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‭ ‬

‭Minor Project‬

‭For The Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirement For The Award‬

‭Bachelor of Business Administration(BBA)Semester IV, Class of‬

‭Under The Guidance & Supervision Of:‬


‭ ubmitted By‬
‭BBA Class of 2022-2025‬

‭Amity Global Business School‬


‭Title of Minor Project Report:‬


‭I declare that the work presented for assessment in this Minor Project is my own,‬

t‭hat it has not previously been presented for another evaluation and that my debts (for‬
‭words, data, arguments, and ideas) have been appropriately acknowledged.‬

‭ hat the work conforms to the guidelines for presentation and style set out in the‬
‭relevant documentation.‬

‭Date: 17/03/24‬

‭Faculty Guide Certificate‬

‭ his is to certify that Mr/Ms. Puneet Patel, a student of semester IV class of BBA‬
‭2022-2025 has completed the Minor Project Titled “Analysis of 4P’s of Amul and its‬
‭Marketing Strategy” It is a bonafide work, and has worked under my guidance‬
‭sincerely for the partial fulfillment of Bachelor of Business Administration for the‬
‭year 2022 – 2025 to the best of my knowledge and wish him/her success for the future‬

‭ rof. K. Satyanarayana Rao‬

‭Date: 17/03/23‬


‭ y heartfelt sincere Thanks to Dr. P. Prasada Rao, Director General, Amity Global‬
‭Business School Hyderabad for giving me this opportunity to do my project in‬
‭ y sincere and grateful thanks to my faculty guide‬‭Prof. K. Satyanarayana Rao‬‭for‬
‭guiding me throughout my project. My sincere thanks to my family members who‬
‭stood by me motivating me to complete my project successfully.‬

‭Table of Contents‬

‭Content‬ ‭Page No‬

‭Chapter 1:‬‭Introduction‬ ‭7-17‬

‭ hapter 2:‬‭Data Analysis And‬

C ‭18-32‬

‭Chapter 3:‬‭Findings And Conclusion‬ ‭33-36‬


‭is included in the top ten dairy producers or dairy product manufacturers worldwide.‬
‭“Amulya” a Sanskrit word that means precious.‬
‭The‬ ‭brand‬ ‭Amul‬ ‭is‬‭also‬‭the‬‭main‬‭reason‬‭why‬‭the‬‭white‬‭revolution‬‭was‬‭triumphant‬‭in‬
‭dairy‬ ‭products‬ ‭including‬ ‭Milk,‬ ‭Butter,‬ ‭Ghee,‬ ‭Dahi(Curd),‬ ‭Cheese,‬ ‭Paneer,‬ ‭Fresh‬
‭Cream, Mithai Mate, Ice-creams, Bread spreads, Chocolates, and list goes on and on.‬
‭Amul’s‬ ‭revenue‬ ‭as‬ ‭of‬ ‭2022‬ ‭is‬ ‭52,000‬ ‭crore‬ ‭INR.‬ ‭In‬ ‭January‬‭2023‬‭Amul’s‬‭CEO‬‭R.S.‬
‭Sodhi‬ ‭stepped‬ ‭down‬ ‭from‬ ‭the‬ ‭position‬ ‭and‬ ‭the‬ ‭managing‬ ‭director‬ ‭Tarun‬ ‭Bhatia‬ ‭was‬
‭promoted‬ ‭to‬ ‭the‬ ‭CEO‬ ‭position,‬ ‭it‬ ‭is‬ ‭because‬ ‭of‬ ‭them‬ ‭that‬ ‭Amul‬ ‭is‬ ‭a‬ ‭powerful‬
‭household name today.‬
‭It‬ ‭is‬ ‭reported‬ ‭that‬ ‭Amul‬ ‭collects‬ ‭more‬ ‭than‬ ‭4,47,000‬ ‭liters‬ ‭of‬ ‭milk‬ ‭from‬ ‭numerous‬
‭dairy‬ ‭farmers‬ ‭in‬ ‭the‬ ‭country,‬ ‭converts‬ ‭it‬ ‭to‬ ‭packaged‬ ‭products,‬ ‭and‬ ‭distributes‬ ‭it‬ ‭to‬
‭more than 5,00,000 retailers nationwide.‬

