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Cyber cafe management system report

Masters in Computer Science (Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra


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“Cyber Cafe Management System”

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It has been remarkable experience of satisfaction and pleasure for all work out to my
project designing under the supervision of such eminent teachers of our department. This
acknowledgement is a humble attempt to earnestly thank all those who are directly or indirectly
involved in the preparation of the project design.

I wish to take this opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude to all those people
who directly helped me in completing my project successfully. I express heartiest gratitude to my
project guide “Mr.______”. She has been a supportive person right from the beginning of the
project. Her prudent idea to work, keen interest in developing the system &instant efforts were
great source of inspiration for me. It was because of their valuable suggestions, which has helped
me to complete the report in due time. I am highly indebted for this support. They provided me
experienced helping hand in the developing the system. Their scholarly guidance, encouragement
and inspiration added a lot to success of project.

Completing this project report would not have been possible without the cordial help
extended to me by members of our department, especially “Prof.____” (Head of the
Department). “Department of Computer Science and Information Technology”.

I thank all faculty members and teaching staff of computer science and information
technology department, for their experience, guidance and co-operation during the project.
Finally, I would like to thank my parents, my teachers and my friends, for their support
&encouragement throughout in all possible ways.

Thank and Regards,

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The project entitled "Cyber Café Management System" is a software package, which can
be used in cyber cafés for managing the clients' computer efficiently. Now a day's cyber
terrorism, which is mainly undergone through internet cafés, need to be tackled properly.
Thereby, it is indeed necessary to store the valid information of the user who comes for internet
access. The system beingused, the time at which the user logs in and logs out should be recorded

In this modern era, a number of people access the internet frequently by means of cyber
cafes. For such frequent users, a prepaid account shall be maintained and discounted rates may be
charged from them. While walkthrough users, who are less frequent, are charged a fixed rate. By
using the LAN connections in the cyber cafes, we can automate this process very easily. This
system comprises of the following modules:
The Server Module
The Client Module

The server module, which is handled by the administrator can create new accounts for
prepaid users and also store the details of walkthrough customers. While in the client module,
which is handled by users themselves, the user should give his/her user-id and password to start
browsing. After they are logged out, the time and amount will be automatically generated at the
server module and the bill is provided to the user.

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Chapter Contents Page

No. No.
i. Certificate 2
ii. Acknowledgement 3
iii. Abstract 4

1 Introduction 7
1.1 Overall Introduction.
1.2 Existing System
1.3 Proposed System
1.4 Need of Project
1.5 Aim of Project

2 Software Requirement Analysis 12

2.1 System Requirement Specification.
2.2 Software Process Model & Development
2.3 Hardware and Software Requirements.

3 Feasibility Study 17
3.1 What Is Feasibility?
3.2 Technical Feasibility
3.3 Economical Feasibility
3.4 Operational Feasibility

4 Technical Details 19
4.1 PHP (HypertextPre-Processor).
4.2 MYSQL (Database Server).
4.3 HTML and CSS.

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5 Preliminary Design 23
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Preliminary Design
5.3 System Architecture
5.4 Activity Diagram
5.5 Data Flow Diagram
5.6 Use Case Diagram
5.7 Deployment Diagram

6 Detail Design 31
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Design Phase
6.3 Module Design
6.4 Table Design

7 Testing 35
7.1 Preliminary Testing
7.2 Detail Testing
7.3 Steps of Testing

8 Screen Layouts 40

9 Concluding Remarks 48

10 References 51

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Chapter 1 Introduction

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1.1 Introduction to project

The "Cyber Cafe Management System" has been developed to override the
problemsprevailing in the practicing manual system. This software is supported to eliminate and,
in some cases, reduce the hardships faced by this existing system. Moreover, thissystem is
designed for the particular need of the company to carry out operations in asmooth and effective

The application is reduced as much as possible to avoid errors while entering the data.It
also provides error message while entering invalid data. No formal knowledge isneeded for the
user to use this system. Thus, by this all it proves it is user-friendly.Cyber Cafe Management
System, as described above, can lead to error free, secure,reliable and fast management system. It
can assist the user to concentrate on theirother activities rather to concentrate on the record
keeping. Thus, it will help organizationin better utilization of resources.

