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Requests, permission and suggestions PQ Requests and replies ‘A:Could you pass the salt? SS. << B: Sure. / No problem, ‘A: Could you possibly help me? SX ‘ArDima, I wonder if you could help me? <<” B: Sure, A:T was wondering if you could lend B: No, P'm afraid I can’t, me some money until tomorrow. [Pm sorry bur I can’t.) eet WY sking permission and replies (A:Could I possibly have a look at your magazine? ws B: Yes, help yourself. ) ‘A: May/Could I open the window? J Bs Sure, go ahead. ‘A:Do you mind if I watch TV? JB: No, go ahead ee Winen we answer go ahead or help yourself, we are giving someone permission to do the thing ee How about going to a club? WD suggestions and replies We could try that new restaurant. ‘Why don't we go (Whar shall we do tonight? —~ and see a film? Let’s go to the café in the square. Do you fancy ‘We can reply with different answers, from positive to negative. Yeah, (that’s a) great idea. Yes, if you like. No, I don’t fancy that ‘That sounds good. ‘Yeah, {don't mind, Mm, I'd rather do some! [I would prefer to do some _— Ma i ec ci a ai ee al 65.1 65.2 65.3 65.4 Exercises Correct six more mistakes in the dialogue. A: Do you like to go our this evening? Would, Br I'm afraid but I haven't gor any money. hat’s OK. I'll pay. How about go to see a film? B: No, I think U'd rather to scay in, I have to do some homework. A: Why you don’t do your homework this afternoon? B. I'm busy this afternoon. A: Well, we could to go tomorrow. B: Yeah, its a great idea, Match 1-6 with af. 1 Could you close the door? 2 May I close the window? 3 We could go to the cinema. 4 Yeah, great idea. 5 L wonder if you could close the door? 6 I don’t fancy that a a suggestion b a negative reply © a request d asking for permission © a positive reply F a polite request ooo000 Complete the dialogues with one word. Contractions (e.g. don't) count as one word, 1A: What cut ~~ You like to do this weekend? B: I don... vannee « You decide, 2 A: Could you “vores Open that window? It's very hot in here, Be Yes, Of oon — 3 A: lwas.. i you could give me a lift to Luke’s this evening. B: Sure, no... 4 A; What do you -»- doing this evening? B: Idont.... v«+ Any ideas? A: Why... ~ We go to the cinema? We haven't been for ages. i: Yeah, that’s a great eect 5 A: Do you... if | use your phone? No, go 6 A: OK. Where .- we go on Saturday? B: How --~ going to the beach if the weather's nice? feah. Or we .. try that new sports centre just outside town, B: Mmm. I think I'd 0 to the beach, AL Yes, OK, if you Reply to the questions. Try to give a different answer each time, 1 Could I borrow your pen for a minute? Yes. 94, 2 Could you possibly post a letter for me? 3 Lwas wondering if you've got a suitease you could lend me? 4 Do you mind if I rake this chair? - 5 Ive got some tickets for a concert. Do you fancy going? 6 How about going to a football match at the weekend? 7 Why don’t we mect this afternoon and practise our English? V4 Nouns and verbs with the same form NEAZY Nouns and verbs Many words in English function as a noun and a verb with che same form, and often a \ similar meaning, When you use these words 2s nouns, you often need to know which | verbs to use with them. She kissed me. He said ‘Hi’ and smiled at me. I dreamt about Etha She gave me a kiss. He said ‘Hi? with a big smile, I had a dream about Ethan. | s Be | I queued for the bus. “TL He washed the car. I waited/stood in a queue for _ I braked. He gave the car a wash, the bus. | put on the brakes. V'll ring them / give them a ring. [phone someone] ‘We often chat / have a chat. [have a friendly conversations infil IF you don't know, guess / have a guess. [give an answer without knowing the facts] lave you replied to his email yet? Have you sent him a reply yet? Ie may help to diet / go on a diet. [eat less in order to lose weigh] Can doctors cure this? / Have doctors found a cure for this? OR Is there a cure for this? [make someone with an illness healthy again] A rescue attempt 61 regret! going to Three Cliffs Bay. I promised* my mother not to go there, but Pm not . very good at keeping promises. [ was swimming near the rocks with friends and [dived off one of the rocks. I thought it was a good bur T another rock as I entered the water. [hit my head and couldn't move. One of my friends attempted? to reseue* me, but couldn't reach | me; someone else made an attempt to swim out to me, In the end, two of the boys pulled me to safety. Thad to go to hospital, but I was lucky: there were several unsuccessful rescue attempts that summer.39 | 1 4 ing feel sadness for something you did in the past ( rogret) 2 v + inf say that you will certainly do something > + inf try to do something + obj make someone safe when they have been in a dangerous situation; sy save -— a a 72.1 72.2 72.3 72.4 Exercises Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. 