‭Chapter 1‬

‭Amul is a cooperative society that was founded and registered on 14th December‬
‭1946 as a response to the unfair treatment that was given to the dairy farmers by the‬
‭agents and traders. These agents belonged to “Polson” which was back then the‬
‭biggest dairy product producer in India, “Polson” used to randomly decide on the‬
‭price of dairy products because of its monopoly in the market. They also collected‬
‭milk from smaller districts like Kaira and then sent it to Mumbai.‬

‭Annoyed and furious at such unfair behavior the leader of the farmers of Kaira‬
‭“Tribhuvandas K. Patel” started conversing with “Sardar Vallabhai Patel” about the‬
‭difficult situation. The aftermath of the serious discussion led to the development and‬
‭the formation of a new organization named “Kaira District Co-usable Milk Producers‬
‭Union Limited (KDCMPUL)”. This organization provided milk directly to Bombay‬
‭instead of relying on Polson Dairy, later a meeting was conducted in Gujarat where it‬
‭was decided that the organization would stop working with Polson Dairy.‬

‭The result of this led to each town having its own cooperative as small farmers could‬
‭only contribute 1-2 liters of milk every day. Dr. Varghese Kurien and H.M. Dalaya‬
‭completed important tasks for establishing these new unions, this also was a reason‬
‭behind the creation of the infamous and revolutionary skimmed milk powder made of‬
‭buffalo milk for the first time ever.‬

‭Additional cooperatives were also set up in‬

‭bigger cities in Gujarat including Vadodara and‬
‭Amul also celebrated their Golden Jubilee in‬
‭2024 with Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra‬
‭Modi being a part of the occasion.‬

‭Company Profile Of Amul‬‭:-‬

‭Title‬ ‭Description‬

‭Founders‬ ‭Tribhuvandas Patel and Varghese Kurien‬

‭Founding Date‬ ‭December 1946‬

‭Managed By‬ ‭Gujarat Cooperation Milk Marketing Federation Limited‬

‭Headquarters‬ ‭Anand, Gujarat‬

‭Abbreviation‬ ‭Anand Milk Union Limited‬

‭CEO‬ ‭Tarun Bhatia‬

‭Revenue‬ ‭52,000 crore INR (2022)‬

‭Website‬ ‭‬

‭Awards‬ I‭ MC Ramkrishna Bajaj National Quality Award (2020)‬

‭Marketeer of the Year Award FMCG Foods (2019)‬
‭World Dairy Innovation Award (2018)‬
‭Special Jury Citation of Risk Management Award (2018)‬
‭Developing India IT Award (2018)‬
‭BML Manjulal Award (2017)‬

‭Objective of the study‬‭:-‬
‭●‬ ‭To understand and know about the contents of the 4P’s of the marketing mix‬
‭that are being used by Amul, this helps Amul to make their product lines better‬
‭and stronger, this is also the reason why Amul is a household name in India.‬
‭●‬ ‭To understand and know the marketing strategies that are being used by Amul‬
‭to promote their products globally. This is also the reason why Amul is a top 10‬
‭dairy processor in the world.‬
‭●‬ ‭To compare the marketing strategies and the 4P’s of other competitor‬
‭companies in the same industry as Amul.‬
‭●‬ ‭To Learn how Amul as a cooperative society helps the members of the society‬
‭and to get a succinct understanding of Amul’s business model and how its‬
‭production process helps the business grow.‬

‭Need for the study‬‭:-‬

‭The need for this study‬‭will allow the world to know‬‭all the broad and general‬
‭marketing-related objectives that Amul has as a cooperative society and how it could‬
‭achieve them, and this report will also help the world understand the marketing‬
‭strategies and techniques used by Amul to interest customers worldwide.‬

‭Research Methodology‬‭:-‬
‭Primary Data :‬
‭Collected information and data using a questionnaire (attached in chapter 2)‬

‭Secondary Data :‬
‭Includes data and information gathered from multiple case studies about Amul and‬
‭its official website.‬

