liquid solid

A P and Q B P and S C Q and R D R and S

2. The diagrams show the arrangements of particles of in three different physical

states of substance Y.

state 1 state 2 state 3

Which statement about the physical states of substance Y is correct?

A Particles in state 1 vibrate about fixed positions.

B State 1 changes to state 2 by diffusion.

C State 2 changes to state 3 directly by condensation.

D The substance in stage 3 has a fixed volume.

3. The diagram shows a pot of tea.

Which describes the water particles in the air outside the teapot spout compared
to the water particles in the teapot?

moving faster closer together

A √ √
B √ X
C X √

4. In which process do particles move closer together but remain in motion?

A condensation

B diffusion

C evaporation

D boiling

5. A coloured liquid vaporizes easily at room temperature. Some of the liquid is

placed at the bottom of a sealed gas jar.

Which diagram shows the appearance of the jar after several hours?
6. In which of the following are the particles arranged in a regular pattern?

A a gas B a liquid C a metal D a solution

7. At room temperature, in which substance are the particles furthest apart?

A H2 B H 2O C Mg D MgO

8. Some students are asked to describe differences between gases and liquids.

Three of their suggestions are:

1 gas molecules are further apart

2 gas molecules are smaller
3 liquid molecules vibrate around fixed positions

Which suggestions are correct?

A 1 only B 2 only C 3 only D 1,2 and 3

9. A solid metal is heated until it turns to vapor.

The graph shows the temperature of the metal during the process.

Which part of the graph shows the melting of the metal?

10. Measurements of boiling point (b.p.), freezing point (f.p.) and pH are made on
some pure water.

Sodium chloride is now dissolved in the water and the measurements are

Which measured values change?

b.p. f.p. pH
A √ √ √
B √ √ X
C X X √

11. A liquid is heated until it boils.

Which result shows that the liquid in the test tube is pure water?

A Condensation forms at the top of the test tube.

B Steam is produced.

C The thermometer reads 100 °C.

D There is nothing left behind in the test tube.

12. The changes that occur when a substance changes state are shown below.

solid liquid gas

Which process, P, Q, R or S is occurring in the following four situations?

1 Butter melts on warm day.

2 Water condenses on a cold surface.

3 The volume of liquid ethanol in an open beaker reduces.

4 Ice forms inside a freezer.

1 2 3 4

13. The results of some tests on a colourless liquid X are shown as below.

 Boiling point = 102 °C

 Universal indicator turns green

What is X?

A ethanol

B hydrochloric acid

C pure water

D sodium chloride (salt) solution

14. The particles of a substance gain energy and change from a regular ordered
structure to a disordered structure with large distances between the particles.

Which change of state is described?

A boiling

B evaporation

C melting

D sublimation

15. Pure water has a boiling water of 100 °C and a freezing point of 0 °C.
What are the boiling point and freezing point of a sample of aqueous sodium

boiling point / °C freezing point / °C

A 98 -2
B 98 2
C 102 -2
D 102 2

16. A compound, X, has a melting point of 71 °C and a boiling point of 375 °C.

Which statement about X is correct?

A It is a liquid at 52 °C and a gas at 175 °C.

B It is a liquid at 69 °C and a gas at 380 °C.

C It is a liquid at 75 °C and a gas at 350 °C.

D It is a liquid at 80 °C and a gas at 400 °C.

17. What could be the melting point and boiling point of water containing a
dissolved impurity?

melting point / °C boiling point / °C

A +3 96
B +3 104
C -3 96
D -3 104

18. The boiling point of liquid X is lower than that of water. To test a student, a
teacher covers up the numbers on a thermometer. The student places the
thermometer in boiling liquid X.

The diagram represents part of the stem of this thermometer.

What could be the temperature on the thermometer?

A 75.5 °C B 84.5 °C C 104.5 °C D 105.5 °C

19. Aqueous lead(II) nitrate and aqueous potassium iodide are added to a dish
containing water as shown.

A yellow precipitate forms after a few minutes.

Which process occurs before the precipitate forms?

A diffusion

B distillation

C fermentation

D filtration

20. When there is no wind, the scent of flowers can be detected more easily on a
warm evening than on a cold evening.
This is because the molecules of the scent ….1… ….2… than in colder conditions.

Which words correctly complete gaps 1 and 2?

gap 1 gap 2
A condense nearer to the flowers
B condense further from the flowers
C diffuse nearer to the flowers
D diffuse further from the flowers

21. A yellow precipitate is formed in the experiment shown.

How is the precipitate formed?

A Particles collide, diffuse and then react.

B Particles collide, react and then diffuse.

C Particles diffuse, collide and then react.

D Particles diffuse, react and then collide.

22. The diagram shows how the molecules in the exhaust gases diffuse into the
Which statement describes what happens to these molecules next?

A The molecules fall to the ground because they are heavier than air molecules.

B The molecules go back together as they cool.

C The molecules spread further into the air.

D The molecules stay where they are.

23. Which diagram shows the process of diffusion?

24. Two gas jars contain a different gas each. The gas jars are connected and
cover slip is removed.

The diagram shows what happens to the particles of the gases.

Which process has occurred?

