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Yeshwanthpur Campus, Bangalore Karnataka



Semester IV


“Uniting for Water Wellness”



1) AKSHARA K - 2348406
2) ASHWINI SR - 2348413
4) M POOJA - 2348435

Submitted to Dr. Rashmi S, Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science
Table of Contents

1) Problem Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3

2) Objective ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4

3) Project Study: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5

❖ Existing System
❖ Limitations of Existing System
❖ Our Proposed Idea
❖ Benefits of our idea

4) Literature Survey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 9

5) Requirement Specification
A) Functional Requirement ------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
B) Non - Functional Requirement ----------------------------------------------------------- 19
C) Hardware and Software Requirements ------------------------------------------------ 21

6) Model: - Block Diagram

A) Waterfall Model ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
B) Model Architecture --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 26

7) Dataset description ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 27

8) Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 29


Bangalore, also referred to as the 'Electronic City' or the 'Silicon Valley of India', has
serious water-pollution and shortage problems, again due to unregulated urban growth and
intense industrialization. The city, which once had a large number of lakes and ponds
supplying its water, now has these water bodies highly polluted. Chemical pollutants such
as pesticides, industrial chemicals, and heavy metals like lead and mercury have
contaminated them. Release of untreated sewage adds biological contaminants, forming a
potential health hazard and affecting aquatic ecosystems. Sources of pollution are varied
and diffused. They include industrial discharges, domestic wastewaters, agricultural
runoffs along with fertilizers and pesticides, and illegal dumping of solid wastes that
degrade overall water quality. The incoming pollutants spoiled aquatic life and
biodiversity; this caused a rise in waterborne diseases among the residents here in
Bangalore. This has a serious impact on fisheries, agriculture, and tourism, increasing
sociological costs of low freshwater availability. The scenario is really dire in some places
that have become major pollution hotspots, such as Bellandur Lake, Varthur Lake, and
parts of Whitefield. Urgent and committed measures are required for reducing the sources
of pollution, restituting water quality, and ensuring sustainability in Bangalore's water
resources. These challenges within them hold the opportunities for improving the health
and well-being of Bangalore's citizens through reduction of the health hazards, benefiting
the local economy by mitigation of the economic costs associated with water scarcity, and
improving the sustainability of industries dependent upon clean water. Improved water
quality and sustainability of Bangalore's water bodies have a bearing on the preservation
of aquatic ecosystems and biodiversity, which has long-term environmental gains.


The main objective is to take comprehensive care for the severe water pollution and scarcity
problems of Bangalore, resulting from unplanned urban growth and extensive
industrialization. Keeping this view of focus, identify and mitigate the various sources,
often diffuse, of such pollution; together they include industrial effluents, domestic sewage,
agricultural runoff carrying fertilizers and pesticides, and illegal dumping of solid wastes
over land and water. This will bring urgent and targeted interventions to the worst pollution
hotspots—the levels of pollution at Bellandur, Varthur Lake, parts of Whitefield, among
others, are alarmingly high. This will drastically bring down the contents of some chemical
pollutants, such as pesticides and industrial chemicals, and heavy metals like lead and
mercury in the water bodies, together with the biological contaminants ensuing from the
unconserved entry of untreated sewage.

Other key components of this objective would be the restoration of the former water quality
of Bangalore's lakes and ponds to their original state as former safe and sustainable water
supplies. This would be accomplished by engaging in source reduction, along with
undertaking cleanup and restoration of polluted water bodies. This will protect aquatic
ecosystems and biodiversity that are presently very seriously threatened by polluted

Further, our objective reaches out to bring an improvement in public health by reducing
the burden of waterborne diseases through pathogens in contaminated water. This will
directly improve the quality of life of all citizens of Bangalore from potentially life-
threatening conditions. Our objective of addressing problems related to water pollution
includes considerations regarding the alleviation of very high financial costs associated
with freshwater scarcity. These will therefore have lesser impacts on fisheries, agriculture,
and tourism industries that sustain local livelihoods and help in stabilizing the economy of
the city.

In sum, these goals will not only strive to restore and conserve the water bodies of
Bangalore but also set precedence for sustainable urban water management that can be
replicated in rapidly growing cities who face similar challenges.

The objective shall be multi-dimensional: reduction in pollution and scarcity, restitutions

of water quality, improvement in public health, mitigation of economic impacts, and long-
term sustainability. With collective stiff efforts and comprehensive strategies, we will turn
a water crisis in Bangalore into an opportunity for rejuvenation in both environmental and
societal terms.