‭Amul’s Time Line‬‭:-‬

‭●‬ ‭1946‬‭:-‬‭The Kaira District Cooperative Milk Producers‬‭Union Limited‬

‭(KDCMPUL) was established and registered this marked the beginning of‬

‭●‬ ‭1950‬‭:-‬‭Dr Varghese Kurien joined the Amul Cooperative‬‭organizations to‬

‭operate and run the dairy efficiently and effectively.‬

‭●‬ ‭1955‬‭:-‬‭A new manufacturing unit was set up to produce‬‭dairy products‬

‭including ghee, butter, milk powder, etc, at this time the name “Amul” was‬
‭chosen to market their products.‬

‭●‬ ‭1973‬‭:-‬‭The Gujarat Cooperation Milk Marketing Federation‬‭(GCMMF) was‬

‭established with the role of being a marketing body to combine forces and‬
‭reduce expenditure to eliminate competition from the market. The GCMMF‬
‭assisted in marketing Amul’s products.‬

‭●‬ ‭2000s‬‭:- In this time period, Amul started producing‬‭a variety of specialty‬
‭products including Ice-creams, Cheese, Chocolates, etc this helped Amul‬
‭register a turnover of 52,000 crores in 2022.‬

‭●‬ ‭Present Day‬‭:- Amul today has over 6000 preferred outlets‬‭and 10000 milk‬
‭parlors across India. They’re located across 1400 places in India. The main‬
‭places where they are located include railway stations, educational institutions,‬
‭residential areas, etc.‬

‭Amul’s Success Factors‬‭:-‬

‭●‬ ‭Innovation‬‭:-‬‭Amul has always been a brand that kept‬‭its top most priority on‬
‭innovation, whether it is the product or how the product is being promoted or‬
‭marketed. One instance is when Amul innovated and made skimmed milk‬
‭powder out of buffalo milk, other reasons for innovation include the three-tier‬
‭innovative corporate structure.‬

‭●‬ ‭Advertising‬‭:-‬‭Amul uses topical advertising where‬‭they take a circumstance‬

‭or incident from the current affairs and publish an animated image where they‬
‭features their company's mascot the very famous “Amul Girl”. They also use‬
‭catchy taglines including “Amul doodh peeta hai India” and “Amul the taste of‬
‭India”. Advertising is the biggest success factor of Amul.‬

‭●‬ ‭Product Portfolio‬‭:-‬ ‭Amul in today's dairy product‬‭producers market has the‬
‭biggest portfolio and they have products in every division of the dairy market‬
‭industry, this permits Amul to target customers from every market segment and‬
‭build a strong brand image, this is also a big reason why Amul is successful in‬
‭today's generation.‬

‭●‬ ‭Efficient Supply Chain‬‭:-‬‭Amul follows a strong supply‬‭chain strategy‬‭where‬

‭the first stage is the dairy cooperation of the village which is associated with‬
‭the regional-level cooperative strategy which is associated with the state-level‬
‭dairy association. This is a very efficient model with high speed of operation,‬
‭which is shown and proved by Amul’s success today.‬

‭Amul’s Business Model‬‭:-‬

‭Amul follows a cooperative society business model where they aim to where they aim‬
‭to produce and manufacture top-notch and the best quality products with the main‬
‭objective of delivering them to the end consumer at a reasonable and affordable price.‬
‭Another objective of the cooperative society is to take responsibility for the‬
‭operations, financing, and resource management for the smooth functioning of the‬
‭business. Amul follows a three-tier business model.‬


‭This tier mainly consists of native and domestic farmers from all the villages who are‬
‭part of the local village dairy cooperative society, all these local societies select a‬
‭delegate who represents the society in the district-level milk union, and these‬
‭delegates showcase to the union in what all ways and areas the local cooperative‬
‭society additionally needs to grow.‬


‭The second tier includes all the representatives of the local-level cooperative societies‬
‭and all of them together manage the district-level milk union. The main responsibility‬
‭of this union is to collect milk from local-level farmers and pile all of it up in one‬
‭place. All the milk is then processed and packaged into various dairy products. Then‬
‭all of these milk products are sold to the state-level milk federations.‬