Every organization, whether big or small, has challenges to overcome and managingthe
information of Time, Computer, Customer Details, Payment, Keypad. Every CyberCafe
Management System has different Computer needs, therefore we designexclusive employee
management systems that are adapted to your managerialrequirements. This is designed to assist
in strategic planning, and will help you ensurethat your organization is equipped with the right
level of information and details for yourfuture goals. Also, for those busy executive who are
always on the go, our systemscome with remote access features, which will allow you to manage
your workforceanytime, at all times. These systems will ultimately allow you to better

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his system Vehicle Parking

Management System is
designed to book a parking
space for a vehicles and
also admin can manage
the parked vehicle by
incoming vehicle and
removing outgoing vehicle.
Although 昀椀nancial
is done by cah in hand
method but we team habb
believe that this project

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help a lot in parking using

computerized method
instead of old parking
And for the clients/drivers it
would be easier for them to
book a parking space
This system Vehicle Parking
Management System is
designed to book a parking
space for a vehicles and
also admin can manage
the parked vehicle by

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incoming vehicle and

removing outgoing vehicle.
Although 昀椀nancial
is done by cah in hand
method but we team habb
believe that this project
help a lot in parking using
computerized method
instead of old parking
And for the clients/drivers it
would be easier for them to
book a parking space

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This system Vehicle Parking
Management System is
designed to book a parking
space for a vehicles and
also admin can manage
the parked vehicle by
incoming vehicle and
removing outgoing vehicle.
Although 昀椀nancial
is done by cah in hand
method but we team habb


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believe that this project

help a lot in parking using
computerized method
instead of old parking
And for the clients/drivers it
would be easier for them to
book a parking space
This system Vehicle Parking
Management System is
designed to book a parking
space for a vehicles and
also admin can manage

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the parked vehicle by

incoming vehicle and
removing outgoing vehicle.
Although 昀椀nancial
is done by cah in hand
method but we team habb
believe that this project
help a lot in parking using
computerized method
instead of old parking


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And for the clients/drivers it

would be easier for them to
book a parking space
In Cyber Café Management System, we use PHP and MySQL database. This is the project
which keep records of daily users of cyber cafe.

Cyber Café Management System has one module i.e admin.

i. Dashboard: In this section admin can briefly view total number of computers and
total number of users come in cyber cafe.
ii. Computer: In this section, admin can manage the computers(add/update).
iii. Users: In this section, admin can add new users, update out time, price and remarks,
and view details of old users.
iv. Search: In this section admin can search users on the basis of entry id.
v. Report: In this section admin can view number of users comes in cybercafé in
particular periods.
vi. Profile: In this section admin can update his/her profile.
vii. Change Password: In this section admin can change his/her passwords
viii. Logout: Through this button admin can logout.
Admin can also recover his/her password.

1.2 Existing System

Presently, most of the functions in the Cyber cafés are done manually.Even though there
are LAN. connections and an administrator system, anautomated system is not introduced. The
owner records the details of theclients, login and logout time, cabin and has to calculate the


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amount. All thesedetails are written in book. Also, there is no special system to allocate
cabinsefficiently. The owner also has tocalculate the total income of a day. Thepresent system has
following limitations:
 Limitations in report generations
 Manual recording consumes excess time
 Chances of error
 Difficulty in allocating cabins
 The retrieval of information regarding a client is time consuming
 Lack of billing system and manual calculation of daily income
 Repeated recording of frequent user details

Focusing on the drawbacks and inadequacies of the existing system, thenew system is
designed which could well replace the existing system.

1.3 ProposedSystem

The Cyber Café Management System which we design is in the same line of the existing
system. No procedural changes are made to the existing system except the login process done by
the customers. The new system we develop has 1 module. It is to be installed in the server
computer. In server module the staff should login with their username and password. The first
entering window contains a flex grid which will display all the cabins. If any customer logs in any
client computer, thedetails of the user including name and address will be displayed in this grid.
After accomplishing the maintenance, it can be added back to the cabin settings. When a new
customer comes for browsing, an account is created forhim.Users have to pay only after their
Different reports are included regarding users, their login time, logout time, used machine
etc. In case if any malpractices have occurred from thecafé, it can be identified by checking the
user report. Daily report provides details regarding all the user details of a day. Reports can