1 They attempted saving /Go S02)the boy. 2 Trepret leave / leaving home. 3 We had to wait in / on a queue. 4 Td like to go for / ona diet. 5 She promised helping / to help me. 6 He gave her a big kiss ! a big kiss for her. 7 I dreamt about / for you. 8 If you don’t know the answer, do / have a guess. Replace the underlined words with a verb that keeps a similar meaning in the sentences. Make any other changes that are necessary. 1 Can you phone him? 2 We talked for a bit 3 The policeman saved her from the burning cat. 4 L tried to help James with his homework. S Have you answered the letter? 6 Lam sorry that | left home 7 I said that I would definitely go to the party. 8 They told us to wait in a queue if we wanted tickets. Cann, you..rang loan? Revrrite the sentences using the underlined verbs as nouns. 1 (ring him this evening. 2 I'll diet if necessary. 3 Did you know, or did you guess? 4 He always smiles at me when I see him. PI ive. Hin, rig. this, exening ril ‘~ _e ssc Did you know, o did you .. He always greets me © [dreamt about my mother 6 We can’t cure this disease. 7 Ubraked but it was too late. 8 She washed the kitchen windows. | anne 9 They atsempted to help her. They 10 We sat down and chatted. We sat down and . Sometimes the same word can be a verb and noun but with a different meaning, Read the pairs of sentences. Do the verb and noun have a similar meaning, or are they different in meaning? Note: these words are not on the opposite page. 1a We had a long wait for the bus. Sivilar b We waired a long time for the bus. There’s a hook on the table. Thad to book a table. Ttook a break at work. I broke my arm at work. How much did the holiday cost? What was the cost of the holiday? I dropped the milk. Thad a drop of mill, Someone behind me screamed. Theard a loud scream. 2 oo ew ° — Adjectives 184 Extreme adjectives There are many ‘extreme” adjectives we use 10 say that something is very good, oF very small, or very surprising, ete ‘We were lucky ~ the weather was marvellous. [very goods syns tertific, wonderful, amazing] Don’t go and see that film ~ it’s awful. [very bad: syn dreadful] I was delighted she passed her exam. [very pleased] Itsa nice modern flat, but it's absolutely tiny. [very small] very hungey, but they gave us a huge meal. [very bigs sy enormous] You should watch that programme; you'll find it absolutely fascinating, [very interesting] Everyone was really exhausted by the end of the day. [very dred] Bungee jumping is the most terrifying thing I've ever done. [very frightening] Computers are an essential part of modem life. [very important and necessary] The food was delicious. [very good; but usually only for Food) The fond was absolutely marvellous. (NOT The foad was very-maneltows) We can use absolutely « Gescereeaeeimnemeea r ml gare aca aren ne sa SreKe aur eam hire ane nena Ie Nee Me eM came Me ane erated Nessa) Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed A large group of adjectives can have an -ing or -ed ending, The -ing ending describes a person, thing or situation; the -ed ending describes the effecc on someone of this person, thing or situation, Idon’s know if other people were bored, bur Tchought it was a very boring lesson. The weather is so depressing at the moment; i's making everyone feel depressed. [exer Nel WON etic atom hat film) We're very interested in the new UN ‘These adjectives can all end in -ing or -ed, depending on the meaning. It was really tiring going up that hill. !making you feel tired] I was amazed she could climb that wall. [very surprised] My exam results were very disappointing, [not a3 good as I expected] She was annoyed that I forgor to tell her. fangey] T kept calling her Emma, so I was embarrassed when Ben told me her name was Angela. [fooling a bit seupid because of something you have said or done] ‘The map he gave us was very confusing, [difficult co understand] ‘We were shocked by the violence in the film. [very sueprised in an unpleasant way] Englith Vocabulary in Use Pre-intermediate ond intermediate 89.1 89.2 89.3 89.4 Exercises Put the words into the correct column, bad dreadful important small exhausted terrified tired essential frightened tiny Meee ee dreadful Change the adjectives where possible to give the email a more positive and/or more extreme effect. Include absolutely or really two or three times. 288. i i 2 Dear Sandy an (abscustely) exhausting Arrived on Sunday evening after-+-very-tring journay. We're very pleased with the hotel: ‘our room is very big, and the food is very nice. We've been lucky with the weather as well. ‘The first day was wet but the last three days have been very nice. Tomorrow we're going to walk the coastal path to Dartmouth Castle. It’s quite a difficult route and people tell us it's very important to take a map, but it sounds very interesting, so Y’m looking forward to it. ll write again in a couple of days and tell you all about it. love Benita ‘Complete the dialogues so that B agrees with A, using a suitable adjective from the ‘opposite page, 1 A: [was very inrerested in her talk 4 A: Did you have a nice holiday? ‘Yes, it was fascinating, B: Yes, absolutely 08 2A: Were you very frightened? 