‭The third tier of Amul’s business model comprises of all the state-level milk‬
‭federations across India, this involves of all the dairy products that are purchased by‬
‭the state from the smaller milk unions. The main task of the third tire is to facilitate‬
‭the distribution of the products to the end consumer and to market all the products.‬
‭This involves endorsing the products in a way that makes them attractive to the‬
‭customers, collecting revenue from them, and redistributing it to all the other tiers.‬

‭The 4P’s of Amul’s Marketing Mix‬‭:-‬

‭Product Mix:‬
‭Amul is the biggest dairy product producer in India, hence, it has a solid and diverse‬
‭range of products in its marketing mix. Amul uses the milk collected from its first-tier‬
‭primary sources and creates different dairy-based products, using various different‬
‭Amul’s product line includes different types kinds of milk (Amul milk, Amul Taaza,‬
‭Amul Slim, Amul Gold, etc), Bedspreads (Amul butter, table margarine, Cheese‬
‭Spread, etc), Beverages including ( Amul Kool, Amul Masti Buttermilk, Amul Lassi,‬
‭etc) and other products including dahi, ice creams, paneer, fresh cream, etc.‬
‭Amul’s cash-cow products include Amul butter and Amul Cheese because they are the‬
‭high revenue products, The Star products comprise Amul Ghee and Amul Ice-creams‬
‭as their qualities and peculiarities include having a high market share in their product‬
‭segments with a possibility of rapidly growing. The question mark products are those‬
‭products that have a questionable future, in Amul those products is Amul Lassi, if‬
‭Amul gives a little more attention to this product then it has a very high potential to‬
‭grow, and eventually also become a star product. The last category in this analysis is‬
‭Amul’s dog products which‬
‭include Amul Cookies and‬
‭Amul Pizza as they have a‬
‭low market share and a‬
‭minimal potential to grow.‬
‭Overall Amul is the face of‬
‭India’s dairy industry‬
‭worldwide and its main‬
‭credit goes to its varied‬
‭product lines.‬

‭Price Mix:‬

‭When Amul was just launched it had no competitors, it still had the intuition to deliver‬
‭the best quality products to its consumers, at the lowest cost and it played in that‬
‭economical segment, with the same mindfulness it followed this strategy for its‬
‭marketing mix.‬
‭Amul uses a very competitive pricing strategy with a penetrative pricing approach,‬
‭which is why Amul’s prices are very close to its competitor's pricing, not more not‬
‭less. When Amul was set up and launched there were no local or domestic‬
‭competitors, that's why Amul focused on providing their customers with products at‬
‭an affordable and reasonable price, which has still been their inspiration and motto to‬
‭At today’s date and time, all Amul’s products are available at a reasonable price‬
‭keeping in mind the end consumer. In rural areas, there are still people who prefer‬
‭local products over products Amul produces they call it costly, and this is because of‬
‭the increased production costs of producing the products, for instance in the last few‬
‭years the cost of transportation has drastically increased because of which Amul had‬
‭to also increase the price of the products, even though the price of the product was‬
‭increased the consumers still preferred Amul products over its competitors product‬
‭this is because of the trust the business has created for its consumers, the brand name‬
‭and the brand image.‬
‭Amul’s products cover a huge market segment where the daily used products are‬
‭priced at a lower price than competitors this includes Milk, Ghee, Cheese, Butter,‬
‭Ice-cream, etc, and other‬
‭products in the niche segment‬
‭which includes the Amul Prolite,‬
‭Milk Powder, Amul Spray were‬
‭priced at competition oriented‬