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1.4 Need ofproject

The old manual system was suffering from a series of drawbacks. Since whole of the
system was to be maintained with hands the process of keeping, maintaining and retrieving the
information was very tedious and lengthy. The records were never used tobe in a systematic order.
there used to be lots of difficulties in associating any particulartransaction with a particular
context. If any information was to be found it was requiredto go through the different registers,
documents there would never exist anything like report generation. There would always be
unnecessary consumption of time while entering records and retrieving records. One more
problem was that it was very difficult to find errors while entering the records. Once the records
were entered it was very difficult to update these records.
The reason behind it is that there is lot of information to be maintained and have to be kept
in mind while running the business. For this reason, we have provided features Present system is
partially automated (computerized), actually existing system is quite laborious as one has to enter
same information at three different places.
In the present scenario the café owner keeps a paper book to keep track ofuser details.
Manual processing of data is always time consuming and maycommit more errors. There is much
difficulty in allocating cabins to the users.Further reference to the user details is time consuming.
Accuracy of such datamakes the system unreliable and inefficient. Obviously, there is need of
anefficient system. The proposed system rectifies the demerits and defects of theexisting system to
a greater extend.

1.5 Aim ofProject

The main objective of the Project on Cyber Cafe Management System is tomanage the
details ofComputer, Time, Customer, Customer Details, Keypad. Itmanages all the information
about Computer, Payment, Keypad, Computer. The projectis totally built at administrative end and
thus only the administrator is guaranteed theaccess. The purpose of the project is to build an
application program to reduce themanual work for managing the Computer, Time, Payment,
Customer. It tracks all thedetails about the Customer, Customer Details, Keypad.


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Chapter 2
Software Requirement Analysis


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IEEE defines a requirement as -

A condition of capability needed by a user to solve problems or achieve an objective;

A condition or a capability that must be met or possessed by a system to satisfy a contract,

standard, specification, or other formally imposed document”

Note that in software requirements we are dealing with the requirements of the proposed
system, that is, the capabilities that the system, which is yet to be developed, should have.

All development models require requirements to be specified. Most of the software

development approaches prefers that the requirements are specified precisely. In such situations,
the goal of the requirements activity is to produce the Software Requirements Specification
(SRS) that describes what the proposed software should do without describing how the software
will doit.

The main goal of the requirements process is to produce the software requirements
specification (SRS) which accurately captures the client’s requirements and which forms the
basis of software development and validation.

There are three basic activities in the requirements process

 Problemanalysis,
 Specification,
 Validation

The goal of analysis is to understand the different aspects of the problem, its context, and
how it fits within the client’s organization.

It specifies the goals and objectives of the project, describing its context with system as a
whole. System requirement analysis bridges the gap between system level requirements
engineering and software design. Requirement engineering activities result in the specification of
software’s operational characteristics, indicate software’s interface with other system elements,
and establish constraints that software must meet. Requirement analysis allows the software
engineer to refine the software allocation and build models of data, functional and behavioral
domains that will be treated bysoftware.


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Requirement analysis provides the software designer with a representation of information,

function, and behavior that can be translated to data, architectural, interface, and component
level designs. Finally, the requirement specification provides the developer and the customer
with the means to assess quality software is built.



The approach/model used for developing software depends on the kind of system we
want to develop. We analyzed the requirements thoroughly first and then spent lots of time


The life cycle paradigm demands a systematic, sequential approach to software

development that begins at the system level the analysis, design, coding, testing, and
maintenance. After all these phases the life cycle paradigm encompasses the following








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Fig.2.2.1 Modified Waterfall Model


While in this phase, the scope of the system was defined first and then what needs to be
done was finalized. Lot of brainstorming was during this phase and the requirements were
very clearly noted down.

We never came back to revise or change the requirement defined earlier.


Maximum time was spent in the design phase. The two most critical works those we
finished during this phase were

• Database Design

• Interface Design

The training which we had gained for database design and interface design earlier for a
Timesheet Management system made it a lot easier for us.


The easiest job which we felt after spending a lot of time on analysis and system design
was coding. All the methods and proper approaches of coding were taught to us or I must say
we were made to learn. We had a very clear mind about what and how to do? And thus it took
less time as compared to design. Still few chinks in the design were found while coding, so
we had to go back to alter database designoccasionally.


While undergoing training we were taught something about testing. We used to enter any
possible values and check for system response. We also used to check the searches on the
page and generally we had to go back to stored procedures to rectify the problems. Our code
was never given to testers, we tested our pages ourselves.


Since, we never delivered the system to client, question of maintenance never aroused.


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RAM : Min. 1GB

Processor : Intel Core i3
HardDisk : Min. 500 GB
Client : Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows10


Browser : Internet Explorer 8.0 and above, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, etc.