A water quality monitoring and prediction system that adopts the Internet of Things-based
standards and rules. The device uses the Deep Spatio-Temporal Convolutional Neural Network
(DSTCNN) that is linked with Arduino sensors to monitor pH levels, dissolved oxygen,
temperature, turbidity, ammonia, nitrite, and manganese in real-time. Guntur fishponds provide
some data, while some are obtained from as well as stored in Google Drive. It includes
solutions of DSTCNN for water quality analysis and predictions covering spatial and time

The platform system which is based on Internet-of-Things (IoT) monitors water quality and
integrates several other sensors including Geographic Information System (GIS), Artificial
Intelligence (AI), and machine learning algorithms to monitor in real-time, analyze, and predict
four quality parameters of water. Data is collected through sensors such as pH, turbidity, dissolved
oxygen, and temperature that are sent in over any Internet connection to be processed & visualized
by cloud servers. The system also utilizes remote sensing for additional monitoring capabilities
and GIS for spatial analysis. This integration aims to offer comprehensive and effective water
quality management.[2]

This is a real-time monitoring system for water information of quality that measures and transmits
the values of parameters such as flow rate, temperature, conductivity (indicates total dissolved
solids), and PH measurement which can be utilized to determine the acidity or alkalinity level in
terms of certain fans but not all, as well as Oxidation Reduction Potential (ORP) which would help
in comparing levels between different sites when evaluating risk assessment models among others
plus includes sensor nodes detecting these conditions on internet; a PIC32MX220F032B-based
measurement unit intended for processing gathered information; ZigBee-equipped measuring unit
allowing remote data transfer via radio waves; and alarm node with an LCD screen showing
warnings and a buzzer producing sound effects simultaneously.[3]

An IoT system used to detect water pollution by means of pH, TDS and temperature sensors that
measure parameters indicative of water quality. An Arduino microcontroller processes the data
collected by these sensors and transmits it to the web server via NodeMcu over Wi-Fi.
Consequently, one can monitor what is going on through a web browser or even an app on their
mobile phone at any moment of time. Moreover, there is a database that can be used to store
information and a possibility of implementing solar panels as sources of energy which is
specifically important for the sake of distant places.[4]

This system is IoT-based where parameters including temperature, dissolved oxygen levels,
salinity, turbidity and pH are measured using sensors. The data collected by the sensors goes
through an Arduino microcontroller for processing before being transmitted over Wi-Fi enabled
NodeMCU into Firebase Realtime Database that stores it on a cloud for later retrieval or sharing
purposes. A site has a live-feed and uses QR codes to link fast with such information where this
system targets at enabling cheap automated monitoring without requiring manual sampling neither
laboratory testing of the water properties.[5]

The system is an IoT-based water quality monitoring solution that utilizes sensors to measure
parameters like pH, turbidity, and temperature. An Arduino UNO board serves as the core
controller, processing data from the sensors and converting it from analog to digital. The system
employs an ESP8266 Wi-Fi module for internet connectivity, enabling real-time data transmission
and monitoring via the BLYNK app on an Android device. Furthermore, a local display of sensor
outputs is available with an LCD as well.[6]

A UAV based on an airborne panchromatic multispectral imaging system has been developed to
monitor water quality. The system comprises a subsystem camera for multispectral imaging in
various spectral bands, a management control subsystem, subsystem storage for data with large
capacity, distribution subsystem to forward data to ground-based stations and a stable platform
subsystem for image accuracy. Subsystems for controlling and processing images analyze the data
produced, by sensors, on the ground, so that they can offer detailed assessments on water quality.[7]

The system for water quality assessment primarily involves Data Acquisition Systems (DAS) and
machine learning-based models.To collect and send real-time data, DAS use electronic boards like
Raspberry Pi and Arduino, sensors as well as communication mediums like ZigBee, Wi-Fi, and
LoRa. They’re systems that make use of IoT to keep track of water quality. The data collected is
then analyzed using machine learning models to detect patterns within it before predicting water
quality metrics based on prices; the ease or difficulty associated with something & performance
among other factors.[8]

The system is a low-cost Internet-of-Things (IoT) water-quality monitoring solution designed for
rural areas, specifically implemented in Gataia, Romania. An Arduino UNO Board with sensors
for temperature, pH, total dissolved solids (TDS), and turbidity and a Bluetooth module for data
transmission are used. The system is made up of a mobile application that allows real-time
monitoring of data influencing Python scripts, MQTT protocol as well as databases such as
MariaDB and Firebase for managing the data. There are two separate components in the device
which provide a practical means of measuring key water quality parameters and alerting users to
potential issues.[9]

The system is designed to gauge pH, TDS, salinity, temp, ORP and conductivity with those
parameters which finds use in smartphone centered examining tool for water of levels such
qualities. The device consists of an embedded processing unit with a microcontroller and a
bluetooth module for data acquisition as well as an android app to store input information, analyze
it and integrate it with the cloud. The system integrates with Google Maps for data visualization
and is powered by a 7.5 V rechargeable battery, providing 8–10 hours of continuous operation.[10]


1. High computational needs and resource demands.

2. Limited validation across diverse environments.
3. Accuracy issues due to sensor calibration challenges and errors.
4. Complex integration with various technologies requiring specialized knowledge.
5. High costs of deployment, maintenance, and calibration.
6. Data transmission issues in areas with poor network connectivity.
7. Need for reliable power sources, with solar power not always viable.
8. Scalability limitations for larger areas or different contexts.
9. Real-time data processing constraints due to computational and transmission limitations.
10. Security risks related to data transmission and unauthorized access.


This project seeks to develop an extensive internet site to be able to recognize and solve water
contamination difficulties within Bangalore lakes along with nearby areas. The said application
intends to involve different consumers and provide a map interface that will allow people view
specifics on distinct defiled lakes. The platform uses practical quantitative analysis as well as
machine learning algorithms to locate pollutants that affect water-related activities in a negative
way such as health hazards or even deaths if people drink contaminated water sources while at the
same time predicting future water deficiency situations.

