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Food hygiene is the keeping of food free from germs.

Handling of food in away that prevents it from being contaminated.
Proper handling of food
- Washing hands before preparing food.
- Wash hands before serving food.
- Wash fruits and vegetables before eating them.
- Prepare food in a clean place.
- Serve food in clean containers
- By covering food properly
Importance of proper handling of food.
• It prevents food contamination.
• It preserves food for future use.
• Controls the spread of some diseases
• Protects food from vectors
1.Suggest one proper way of handling food.
2.Give one effect of proper handling of food.
3.Identify any one disease that can result from poor handling of food.
The making of food dirty.
How food gets contaminated
- By serving food using dirty hands
- By serving food using dirty containers/Utensils
- By leaving it uncovered
- Preparing food from dirty places
- Keeping food in dirty places or containers
- By some disease vectors e.g. cockroaches and houseflies.
- By dust falling on uncovered food.
Dangers of poor handling of food.
• It spreads germs
• It causes the food to go bad.
• It may cause food poisoning.
1.Briefly explain the term food contamination.
2.Suggest one way food gets contaminated.
3.Mention one danger of poor handling of food.
Good eating habits
These are habits we do to eat food properly.
• Wash hands before eating food.
• Sit upright when eating food.
• Swallowing food after chewing it properly.
• Chewing food with mouth closed.
• Putting small lumps of food in the mouth at a time
• Avoid talking while eating food.
Bad eating habits
- Eating with unwashed hands
- Eating while walking
- Swallowing food before chewing it properly
- Talking when the mouth is full of food
- Bending/lying down while eating food.
- Putting big lumps in the mouth at one time.
Dangers of bad eating habits
• Eating food with unwashed hands contaminates food and may lead to diarrhoea
• Bending while eating food interferes with movement of food in the alimentary canal.
• Swallowing food before chewing properly can lead to indigestion
• It can also lead to choking.
• Talking when food is in the mouth leads to spitting food on other people near you.
• Big lumps can lead to indigestion.
1.Identify any two good eating habits.
2.Give any two bad eating habits.
3.Suggest any two dangers of bad eating habits.
This Is the keeping of food for along time without getting / going bad.
Ways of preserving food.
• Sun drying e.g. cassava, beans.
• Salting e.g. meat.
• Smoking e.g. fish.
• Tinning / bottling / canning. E.g. beef, fish, milk
• Freezing e.g. milk. E.g. milk
• Refrigerating e.g. oranges, green vegetables, milk.
• Roasting e.g. meat.
• Boiling and heating.
1. Briefly explain food preservation.
2.State two ways of preserving food.
3.Why do we preserve food?
Food security refers to ensuring that there is enough food to be eaten and for the future.
Food security can be achieved through.
• Growing enough food crops
• Proper food storage
• Preservation of food.
• Practicing proper farming methods.
• Improving soil fertility
Importance of food security
• The family has enough food to eat throughout the year.
• It prevents deficiency diseases in the family.
1.Briefly explain food security.
2.State two ways we can achieve food security.
3.Suggest one importance of food security
These are methods of preparing food to be ready for consumption.
Method Example of food
Boiling food Matooke, rice, Irish, sweat potatoes
Frying food Eggs, Meat, beans etc.
Steaming matooke, sweat potatoes rice among others
Roasting food cassava, meat, maize
Mingling food millet bread, posho

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