Platform : Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10

FrontEnd : HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery,Bootstrap

Back End : PHP, MySQL


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Chapter 3 Feasibility Study


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3.1 What is feasibilitystudy?

Once the scope of the project had been defined, it was reasonable to ask: “Can we build
system to meet this scope? Is the project feasible?” Our feasibility study focused more on the
cost, efforts and resources required for the system. Software feasibility is based on four solid
dimensions, which were taken into consideration before moving ahead.

3.2 TechnicalFeasibility
Technological feasibility is carried out to determine whether the company has the
capability, in terms of software, hardware, personnel and expertise, to handle the completion of
the project when writing a feasibility report
The proposed system can be implemented with some existence technology. The company
is already having the hardware and software required for proposed system. The company already
has a Local Area Network (LAN). The proposed application will be installed on the server and
the interfaces, resources and related data of the proposed system will be shared to all workstation.
The workstations will be connected to the server to all workstation. The workstation will be
connection to the server over the network so that all users are able to share the application's
resources and work individually.Thus, it can be found that the proposed system is technically

3.3 Economic Feasibility

As the development work for the system going on smoothly as was planned during the
project-planning phase and the company had licensed copies of the software’s required for the
development of the project and hence need not pay any additional cost for the same and hence
the system is economically feasible.

3.4 Operational Feasibility

Operational feasibility deals with the human factors. Since this application is being
developed for the help of Timesheet system and help to save time and man power. This System
record and analyze the time spend by individuals on tasks.

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Chapter 4 Technical Details


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4.1 PHP (HypertextPre-Processor)

PHP stands for Hypertext Pre-processor. It is mainly used as a general-purpose scripting
language used to develop dynamic web content and can be embedded in HTML. PHP is easy to
use and is very similar to structured programming languages like Perl. PHP is more than just a
scripting language. It is a full programming language and can be used from a command line and
be used to develop Graphical User Interface Applications. PHP runs on many of the major
operating systems, including Linux and windows and supports many database systems, including
MySQL. One feature that leads to the popularity of PHP is that it is dynamically typed. Variables
do not have to be declared and they can hold any type of object. The arrays in PHP can hold
objects of different types, including other arrays. PHP includes many open-source libraries and
includes modules built in for accessing FTP and database servers.
As PHP Stands for hypertext pre-processor. Hypertext refers to files linked together using
hyperlinks, such as HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language) Files. Pre-processing is executing
instructions that modify the output.
PHP is probably the most popular web scripting language used today. PHP is popular
because it’s easy to learn and use-generally PHP makes life more exciting. PHP is a powerful
tool for making dynamic and interactive webpages.
PHP code is embedded into the HTML source document and interpreted by a web server
with a PHP processor module, which generates the web page document. PHP also has a
command-line interface capability and can be used in stand-alone graphical applications. PHP
can be deployed on most web servers and as a standalone interpreter, on almost every operating
system and platform free of charge.
PHP is a general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to server-side web
development where PHP generally runs on a web server. Any PHP code in a requested file is
executed by the PHP runtime, usually to create dynamic web pages content or dynamic images
used on web sites or elsewhere. It can also be used for command-line scripting and client-side
GUI applications. PHP can be deployed on most web servers, many operating systems and
platforms, and can be used with many relational database management systems (RDBMS). It
isavailable free of charge, and the PHP Group provides the complete source code for users to
build, customize and extend for their own use.

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4.2 MySQL (Databaseserver)

MySQL is a multithreaded, multi-user, SQL relational database server. Programming
languages that can access a MySQL database include C, C++, Java, PHP, and Perl. The My
ODBC interface allows other programming languages which support the ODBC interface to
communicate with MySQL. MySQL runs on many different operating systems including Linux
and Windows.
‘MYSQL’ the most popular ‘open source’ SQL database management system is developed,
distributed and supported by ‘MYSQL ‘AB’.’MYSQL AB’ is a commercial company, founded
by the MYSQL developers that build its business by providing services around the ‘MYSQL’
database management system.

‘MYSQL’ is a database management system. A database is a structured collection of a

data. It may be anything from a simple shopping list to a picture gallery or the vast amount of
information in the corporate network. To add, access, and process data store in a computer
database, you need a database management system such as ‘MYSQL ‘server. Since computer are
very good at handling large amount of data, database, management systems play a central role in
computing, as stand-alone utilities or as part of other application.

