Manual Testing Q&A for Interview

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1.What does a Test Report Contain?

Test Report Contents:

A test report is a document that summarizes the results of testing activities, providing
stakeholders with an overview of the testing process, its outcomes, and any issues
found. A comprehensive test report usually contains the following information:

1. Test Summary: A brief overview of the testing project, including the testing scope,
objectives, and timelines.
2. Test Environment: Details about the testing environment, such as hardware, software,
and network configurations used for testing.
3. Test Cases: A list of test cases executed, including their IDs, descriptions, and
expected results.
4. Test Results: The actual results of each test case, indicating whether they passed,
failed, or were blocked.
5. Defects/Issues: A list of defects or issues found during testing, including their
descriptions, severity, and priority.
6. Defect Metrics: Statistics about the defects found, such as the number of defects,
defect density, and defect distribution by type or severity.
7. Test Coverage: An analysis of the testing coverage, including the percentage of
requirements or code covered by the tests.
8. Testing Effort: A breakdown of the testing effort, including the time spent on testing,
the number of testers involved, and the testing resources utilized.
9. Conclusion and Recommendations: A summary of the testing outcomes, highlighting
any critical issues, and providing recommendations for improvement.
10. Appendices: Additional information, such as test data, test scripts, or detailed defect
reports, which can be referenced as needed.

By including these elements, a test report provides stakeholders with a clear

understanding of the testing process, its outcomes, and any areas that require attention.

2.What is Test Strategy?

A test strategy is a high-level document that outlines the approach, scope, and
objectives of testing for a particular project or application. It defines how testing will be
carried out, what testing activities will be performed, and what resources will be

Key Components of a Test Strategy:

A comprehensive test strategy typically includes the following components:

1. Testing Scope: Defines what will be tested, including the application's features,
functionalities, and interfaces.
2. Testing Objectives: Outlines the goals and objectives of testing, such as ensuring
functionality, performance, security, and usability.
3. Testing Approach: Describes the testing methodology, techniques, and tools to be
used, such as black box, white box, gray box, or agile testing.
4. Test Environment: Defines the testing environment, including hardware, software, and
network configurations.
5. Test Data Management: Outlines the approach for test data creation, maintenance,
and management.
6. Risk Analysis: Identifies and prioritizes risks associated with the application, and
outlines mitigation strategies.
7. Testing Schedule: Provides a high-level timeline for testing activities, including
milestones and deadlines.
8. Resource Allocation: Defines the resources required for testing, including personnel,
equipment, and budget.
9. Defect Management: Outlines the process for defect reporting, tracking, and resolution.
10. Test Metrics and Reporting: Defines the metrics and reporting requirements for
testing, including test coverage, defect density, and testing efficiency.

Benefits of a Test Strategy:

A well-defined test strategy provides several benefits, including:

 Ensures testing is aligned with project objectives

 Provides a clear understanding of testing scope and objectives
 Helps to identify and mitigate risks
 Enables effective resource allocation and planning
 Improves testing efficiency and effectiveness
 Enhances communication among stakeholders

By having a test strategy in place, teams can ensure that testing is carried out in a
structured and systematic way, ultimately leading to higher quality software and reduced
testing costs.

3.What is Primary and Foreign Key?

Primary Key:

 A primary key is a unique identifier for each record in a database table.

 It ensures that each record is distinct and can be easily identified.
 In testing, primary keys are important because they help us to:
 Identify specific records for testing
 Verify data integrity and consistency
 Perform updates and deletes accurately


In a Users table, the UserID column can be the primary key, ensuring that each user has
a unique identifier.

UserID (Primary Key) Username Email

1 JohnDoe

2 JaneDoe

3 BobSmith

Foreign Key:

 A foreign key is a field in a table that references the primary key of another table.
 It establishes a relationship between two tables, allowing us to link data across tables.
 In testing, foreign keys are important because they help us to:
 Verify data relationships and consistency
 Test data integrity and referential integrity
 Identify and test complex business rules and workflows

In an Orders table, the UserID column can be a foreign key that references
the UserID primary key in the Users table, establishing a relationship between users and
their orders.

OrderID UserID (Foreign Key) OrderDate

1 1 2022-01-01

2 1 2022-01-15

3 2 2022-02-01

Testing Implications:

 As a tester, I need to ensure that primary and foreign keys are properly defined and
enforced in the database.
 I should test data integrity and consistency by verifying that primary keys are unique
and foreign keys reference valid primary keys.
 I should also test business rules and workflows that rely on primary and foreign key

By understanding primary and foreign keys, I can design more effective tests to ensure
that the database is functioning correctly and that the application is using the database

4.Order by Query means?