‭Place Mix:‬

‭One of the main reasons why Amul is at the top of its market segments in an‬
‭evaporative and competitive market is its gigantic distribution channel which covers‬
‭each and every part of India. Amul’s whole business is based upon collecting and‬
‭storing raw materials in one place which is Anand in Gujarat and then chunking it‬
‭down in size until it reaches the final consumer i.e. all the products in Amul’s‬
‭portfolio is made in huge quantities and as it is distributed further its volume gets‬
‭lesser and lesser. Amul has two channels one is the acquisition channel where they‬
‭collect milk from each and every farmer and accumulate it all in one place and the‬
‭second is the distribution channel which involves distributing the product to the end‬
‭consumer. There is also one more channel Amul uses which involves carrying and‬
‭sending out specialists and they help in minimizing the administrative and‬
‭transportation costs. This is also the reason why Amul is able to distribute all its‬
‭products across the country and at an affordable price compared to its competitors‬
‭even after the increase in the transportation costs.‬
‭Structure of Amul’s Distribution Channel:‬
‭Manufacturing Unit > Agent > Distributor > Amul Outlet/Retailor > Consumer‬
‭One big reason for Amul’s success is its product placement and the location of its‬
‭retail outlet. Amuls‬
‭distribution channel‬
‭is well organized so‬
‭that it can reach the‬
‭desired customers at‬
‭the desired time.‬

‭Promotion Mix:‬

‭Amul is one of the few companies that have the best marketing team and because of‬
‭their marketing team they also have the longest and most successful promotional‬
‭campaign featuring the very iconic “Amul Girl”. They use current news scenarios and‬
‭present is with topical comedy and sarcasm to better connect with the consumers or‬
‭viewers of their advertisements, their advertisements are very colorful and they are‬
‭animated which is why they are very eye-catching and stand out.‬
‭Amul’s advertisements on television are also very famous and symbolic this is‬
‭because of the catchphrases and slogans they use, they are very tuneful and lyrical‬
‭which is why these advertisements run in the viewer's mind, the catchy slogans‬
‭include “Amul the taste of India” and “Amul Doodh Peeta Hai India”.‬
‭The best part about Amul’s marketing and advertising is that it spends less than one‬
‭percent of its revenue on promoting its products. Amul also has an e-commerce-based‬
‭application that allows users to buy Amul products online with a wide variety of‬
‭payment methods and get them delivered straight to its doorstep, this mobile‬
‭application has also been a part of Amul’s promotional mix strategy as it allows them‬
‭to use mobile advertising to promote their products straight to end users phones.‬

‭Chapter 2‬

‭Swot Analysis Of Amul‬‭:-‬

‭Swot Analysis is a strategic framework that analyzes and evaluates a company's‬

‭competitive position so it can make strategic plans for the future.‬

‭The strengths of a SWOT Analysis include all the factors or differentiations of a‬
‭business that are better than the competition.‬

‭●‬ ‭Investment in Technology‬‭: Amul has shown a lot of‬‭expansion and growth in‬
‭the last few decades, they have also achieved a massive revenue of 52,000‬
‭crores INR at the end of 2022 and this was only possible because of their‬
‭strategy of continuously investing in revolutionary technology and rapidly‬
‭adapting to the technology.‬
‭●‬ ‭Strong Brand Value‬‭: Amul has become a household name‬‭and it is a very‬
‭recognizable brand, this happened because of Amul’s brilliant marketing‬
‭strategies, Amul created a brand mascot “The Amul Girl” which today is the‬
‭oldest and the most iconic brand mascot ever, this strategy led Amul to be a‬
‭brand with the best brand image and recognition, none of the dairy brands in‬
‭India can match Amul’s public brand image and marketing mastery.‬
‭●‬ ‭Quality‬‭: Amul has never faced notable problems when‬‭it came to maintaining‬
‭its quality as per the Indian quality standards, this is why Amul has become one‬
‭of the most trusted brands in the country with a powerful and faithful consumer‬
‭base, this happened because Amul has always been transparent about its quality‬
‭control measures.‬
‭●‬ ‭Market Share‬‭: Amul is the market share leader for‬‭milk and dairy-based‬
‭products in India. For instance, Amul has a 38% market share in the ice cream‬
‭industry, a 75% market share in the cheese industry, an 85% market share in the‬
‭butter industry, and a 20% market share in the flavored milk industry. It is‬
‭estimated that all of these industries are also going to substantially grow in the‬
‭next 5 years which will give Amul a greater stronghold in the market share and‬
‭get an edge over its competitors.‬


