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ADDRESS OF PROPERTY:________________________________________________




TRAINING HOMES PTY LTD________________________________________________


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Specification - Revised Nov 2014
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1. 5
2. 7
3. 8
4. 8
5. 11
6. 13
7. 15
8. 15
9. 15
10. 16
11. 17
12. 18
13. 18
14. 18
15. 18
16. 18
17. 19
18. 20
Annexure 18

Owner 1

Owner’s Signature: Date:
Witness’s name: signature:

Owner 2

Owner’s Signature: Date:
Witness’s name: signature:

Builder’s representative

Owner’s Signature: Date:
Witness’s name: signature:

Initials………………... / ………………. TRAINING HOMES Pty Ltd

Specification - Revised Nov 2014
Version 4.0 – Copyright HIA Ltd Page 4

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Specification - Revised Nov 2014
Version 4.0 – Copyright HIA Ltd Page 5

These are the general specifications of works to be carried out and materials to be used in the construction of a building
as shown and dimensioned on the accompanying drawing or drawings.
These specifications detail the minimum standards of work and finishes to be used in the construction of a building, and
under no circumstances is there to be any alteration, crossing out, addition to, amendment of or variation made to any
clause or requirement in these specifications that would permit or infer a lesser standard than is specified.
1.1 Definitions
In this specification:
● “Builder” means the person, partnership or company named in the particulars of contract.

● “Building Surveyor” means the building surveyor, either private or municipal, that issued the building permit.

● “BCA” means the Building Code of Australia Volume 2 for Class 1 and 10 buildings and Volume 1 for Class 2 to 9

● “Contract Documents” means the signed contract and the conditions, signed specifications, signed plans, engineers
design and any documents referenced therein and any documents agreed to in writing by both the Builder and the

● “Critical and Non-critical lighting” is as described in the HIA Guide.

● “HIA” means the Housing Industry Association.

● The “HIA Guide” means the HIA Guide to Materials and Workmanship for Residential Building Work.
● “Normal Weather Conditions” refers to the weather conditions usually occurring at the relevant site, but not extreme
weather conditions for which the product is not designed and could not reasonably be expected to perform
satisfactorily, having regard to what design criteria and performance could reasonably be expected in a product of
this nature installed at this location; and where a product claims to be designed to meet an Australian Standard,
normal weather conditions in relation to that product are those which do not exceed the maximum weather design
criteria set out in the Standard for the location at which the product is installed.

● “Owner” means the person, partnership or company named in the Contract and includes their agents, executors
and administrators.
Unless the context suggests otherwise, terms used in these specifications shall have the same meaning as in the HIA
Plain Language Building Contract between the Owner and the Builder (“Contract”).
1.2 Referenced documents
If a document is referenced in these specifications, the reference is to the current version of the document in force and
operational at the time the building works are being undertaken or carried out.
Any reference to the Building Code of Australia (BCA) is to the BCA current, and in force and referenced, and will be the
relevant document for the time the building works are being undertaken.
1.3 Regulations
Where referred to in these specifications, “regulations” means the Building Regulations and Codes in force at the time a
building permit is issued by the relevant Building Surveyor ( Municipal Building Surveyor or Private Building Surveyor.)
1.4 Standards and Tolerances
These specifications incorporate the HIA Guide to Materials and Workmanship for Residential Building Work. The Owner/s
agree that he/she has had access to a copy of the HIA Guide ( and has had the opportunity to read the
HIA Guide.
The parties agree to use the HIA Guide as a point of reference for information on industry accepted workmanship standards
and tolerances in deciding whether an alleged defect exists and/or whether the materials used and/or workmanship are in
accordance with the plans and specifications.
The HIA Guide is a “referenced document”. The HIA Guide will be used in priority to any other guide on standards and

