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Tel:256-777-322256/ 758-582006
Uhuru Drive P.O.Box 42 Kitgum E-mail:
Skype: denis.arop3

Arop Denis
To take up God’s given wealth of knowledge, Business Investments and professional Human Resources
management skills accumulated over times to contribute to the Social Economic Development of an
Organization, Communities and Nations.

Mr. Arop is a Finance Fellow by training and an entrepreneur trainer/Business Mentor under the Start and
improves your business (SIYB) program. He has over 11 years’ professional experience in trainings on
agribusiness, entrepreneurship, marketing and business skills development, Financial Literacy and
Financial management for SME. Researchers with experiences in baseline survey, needs assessments,
project monitoring and Evaluation, Agribusiness Vale chain analysis with skills in SPSS and MS
Excel. Arop has worked and delivered business trainings for multi-cultural and low literacy rural
communities of Youth, Famers groups and Cooperatives in Uganda and South Sudan. Arop understand
the situation and how to apply such trainings to suit their context. He also has wide expertise in
livelihoods programming including agriculture/ food security, business development services (BDS),
micro-finance and saving schemes/VSLA, and selection, Planning and Management (SPM) of (Income
generating activities, Agro produces and marketing networking for investors. Arop is one young man with
background on crosscutting issues of gender mainstreaming, Peace building, Early warning conflict
prevention, great leadership ability; he served as Student’s Guild President at Gulu University Kitgum
Campus, and Guild Representative Council at Makerere University Kampala.

Nationality; Ugandan
Date of Birth: 25th September 1983
Marital status: Engaged
Gender: Male


Year Institution/school/colleges Awards/course Awarding body
2013 -2016 Gulu University Bachelor Degree in Business Gulu University
Administration (BBA), (specializing in
2003-2005 Makerere University Kampala Diploma in Financial Services and Makerere
Business Computing, specializing in University
Finance.(DFB) Kampala
2001-2002 Kyambogo College School Certificate (UACE) UNEB
1996-2000 Kitanti Hill School Certificate (UCE) UNEB
October Private Sector Foundation Uganda Business Development for Agro-Processor & PSFU
2013 Trader in Northern Uganda
March 2013 Enterprise Uganda Business TOT/Mentorship Enterprise
June 2011 UNICEF TOT in Children’s Rights, Youth certificate
Participation & Positive Deviance. UNICEF
January Plowshares Institute United State Certificate of Completion in Peace Building Plowshares
2011 of America & YES Uganda. Institute USA
July 2010 European Perspective & Early Warning & Conflict Prevention. EP & HURINET-
March 2010 Find partners Resource Mobilization, Fundraising & Find Partners
Proposal Writing.
February Enterprise Uganda/Private Sector. TOT in Entrepreneurship and Business skills Enterprise
2010 training. Uganda
January Acholi Private Sector TOT in Village Saving Loan Association APSEDEC
2010 Development Company LTD. (VSLA)
August 2009 Human Right Network Uganda Certificate of participation in synergy for HURINET-U
peace & Justice
September Ministry of Education & Middle Manager for secondary School MES
2009 Sport/World Vision.
November World Learning TOT in Youth Leadership. World Learning
April 2006 The public Defender Association TOT Abstinence Being faithful for Youth PDAU
of Uganda Limited (PDAU) (ABY) Project
September Transafrican Management Institute Development Planning TAMI
2004 (TAMI)
September Transafrican Management Institute Environmental & Natural Resources TAMI
2004 (TAMI) management
August 2004 Makerere University Business Management skills for young leaders. MUBS
August 2004 Kampala Pentecostal Church TOT certificate in Evangelism Explosion III KPC
 February - march 2019 conducted training for selected 600 community members/ beneficiaries
from both South Sudan Refugees and host community in Palabek refugee settlement on Village
Saving Loan Association’s methodology.
 July – August 2018 Conducted “Training For Psn On Business Skills And Enterprise
Management" At AIC Church, Zone 1 Blocks 2 Palabek Refugee Settlement Camp, Lamwo
District sub contract of Agoro International Vocational Insitution, funded by Lutheran World
 July, 2018, conducted Participator Value Chain Analysis of Enterprises of Banana & Orange Fresh