 The ORDER BY query is a SQL clause used to sort the result set of a query in
ascending or descending order.
 It allows us to arrange the data in a specific order, making it easier to analyze and
 In testing, the ORDER BY query is important because it helps us to:
 Verify data sorting and ordering
 Test data retrieval and display
 Identify and report on data trends and patterns


Suppose we have a Customers table with the following data:

CustomerID Name Age

1 John Smith 25

2 Jane Doe 30

3 Bob Brown 20

4 Alice Johnson 35

If we want to retrieve the customers in alphabetical order by name, we can use the
following ORDER BY query:


The result set would be:

CustomerID Name Age

4 Alice Johnson 35

3 Bob Brown 20

2 Jane Doe 30

1 John Smith 25

5.How do you write select, update, delete queries?


 A SELECT query is used to retrieve data from a database table.

 The basic syntax is: SELECT column1, column2,... FROM tablename;
 In testing, SELECT queries are important because they help us to:
 Verify data existence and accuracy
 Retrieve specific data for testing
 Validate data relationships and consistency

Suppose we have a Customers table with the following
columns: CustomerID, Name, Email, and Phone. To retrieve all customers with their names
and emails, we can use the following SELECT query:

SELECT Name, Email FROM Customers;


 An UPDATE query is used to modify existing data in a database table.

 The basic syntax is: UPDATE tablename SET column1 = value1, column2 = value2,...
WHERE condition;
 In testing, UPDATE queries are important because they help us to:
 Verify data updates and modifications
 Test data validation and business rules
 Simulate real-world scenarios and user interactions


Suppose we want to update the email address of a customer with CustomerID 1

to . We can use the following UPDATE query:

UPDATE Customers SET Email = '' WHERE CustomerID = 1;


 A DELETE query is used to remove data from a database table.

 The basic syntax is: DELETE FROM tablename WHERE condition;
 In testing, DELETE queries are important because they help us to:
 Verify data deletion and removal
 Test data integrity and consistency
 Simulate real-world scenarios and user interactions


Suppose we want to delete a customer with CustomerID 2. We can use the following
DELETE query:

DELETE FROM Customers WHERE CustomerID = 2;

6.What is alias and join?

 An alias is a temporary name given to a table or column in a SQL query.

 It's used to simplify complex queries, improve readability, and avoid ambiguity.
 In testing, aliases are important because they help us to:
 Simplify complex queries and focus on specific data
 Avoid ambiguity and ensure accurate data retrieval
 Improve query performance and efficiency


Suppose we have two tables: Orders and Customers . We want to retrieve the customer
names and order dates. We can use an alias to simplify the query:

SELECT c.Name, o.OrderDate FROM Customers c, Orders o WHERE c.CustomerID =


In this example, c is an alias for the Customers table, and o is an alias for
the Orders table.


 A join is a way to combine data from two or more tables based on a common column.
 There are several types of joins, including:
 INNER JOIN: Returns only the rows that have matching values in both tables.
 LEFT JOIN: Returns all the rows from the left table and the matching rows from the right
 RIGHT JOIN: Returns all the rows from the right table and the matching rows from the
left table.
 FULL OUTER JOIN: Returns all the rows from both tables, with null values in the
columns where there are no matches.
 In testing, joins are important because they help us to:
 Retrieve related data from multiple tables
 Validate data relationships and consistency
 Test complex business logic and rules

Suppose we have two tables: Orders and Customers . We want to retrieve the customer
names and order dates. We can use an INNER JOIN to combine the data:

SELECT c.Name, o.OrderDate FROM Customers c INNER JOIN Orders o ON c.CustomerID

= o.CustomerID;

In this example, the INNER JOIN combines the `Customers` and `Orders` tables based
on the CustomerID column.

7.What is difference between web and application

As a tester, I'd be happy to explain the difference between web and application testing
in the context of software testing.