Also it can diagnose how much pollution has been caused by specific activities taking place within
any particular area. Moreover, one of its main components includes an image recognition sensor
that can identify activities that contaminate water bodies, providing recommendations on avoiding
such acts. Beside analyzing information, users will also be offered tips by the mobile software, for
example links to NGOs that are handling issues that relate to cleanliness of dirty lakes and
subsequently rehabilitating them as well as government initiatives and legislations applicable to
this field.

For ease of use, the application will back local languages, give professional translation help and
include a read-aloud option for unskilled local area inhabitants harassed by water contamination.

The tasks of the given project include creating a common e-platform for residents, non-profit
organizations as well as governmental agencies to report, assess or deal with short and long-term
water pollution concerns.By raising public awareness and fostering collaborative efforts, the
platform will play a crucial role in the sustainable management and growth of Bangalore's water


1. Better precision and live monitoring: the current pollution is approved exactly by way of
analyzing data and the reactions that take no time when it comes to water quality deterioration.

2. Full Data Analysis: The system checks out how unpleasant substances affect something, what
health issues can be for you if you drink it, and plans for future droughts, which enables active
water control.

3. User Engagement and Awareness: A user-friendly map interface informs citizens, NGOs, and
government departments, raising public awareness and involvement.

4. Preventive Measures and Recommendations: The image recognition feature identifies

pollution activities and suggests preventive actions, connecting users to NGOs and government

5. Accessibility and Inclusivity: The app can read aloud, be professionally translated, and offer
local languages to cater to the visually impaired and remote users.

6. Collaboration and Resource Sharing: A unified platform allows NGOs, citizens, and
government departments to share resources to combat water pollution.

7. Long-term Impact and Sustainability: our emphasis on influencing both immediate and
gradual solutions enhances continuous water quality enhancement, resource management

8. Empowerment through Information: People can make sound decisions about their lives if
they know what the government plans, what programs are there, or what works best from other


Paper Year Authors Technique Algorithm Gaps

name of

2024 Peda Gopi An IoT-based framework with the use of The paper presents an IoT-
[1]An Arepalli, a Dilated Spatial-temporal Convolution based framework for real-
IoT K. Jairam Neural Network will be introduced in time water quality
based Naik this paper. IoT sensors measure data on monitoring in aquaculture
smart a variety of parameters of water quality, using DSTCNN, noting
water labeled according to Water Quality several research gaps
quality Index standards. DSTCNN uses a hybrid associated with the
assessme activation function combining ReLU optimization of IoT
nt and sigmoid for improved accuracy and components and sensors,
framewo generalization. It captures in an effective better utilization of WQI for
rk for way the spatial and temporal data aquatic health,
aqua- intricacies to provide an accurate improvement in predictive
ponds classification of the water quality either model performance,
manage for fish growth or potential fish understanding ecological
ment mortality. The model performs better impacts, the geographical
using than the existing models about precision, and time-related factors that
Dilated recall, accuracy, and loss for both real- respond to it, handling data
Spatial- time and public datasets. It also irregularities, and ensuring
temporal discusses the ecological impact KPIs on the reliability of sensors.
Convolut fish populations by proposing DSTCNN Bridging these gaps will
ion for the forecasting of fish development enhance the robustness and
Neural and mortality. The model was validated applicability of the system.
Network using a number of statistical tests that
(DSTCN included 10-fold cross-validation and
N) displayed high accuracy, precision,
recall, and F-score values.

[2]Critic 2024 Poornima The paper reviews different algorithms Paper gaps: It does not
al review Jayaraman , and techniques that have been applied discuss the scalability and
on water Kothalam toward water quality analysis and sustainability of IoT-based
quality Krishnan prediction, including Neural Network systems in low-resource
analysis Nagarajan, Disaggregation, LSTM with 99.72% settings; it also does not
using Pachaivann accuracy, SVM and ANN models, mention a detailed

IoT and an Gradient Boosting Regression, Random performance comparison
machine Partheeban, Forest, and Gene Expression for machine learning
learning Vallidevi Programming, Ensemble models, PCA, techniques. Further,
models Krishnamur LDA, ICA, Bagging and Random tree, challenges in integration
thy GIS for spatial analysis, Deep learning between IoT, AI, and GIS
techniques like multisensory monitoring are not discussed, and no
systems, and Data mining and big data clear roadmap for real-
analysis. All of the techniques enhance world implementation has
real-time monitoring and thus improve been given. Addressing
the accuracy of prediction, data analysis, these gaps would increase
and the reliability of results in water the contributions of the
quality assessments. paper and help in enhancing
the understanding of the

