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Money Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verb Meaning

1. Save up To keep money for a large future expense

2. Dip into To spend part of your savings

3. Lay out To spend a large amount of money

4. Pay back To return money owed to someone or something

5. Cough up To provide money unwillingly

6. Get by To have just enough money for your needs

2. Fill the following sentences with the correct phrasal verb, being sure to use the proper tense.

A. If I want to buy a new pair of airpods, my parents say I’d better __________.
B. My best friend says I need to __________ the money I borrowed from her.
C. I don’t have a high-paying job. Every month I just __________.
D. If I don’t __________ $50 to the school bully, he will beat me up.
E. My dad __________ $5,000 on our dream vacation to Disneyland.
F. I may have to __________ my savings to buy that beautiful dress.

3. Write sentences using the phrasal verbs above that are true for you.







4. Answer the following part 3 questions about money.

1. Can humans live without money?

2. Is it better to save money or spend it on experiences like travel?

3. Should people who earn a lot of money donate to charity?

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