5 A: Lexpect you were very pl leased vith B; Yes, it was absolutely -.ose-eneenennes« your score. 3A: It was surprising to sce the children Bs Yes, [ was absolute behave so badly. 6 A: Lexpect you were a bit angry when they B: L know. We were sas arrived an hour late? Bi Yes, I was very .. Write an adjective to describe how the people felt in these situations. 1 They walked ten miles, then spent the afternoon cutting down trees, .eshaistedrocone 2 From the description in the travel brochure, they expected a beautiful big villa by the sea, In actual fact it was quite small, not very nice, and miles from the beach. a 3 arrived in jeans, but everyone else was wearing very formal clothes. 4 One person told them the street was on the left, another told them to turn right, and a thicd person said they had to go back to the station. 5 My brother has a flat and it’s usually in a terrible mess ~ he's very untidy. But yesterday when 1 visited him, the place was incredibly tidy. In fact, everything looked new. 6 I got my resulss yesterday and I passed every exam with a grade A. ‘Exaslbih Vaciliihrass tre Ulam Pac aenincwmdicenn iad LenwecesBeae: las An email "We can begin an informal email ‘or leter with Fi Beth, Hello Beth, a or Dear Beth, eile 2 a fury person Hi! Beth 9 planning or intending to af Just a quick message to thank you for dinner last make contact, e&; by phonevemsilor igi, abysolutely delicious, as always, and | really enjoyed meeting your friend Alice. She's a laugh?, want (to see} ifinl isn't she? say hello to Conrad from me; also send my regards to Conrad. With family I'm hoping to® get tickets for the film festival next members and very close friends ve so week, $0 Pll be in touch’ to see if there's anything say give/send my love to. verte! sea 7 again, as before (here it is used to say thank you one more time) Give my regards to® Conrad when he gets back We can end an informal emai/etter (© from Poland, end once again’, thanks for last night. a close friend or family member with i Love or Lots of love. We also often use LO¥E Best wishes or All the best when we Sophie ‘end a letter or email to a friend. MEALS A tctter 204 B Daniel Street Bath BAI ZPH Dear Rab T know iS ages! since? T last got in touch, but T wanted fo let you know? that Li spond a Fess days in Birmingham i time! ~ actually” just before your birthday. T i Thought we could get together® and go cut for a meal, And if if's OK with you, perhaps Mark could join us! as well | eee VATU ear er rent Peer eet fiona aeons Anpuo? it anul be rat fo se ou. Ty haven't got my mobi a but act paral ay (Nomina "along time * (soc Language help) 2 from at § meet for a social reason ell you 7 come with us * wo weeks from now * used to change the subject or end a conversation/letter Ensish Yocobulary in Use Pre-intermediate and intermediate 99.1 99.2 99.3 99.4 Exercises Find five more phrases using words from the box, best let regards in to time be touch in give week's one my a you know again wishes Write these phrases in different ways. The phrases the same words. 1 Hello Julie 2 Hello Mark 3. Give my love to Patri 4 Love, Trudie 5 Best wishes, Sam can be similar but don’t repeat exactly Julie Mark Patricia » Trudie »Sam Rewrite the sentences using the word in capitals. Keep a similar meaning. 1 Do you want to come with us? yon 2 Do you want 10 go? FANCY 3 Til write soon TOUCH 4 Ielooks new, but actually it isn’t, FACT 5 Pll you as soon as possible. LET G I'm going three wecks from now. IN 7 Jamie is very funny. LauGHt 8 Let’s meer for lunch. oer 9 I haven't written for ages. SINCE Complete the email with words from the box. Do you want to, ING JOtieveoscseanceay-n il . Tr looks new, bur A Tlsexeencen Pan going on. Jamie is Lets nner Its. touch join fact together hoping in let since give ages actually anyway Eee a: Dear Gilberto | Uaven't been int BUM 082 cee Soy aout | that In? -- Fe DOEN TeAlly DUSY $n nnennnnsen WHE because Ive got a new job in TV —°... sven ts with the BBC. I'm doing research for various documentary programmes and I'M Sennc-ssnn-rnen 1040 (o Brazil". Ntwould be great if we could get © 8 concen US I He's free. 0 three months’ time. If so, I'l obviously get in touch, and maybe Filpe could +s Hl write again soon. | hope things are going well with you, when the baby arrives. And, of course, and .-me know Rasvaceats my love to Teresa. All the best, Jonny “English Voc ecbtewslii- idea Vina dntarmedbonsend pantalones: 205

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