[3]Desig 2016 Niel Andre The system described in this paper Some of the gaps in the
n of Cloete, allows for flow, temperature, pH, paper include: Key issues to
Smart Reza conductivity, and oxidation reduction be addressed include the
Sensors Malekian, potential measurement with the conductivity cell or
for Real- Lakshmi inclusion of a sensor. These sensors electrodes and ORP
Time Nair include turbine flow meter, thermistors, electrode, which have not
Water two-electrode methods, glass electrodes, been verified and calibrated,
Quality and ORP electrodes. Signal conditioning hence affecting accuracy
Monitori is assured to be compatible with the and reliability. Non-line-of-
ng ADC of the microcontroller by sight wireless range is
techniques such as voltage division and limited to 13 meters,
operational amplification. ZigBee inappropriate for large
modules are responsible for wireless applications with some
communication. It processes the sensor scale or remote. Data
data from the microcontroller through logging mechanism
equations like Steinhart-Hart and Ohms missing; hence no trend
law, while adjusting for pH regarding analysis or long-term
temperature. It sends all this information monitoring is possible. It is
to a display LCD with audio alerts for further limited by the lack of
unsafe levels. Calibration and testing a turbidity sensor and an
ensure the accuracy and reliability of the untested temperature range
system for real-time water quality of 0°C to 5°C. This could
monitoring and contaminant detection. improve much if these
shortcomings in the system
are dealt with.

[4]Devel 2021 Md The paper is on the real-time water The proposed IoT-based
oping an Mazharul quality monitoring system using IoT water pollution monitoring
IoT Islam, technology. This system has a pH, system misses, out of the
Based Mohammad temperature, and TDS sensor, which are parameters, only pH, TDS,
Water Shamsul interfaced to an Arduino microcontroller and temperature and omits

10 | P a g e
Pollution Arefin, that acquires data and sends it through very important dissolved
Monitori Sumi NodeMcu to a MySQL database and oxygen and turbidity, which
ng Khatun, Google Firebase for storage and real- would provide a complete
System Miftahul time updating. It appraises the evaluation of the quality of
Jannat drinkability of the water, sensing data water. Further, it is based on
Mokarrama using IoT, WSN, and data transmission WiFi that may be unreliable
protocols like TCP/IP. It integrates in remote areas. The paper
GSM, solar power, and wireless has been relatively silent
communication for a cost-effective and regarding scaling up the
efficient water quality monitoring system, energy efficiency
solution. for remote locations, and
data security. These are
some gaps that, if checked,
could enhance
functionality, reliability,
and security.

[5]Intern 2020 Md.Mahbu It has sensors that measure pH, turbidity, The paper has some gaps: it
et of bur temperature, dissolved oxygen, and does not give details on the
Things Rahman, salinity; these are then processed by the accuracy and calibration of
(IoT) Chinmay Arduino microcontroller. The data is sensors, data security
Based Bepery, converted using ADC before being measures taken, scalability,
Water Mohammad transmitted to a NodeMCU, which in and maintenance.
Quality Jamal turn sends it to a Firebase Realtime Moreover, it does not bring
Monitori Hossain, Database. Another web app shows these out the impact of
ng Zahid parameters in real-time in a JSON environmental factors on
System Hassan format. Further analysis is presented the performance of sensors,
along with JavaScript, while easy access energy efficiency of IoT
is given through QR codes. In this way, devices, and data
the system synchronizes data in real- interpretation in actionable
time and computes the Water Quality insights. It also does not
Index for an overall assessment. have comparative analysis
with existing systems or
validation against standard
methods. Most of these
issues, if addressed, would
improve the system's
robustness, reliability, and

[6] 2017 Vaishnavi The paper will outline a real-time water There are a lot of gaps in the
Water V. quality monitoring system using IoT. It proposed IoT-based water
Quality Daigavane includes pH, turbidity, temperature, and quality monitoring system.
Monitori ,Dr. M.A flow rate sensors, with the Arduino Uno This system aims at
ng Gaikwad board as its main controller. The system measuring pH, turbidity,
System is equipped with a Wi-Fi module temperature, and flow rate,

11 | P a g e
Based on (ESP8266) to gain access to the internet while leaving out some
IOT for transferring data to a web server for other parameters under its
remote monitoring. This system is considered scope, such as
programmed in Embedded C for data dissolved oxygen and some
processing, while real-time visualization contaminants. The power
is done on smartphones using the Blynk management, data security,
app. It has a local display that is in the scalability, handling errors,
form of an LCD, andDocs continuous cost analysis, user interface
monitoring for water quality parameters. design, and field validation,
besides the required long-
term testing for integration
into existing infrastructure,
are not dealt with in this
paper. All these issues must
be addressed in order to
improve the functionality
and applicability of the

[7] 2019 Zhe Wang, The paper considers the use of UAVs It detects gaps in areas such
Research Bing Li, with multispectral imaging in real-time as environment-specific
on Water Linpeng Li water quality monitoring. The models, inefficiency toward
Quality techniques include image data fusion, real-time data processing,
Detectio geographical positioning, while inadequate sensor
n algorithms such as NDVI, Linear sensitivity analysis,
Technolo Inversion, Adaptive Water Extraction, problems of integration and
gy Based IDFM, SVDD, and PSO-optimized RBF scalability, expensiveness,
on Neural Networks enhance the detection unhandled long-term
Multispe accuracy of the system. This system monitoring, inadequate
ctral combines multispectral imaging details of validation and
Remote equipment with ground processing calibration, impacts from
Sensing subsystems. This approach, according to environmental conditions,
the study, is a high-resolution and complexity in the user
reliable way of monitoring basin water interface, and an absence of
quality. comprehensive evaluation.
Addressing these gaps is
critical in enhancing the
resilience and effectiveness
of the technology.