Sweet potatoes and the Value Chain Actors In Kibaale Cluster, in the District of Kakumiro and Kagadi.
 June 2018 Enterprise Needs Assessment For Caregroups In Hoima District, Hoima Cluster World Vision
 November 2017. Training on Market information System (MIS) and Establishing functional MIS for
farmer cooperatives in Nalweeyo-Kisiita ADP in Kibaale Cluster
 May 2017. Training on Business Planning Development for selected cooperative’ leaders by world Vision
Aber ADP – Aber Sub County, Oyam District.
 March 2017. Conduct Local Value chain analysis of farmers and input dealers. At Nalweeyo-Kisiita ADP in
Kibaale Cluster targeting farmers’ groups and input dealers from within the community by World Vision
Kibaale Cluster.
 February 2017.Conduct Monitoring & Evaluations of the Trained Youth/Child Mothers; Develop questioners
for data collection, Conduct focus group discussions at parish and village level, Document all the Enterprises
initiated by the youth. Collected and analyses all relevant data. Provided on side business counseling, Report
compilation and presentation to the project team.Made recommendations and documented success stories to
improve WV Kasambya ADP.
 November to December 2016. Train in Enterprise Selection , planning and managements (SPM) for Youth
Groups from Kasambya ADP(Kakayo, Kikada, Rwamalenge, Kyakarongo, Kyebando, Katsambis and
Kasambya Parish, by World Vision Kakumiro Kasambya Area Development Programme
 September 2016. Train in Enterprise Selection , planning and managements (SPM)Young Mother from
Kitgum Municipality –west land central division, by Plenty Harvest Development (PHD) Group-PAG Town
 August 2016 Train in Enterprise Selection , planning and managements (SPM) Famers groups and Village
Agents from Ntwetwe Town Council Kyankwanzi District by World Vision Kiboga ADP
 June 2016. Train in Enterprise Selection , planning and managements (SPM) and Farming as a business
(FAAB) Village Agents from Hoima, World Vision Nalweyo-Kisiita Area Programmes
 June 2016. Train in Enterprise Selection , planning and managements (SPM) for Youth and Youth Groups
from Ntwetwe Town Council, World Vision Kyankwanzi ADP, Kyankwanzi
 May 2016. Train Child’s Mothers in Employment opportunity, Entrepreneurship skills and Group Dynamic by
World Vision Nalweyo-Kisiita Area Programmes
 March 2016 Train in Enterprise Selection , planning and managements (SPM) and Farming as a business
(FAAB)Child mother from Kasambya ADP, by World Vision Kakumiro Kasambya ADP
 August 2014. Train in Enterprise Selection , planning and managements (SPM) and Farming as a business
(FAAB)Youth out of School and youth Groups in Kakindo and Kasambya ADP, Hoima by World Vision
Kibaale ADP
 May to June 2013. Agribusiness skills management and build their understanding of the business dynamics
surrounding output / Agro-Business market actors /Buying Agent of Cotton, simsim, red paper covering
Kitgum, Lamwo, Gulu, Amuru and Amuru District by Gulu Agricultural Development Company.
 April 2013, training of Agro- Business market actors, famers groups and Stockies of Lamwo District with the
essential skills of business management and build their understanding of the business dynamics surrounding
output / agro- business markets in and outside Northern region. By Technoserv/Mercy Corps Kitgum,
 June to July 2012.Training of Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs) and SPM for Famers Group in
Wol Sub county, by World Vision Wol Area Recovery Programme, Agago District
 MAY to JUNE 2011. To empower the Child mothers/women to be able to effectively select, plan, start up and
manage sustainably own/ or group Income generation activities (businesses).By ACORD Kitgum/Pader
 March 2011. Provide Training in VSLA group formation and management for HIV/AIDS Care giver/Home
Visitors Lamwo/Kitgum District group Northern Uganda Malaria Aids Tuberculoses (NUMAT)

 October 2010 Training of LPADCS in financial management and accounting for diocese of Kitgum Church of
Uganda-Kitgum Diocese.
 JUNE 2010. Training in Entrepreneurship skills development, Business Planning, Selection of enterprises and
the Management. Training in VSLA group formation and management for women group by ACORD
Kitgum/Pader Office


1. Foubder/Managing Director /Team Consultant Worldtech Agribusiness Consult , Year 2011 to date
Key Duties: Provide technical Planning to the management of the company, Designing and monitoring implementation
of company Vision, mission and strategic work plane. Provide Communication linkages with strategic investors.
Developing TORs & Providing professional consultancy in Businesses & Entrepreneurship, Controlling Staffing.
Budgeting process, Decision making, Business proposal development and resource mobilization, Supervising and
Reporting to the Strategic Investor and Legal attorney.
2. Executive Director/Founder of Active Vision Youth Foundation 2003 to 2011

Key Duties ; Provide technical Planning to the management of the Organization, steer the designing and
implementation of the organization Vision, mission and strategic work plane. Provide Communication link with donors
and outside organization. Coordinating the internal activities. Controlling Staffing. Budgeting process, Decision
making, proposal development and resource mobilization, Problems soling in organization, Supervising and Reporting
to the Donors and Board of trustee.
3. National Electoral Observer. Electoral Commission/HURINET-Uganda, January –March 2011
Key Duties: Monitoring the electoral process in Uganda. In the District of Kitgum, Lamwo and Agago, Documents and
collect all information relating to the event in the electoral process. And make report to the HURINET-Uganda.