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1.5 The Land

It is the Owner’s responsibility to provide to the Builder full details of the title of the land including but not restricted to any
easements, restrictions, including 173 Agreements, Developer Approvals requirements, contaminated site reports,
impediments, (not restricted to rock, trees, tree roots, old cellars, septic tanks, mine shafts, etc.) which affect the Land and
the Building Site. A Variation to the Contract Documents will be sent the Owner for any items/additional costs which have
not been disclosed to the Builder.
1.6 Contaminated Soil/Hazardous Substances - Generally
Where the word 'Contamination' or 'Contaminant' is used in this specification, it shall mean a solid, liquid, gaseous
substance, odour, heat, sound, vibration or radiation which makes or may make the condition of the Land, the Building Site
or any part of the surrounding environment:
a. Noxious or poisonous or offensive to the senses of human beings;
b. Harmful or potentially harmful to the health, welfare, safety or property of human beings;
c. Poisonous, harmful or potentially harmful to animals and plants;
such that:
● it does not satisfy the contamination criteria or standards set out in any Act or published or adopted by the Victorian
Environment Protection Authority from time to time; or
● is detrimental to any existing or potential beneficial use made of the Environment.
Where the word 'Environment' is used in this specification, it shall mean the physical factors of the surroundings of human
beings including the Land, waters, atmosphere, climate, sound, odours, tastes, the biological factors of animals and plants
and the social factor of aesthetics.
Where the words 'Environmental Law' are used in this specification they mean a law regulating or otherwise relating to
the environment including without limitation, land use, planning, pollution of the atmosphere, water or land, waste the
storage and handling of chemicals, hazardous substances or any other aspect of protection of any element of the
Where the words 'Hazardous Substances' are used in this specification, they shall mean any substance which is, or may
be hazardous, toxic, dangerous or polluting which may be regulated by an Environmental Law or any Occupational Health
and Safety Law or Regulation and this also includes asbestos.
Where the words 'Occupational Health and Safety Law and/or Regulation' are used in this specification, they shall
include any law/regulation relating to the health, safety and welfare of persons at work including any law/regulation to
dangerous goods, Hazardous Substances and asbestos.

1.7 Contaminated Soil/Hazardous Substances – The Owner

The Owner warrants that there is no Contamination or Hazardous Substances:
a. Present in, or under the Land or adjacent properties;
b. In, on or under any part of any other Land or any part of the Environment as the result of emanation of such
Contamination or Hazardous Substances from the Land that would require notification to any public authority to
require monitoring, closure, clean-up or remediation under any Environmental Law; or
c. That requires any plan or like document to be prepared under any Environmental Law.
The Owner indemnifies the Builder from any liabilities, damages, loss, costs and expenses incurred or suffered by the
Builder, including the cost of complying with any notice issued or requirement made under any Occupational Health and
Safety or Environmental Law, by reason of the presence of Contamination or Hazardous Substances:
a. Present in, or under the Land or adjacent properties;
b. In, on or under any part of the Environment which has originated or emanated from the Land;
c. Requiring notification to any public authority or that could entitle any public authority to require monitoring, closure,
clean-up or remediation under any Occupational Health and Safety or Environmental Law; or
d. Requiring the preparation of any plan under any Occupational Health and Safety or Environmental Law.
Without in any way limiting the generality of section 1.6, the Owner covenants with the Builder to assume responsibility for
any Contamination of the Land and/or Hazardous Substances present on the Land, or adjoining properties, and anything
incidental to it including compliance with Occupational Health and safety or Environmental Laws, except where the
contamination and/or Hazardous Substances has been caused by or has arisen as a consequence of the negligence or
wilful act of the Builder.
The Owner must provide written evidence in the form of a statutory report or advisory report, that the Contaminated Soil
or Hazardous Substances located on the Land and/or Building Site or adjoining property have been removed within 30
calendar days from the signing of the Contract.