[8] IoT- 2022 Che Zalina This paper considers a review of AI and Literature identifies a
Based Zulkifli , non-AI methods for IoT water quality number of gaps as follows:
Water Salem monitoring, where machine learning the lack of generalized
Monitori Garfan , includes methods of K-means, Local frameworks, inland
ng Mohammed Outlier Factor, Random Forest, Linear handling of datasets that are
Systems: Talal , A. H. Regression, Decision Tree, fuzzy logic imbalanced and incomplete,

12 | P a g e
A Alamoodi 1 in predicting contamination, LSTM and extensive geographical
Systemat Ibraheem networks applied in time-series and temporal validation in
ic Y. Y. forecasting; on the other hand, non-AI current research on DAS-
Review Ahmaro encompasses energy efficiency, big data based water quality
Suliana analytics, and system design with monitoring using intelligent
Sulaiman , different sensors. It is focused on models. More precisely,
AmnehAla incorporating advanced algorithms and there is currently no
mleh , Abu energy-efficient practices. uniform method for model
Bakar evaluation, problems
Ibrahim , B. connected with the cost and
B. Zaidan , sophistication of DAS
Amelia devices, and a lack of better
Ritahani integration with advanced
Ismail , O. technologies like IoT and
S. Albahri 7 AI. Such gaps would need
, A. S. to be filled to provide the
Albahri , required degree of
Chin Fhong reliability, scalability, and
Soon , Nor applicability for water
Hazlyna quality monitoring systems.
Harun , Ho

[9]Low- 2023 Razvan The paper reviews gradient boosting, Several gaps exist in this
Cost Bogdan, polynomial regression, neural networks, paper. It does not include
Internet- amelia and genetic-algorithm-optimized LSTM sensor accuracy and
of- Paliuc, for estimating parameters like calibration, scalability,
Things Mihaela temperature, pH, TDS, and turbidity. maintenance aspects for
Water- Crisan- This paper presents an overview of larger areas or different
Quality Vida, remote sensing and machine learning of environments; real-time
Monitori Sergiu inland and coastal water quality using data processing capabilities
ng Nimara, satellite observations merged with in situ and integration with already
System Darius measurements. Such advanced methods built-in infrastructure are
for Rural Barmayoun are oriented toward the delivery of real- not demarcated. Long-term
Areas time data that is accurate for better community engagement and
management of water quality and public education strategies are
health, especially in resource-limited ignored in this present
rural areas. paper. Equally absent is a
detailed economic analysis
about how the system would
be sustained. The result
would thus be a more robust
and practical system for
ensuring safe water supply
to rural areas.

13 | P a g e
[10]Smar 2018 Satyam The paper reviews some of the This paper presents a low-
tphone‑b Srivastava, techniques used in water quality cost, battery-powered,
ased Saikrishna analysis, like statistical methods such as smartphone-based system
System Vaddadi, Principal Component Regression, for in situ measurement of
for water Shashikant Partial Least Square Regression, and water quality at remote
quality Sadistap Multiple Linear Regression. In this sites. It describes the design
analysis. paper, these methods have been of the system, its
compared for the prediction of WQI implementation, and its
with parameters like pH, total dissolved validation but does not
salts, salinity, conductivity, and oxygen mention the details of the
reduction potential. It will introduce statistical and ANN-based
ANN models trained by other algorithms used in data
algorithms, such as the Levenberg- analysis. The limitation of
Marquardt, Bayesian regulation, and the system, the accuracy of
scaled conjugated gradient, which the sensor, and the
guarantee the optimality. All developed environment conditions
methods will be demonstrated to be impacting the measurement
effective for real-time monitoring of need some elaboration for
water quality through several the betterment of the paper.
applications. It also lacks comparison
with other water quality
monitoring systems
whereby the advantages and
disadvantages of the
proposed system over the
traditional methods are

14 | P a g e


The functional requirements of the "NammaJal: Uniting for Water Wellness" project detail the
required tasks, inputs, processes, and expected outputs for thorough and efficient monitoring and
management of water pollution. These criteria encompass different elements like data collection,
handling, examination, and user engagement in order to develop a system that is both reliable and
easy to use.

i) Data Collection and Input

Task: Gather live water quality information.

Input: Information gathered from water quality sensors, reports from users, and images from

❖ Use IoT devices to install sensors for real-time collection of chemical parameters (pH,
contaminants, heavy metals), biological parameters (bacteria, pathogens), and physical
parameters (temperature, turbidity).
❖ Create a web form and mobile application for citizens to report instances of pollution,
including the location, type of pollution, and any extra comments, utilizing web
development tools such as Django and React

Expected Output: Consistent flow of precise, up-to-the-minute information regarding water

condition, user-driven notifications of pollution incidents, and satellite images showcasing
contaminated zones.

ii) Data Processing and Predictive Analysis

Task: Verify that collected data is precise and up-to-date, and forecast levels of pollution.
Input: Data directly from sensors, user feedback, and satellite pictures.

❖ Implement data cleaning algorithms to eliminate unwanted noise and irrelevant data by
using data preprocessing methods like normalization, filtering, and outlier detection with
resources such as Pandas and NumPy in Python.
❖ Verify user reports by comparing them with sensor data through data validation techniques
and methods such as SQL joins and correlation analysis.