4. Trainers of Trainers in HIV/AIDS prevention & Care programee among Youth and Most at Risk
Population-NUMAT-Northern Uganda Malaria Aids and Tuberculoses Programme, April 2008-March
Key Duties in the project was to; Train community resource persons (CORPS) in HIV/AIDS, SGBV, Life skills, and
Home base care. Conduct planning and review meeting with CORPS and following them up while in the field.
Facilitating HIV/AIDS community dialogues in collaboration with sub county Community Development Officers and
other stake holders. Distributing HIV/AIDS prevention and care supplies and consumable. and Compiling and
submitting of HIV/AIDS data and reports

5. Research Assistant with Save the Children USA Jan –Feb 2005
Key Duties Conduct focus group discussion, key informer, Data collection, compilation and analysis on the Acholi
Internally Displace people in Kampala District.


1. Guild President Gulu University-Kitgum Campus Year April 2015/2016
Key Duties: Promote leadership that Protect and promote the welfare of students, promote linkages with students ,
administration, lectures and other external relation for development of the University
2. Minister for Ethic Integrity and religious Affairs , Gulu University-Kitgum Campus April 2014/2015
Key Duties: Promote integrity and moral value among students.
3. Chairperson Uganda Youth Coalition Northern region UNICEF Uganda

Key Duties; Speer head coalition, and regional advocacy team for youth. Provide leadership role for youth coalition.
Help in resource mobilization for youth advocacy. Network with partners in promoting Children and youth
development program, promoting the use of U-report in advocacy among youth and Policy makers to influence policy
and resources allocation towards issues that affect young people
4. Publicity Secretary CSO Kitgum/USAID Linkages June 2010 to
Key Duties; Provide publicity role and mobilization of CSOs coalition on Health and Education members in the
District of Kitgum and Lamwo. Coordinate publicity of advocacy at National to Local District members
5. Member of planning team, Cell Coordinator in Pentecostal Assembly of God Kitgum Town Church. Feb
2011 to date
Key Duties; over see the activities of the church ministers, provide guidance and counseling to the ministries,
Participate in planning of church development program. Coordinated the difference cells meeting, set goal and
objective of running the cell ministries.
6. Guild Representative Council of Makerere University Business School Student Guild October 2003 to
May 2005
Key Duties; To protect and promote Students wellbeing at the University. Review and approval of guild budget,
monitor guild activities and expenditure. Appraisal of Guild ministerial performance report

7. Ministerial committee for Justice & Constitutional Affair- Makerere University Business School s April
2004 to May 2005
Key Duties; Drafting and Review of students Guild constitution, scrutinizing and approval of all the constitution of
students association before registration to operate at the university
8. Member of caretaker Governance Makerere University Business School Student Guild March 2004 –
April 2004
Key Duties; Provide the legislative role in the transitional guild government, organize and oversee the electoral process
of the guild and provided for I the Guild constitution.
TOT/Peer educators FPAU/MUBS peer Educator Association October 2003 to July 2005
Key Duties; Provide peers Education, Counseling on HIV/AIDS, Reproductive Health Concern

Well verse with application of Microsoft Word Processors; Excel, Access and PowerPoint, SPSS and Internet Explorer,


Language English Swahili Luo Luganda
Spoken Fluent Fair Fluent Good
Written Very Good Poor Very good Poor
Reading Very. Good Fair Very Good Fair

Community leadership; Reading news paper, Christian literature, Business journal, Watching and playing Football
Listening to Christian music, Meeting news Friends, learning new ideas. And Leadership discussion.

Preferred Referred:
1. Mr. Geoffrey Ocen 2. Dr.John J Oloya 3- Dennis odong Lakwo
Livelihood Technical Officer Founder/ Partner/; WASH specialist
Western Regional. World Vision COREDA Research & Devt. SNV Uganda
E-mail: E-mail: P. Box 621 Gulu. (U) P.o box 266, Kitgum Uganda
Tel: 256 782846606 Tel: 256392886223 Tel:+256772864630

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