‭The Weakness in a SWOT analysis is based on what does your organization needs to‬
‭improve upon.‬

‭●‬ ‭The paucity of success on a few products in the portfolio‬‭:‬‭Amul has a vast‬
‭number of products in its product lines and portfolios. This includes the‬
‭inclusion of newer products like Buttermilk, flavored milk, chocolates, creams,‬
‭sweets, cheese, etc. However, all of these products have not tasted the same‬
‭amount of success, for instance, Amul has not been able to imitate and simulate‬
‭the same amount of success as its other marquee products and that is why they‬
‭have a very small market share in the sweets and confectioneries market in‬
‭●‬ ‭Constant Legal Issues‬‭: Amul is an FMCG giant and has‬‭a lot of competitors‬
‭and they file cases for defamation for every small reason so that they can get an‬
‭edge over them in their competition for market share. Amul once tried to‬
‭tarnish the image of Hindustan Unilever and they filed a lawsuit against them‬
‭in the Bombay High Court, this incident led to Amul’s image being damaged‬
‭and the company also faced a lot of embarrassment for it, the lawsuit was filed‬
‭for “tarnishing the public image of the company”‬
‭●‬ ‭Very High Operational Costs‬‭: Amuls production and‬‭manufacturing unit is very‬
‭big in size and it is equally complex to manage it, because of this very reason‬
‭Amul is known to have very high operational costs. This can also become very‬
‭problematic for the company if the company starts experiencing a sudden fall‬
‭in demand. Amul is also extremely reliant on dairy unions and communities for‬
‭its supply of milk, with the changing needs of the dairy communities and‬
‭unions the prices they are charging for their product are also becoming‬
‭extremely high. These are the main reasons why Amul is reducing its profit‬
‭margins so that it can add up for their day to day operational costs which help‬
‭in the smooth functioning of the business.‬


‭The opportunities in SWOT analysis describe all the indices and market trends that‬
‭could lead to increased sales for the business.‬

‭●‬ ‭International Expansion‬‭: Amul is a well-known brand‬‭nationally and‬

‭internationally, it has the potential to serve international countries, and the‬
‭brand has the opportunity to expand overseas markets including markets in‬
‭Southeast Asia and the Middle Eastern countries. Amul has to target the Indian‬
‭consumers living in these countries and this will help Amul to rapidly increase‬
‭its consumer base and strengthen its international presence.‬
‭●‬ ‭Expanding the product portfolio‬‭: Amul is one of those‬‭brands that Indian‬
‭consumers can blindly trust, this is why Amul also has the opportunity to‬
‭conduct research and development or maybe use a merging and acquisition‬
‭strategy to expand its product portfolio, another advantage Amul has is its‬
‭distribution channel is very broad and can deliver to each and every part of the‬
‭country, they can use this to transport the new products they make. Amul’s‬
‭brand image will be the reason for the acceptance of the new products and its‬
‭●‬ ‭High per capita milk consumption‬‭: Milk is a vital‬‭part of the Indian diet, as per‬
‭previous research a single Indians consume over 100 liters of milk per annum.‬
‭This makes India a highly milk and dairy product-consuming nation.‬
‭India's population is rapidly increasing every year (as of 2022 it was 147.72‬
‭crores), this increase in population opens up a big opportunity for Amul as‬
‭more and more people will start to consume milk and dairy products leading to‬
‭a drastic increase in the sales of‬
‭its products. To manage all of this‬
‭Amul needs to reduce its C.A.C‬
‭(consumer acquisition cost) and‬
‭also expand its capabilities in the‬
‭production of dairy products.‬


‭The threats in SWOT analysis describe all the advantages the competitor has‬
‭over our organization.‬

‭●‬ ‭Increasing Competiton‬‭: India’s dairy industry is one‬‭of those industries‬