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❖ Create and educate machine learning models for forecasting future pollution levels using
historical and present data through supervised learning techniques like regression analysis,
decision trees, and neural networks with Scikit-learn and TensorFlow.
❖ Apply clustering algorithms and anomaly detection techniques such as K-means and
DBSCAN in order to pinpoint potential sources of pollution using predictive analytics.

Expected Output: Data that has been cleaned and validated, prepared for analysis, future pollution
level predictions, and likely pollution source identification.

iii) Image and Geospatial Analysis

Task: Identify and examine visible indications of contamination, and create a spatial data
representation concerning the quality of water.
Input: Images from satellites and sensors, data from sensors in geospatial format.

❖ Utilize image recognition algorithms with CNNs, OpenCV, and Keras to detect visible
signs of pollution like algal blooms or floating debris.
❖ Use GIS software and spatial analysis tools such as QGIS and ArcGIS to generate in-depth
maps showcasing pollution levels and patterns.

Expected Output: Recognition of visible sources of pollution and patterns in images, interactive
maps displaying pollution hotspots and trends over time.

iv) Alerts, Reporting, and Community Engagement

Task: Educate users and stakeholders on water quality and pollution levels, and promote
community engagement.
Input: Examined information from every possible origin.

❖ Create instant notifications for elevated pollution levels or health hazards, distributed
through SMS, email, or app alerts with services like Firebase Cloud Messaging and Twilio.
❖ Utilize data visualization and reporting tools such as Tableau and Power BI to generate in-
depth reports on water quality, pollution sources, and trends.
❖ Create a visual representation of pollution data and trends using interactive mapping
libraries such as Leaflet and Mapbox.
❖ Create a segment in the application dedicated to educational materials about water
pollution and preservation by utilizing content management systems (CMS) and e-learning

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❖ Develop features to manage and advertise community clean up events and workshops by
utilizing event planning tools and integrating with social media.

Expected Output: Timely notifications for individuals, detailed summaries for interested parties,
enhanced participation from the public, and a user-friendly map for simple data representation.

v) User Interface, Authentication, and Management

Task: Create a user-friendly and easy-to-use interface while ensuring the secure management of
user access.
Input: User needs and requirements, as well as user credentials such as username, password, and
registration details.

❖ Create a centralized dashboard utilizing front-end frameworks and libraries such as React
and Angular.
❖ Make sure that the interface is compatible with various local languages by using
internationalization (i18n) frameworks such as i18next.
❖ Utilize feedback forms and user analytics tools to establish mechanisms for ongoing
improvement through feedback.
❖ Incorporate user registration and login functionalities by utilizing authentication libraries
like OAuth and Firebase Authentication.
❖ Utilize access control frameworks such as RBAC and ABAC to limit functionalities
according to different user roles (e.g., admin, general user, NGO member).
❖ Guarantee the safe keeping and transfer of user login information by utilizing encryption
methods like bcrypt and secure storage methods such as SSL/TLS.

Expected Output: An interface that is easy to use in various languages, allowing users to access
and comprehend water quality data and patterns easily, along with a secure login and user
management system.

vi) Storage and Integration of Data

Task: Effectively save and organize gathered information and connect with outside platforms.

Input: Real-time information from sensors, user feedback, satellite photos, APIs, and data streams
from outside sources.

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❖ Create a sturdy database structure to manage extensive amounts of data by utilizing
relational databases such as PostgreSQL or NoSQL databases like MongoDB.
❖ Guaranteeing data integrity and consistency among various data sources through the
implementation of data integrity constraints and transaction management.
❖ Utilize automated backup tools and disaster recovery solutions to establish data backup
and recovery protocols.
❖ Create APIs and connectors to merge with external data sources using RESTful APIs and
web services such as Flask and Django REST framework.
❖ Guarantee smooth data sharing and synchronization across systems using data integration
tools such as Apache Kafka and Apache Nifi.

Expected Output: A database system that can grow easily and be trusted to store and handle all
gathered data, and improved data accuracy and range by linking with outside systems and services.

vii) Feedback and ongoing improvement

Task: Gather user input in order to make ongoing enhancements to the system.

Input: User comments, analysis of system usage.


❖ Incorporate feedback forms and surveys into the app utilizing survey tools and plugins such
as Google Forms.
❖ Utilize data analysis and visualization tools such as Python Pandas and Matplotlib to assess
user feedback and usage data for discovering potential areas for enhancement.
❖ Consistently upgrade the system with feedback and new needs using agile development
methods and version control systems such as Git.

Expected Output: A system that constantly changes to satisfy user requirements and gets better
with feedback.

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The non-functional requirements for the "NammaJal: Uniting for Water Wellness" project ensure
the system operates efficiently, securely, and is user-friendly. These requirements cover
performance, security, usability, and the necessary software and hardware to run the system

1. System Constraints:

The system needs to work with popular web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, as well as
mobile operating systems such as Android and iOS. The database needs to be strong enough to
manage high amounts of data without losing performance. This guarantees that as the number of
users and data inputs grows, the system will continue to be responsive and dependable. Moreover,
the system needs to be capable of accommodating different types of data formats and smoothly
connecting with various sensors and data sources. The design must support horizontal scaling to
meet increasing demands. Limitations must also encompass adherence to local laws concerning
the storage and protection of data.