Web Testing:

 Web testing involves testing a website or web application to ensure it meets the
required standards and works as expected.
 It focuses on the client-side of the application, which includes the user interface, user
experience, and functionality.
 Web testing typically involves testing:
 User interface and user experience
 Browser compatibility and responsiveness
 Performance and scalability
 Security and accessibility
 Functionality and workflow


Suppose we're testing an e-commerce website. Web testing would involve testing the
website's user interface, ensuring that the layout and design are consistent across
different browsers and devices, and verifying that the website's functionality, such as
checkout and payment processing, works correctly.

Application Testing:

 Application testing involves testing a software application to ensure it meets the

required standards and works as expected.
 It focuses on the entire application, including the client-side, server-side, and database.
 Application testing typically involves testing:
 Business logic and workflow
 Data integrity and consistency
 Integration with third-party systems and APIs
 Performance and scalability
 Security and authentication


Suppose we're testing a mobile banking application. Application testing would involve
testing the entire application, including the client-side user interface, the server-side
API, and the database. We would verify that the application's business logic, such as
transaction processing and account management, works correctly, and that the data is
consistent and secure.

Key Differences:

 Scope: Web testing focuses on the client-side, while application testing focuses on the
entire application.
 Depth: Web testing typically involves testing the surface-level functionality, while
application testing involves testing the underlying business logic and data integrity.
 Complexity: Application testing is often more complex and involves testing multiple
components and systems.

8.What is the difference between two tier and

three tier and three tier architecture?
Two-Tier Architecture:

 A two-tier architecture consists of a client tier and a server tier.

 The client tier is responsible for user interaction and presentation, while the server tier
manages data storage and processing.
 The client and server tiers communicate directly with each other, with the client sending
requests to the server and the server responding with data.
 Two-tier architecture is often used for simple applications with a small user base.

Suppose we're testing a simple banking application that allows users to view their
account balances. In a two-tier architecture, the client tier would be the user interface,
and the server tier would be the database that stores the account information.

Three-Tier Architecture:

 A three-tier architecture consists of a client tier, an application tier, and a server tier.
 The client tier is responsible for user interaction and presentation, the application tier
manages business logic and processing, and the server tier manages data storage.
 The client tier communicates with the application tier, which in turn communicates with
the server tier.
 Three-tier architecture is often used for more complex applications with a larger user


Suppose we're testing an e-commerce application that allows users to browse products,
add them to a cart, and checkout. In a three-tier architecture, the client tier would be the
user interface, the application tier would manage the business logic of adding products
to the cart and processing payments, and the server tier would store the product
information and order data.

N-Tier Architecture:

 An n-tier architecture is an extension of the three-tier architecture, where there are

multiple application tiers that manage different aspects of the application.
 Each tier communicates with the adjacent tiers, with the client tier communicating with
the first application tier, and so on.
 N-tier architecture is often used for large-scale, complex applications with multiple
components and systems.


Suppose we're testing a complex enterprise application that involves multiple systems,
such as customer relationship management, inventory management, and order
processing. In an n-tier architecture, there could be multiple application tiers, each
managing a different aspect of the application, such as customer data, inventory levels,
and order fulfillment.
9.How to make sure test cases meet the
Understanding the Requirements:

 The first step is to thoroughly understand the requirements of the application or feature
being tested.
 I review the requirements documents, such as the Business Requirements Document
(BRD), Functional Requirements Document (FRD), or User Stories, to ensure I have a
clear understanding of what needs to be tested.

Creating Test Cases:

 Once I have a good understanding of the requirements, I create test cases that cover
each requirement.
 I ensure that each test case is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-
bound (SMART).
 I also ensure that each test case has a clear objective, preconditions, steps, expected
results, and any necessary data or inputs.

Reviewing and Refining Test Cases:

 After creating the test cases, I review them to ensure they meet the requirements.
 I refine the test cases based on feedback from the development team, product owners,
or other stakeholders.
 I also ensure that the test cases are prioritized based on risk, complexity, and business

Traceability Matrix:

 To ensure that each requirement is covered by at least one test case, I create a
traceability matrix.
 The traceability matrix maps each requirement to one or more test cases, ensuring that
every requirement is tested.
 I regularly update the traceability matrix as new requirements are added or changed.

Requirements Coverage Analysis:

 I perform a requirements coverage analysis to identify any gaps in testing.

 I analyze the test cases to ensure that they cover all the requirements, and identify any
areas that need additional testing.
 I report any gaps or deficiencies to the development team and product owners, and
work with them to create additional test cases or modify existing ones.