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1.8 Uncontrolled Water

The control of water entering the Land and/or Building Site is the responsibility of the Owner including after completion and
Any uncontrolled water entering the Land and/or Building Site that has an impact on the Commencement Date or delays
the Building Works, the Builder is entitled to claim, from the Owner, an extension of time to the Commencement Date
and/or the Building Period and also to claim any additional costs incurred.
1.9 Trees
The Owner is responsible to provide to the Builder a plan of any tree that the Owner will be removing from the Land and/or
Building Site or any trees that will be remaining on the Land including any trees that are protected by any Planning Scheme,
Development Overlay plan or as per Developers Guidelines.
The Owner is responsible for the cost and removal of any trees, tree stumps, tree root systems, overhanging branches
from adjoining properties, all debris and obtaining necessary permits prior to the commencement of Building Works.
Any cost incurred due to any change of levels to that shown in the Contract Documents or in providing foundations or
footings that vary from the foundations or footings shown in the Contract Documents will be added to the Contract
price as a variation to the Contract.
1.9 Dimensions
Figured dimensions on the plans take precedence over any scaled dimensions or any previous documents.
Internal dimensions on the plans are between the wall plates and do not include any wall linings such as plasterboard.
Ceiling height dimensions on the plans are between the top of the finished floor level (excluding any floor coverings) to the
underside of the ceiling joists or bottom chord of the roof trusses.
Built in cabinet dimensions are taken between the finished wall linings and are nominal sizes.
1.10 Design Load Limits
The materials and components that are specified in the Contract Documents are designed for the purpose of complying
with the Building Permit and Contract Documents. They have not been designed for any other use or fixing of other
structures or equipment. This includes the attachment of any fixtures or fittings to walls, roofs and ceilings internally or
externally or imposing additional loads on the building elements and components that have not been allowed for in the
initial design in the Contract Documents.
1.11 Client/Owner Entering Site
The Building Site is a potentially dangerous area and the Building Site must not be entered unless properly supervised.
The Builder has responsibilities to comply with the relevant Work Cover legislation, OHS Act and legislation and is
responsible to maintain a safe Building Site during the Building Period; this also includes visitor access.
To ensure the safety of the Building Site is maintained for the duration of the Building Works and site visits are carried out
in a safe and controlled manner, the Owner and any representative of the Owner must give 24 hours notice to the Builder
of their intention to visit the Building Site at a mutually agreed time.
The Owner must not enter the Building Site during the Building Period unless accompanied by the Builder or a
representative of the Builder.
Site visits will be allowed between normal working hours from Monday to Friday, except for any annual leave day, RDO,
public holiday or Christmas closure, unless mutually agreed by the Builder.
The Builder will not be responsible for any injury sustained during any unauthorised site visit and/or any works carried out
on the Building Site by the Owner or any representative of the Owner that was not authorised by the Builder.
1.12 Trades Persons engaged by Owner
The Owner shall not engage or employ any tradesperson, trade-contractor or any other person to work on the site without
the consent of the Builder whose consent may be subject to such terms and conditions as the Builder may stipulate.
1.13 Items supplied by Owner
For all items referred to in this Specification to be supplied by the Owner, it is the responsibility of the Owner to arrange
payment for, delivery of, and protection against damage and theft of all these items.
1.14 Site Toilet
The Builder shall, prior to the commencement of works, provide adjacent to the building works a site toilet and maintain
that toilet until the completion of the building works, or if a toilet already exists on site, the Owner consents to the Builder
using the toilet until the Building Works are completed.

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2.1 Site Identification
It is the Owner’s responsibility to ensure the site’s boundaries are established by a licensed land surveyor and show the
Builder the boundaries of the land and the Owner warrants that the boundaries are true and correct prior to commencement
of works.
2.2 Site Preparation
Unless otherwise specified the Builder shall:

a. clear the area to be occupied by the building;

b. provide sufficient clearance for construction of that building;
c. remove vegetable matter from ground where structural concrete slabs are to be constructed.
2.3 Site Access
The Owner must provide to the Builder a clear and accessible building site prior to the commencement of the building
The Owner must provide, at the Owners cost, all weather access to the building site for any vehicle, machinery or person
required for the delivery of materials and the continued construction of the building works. Refer to the Contract Documents
if the Builder has made an allowance to provide all weather access on behalf of the Owner.
The Owner is responsible for any crossover paving, kerb, channel or footpath required for access to the building site prior
to the commencement of building works.
2.4 Location of service connection points
Connection points for services are located as follows:
● Stormwater points Front of the house on the South side of the driveway
● Sewage connection point: 1.2 meters deep in the South/West corner of the block in the Easement noted in the
● Water Connection point: 1.2 meters deep in the South/East corner of the block
● Gas: Provided via cylinders
● Electrical: Provided by authority and run to metre box

3.1. Ready Mixed Concrete
Ready mixed concrete shall unless otherwise specified, be Grade 20 (20mpa) and have a nominal slump of 80mm.
3.2 Concrete Dimensions
The Builder shall ensure that excavated trenches, boxing and formwork is of sufficient strength and correctly proportioned
to ensure that all finished concrete is in accordance with the requirements of these specifications and/or the Contract
Documents approved by the relevant Building Surveyor.