A chemical reaction

B condensation

C diffusion

D evaporation

25. The diagram shows a sugar lump in a cup of tea.

Which two processes must happen to spread the sugar evenly in the tea?

first process second process

A diffusion dissolving
B dissolving diffusion
C dissolving melting
D melting diffusion

26. A few drops of perfume were spilt on the floor. A few minutes later the
perfume could be smelt a few metres away.
Which two processes had taken place?

A distillation and condensation

B distillation and diffusion

C evaporation and condensation

D evaporation and diffusion

27. Blue copper(II) sulphate crystals are soluble in water.

What has happened after one week?

A crystallisation

B diffusion

C distillation

D filtration

28. The diagram shows the diffusion of hydrogen chloride and ammonia in a glass
tube. The gases are given off by the solutions at each end of the tube.
When hydrogen chloride and ammonia mix, they produce a white solid,
ammonium chloride.

Which line shows where the white solid is formed?

29. Small crystals of purple KMnO4 (Mr = 158) and orange K2Cr2O7 (Mr = 294) were
placed at the centres of separate petri dishes filled with agar jelly. They were left
to stand under the same physical conditions.

After some time, the colour of each substance has spread out as shown.

The lengths of the arrows indicate the relative distances travelled by particles of
each substance.

Which statement is correct?

A Diffusion is faster in dish 1 because the mass of the particles is greater.

B Diffusion is faster in dish 2 because the mass of the particles is greater.

C Diffusion is slower in dish 1 because the mass of the particles is smaller.

D Diffusion is slower in dish 2 because the mass of the particles is greater.

30. The rate of diffusion of two gases, methane, CH4 and ethane, C2H4, is
measured using the apparatus shown.

Which gas diffuses faster and why?

gas that diffuses faster reason

A ethene Ethene molecules are heavier so they move
B ethene Ethene molecules have a double bond which
makes them more reactive.
C methane Methane molecules are lighter so they move
D methane Methane molecules are smaller so they can
get out of small hole more easily.

31. The diagram shows an experiment to demonstrate diffusion.

Which statement explains why the ring of ammonium chloride appears as shown?

A Ammonia solution only produces a gas which moves until it meets the
hydrochloric acid.
B Both solutions produce a gas, but ammonia moves quicker than hydrogen
chloride because it is lighter.

C Hydrochloric acid produces hydrogen chloride which stays at one end of the
tube until the ammonia reaches it.

D The two solutions run along the tube until they meet.

32. A gas is released at point X in the apparatus shown.

Which gas turns the damp Universal Indicator paper red most quickly?

A ammonia, NH3

B chlorine, Cl2

C hydrogen chloride, HCl

D sulfur dioxide, SO2

33. Ammonia gas is reacted with hydrogen chloride gas using the apparatus

Solid ammonium chloride is produced.

Which statement explains why the solid ammonium chloride is formed nearer to
the hydrogen chloride?

A Ammonia solution is a base and hydrogen chloride solution is an acid.

B Ammonia molecules diffuse more slowly than hydrogen chloride molecules.

C Hydrogen chloride has a greater molecular mass than ammonia.

D Hydrogen chloride moves by Brownian motion.

34. A shirt is stained with red ink from a pen.

The shirt is left to soak in a bowl of water.

Which process causes the red colour to spread?

A diffusion

B evaporation
C melting

D neutralisation

35. Oxides of nitrogen from car exhausts can spread through the atmosphere.

This occurs because gas molecules move from a region of ..1… concentration to a
region of …2… concentration by a process called …3… .

Which words correctly complete the gaps?

1 2 3
A high low diffusion
B high low evaporation
C low high diffusion
D low high evaporation

36. Which statement is an example of diffusion?

A A kitchen towel soaks up some spilt milk.

B Ice cream melts in a warm room.

C Pollen from flowers is blown by the wind.

D The smell of cooking spreads through a house.

37. ‘Particles moving very slowly from an area of high concentration to an area of
low concentration’.

Which process is being described above?

A a liquid being frozen

B a solid melting

C a substance diffusing through a liquid

D a substance diffusing through the air

38. A gas jar of bromine vapour a gas jar of air are set up as shown in diagram 1.

The glass slide is removed. Diagram 2 shows the appearance of the gas jars after
one hour.

Which statement explains why the bromine and air mix together?

A Bromine is denser than air.

B Bromine is lighter than air.

C Bromine molecules moved upwards and molecules in air moved downwards.

D Molecules in air and bromine moved randomly.

39. The diagram shows the result of dropping a purple crystal into water.

Which processes take place in this experiment?

chemical diffusing dissolving

A √ √ √
B √ X √
C X X √
D X √ √

40. A crystal of purple potassium manganate(VII) was added to each of the

beakers shown in the diagram.

One beaker contained hot water and the other beaker contained cold water. In
both beakers the purple colour of the potassium manganate(VII) spreads out.

Which result and explanation are correct?

result explanation
A color spreads faster in cold water particles move faster at a higher
B color spreads faster in cold water particles move slower at a higher
C color spreads faster in hot water particles move faster at a higher
D color spreads faster in hot water particles move slower at a higher





1. D

2. D

3. B
4. A

5. D

6. C

7. A

8. A

9. B

10. B

11. C

12. B

13. D

14. D

15. C

16. D

17. D

18. A

19. A

20. D

21. C

22. C

23. C

24. C

25. B
26. D

27. B

28. D

29. D

30. C

31. B

32. C

33. C

34. A

35. A

36. D

37. C

38. D

39. D

40. C






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