2. Performance and Response Time:

The system needs to provide instantaneous data processing and updates to ensure very little delay.
User interactions, like data queries and map interactions, must react within 2 seconds for a
seamless user experience. Alerts and notifications should be sent immediately after detecting high
pollution levels to allow for prompt responses. The system must be able to support multiple users
simultaneously without experiencing any visible decrease in speed, meeting performance
expectations even during times of highest activity. Regularly conducting performance testing is
essential to detect and address bottlenecks. Moreover, caching mechanisms should be supported
by the system in order to improve data retrieval speeds and decrease server load.

3. Security:

The "NammaJal" project places extreme importance on security. The system needs to incorporate
robust user authentication methods, which should include multi-factor authentication and stringent
password policies. It is essential to ensure that data transmission is protected by SSL/TLS
encryption, and data stored in databases should be encrypted with strong encryption methods such
as AES-256. RBAC implementation is necessary to limit access according to user roles,
guaranteeing that only approved individuals can reach sensitive information. It is essential to
conduct routine security audits and vulnerability assessments in order to detect and address
possible risks. Moreover, the system must have intrusion detection systems (IDS) and firewalls to

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safeguard against unauthorized access and cyber-attacks. User data privacy needs to be upheld,
following the appropriate data protection laws.

4. Reusability:

The design of the system should prioritize reusability by implementing a modular architecture that
enables the reuse of components throughout various areas of the application. This method cuts
down on the time and effort required for future improvements or new additions. Standardization
across the system is encouraged by encapsulating common functionalities in reusable libraries and
APIs. Using design patterns such as Model-View-Controller (MVC) or adopting microservices
architecture can additionally improve reusability. Documentation needs to be thorough and
detailed so that developers can easily comprehend and reuse code. Utilize automated testing
frameworks to verify proper functionality of reusable components across various scenarios.

5. Modifiability:

Modifiability guarantees the system's ability to efficiently adjust to evolving requirements and
integrate additional functionalities. This requires creating clear code with thorough documentation
that can be easily comprehended and adjusted. An adaptable structure that allows for modularity
will make it easier to implement changes without causing major disturbances. Implementation of
version control practices like Git is necessary for overseeing alterations and preserving a record of
changes. Establishing CI/CD pipelines is necessary to automate testing and deployment,
guaranteeing that updates can be smoothly implemented. It is important to schedule regular code
reviews and refactoring sessions in order to uphold code quality and adjust to changing needs.

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Requirements for software:

1) Operating Systems:

➢ For Development: Compatible with Windows, macOS, and Linux during development.
➢ For running the application: A Windows server setup such as WAMP (Windows,
Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl) can host and deploy the application, offering a
complete stack for web development.

2) Database:

➢ Primary Database: MySQL or another SQL database that is appropriate for storing and
managing structured data.
➢ Secondary Database: For managing unstructured data is MongoDB, providing the
flexibility required by the application.

3) Web server:

Nginx and Apache are frequently chosen for their dependability and effectiveness in managing
web requests. On the other hand, WAMP server offers a packaged solution tailored for Windows

4) Programming Languages:

➢ Backend: PHP, Python, or Perl in WAMP for server-side scripting to enable dynamic web
app creation.
➢ Frontend development: JavaScript along with frameworks such as React or Angular to
build engaging user interfaces that can be accessed through web browsers.
➢ Database Queries: SQL to interact with relational databases in order to ensure effective
data retrieval and management.

5) Framework and libraries:

➢ Backend Development: Django or Flask for Python, or Laravel for PHP, are used to
simplify API development and server-side logic.

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➢ Frontend Development: React or Angular frameworks to create user interfaces that are
both responsive and captivating.
➢ Additional resources: OpenCV for image manipulation, Leaflet for mapping, and
TensorFlow for machine learning duties may be included based on the application's needs.

6) Development Tools:

➢ Version Control: Utilize Git with platforms such as GitHub or GitLab for managing
source code collaboratively.
➢ Containerization: Docker in containerization helps create portable application containers,
maintaining consistency in various development and deployment environments.
➢ CI/CD: Implement Jenkins or CircleCI tools for automating testing, integration, and
deployment processes in CI/CD.

Requirements for Hardware:

1) Development Machines:

★ Requirements: Contemporary computers or laptops must have a minimum of 8GB of

RAM, an Intel i5 processor, or a similar one, along with SSD storage.
★ Objective: Guaranteeing seamless advancement, testing, and troubleshooting procedures.

2) Infrastructure for servers:

★ Cloud Services: Options include AWS, Azure, or Google Cloud Platform.

★ Requirements: Virtual machines must have a minimum of 16GB of RAM, multiple cores
in their processors, and storage options that can be adjusted as needed.
★ Objective: Assisting with the implementation, expansion, and supervision of the online
platform and its backend functions.

3) Sensors and IoT Devices:

★ Water Quality Sensors: Devices that can measure chemical parameters such as pH,
contaminants, and heavy metals, as well as biological parameters like bacteria and
pathogens, along with physical parameters including temperature and turbidity.
★ Satellite Imaging: Equipment or offerings that offer satellite pictures for remote sensing
and detecting large-scale pollution.
★ Objective: Gathering precise and up-to-date information on water quality for evaluation
and forecasting.