‭where there are a lot of existing brands that are fierce competitors of‬
‭Amul. In the Milk segment, Amul faces competition from Heritage,‬
‭Hatsun, Arokya, Masquati, Nandini, etc. Amul also has to deal with all‬
‭the local competitors of each and every state in India. Amul is also‬
‭facing fierce competition in the ice cream market with competitors‬
‭including Kwality Walls, Vadilal, Havmor, Cream Bell, Mother Dairy,‬
‭Dinshaws, etc.‬
‭●‬ ‭Increasing trend of veganism‬‭: So many people in today's‬‭youth are‬
‭converting and following the trend of veganism. In this situation, they‬
‭stop consuming all the products made out of animals or made with the‬
‭help of animals, and Amul is a dairy company whose main raw material‬
‭is milk. This could be a serious threat to Amul and it might also reduce‬
‭its sales drastically.‬

‭Sales Turnover of Amul‬‭:-‬

‭Year‬ ‭INR (Million)‬ ‭USD (Million)‬

‭1994-95‬ ‭11140‬ ‭355‬

‭1996-97‬ ‭15540‬ ‭450‬

‭1998-99‬ ‭22192‬ ‭493‬

‭2000-01‬ ‭22588‬ ‭500‬

‭2002-03‬ ‭27457‬ ‭575‬

‭2004-05‬ ‭29225‬ ‭672‬

‭2006-07‬ ‭42778‬ ‭1050‬

‭2008-09‬ ‭67113‬ ‭1504‬

‭2010-11‬ ‭97742‬ ‭2172‬

‭2012-13‬ ‭137350‬ ‭2540‬

‭2014-15‬ ‭207330‬ ‭3410‬

‭2016-17‬ ‭270850‬ ‭4100‬

‭2018-19‬ ‭331500‬ ‭4800‬

‭2020-21‬ ‭392480‬ ‭5300‬

‭2022-23‬ ‭550700‬ ‭7200‬

1‭ )‬ N ‭ ame:____________________________________________________‬
‭2)‬ ‭Contact Details: (phone no/e-mail):_____________________________‬
‭3)‬ ‭Age:‬
‭Below 21‬
‭4)‬ ‭Gender:‬

‭5)‬ ‭How familiar are you with Amul’s product range?‬
‭Very Familiar‬
‭Somewhat Familiar‬
‭Not Familiar at all‬

‭6)‬ W
‭ hat factors influence your decision to purchase Amul products over a‬
‭Competitor product?‬
‭Brand reputation‬

‭7)‬ ‭How would you rate Amul Products over its Competitors?‬

‭8)‬ ‭What was your most recent purchase from Amul?‬

‭Never Purchased‬

‭9)‬ D
‭ o you consider Amul products to be priced competitively compared to other‬
‭similar products in the market?‬

‭10)‬‭What factors do you consider when evaluating the price of Amul products?‬
‭Discounts / Offers‬
‭Size / Quantity‬
‭Brand Name‬

‭11)‬‭Are you willing to pay a premium on Amul products because of their brand‬
‭reputation and perceived quality?‬

‭12)‬‭Have you ever faced issues relating to the availability or distribution of Amul‬
‭products in your area?‬

‭13)‬‭How Satisfied are you with the availability of Amul products in your area?‬
‭Very Satisfied‬
‭Somewhat Satisfied‬
‭Somewhat dissatisfied‬
‭Very Dissatisfied‬

‭14)‬‭Where do you usually purchase Amul Products from‬

‭Supermarkets / Grocery Stores‬
‭Amul’s Preferred Outlets‬
‭Online Platforms‬

‭15)‬‭How do you usually become aware of newly launched Amul products?‬
‭Television Advertisements‬
‭Social Media / Digital Advertisement‬
‭Print Advertisements‬
‭Word of Mouth‬

‭16)‬‭Do you think Amul effectively communicates its brand message via its‬
‭promotional activities?‬

‭17)‬‭Have you ever participated in any promotional activity or campaign organized‬

‭by Amul? (Contest’s Giveaways)‬

‭Overall Perception:‬

‭18)‬‭On a scale of 5, how much would you recommend Amul products to others?‬
‭1 (Not Likely)‬
‭5 (Very Likely)‬

‭19)‬‭What improvements would you like to see in Amul’s Marketing Mix Strategy?‬
‭Expansion of Product Line‬
‭Better Brand Communication and Promotional Activities‬
‭Making a more attractive pricing Strategy‬
‭Expanding Distribution Strategy‬
‭Improved Customer Engagement‬