4.1 Strip and Pad Footings
The Builder shall ensure that:
(a) the ground is excavated to accommodate strip and pad footings to a depth and/or sizes as shown on the Contract
Documents approved by relevant Building Surveyor; and
(b) excavations are cleaned out and excess water removed prior to the placing of reinforcing steel.
4.2 Backfill
After footings have been placed in position and works extend to above ground level, the remaining part of excavated
trenches shall be backfilled with compressible material previously excavated from the site.
4.3 Concrete Stumps
Concrete stumps as per the requirements of the BCA.
4.4 Concrete Slab on Ground
Unless otherwise specified concrete slab on ground and raft slabs shall be prepared, reinforced and constructed in
accordance with the requirements of the BCA.
The Builder shall direct the concreter to co-operate with other trades as is necessary to facilitate the installation of pipework
for water supply, drainage, heating pipes or cables, electrical and telephone conduits, termite management systems,
energy efficiency requirements or boxing required for built in facilities and architectural features.

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4.5 Suspended Concrete Porches, Patios and Ground Floor Balconies

Where not supported on solid ground or compacted fill all concrete slabs shall be constructed as suspended slabs in
accordance with Table 4.5 and the supporting Notes:

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Table 4.5
Maximum distance between walls Slab thickness Reinforcing fabric
1800mm 100mm SL72 mesh in bottom of slab
2100mm 100mm SL82 mesh in bottom of slab
2400mm 100mm SL718 mesh in bottom of slab
2700mm 150mm SL92 mesh in bottom of slab
3000mm 150mm SL818 mesh in bottom of slab
● The main reinforcement of the fabric is to be orientated such that the main bars are placed in the bottom of
the slab in the short direction.

● Reinforcement grade D500 is the common mesh utilized in lieu of the old mesh grade of 450 Mpa.

● Concrete strength 20 Mpa.

● The concrete slab is to be supported around the perimeter on continuous load bearing walls.

● Walls shall not be constructed over the portion of the slab located inside the edge of the supporting walls.

● All dimensions shown in the table and in these notes are minimum dimensions.

● Notation used in the mesh types are not correct and need to be amended to suit the new titles as per the
manufacturer’s listings.

● Crack control criteria need to be defined as per AS3600 conditions, the slabs have been assessed on minor crack
control. If the conditions increase to the next level as moderate then the slab as nominated in the table will not

● Slabs have been assessed with the standard 2.0Kpa live loading as per AS1170, it should be noted that no toppings
and/ or additional finishes to the dead loads have been applied and as such should be noted as a clarification.

● Some of the deflections of the nominated slabs (i.e. 1/250) will present possible conditions of ponding if no grade
is applied to the surface, therefore we would suggest a grade to be installed to allow for surface discharge to be
diverted from the centre of the slab systems.

● Suspended slabs other than provided for in this Clause and accompanying notes shall be designed and constructed
in accordance with an engineers design and drawings.
4.6 Concrete Footings
All concrete footings shall be placed on a foundation having the required allowable bearing pressure, and be prepared,
reinforced and constructed strictly in accordance with the Contract Documents approved by the relevant Building Surveyor.
4.7 Concrete Landings, Ramps and Steps
No part of concrete landings, ramps and steps shall be less than 75mm thick. Refer to the Contract Documents for extent
of concrete landings, ramps and steps

● Concrete Landings Landings shall be of dimensions not less than required by the BCA.

● Concrete Ramps Concrete ramps shall be constructed with a gradient of not less than the proportions of 1 vertical
to 8 horizontal. (1:14 minimum gradient if otherwise specified for disabled persons).

● Concrete Steps Concrete steps shall have treads and risers to the sizes required by the BCA. Risers and treads
respectively shall be of uniform size with tolerances allowed under the HIA Guide.
4.8 Concrete Paving
Concrete paving, unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, shall be Grade 20 (20mpa) concrete and have a
thickness of not less than 75 mm. Paving abutting buildings shall be graded to provide a fall away from the building as per
the BCA. Refer to the Contract Documents for extent to be provided.
Control joints shall be installed to limit the un-joined length of paving to a maximum of 1.5 times the width or 4.5 m whichever
is the lesser. Control joints are to extend at least 10mm into the depth of the paving.
Where concrete paving abuts the wall of a building, a minimum 10 mm space is to be allowed between the concrete and
the building and filled with a water resistant, compressible material.
All concrete paving is to be located at least 10 mm below vents or weep holes installed in walls.