Collaboration with Stakeholders:

 Throughout the testing process, I collaborate with stakeholders, including developers,

product owners, and business analysts, to ensure that the test cases meet the
 I provide regular updates on test case development and execution, and solicit feedback
from stakeholders to ensure that the test cases are accurate and complete.

Continuous Improvement:

 Finally, I continuously review and refine the test cases to ensure they remain relevant
and effective.
 I update the test cases based on changes to the requirements, and ensure that the test
cases are aligned with the evolving needs of the application or feature.

By following these steps, I can ensure that the test cases meet the requirements, and
that the application or feature is thoroughly tested to meet the needs of the end-users.

10. How do you maintain traceability between

test cases and defects?
Test Management Tools:

 I use test management tools such as TestRail, PractiTest, or TestLink to store and
manage test cases, test suites, and test runs.
 These tools allow me to create a unique identifier for each test case, which helps in
tracking and tracing defects.

Defect Tracking Tools:

 I use defect tracking tools such as JIRA, TFS, or Bugzilla to report and track defects.
 These tools allow me to create a unique identifier for each defect, which helps in linking
it to the relevant test case.

Linking Test Cases to Defects:

 When I identify a defect during testing, I create a defect report in the defect tracking tool
and link it to the relevant test case in the test management tool.
 I ensure that the defect report includes the test case ID, test case description, and the
steps to reproduce the defect.

Bi-Directional Traceability:

 I maintain bi-directional traceability between test cases and defects, meaning that I can
easily navigate from a test case to the related defects and vice versa.
 This helps me to quickly identify the test cases that are affected by a defect, and to
ensure that the defect is properly tested once it's fixed.

Test Case Execution History:

 I maintain a record of test case execution history, including the test runs, test results,
and defects reported.
 This helps me to track the defects that were reported during a specific test run, and to
ensure that the defects are properly re-tested once they're fixed.

Defect Status Updates:

 I update the defect status in the defect tracking tool as the defect is fixed, verified, and
 I also update the test case status in the test management tool to reflect the changes in
the defect status.

Reporting and Metrics:

 I generate reports and metrics to track the defect density, defect leakage, and test
 These reports help me to identify areas for improvement in the testing process, and to
optimize the testing efforts to reduce defects.

Collaboration with Development Team:

 I collaborate with the development team to ensure that the defects are properly fixed
and verified.
 I provide them with detailed information about the defects, including the test case ID,
test case description, and the steps to reproduce the defect.

By maintaining traceability between test cases and defects, I can ensure that defects
are properly reported, tracked, and fixed, and that the testing process is efficient and
11. What is the defect management tool, test
management tool?
Defect Management Tool:

 A defect management tool is a software application that helps track, manage, and
resolve defects or bugs found during the testing process.
 It allows testers to report, track, and manage defects in a centralized manner, ensuring
that defects are properly documented, assigned, and resolved.
 Some popular defect management tools include:
 TFS (Team Foundation Server)
 Bugzilla
 Mantis
 Trac

Key Features of Defect Management Tool:

 Defect reporting and tracking

 Defect assignment and prioritization
 Defect status updates (e.g., open, in progress, resolved, closed)
 Defect categorization and classification
 Defect linking to test cases and requirements
 Reporting and analytics

Test Management Tool:

 A test management tool is a software application that helps plan, organize, and execute
testing activities.
 It allows testers to create, manage, and execute test cases, test suites, and test runs,
and to track test results and defects.
 Some popular test management tools include:
 TestRail
 PractiTest
 TestLink
 Zephyr
 HP ALM (Application Lifecycle Management)

Key Features of Test Management Tool:

 Test case creation and management

 Test suite creation and management
 Test run execution and tracking
 Test result tracking and reporting
 Defect reporting and tracking
 Requirements traceability
 Test automation integration

Benefits of Using Defect Management and Test Management Tools:

 Improved defect tracking and resolution

 Enhanced test planning and execution
 Increased testing efficiency and productivity
 Better collaboration and communication among team members
 Improved reporting and analytics
 Reduced testing costs and time-to-market

By using defect management and test management tools, I can streamline the testing
process, improve testing efficiency, and ensure that defects are properly reported and

12. What does a test case contain?

A Test Case Typically Contains:

 Test Case ID: A unique identifier for the test case, used to track and reference the test
 Test Case Description: A brief summary of the test case, including the purpose and
objective of the test.
 Preconditions: The conditions that must be met before executing the test case, such
as specific software versions or configurations.
 Steps: A series of numbered steps that outline the actions to be performed during the
test, including:
 Actions: The specific actions to be taken, such as clicking a button or entering data.
 Expected Results: The expected outcome or behavior of the system after each action.
 Expected Result: The overall expected result of the test case, including any specific
outputs or behaviors.
 Test Data: Any data required to execute the test case, such as input values or sample
 Priority: The level of importance assigned to the test case, indicating how critical it is to
the overall testing effort.
 Risk: An assessment of the risk associated with the test case, including the potential
impact of failure.
 Test Environment: The specific environment in which the test case should be
executed, including hardware, software, and network configurations.
 Dependencies: Any dependencies or relationships between this test case and other
test cases or requirements.
 Comments: Any additional notes or comments related to the test case, such as
assumptions or limitations.

Optional Elements:

 Test Case Type: The type of test case, such as functional, regression, or usability.
 Requirements Traceability: A link to the specific requirement or user story being
 Automated Test Script: A reference to an automated test script that corresponds to
the test case.
 Test Case Status: The current status of the test case, such as pass, fail, or blocked.

By including these elements, a test case provides a clear and concise outline of the
testing process, ensuring that testing is thorough, consistent, and repeatable.

13. What is difference between severity and

priority and who decides them?

 Severity refers to the impact or potential impact of a defect on the application or system.
 It measures the degree of damage or loss that a defect could cause, in terms of data,
functionality, or user experience.
 Severity is usually categorized into levels, such as:
 Critical: Defect causes a complete system failure or significant data loss.
 High: Defect causes significant functionality impairment or data corruption.
 Medium: Defect causes some functionality impairment or minor data issues.
 Low: Defect is cosmetic or has minimal impact on functionality.


 Priority refers to the order in which a defect should be addressed or fixed.

 It determines the urgency and importance of resolving a defect, based on business
requirements, customer needs, and project timelines.
 Priority is usually categorized into levels, such as:
 High: Defect must be fixed immediately, as it blocks critical functionality or causes
significant business impact.
 Medium: Defect should be fixed as soon as possible, as it affects important functionality
or user experience.
 Low: Defect can be fixed at a lower priority, as it has minimal impact on functionality or
user experience.

Key differences:

 Severity focuses on the potential impact of a defect, while priority focuses on the
urgency of fixing the defect.
 Severity is often determined by the testing team, while priority is typically determined by
the product owner, project manager, or business stakeholders.

Who decides severity and priority?

 Severity is usually determined by the testing team, based on their technical expertise
and understanding of the application or system.
 Priority is typically determined by the product owner, project manager, or business
stakeholders, based on business requirements, customer needs, and project timelines.
 In some cases, a joint decision may be made by the testing team and product
owner/project manager, taking into account both technical and business considerations.

By understanding the difference between severity and priority, we can ensure that
defects are properly categorized and addressed in a timely and effective manner.
14. What is exit and entry criteria?
Entry Criteria:

 Entry criteria define the conditions that must be met before a testing phase or activity
can begin.
 It ensures that the testing team has a clear understanding of what is required to start
testing, and that all necessary prerequisites have been met.
 Examples of entry criteria include:
 Completion of previous testing phases or activities
 Availability of required test environments, tools, and resources
 Receipt of necessary test data, inputs, or documentation
 Completion of defect fixes or changes to the application or system
 Approval from stakeholders or project managers to proceed with testing

Exit Criteria:

 Exit criteria define the conditions that must be met before a testing phase or activity can
be considered complete.
 It ensures that the testing team has a clear understanding of what is required to
conclude testing, and that all necessary objectives have been met.
 Examples of exit criteria include:
 Completion of all planned test cases or test scripts
 Achievement of desired test coverage or quality metrics
 Resolution of all critical or high-priority defects
 Obtaining stakeholder or project manager approval to conclude testing
 Meeting specific testing deadlines or milestones

Why are entry and exit criteria important?

 They provide a clear understanding of the testing scope, objectives, and timelines
 They ensure that testing is thorough, consistent, and repeatable
 They help to identify and mitigate risks, and ensure that testing is properly planned and
 They facilitate communication and collaboration among team members, stakeholders,
and project managers
 They enable the testing team to measure progress, track defects, and report testing

By establishing clear entry and exit criteria, we can ensure that testing is conducted in a
structured and controlled manner, and that we meet our testing objectives and deliver
high-quality results.

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