 MYSQL is Databaseserver.
 MYSQL is ideal for both small and largeapplication.
 MYSQL support standardSQL.
 MYSQL complies on a number ofplatforms.
 MYSQL is free to download anduse.

Why use The MYSQL database server:

The ‘MYSQL’ database server is very fast, reliable and easy to use. If that is what you are
looking for, you should give it a try. ‘MYSQL’ server also has a practical set feature developed
in close cooperation with users. You can find a performance comparison of ‘MYSQL’ server
with other database managers on our benchmark page. ’MYSQL’ was originally developed to
handle large database much faster than existing solution and has been successfully use in highly
demanding production environments for several years.


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Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML) is based on the Standard Generalized Language
(SGML). HTML is a language for describing the structure of a document, not its presentation.
HTML defines a set of common styles for web pages: headings, paragraphs, lists and tables.
HTML provides a means by which a documents main content can be annotated with various
kinds of meta-data and rendering hints. Adobe Dreamweaver is the leading software tools for
editing HTML. Content and presentation can be combined using server-side scripting languages
like PHP and ASP.Net to make the final HTML.

Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a style sheet language used for describing the
presentation of a document written in a mark-up language like HTML. CSS is a cornerstone
technology of the World Wide Web, alongside HTML and JavaScript.

CSS is designed to enable the separation of presentation and content, including layout,
colours, and fonts. This separation can improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility
and control in the specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple web pages to
share formatting by specifying the relevant CSS in a separate CSS file, and reduce complexity
and repetition in the structuralcontent.


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Chapter 5 Preliminary Design


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5.1 Introduction
The system design phase focuses on the detailed implementation of the system. Emphasis
is on translation specification in to specification. This phase is transition from user-oriented
document to a document to the programmer of the database personal.

Software design focuses on three distinct attributes of the program

 DataStructure
 SoftwareArchitecture
 ProceduralDetails

5.2 PreliminaryDesign
The preliminary design is concern with the transformation of requirements into data and
software architecture. In Preliminary Design

Logical and Physical Design

The system design does not through to phase of development “Logical and Physical
Design” logical flow of system is shown by data flow diagram. In this physical specifies input,
output screen layouts procedure specification how the data entered, how files are accessed and
how reports are produced.

5.3 SystemArchitecture

Fig 5.1 System Architecture
Admin Users
nt System


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5.4 Activity Diagram(Admin):

Activity Diagram is graphical representation of workflows of stepwise activity and
action with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. In the Unified Modelling
Language, activity diagrams can be used to describe the business and operational step-by-
step workflow of component in a system. An activity diagram shows the overall flow of
control. Activity diagram are constructed from a limited number of shapes, connected with


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5.5 Data Flow Diagram(DFA)


A DFD, in simple words, is a hierarchical graphical model of a system that shows the
different processing activities or functions that the system performs and the data
interchange among these functions. In the DFD terminology, it is useful to consider each
function as a process that consumes some input data and produces some output data.

The DFD (also known as the bubble chart) is a simple graphical formalism that can be
used to represent a system in terms of the input data to the system, various processing
carried out on these data, and the output data generated by the system) The main reason why
the DFD technique is so popular is probably because of the fact that DFD is a very simple
formalism- it is simple to understand and use. A DFD model uses a very limited number of
primitive symbols to represent the functions performed by a system and the data flow
among these functions. Starting with a set of high-level functions that a system performs, a
DFD model hierarchically represents various sub functions. In fact, any hierarchical model
is simple to understand. Human mind is such that it can easily understand any hierarchical
model of a system-because in a hierarchical model, starting with a very simple and abstract
model of a system; different details of the system can be slowly introduced through
different hierarchies.

A special data flow diagram(DFD) known as context diagram that represents an
entire system as a single process and highlights the interfaces between the system and the
outside entities.

DFD aims to capture the transformation that takes place within a system to the input
data so that eventually output is produced. It makes easier for user to understand the flow
of data.


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After entering to the home page of the website, admin can choose the ADMIN
LOGIN option where they are asked to enter username &password, and if he/she is a
valid user then admin login page will be displayed.


After the home page login there will be an option of CREATE AN ACCOUNT where
after entering user detail, if all the fields are filled then a request will be sent to the librarian
who will approve him as a registered member of the website.