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4.9 Termite Risk Management

Where required by the local authority and/or specified in the Contract Documents, provide a termite risk management
system in accordance with the BCA. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents, the Owner is responsible for
the maintenance of the termite risk management system.

5.1 Brickwork
Shall include clay bricks, calcium silica bricks, concrete bricks, concrete blocks, mud bricks.
5.2 Laying
Brickwork shall be laid to a line with bed joints and perpends filled with mortar and being of uniform size with allowance for
tolerances as set out in the HIA Guide. Unless otherwise specified the in Contract Documents brickwork shall be laid in
stretcher bond and all corners and walls shall be straight and plumb to tolerances as set out in the HIA Guide.
5.3 Materials
● Bricks and Blocks Bricks and blocks shall be of colour and manufacture as specified in the Contract Documents.

● Colour of mortar as per Contract Documents. Mortar shall be uniformly mixed.

● Mortar shall be mixed in proportions as per the BCA.

5.4 Base Structure Walling
All base walls are to be built up from concrete footings or other approved systems.
On a sloping site weepholes shall be provided between each alternate brick in the first course of brickwork above the
footing on the lower side of the building.
5.5 Isolated Brick Piers
Where required, brick piers shall be constructed at centres and spacing to suit the required spans and spacing of sub floor
bearers. Piers to be of sizes as listed in Table 5.5 or as per the BCA and be constructed on concrete footings or other
approved systems.
TABLE 5.5 (based on Part and Figure - BCA)
Height of Pier Above Footing Minimum Size of Pier
Up to 1.5 m 230 mm x 230 mm
Over 1.5 to 2.4 m 350 mm x 350 mm from footing to 1.5 m below bearer (for a
max. of 2.4m) then,
230 mm x 230 mm to underside of bearers

5.6 Sub Floor Access Opening

Where required, an opening in the base structure brickwork shall be provided to facilitate access, and a steel lintel installed
over the opening in accordance with the BCA.
5.7 Sub Floor Ventilation
Where the building is to have timber or steel framing and flooring, sub floor ventilators will be built in so that the top edge
of the ventilator is below the bottom of the bearers. Sub floor ventilation shall comply with the BCA.
5.8 Damp Proof Course
Immediately under the top brick course of the base brickwork which supports the lowest floor timbers, provide a damp
course as per the BCA requirements. The damp proof course is to extend throughout the full thickness of the brickwork.
5.9 Jointing
Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents all exposed face joints shall be neatly finished with a steel rod
jointing tool unless the exposed face abuts another building on the adjoining allotment of a boundary fence.
Where raked joints are specified, in the Contract Documents, the depth of raking shall not exceed 10mm and comply with
the requirements of the BCA.
If the brick wall is not exposed, i.e. abutting a boundary fence or adjoining structure, and it is not practicable to provide a
raked or tooled joint, then a struck joint is sufficient.
5.10 Articulation Joints for Un-reinforced Masonry
Articulation joints should be installed in accordance with the BCA or the Contract Documents approved by the relevant
Building Surveyor.

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Generally vertical articulation joints must have a width of not less than 10mm and be provided:

a) in straight, continuous walls having no openings, at not more than 6m centres and not closer than the height of the
wall away from the corner and;

b) where the height of the wall changes by more than 20%, at the position of the change in height and;

c) in walls with openings of more than 900mm x 900mm, at not more than 5m centres, and positioned in line with one
edge of the opening, and;

d) where walls change in thickness, and;

e) at control or construction joints in footings and slabs, and;

f) at junctions of walls constructed of different masonry materials and;

g) at deep chases (rebates) for service pipes.