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4) Networking and Connection:

★ Internet Connectivity: Consistent high-speed internet is essential for development and

deployment environments.
★ Security: Measures such as firewalls and VPNs are utilized to safeguard data during
transmission and enable secure remote connections.
★ Objective: Guaranteeing reliable and safe communication among sensors, servers, and

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A) Abstract Description of the model:

1. Requirements Analysis: During this initial phase, we discuss with all the stakeholders,
elicit detailed requirements and identify both Functional (what the application should do)
and Non-Functional—how it should perform—needs. All these requirements are
documented in detail.

2. System Design: In the system design phase, a high-level system architecture will be
created, an efficient Database schema will be designed, and UI mockups will be provided
for user interaction. This includes local language support and a read-aloud facility, too.

3. Implementation: In the implementation stage, we develop front-end services. Integrating

machine learning models for pollution detection by image recognition sensors, local
language support, and read-aloud features are some more of the basic features.

4. Integration and Testing: At the time of integration, all the developed components
integrate smoothly. UAT testing by stakeholders is followed by bug identification, which
is addressed instantly.

5. Deployment: Now, we have deployed the application into a staging environment for final
testing, then moving it into production. During such deployment, we set up monitoring
mechanisms so that performance and stability can be kept track of.

6. Maintenance: Post-deployment, monitoring of the application and regular maintenance

are taken up by us as partners, attendance to user feedback, and following up on changes.
Deliverables under this task include Maintenance Logs, Update, and User Support Docs.

This is the all-rounded approach to ensuring our web application definitely identifies problems
relating to water pollution in Bangalore at large and solves them for the sake of the environment
and the community.

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Fig 1.1:Waterfall Model Block Diagram for Comprehensive Web Application Development - Bangalore Water
Pollution Project

The Fig 1.1 diagrams the whole process graphically in all its stages of developing a web
application. Taking a more structured sequential approach and assuring proper documentation at
each step, the project progresses from requirement analysis to system design – implementation –
integration and testing – deployment and maintenance. Successful contribution in both the
development and deployment is involved in every phase of the water pollution detection and
addressing application in Bangalore.

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Fig 1.2:Architecture Diagram of NammaJal

The image (Fig 1.2) is an architectural diagram elaborating on the architecture of the Water
Pollution Monitoring and Addressing System for Bangalore's Lakes—NammaJal. Various
constituencies of the system with their relationships across columns are explained. First column
extreme left, 'Water', represents sensors and actuators in lakes with a pollution alert system. In the
center, there is a central column showing the 'Cloud' infrastructure with servers, databases, and
processing units that handle all data analytics and storage. On the right, the third column has 'End-
user applications', which include mobile apps for public reporting and authorities to take action in
cases of pollution.

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It is a dataset containing 135 records on water quality in different lakes. There are 21
columns, with key variables on the name of lakes, their extent in hectares, and the place
from which the sample is collected—inlet, middle, and outlet. Chemical and physical
indicators measured include chemical indicator, phosphate, total suspended solids,
dissolved oxygen, chemical oxygen demand, nitrate, total hardness, fluoride, pH, zinc,
lead, copper, manganese, aluminum, chromium, E. coli count, and the total coliform
count. Large blocks of missing data for some indicators are observed, more in the cases
of aluminum, chromium, and counts of coliform, where the extent of the lake and DO
values are missing for 55 records. It also Maurice M. IwuReports multiple samples for
some lakes at different locations. This detail is probably provided to give a proper idea of
water quality in these lakes.

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Here is the daily water quality report from the Bangalore Water Supply & Sewerage Board for the
Water Treatment Plant in T.K. Halli on July 9, 2024, encompassing various water quality
parameters taken across different stages of treatment. It specifies various parameters with their
acceptable limits; the basic ones are pH 6.5 - 8.5, Turbidity <5 NTU, Colour <5 Hazen Units, Total
Hardness <200 mg/L, Alkalinity <200 mg/L, TDS <500 mg/L, Calcium <75 mg/L, Magnesium
<30 mg/L, Chloride <250 mg/L, Residual Free Chlorine <0.03 mg/L, Total Coliform <2
MPN/100ml, Faecal Coliform 0/100ml, and Iron 0.3 mg/L. There are no specified acceptable limits
for parameters like conductivity, residual aluminium, and residual chlorine at Tataguni. The data
seems to be categorized across different stages of the water treatment plant: Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage
3, Stage 4 - Phase 1, and Stage 4 - Phase 2. But at any of these stages, there are no values recorded
for any parameter for the given date. This report is automatically generated through WQMS
software, thereby providing uniform monitoring and reporting standards.

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Addressing Bangalore's severe water pollution and scarcity issues requires urgent and
comprehensive efforts. Rapid urbanization and industrialization have severely degraded the city's
water bodies, leading to significant health, environmental, and economic consequences. Our web
app project leverages data science to monitor, analyze, and mitigate these issues by reducing
chemical and biological contaminants, protecting aquatic ecosystems, and improving public
health. By restoring water quality and implementing sustainable management practices, we aim to
alleviate the economic burdens associated with water scarcity and set a precedent for other rapidly
growing cities. This initiative will enhance the quality of life for Bangalore's residents and ensure
the sustainability of its water resources.

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