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HCM City University of Technology FINAL EXAM Faculty of EE Engineering First semester, Academic year 2019-2020 Department of Automatic Control Course: Introduction to Control Systems Exam date: 21/12/2019 —000— Exam duration: 90 minutes (Students are allowed to use references but not laptops) Rs) YX Ks) G5) 2 Figure | Problem 1: (2.0 points) Given a control system in Figure 1, in which: Gs)= GeAs)=10 4 s(s+2)(s+7)? 1.1 Calculate the steady state error to unit step input and unit ramp input 1.2 Calculate the percentage of overshoot and settling time (2% criterion) of the system 10 (+25 Design the phase lead controller G_(s) such that the closed-loop system has a pair of complex Problem 2: (3.0 points) Given a control system in Figure 1, in which: G(s} poles with ¢=0.7 and @, =10 40e% ss+8) Design the phase lag controller Gc(s) so that the closed-loop system has phase margin ®M" > 60" and steady-state error to unit ramp input e°, = 0.05 Problem 3: (3.0 points) Given a control system in Figure 1, in which G(s) = Problem 4: (2.0 points) Given a control system in Figure 1, in which G(s) = 4 oH Design the PI controller G(s) such that the close loop system has a pair of complex poles with €=08 and @, =6. Instructor Department Head Whe Solution Problem 1: (2.0p) 1.1 (1.0p) ~ Step input: 140 Kl Ge(6)G(8) = lig Saye = 1° ° “TEK, ~ Ramp input: 140 im, Ky= s———_ 130" S(s+ 2547 imsGe(s)G(s =0.7 1.2 (1.0p) Caleulate POT and f, ~ Characteristic equation of the closed-loop system: 14 Ge(s)G(s) =0 140 stR027F => 54 +165? +775? +988 +140=0 (1) = l+ Poles of the closed-loop system: Pig = 0.534 fl45 Pyg=-TATS fl.72 Dominant poles: Piz = 70.534 j1.45 =a, * jo, y1- { &=0.344 > @, =1.54 yo = 31.63% &x ye POT = exp) \ 110% Problem 2: - The desired dominant poles: sj, =—o, + ja - The deficiency angle: g° = -180— ZG(s,) = -180+ 2arg(—7 + 77.142) = 70° + Zero of the controller: (134.6 70) sin{ 246 _70 2 2) (s+ 2) (s +18.28)| TOs +547) > Ga(s)=13.99 22547 418.28 Problem 3: Design the phase lag compensator: Ts+1 Ge(s)= Ke ("Ke Trea - Velocity constant before compensation: 40e" K, =limsG(s) =lims BOO) IOS (628) - Desired velocity constant: - The gain of the controller: Ky _20_, ] K, 0c" — 206% s(s+8) s(s/8+1) Denote: G(s) = K,G(s) =4 Bode Diagram 40 : 20 — System: G1 Frequency (radis): 1.94 Magnitude (dB): 20 Magnitude (4B) —__ System: G1 Frequency (radi): 1.95 Phase (deg): -115 Phase (deg) fae -900 10° to! 10? Frequency (rad/s) = The new gain crossover frequency satisfies: @\(@,) =-180+ OM" +0 =—180+60+5=-115° From the Bode diagram, we have: = 1.95(rad | see) ~ Calculate a: 20lga =—L,(@) From the Bode diagram, we have: 1,(@-) 20dB => Wiga=-20 > a=01 = Chose + 0.1 => af=10 T= ua 100 01 - Conclusion: The transfer function of the compensator is: 10s +1 Gls)=4 i) 100s +1 Problem 4: (2.0 points) Given a control system in Figure 1, in which G(s) = 4 5 - Characteristic equation of the closed-loop system: 14+Go(s)G(s) =0 la KV 2) =>1+| Kp+—£|/ —] aan ered) = s(s+5)+2(Kps+K))=0 =>? +(5+2Kp)s+2K,=0 (1) Desired characteristic equation: 5? 42€0,8+03 >s°+9.65+36 (2) Balance (1) and (2): 542K, =9.6 2K, =36 18 Conelusion: Gp, (s)=2.3+—> 5

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