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Subject: EVS Grade: IV Section - A

I. Multiple choice questions.

1. Why were the houses of the olden days weak?
a. they were not made properly b. they were made of mud and rocks
c. they were made of bricks and cement d. they were built small
2. The touch that makes us feel uncomfortable is called
a. good touch b. bad touch
c. both (a) and (b) d. none of the above
3. Animals that survive on the basis of plants are
a. omnivores b. carnivores
c. herbivores d. microbes
4. Mountains made only of sand are called
a. sand hills b. sand dunes
c. desert hills d. none of the above
5. River water will not become dirty if you
a. clean cattle b. empty waste
c. wash clothes d. drink it
6. Which of the following is NOT a perennial plant?
a. carrot plant b. banian tree
c. apple tree d. mango tree
7. The donkey has ears
a. which cannot be seen b. on the top of its head
c. on the sides of its head d. both (a) and (c)
8. Shoot system of the plant does not include
a. stem b. root
c. seed d. flower
9. The patterns by which animals may be recognized are due to
a. colour of their skin b. hair on their skin
c. feel of their skin d. all the above
10. Rose: land :: _________ : water
a. hibiscus b. c. jasmine d. Ixora
11. A grade 4 student was not able to find an answer to one of the question. She wanted
to seek your help and has posted a question.
The animal has a long tongue to catch insects for its survival or food. It also has powerful
hind legs that allows it to jump.
a. pangolin b. frog
c. giraffe d. snake
12. Which of the following option will replace X and Y in the table

Aquatic Plant
Lotus X
Desert plant Y Desert palm
Coastal plants Coconut Cashew
a. X is cotton, Y is Banyan b. X is water lily, Y Banyan

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c. X is Water lily, Y is cactus d. X is coconut, Y is cactus
13. ________________ is the only egg laying mammal
a. dogs b. rats c. duck billed platypus d. duck
Section - B
II. Fill in the blanks using the clues:
1. ___________________________ and ________________________ are our neighbouring
2. ___________________________ and ________________________ are metropolitan cities
of India.
3. _____________ and _________________ examples of tap root.
4. ____________ and ____________ are examples of fibrous roots.
5. ____________ and ____________ plants that give us spices.
III. State true or false:
1. Pratibha knows that even if her brothers are late reaching home, nobody will scold
2. Pillo aunty was unfair and dishonest__________.
3. Birds have external ears ___________.
4. When Chetandas got married, the entire family used to eat their meals in the kitchen
5. Squirrel lays eggs __________.
IV. Give reason for the following:
1. People working in industries, airports, and jet engines wear ear plugs.
2. Plants in the desert can survive without water.
3. Some animals and plants camouflage with environment
4. Ears of the birds are covered with feathers.
Section - C
V. Answer the following questions in short:
1. Write one difference between immigrant and migrant?
2. Mention 2 differences between a village and city?
3. Why do you think many trees cannot be grown in Abu Dhabi? Give 2 reasons to
your answer.
4. What are slums? Why do we have slums in big cities?
5. Give 2 reasons why do people change homes?
6. Name 2 festivals celebrated in your school. How do you celebrate?
7. What kind of impact will water pollution have on plants and animals?

8. Give the difference between hearing and listening.

9. Why do animals shed their skin?
10. Snakes and lizards are reptiles. How does snakes and lizards hear the sound?

Section - D
VI. Answer the following questions as directed:

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1. Mention 3 ways in which we can protect our trees from being cut without affecting our
everyday life.
2. Look at the image given below and answer the questions that follow:

'All children deserve a childhood. Say Yes to education'
(a) What does this quote show?
(b) Do you think it is allowed in India? Why
(c) What is the minimum age for boys and girls to get married?
3. Why do animals have different patterns on their bodies?
4. What is a distributary ? Give 2 examples of rivers in Karnataka.
5. Write short notes on the following with examples
(a) Extinct animals (b) Endangered animals
6. Differentiate between the following with reference to what is given in the bracket
(a) Animals with scales and animals with feathers on the body. (internal ear).
(b) Animals with external ear and animals with internal ear (body covering).
7. Give the difference between floating aquatic plants, fixed aquatic plants and
underwater plants with one example for each.
8. Draw the stages of germination of seeds.
9. How are Kerala and Abu Dhabi different? (any 3 points)
10. Explain annuals, perennials, and biennials with example.

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