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5.6 Use CaseDiagram:

Use case diagrams are created to visualize the relationships between actors and use cases.
A use case is a pattern of behavior the system exhibits. Each use case is a sequence of related
transactions performed by an actor and the system.

A flow of events documents is created for each use cases written from an actor point of view.
Details what the system must provide to the actor when the use cases are executed.


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5.7 Entity RelationshipDiagram


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5.8 DeploymentDiagram:

Local host Server




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Chapter 6 Details Design


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6.1 Introduction

Detailed design focus on refinement to the architecture representation that lead to

detailed data structure and algorithm representation for the software. The transformation
involved determination of how to store and retrieve the information that is nothing but the

Usually there are many choices but from the different alternatives available. The one,
which offer greatest efficiency, simply functionality and availability, is selected based on the
relative important of these criteria.

6.2 DesignPhase
The design involves the production of technical and visual prototypes. This stage has some

non-technical aspects such as gathering of web content. For the server-side programming and

other technical aspects of the design emphasis will be laid on such design concepts and

principles as effective modularity (high cohesion and low coupling), information hiding and

stepwise elaboration. The goal is to make the system easier to adapt, enhance, test and use

6.3 Database Design:

This phase deals with the transformation of the Data Objects into the Computer based
system’s Objects i.e. into Tables and their Attributes to the fields of the Tables.
The transformation involves determination of how to store and retrieve the information
(which is currently maintained manually, unsystematically) into
 WellStructured
 Easily, FastRetrievable
Format- Which is nothing but the Database System?
The Data being used by the software, computer based system is organized by the
RDBMS MS-Access, because the system is single module that requires minimum space and mild


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The Database consists of Tables for storing the data produced and to be generated by the
Software in a systematic way, Indexes (Information about the records in the tables to make fast
access for the storing purpose) etc.
Following information storage (Tables) are used to store respective information
(Attributes) about the Data Objects in the system.

6.4 Data Dictionary:

Database is a repository of data which has all files physically stored in. is also called data
bank. Data which are relevant to and requested for, by specific application are only supplies to it
and not all the data present in the database are made available. Database should not have any
redundant data present in it. No should it have any incomplete or contradictory data. The
program, which stores, organizes and retrieves data from the database, is known as database
management system. The database dictionary is of great importance for any project and consists
of metadata.

Admin Table :


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Computers Table:

Users Table


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Chapter 7 Testing


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7.1 PreliminaryTesting

Software Testing is a process of verifying and validating whether the program is a

performing correctly with no bugs. It is the process of analysing or operating software for
the purpose of finding bugs. It is also helping to identify the defects or flaws or errors that
may appear in the application code, which needs to be fixed. Testing not only means fixing
the bug in the code, but also to check whether the program if behaving according to the
given specifications and testing strategies. There are various types of software testing
strategies such as white box testing strategy, black box testing strategy.

Need of Software Testing Type

Types of software testing, depends upon different types of defects. For example:

1. Functional testing is done to detect functional defects in asystem.

2. Performance testing is performed to detect defects when the system doesnot.
3. Perform according to thespecification.
4. Usability testing to detect usability defects in thesystem.
5. Security testing is done to detect bugs/defects in the security of thesystem.

The testing process is come after the completion of designing. In the testing
process firstly, we do the preliminary testing on software.

For example,

After the design of staff module, the testing task will be performed in which check for
the validation and verifying the code has been work properly or not. In staff module firstly
we check when we fill the form and click on the save button the save button will be work or
not. If it will be work then in the database it stores the proper value or not. For testing we
want to create the database and check the value that we fill on the form will be same or not.


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7.2 Detail TestingProcedure

Testing is vital to the success of the system. Errors can be injected at any stage during
development. System testing makes a logical assumption that all the parts of system are correct;
the goal will be successfully achieved.

During testing, the program to be tested is executed with set of testate input integrity,
input representation and the output of program for the rest data is evaluated to determine if the
program is performing as expected. A series of testing are performed for the proposed system
before system is ready for user acceptance testing.

Steps of Testing
1. Unit Testing
2. IntegrationTesting
3. ValidationTesting
4. Output Testing
5. User AcceptanceTesting

Unit Testing
Unit testing focuses verification efforts on the smallest unit of the software design,
the module that is known as module testing. Since the proposed system has modules the
testing individually performed on each module. Using the details design description as a
guide, important control paths are tested to uncover errors within the boundary of the
module. This testing was carried out during programming stageitself.

