Risk Rport 2 June 2024 response

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Risk Report – Response

Key Issues

Point 1

DGCL and PMC discussed issue 1 & 2 And founbd not valid as key issues currently as FEMCO has
sufficient open work front without tangible progress.

i. Receiving Complete Construction Permit

Construction Permit received for Utility Tunnel

Constuction Permit not received for Main Tunnel

ii. Access dates have been provided for North Main Tunnel (3 & 4), the North
Utility Tunnel (T2, T3 and Br 2). South Utillity Tunnel (G4, G5 & G6) access
provided. Access South Main Tunnel (G1 & G2).

Point 2

DGCL and PMC discussed issue #3 and stated that the change in IFC (Issued for Construction)
drawings should be based on the engineering instructions and contractor could proceed with received

1. The Contractor has been issued with “For Information Purposes” dwgs. And revenctly
received revised dwgs.

Point 3

DGCL, PMC and ACEOM discussed issue #4 and stated that there was no RFI delaying the
Contractor for purchasing long lead items (LLI), especially since the Contractor was delayed in
obtaining material approval for long lead items.

1. RFI’s are delaying the progress of the Electrica drawings and procurement of Electrical Power
Load systems (cable sizing, distribution boards, switchgear and transformers)

Point 4

DGCL, PMC and ACEOM discussed issue #5 and stated that the main reason of delaying the shop
drawing progress that the contractor is delayed in obtaining material (equipment) approval which is
cucial in preparation of shop drawing.

1. FEMCO are expediting the shop drawing process but has encountered issues that have
thwarted the shop dwgs submission process. The problems encountered are: non-response to
electrical dwg RFI’s, the Red-line (as-built) dwgs being inaccurate and the lack thereof of as-
built dwgs (Red-line dwgs).

Point 5

DGCL raised their concern about other issues that FEMCO didn’t cover in their report including but
not limited to:

a. Quality of submissions.
a. The submissions have improved and they are now being approved. Problems with
shop dwgs and BIM due to RFI’s not being replied to and as-built discrepancies
b. Mitigation plan which doesn’t cover working a full shift as insufficient manpower.
a. The Mitigation plan has been submitted and reported against.
c. Contractor’s frequent non-compliance with Safety Procedures.
a. The Contractor has corrected this.
d. The high turn ove rate for approved person from FEMCO team.
a. The Contractor has mobilized most of its team and has had to replace one or two.

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