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Instructions on how to enable Special-K Mod:

{*} Download the rar and extract "Special-K.rar" to your main game directory
( where the .exe of the game is located )
{*} Rename SpecialK64.dll to dinput8.dll and then run the game..
{*} After launching the game for the first time, you will see a white screen and
encounter an error ( something related to steam client )

{*} Close the error and go back to main game directory, you will notice a new
"dinput8.ini" is created.
{*} Open "dinput8.ini" and change the following parameters to the below values:
( Refer the below screenshots )


{*} After editing the dinput8.ini, save the changes, relaunch the game and Special-
K will be activated.
To use Special K for Proper 60 FPS Lock:

{*} Start the game.

{*} Temporarily change any setting in the Graphics menu, save the changes, and
close the game.
{*} Open Documents\My Games\NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139\Steam\[some steam-id]\
{*} Change FpsControlDisable=0 to FpsControlDisable=1.

{*} Save the file and restart the game.

Now some of you may experience high speed FPS or stutters after applying the above
trick, so in order to fix that, follow the below instructions:

{*} Extract "High FPS-Stutter-Fix.rar" to your main game directory ( where the .exe
of the game is located )
{*} After extracting, open "dinput8.ini" and add the following lines at the very
bottom of "dinput8.ini":


{*} Save the changes and launch the game. ( you will encounter an error about game
version not being compatible yada yada...... kindly ignore the error and continue
with your game )
Ultra wide screen fix using Special K:

{*} Create <path-to-game>\custom_dxgi.ini.

{*} Open the file and add the following:


{*} Save and close the file.

3D vision fix for NieR Replicant [Optional mod]:
-> Download the file and extract its contents in the "NieR Replicant
ver.1.22474487139" folder, where "NieR Replicant ver.1.22474487139.exe" is.
-> Launch the game and let it overwrite the save profile.
-> Preferably play the game in borderless fullscreen windowed mode, which triggers
3D in this game (Windows 7 may not work right with that). That way you can alt+tab
safely without crashes.

The above mod fixes the following issues:

- Haloing problems.
- Shadows.
- Lighting.
- Fog.
- Skybox.
- Volumetric lighting.
- Light shafts.
- Distortion effects.
- Screen space reflections.
- Stereoized specular reflections.
- Disabled barrel distortion, which is annoying in 3D.
Hotkeys for the Mod

- F1: convergence presets (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3). 2 by default. Depending on your

convergence taste, something in the 2.5 to 3 range may be preferable for you for
normal gameplay. Cutscenes will trigger a preset with 0.65 convergence.
- F2: HUD depth. 40% by default.
- F3: HUD toggle. Not disabled by default.
- F4: FXAA toggle. Disabled by default.
- F5: motion blur toggle. Disabled by default. It doesn't include motion blur from
using magic, dodges, etc. Just the annoying camera motion blur.
- F6: depth of field toggle. Not disabled by default.
- 0 (not the numpad): bloom strength multipliers (x0, x0.25, x0.5, x0.75, x1, x1.5,
x2). x1 by default.
P.s. The high fps / stutter fix works only if you think that it actually fixes the
issue at your end. ( It did for me but I cant vouch that it is beneficial for
everyone else ). So use it at your own convenience.
If you want to revert back the changes just delete the "high_fps.dll" from the main
game directory and also revert the dinput8.ini changes as well.


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