Integration Testing
Data can be tested across an interface, one module can have adverse effect on
another, sub-function when combined may not produce the desired function. Integration


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testing is a systematic technique for constructing the program structure while at the same
time conducting test to uncover errors associated within the interface. The objective is to
take unit tested modules and built a program structure that has been dictated by design. All
modules are combined in this testing step. The entire program is tested as whole. Correction
is difficult as this stage because the isolation of cause is complicated be the vast expense of
the entire program. Thus, in the integration testing step all the errors uncovered are
corrected for the next testingstep.

Validation Testing
In Validation testing, for example the student or mess module is consider, for mobile
number it only allows to accept 10 digits number of student or mess owner and mobile
number should start with 9,8,7(Indian format) only. For that we apply the validation on
form so it should not accept more than 10 digits and less than 10 digits. For the date, the
standard format is “yyyy- mm-dd”. It does not accept the blank form when user click on
save button for that in each field the data are required compulsory. On the view page the
data can be read only we cannot change the values for that the read only validation are
necessary. On every form, there are lots of validation applied like if customers balance is
less than 1, he cannot book mess and warning message appear.

At the culmination of integration testing, software is completely assembled as a

package interfacing errors have been uncovered and corrected and a final series of software
test- validation testing begin. Validation testing can be defined in many ways, but a simple
definition is that validations succeed when the software function in manner that is
reasonably accepted by the customer. Software validation is achieved through a series of
black box tests that demonstrate conformity withrequirement.

Output Testing
After performing the validation testing, the next step is output testing of the
proposed system, since no system could be useful if it does not produce the required output
in the specific format or design. The output generator or displayed by the system under
consideration is tested by asking the users about type required by them.

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User Acceptance Testing:

User acceptance of the system is key factor for the success of any system. The

system under consideration is tested for the user acceptance by constantly keeping in the

touch with prospective system and user at the time of developing and making changes

whenever required.

This is done in regarding to the following points:

 Input ScreenDesign

 Output ScreenDesign


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Chapter 8 Screen Layouts


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Admin Login Page:

Admin Dashboard:


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Add Computer Page:

Manage Computer Page:


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Edit Computer:

Add User Page:


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Manage User Page:

Update User Page:


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View Old User:

Search Customer:


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Update Profile:

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Change Password:

Forget Password:

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Chapter 9 Concluding Remark


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 Comparing to existing manual system, it performs at a faster pace.
 System gives better feedback.
 Timely and accurate information are available.
 The system provides greater processing speed consistency.
 Chances of errors are much low.
 Provides high security the system and hence unauthorized user can beprevented
 Time taken for overall process is reduced.
 Forms are very user friendly.
 Ease of operation.

Strength Of the System:

1. The users can get the chance of purchasing the items through the online mode easily.
2. The report can easily emphasize the importance of the cybercafé management system report
without any problem.
3. This report can also highlight how people can trade for a particular item through this

Limitation Of the System:

 It requires an internet connection.

 It requires large database

Scope For Future Development:


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The current system is an application program that provides a better way ofmanagement of internet
cafes. Users those who have an account with the systemare entertained. Creation of account is
however very easy, thereby enhances thereliability of the system. The new system provides the
following features -
 Eliminate the limitations of existing system
 Efficient storing of user details
 Automatic allocation of available cabins
 Automate billing process by calculating time and amount
 The system can treat frequent customers by giving special tariff rates.
 To prevent cybercrime through cyber café
 The system can provide the daily report including customer details,login time, logout time,
amount, cabin and the total collection of aday
 To find the details of users worked in a specific computer, a report isincluded showing all
the users who worked in that system up to thisdate.
 If an existing computer is not in working condition, there is option tofree this cabin from
automatic allocation and can be added afterrepairing.
 The system will store the details of every up to 5 years since the lastlogin date


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Chapter 10 References


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 PHP: - PHP: The CompleteReference

 StevenHolzer

 PHP and MySQL: - Learning PHP, MySQL &JavaScript

 Robin Nixon

 PHP: - PHP and MySQL WebDevelopment

 LukeWelling

 MySQL: - The CompleteReference

 VikramVaswani

 Software Engineering –

1) Software Engineering – A PractitionerApproach

• RogerPressman

 An integrated approach to Software Engineering

 Pankaj Jalote


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 Web References: -

 h琀琀ps://
 h琀琀ps://
 h琀琀ps://
 h琀琀ps://stackover昀氀
 h琀琀ps://


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