‭Responses from the questionnaire:‬‭-‬

‭Chapter 3‬

‭By reading the above report, we can understand that Amul’s marketing strategy is one‬
‭that compliments the 4p’s of its marketing mix. Their promotional efforts are‬
‭extraordinary and effective, and this has helped Amul become a trustable name in‬
‭Indian kitchens and is a major reason for its success. Amul’s main focus has been to‬
‭deliver top-notch quality products to its end consumers.‬
‭Amul as a business believes in being a customer-centric company with ideologies that‬
‭support this. Amul has a progressive and dominant brand image, they use their‬
‭cooperative society business model to support countless farmers across the nation as‬
‭they are the reason why Amul gets fresh raw materials restocked on a daily basis. This‬
‭helps them get a competitive edge over their competitors.‬

‭Amul’s marketing strategy is built around their iconic and prominent mascot “The‬
‭Amul Girl” This has been Amul’s lucky charm and also gave the brand a very strong‬
‭identity. This has given Amul a lot of recognition and is loved by all generations‬
‭because of how witty and famous she is.‬
‭Amul is a brand that focuses heavily on what customers really want, they do‬
‭continuous research and development to launch products based on what customers‬
‭really want. The biggest and most prominent example of this is the launch of Amul‬
‭chocolates, this range of chocolates has diversity and variety and has something for‬
‭each and every customer, this also tells how Amul had such a forward-thinking‬

‭Amul has a great infrastructure for manufacturing and an even better supply chain‬
‭management and distribution network for delivering the products to its end‬
‭consumers. This ensures the delivery and availability of their products in the most‬
‭remote locations in India. This has assisted Amul in making a continuously increasing‬
‭consumer base, this also played a pivotal role in making a well-known brand in the‬
‭country. Amul’s commitment when it comes to safety standards and total quality‬

‭management (TQM) is a very important factor that has helped Amul build a loyal‬
‭consumer base in India.‬

‭This report also sheds light on how Amul’s dynamic marketing strategies have helped‬
‭in brand-building and creating a reputed and trustable brand. Amul as a business‬
‭organization has been very dynamic in nature, this is why we can see Amul easily‬
‭adapting to all the new technological developments in various fields of business‬
‭management including customer relations, automation of production, digital‬
‭marketing done right, etc‬
‭Amul has been a brand committed to its corporate social responsibility as it has‬
‭generated employment in rural places by establishing village-based dairy cooperations‬
‭across Gujarat. This also helped the development of these villages.‬

‭In the end, we know that Amul's marketing mix is the perfect blend of marketing,‬
‭modern marketing, sustainability, and social responsibility. These are the strategies‬
‭that gave Amul imperishable success and a well-established foundation. This is also‬
‭how Amul’s continuous popularity paved the way for its success.‬


‭Finding Points‬‭:-‬

‭I.‬ ‭The above report covers Amul’s marketing-related ideologies, the explanation‬
‭of its marketing strategies and an analysis of its 4p’s with clarity.‬
‭II.‬ ‭It also showcases the strong points and weak points of the business and tells‬
‭how Amul converted these weaknesses into strengths in the SWOT Analysis.‬
‭III.‬ ‭It also sheds light on Amul as a customer-oriented business, and how Amul‬
‭focuses on delivering the best quality product to its end consumer.‬
‭IV.‬ ‭By reading the above report, the reader can also find out what Amul’s journey‬
‭has been from 1946 till date, and how it became the number one dairy product‬
‭producer in the country and top 10 in the world.‬
‭V.‬ ‭Additionally, this report also includes a brief idea of Amul’s business model‬
‭and its company profile.‬



‭Companies official website‬

‭Amul's About Us Page (‬

‭Case Studies‬
‭Marketing Mix Case Study Of Amul (‬‭‬‭)‬
‭Marketing Mix Case Study (‬
‭Case Study on Amul's Success (‬
‭BCG Matric case study (‬
‭SWOT Analysis Case Study (‬

‭Sales Turnover (‬


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