Articulation joints shall be built into the brickwork as work progresses and joints shall be kept clean and free of obstructions.
Wall ties are to be installed in accordance with the BCA. On completion, articulation joints shall be filled from the outside
with a flexible sealant or mastic.
Articulation joints must only be provided between masonry elements, where the articulation joint adjoins a window or door
frame etc the joint is only required to be a non rigid joint.
5.11 Walling
Solid brick walls shall be properly constructed with all parts of the wall being bonded or tied together in accordance with
the BCA. Cavity brick and brick veneer walling shall be carried out in such a manner to ensure that the cavity and flashings
are kept clear of mortar and obstructions. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract Documents and approved by the
relevant Building Surveyor, for brick veneer walls, the cavity shall not be less than 25 mm and for cavity brick the cavity
shall be not less than 35mm and not more than 65mm.
Masonry wall ties shall be designed and installed in accordance with the BCA.
5.12 Cavity Flashing
For brickwork constructed above concrete slab –on- ground floors and suspended slabs, continuous cavity flashing shall
be built in at the base of the walls above ground level in accordance with the BCA. Drainage shall be provided to the bottom
of the cavity via weep holes provided at 1500mm maximum centres as required by the BCA.
5.13 Flashings
Where brickwork extends over openings in external walls, if required by the BCA, an approved sill or head flashing must
be provided and extend not less than 100mm past the sides of the opening. The flashing is to be built into the bed joint
located immediately above the lintel or in the first course above the lintel for head flashing and immediately below the sill
brick or one course below the sill brick for sill flashing. Head flashing must be carried across and up the cavity for at least
150mm and built into the internal skin of brickwork or fixed to studwork as the case may be. Sill flashing must be built into
the external skin of brickwork and extend for the full width of the brickwork.
Weep holes are to be provided at perpends immediately over flashing in outer walling at not less than 900mm 1200mm
centres for any opening over 1000mm wide.
Flashing and weep holes are to be provided as above to the base and full length of parapet walls.
5.14 Lintels in Masonry
Lintels as described in the BCA shall be provided to support brickwork over openings in the walling. Table 5.14 outlines
these requirements.
TABLE 5.14 (based on Figure BCA)
Construction Type (See notes below)
Steel Section Mass (kg/m) A B C D
90x90x6 EA 8.22 3010 2050 2050 1570
90x90x8 EA 10.6 3010 2170 2170 1810
100x100x6 EA 9.16 3130 2290 2290 1810
100x100x8 EA 11.8 3370 2410 2410 1930
150x90x8 UA 14.3 4210 3370 3370 2770
150x100x10 UA 18 4330 3490 3610 3010
75x8 4.71 490 250 _ _
75x10 5.89 610 250 250 250
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● Type A construction : Brick veneer; Type B Construction : Cavity brick; Type C Construction : Single skin masonry
(Skillion roof); Type D Construction : Single skin masonry (Pitched roof)

● Steel lintels shall be galvanised or treated before being built into walling as per the requirements of the BCA.
● For corner windows, lintels to suit the above spans are to be used with the steel being accurately cut, mitred and
welded. Support for the mitred corner of lintels to be steel columns of at least 39 mm internal diameter or equivalent
square section hollow tube or as required by engineer’s specifications.
● The minimum end bearing for steel lintels must be 100mm for clear spans less then 1m and 150mm for clear spans
more than I m.
5.15 Fireplace, Hearth and Chimney
If required, these are to be installed in accordance with the BCA.
5.16 Window Sills
Brick on edge or sill tile shall be set to slope down from the window to shed water.
Except for solid or cavity brick walls the top edge of sills for lower or single storey windows and roof overhangs shall be in
accordance with the following provisions. These clearances must be provided at the time of construction.
In masonry veneer walls a gap must be left between the timber frame and the top of the masonry wall, including window
sills etc., to allow for settlement of the timber framing caused by timber shrinkage. These clearances must be not less than:
● 5 mm at sills or lower and single storey windows; and
● 8 mm at roof overhangs of single storey buildings; and
● 10 mm at sills of second storey windows; and
● 12 mm at roof overhangs to two storey buildings.
These clearances must be doubled if the timber framing is unseasoned hardwood.
5.17 Building In
Bolts, lugs, plugs, fixings, ties and structural steelwork are to be built in as the building work progresses and in accordance
with the BCA. The bolts, lugs, plugs, fixings, ties and structural steelwork need only take loads as required by the Contract
Documents, and need not be capable of taking additional loads that may be imposed by building Owners connecting
fixtures and fittings. For solid or cavity brick construction build in galvanised hoop iron or approved straps embedded not
less than 50mm into a horizontal bed joint of the masonry wall not less than 900mm below the level of the top plate. Plate
straps shall be placed vertically within a cavity, between leaves in solid brick, or through penetrations vertically one above
the other in brickwork.
Tie down straps for sheet metal and tiled roofs shall be spaced as required by the BCA, at not more than 1200mm centres.
5.18 Pointing and Cleaning
Point up putlog holes, pipe penetrations, minor brick rectifications and other areas as necessary with mortar to match
existing as close as practicable.
Clean exposed brickwork in accordance with the brick manufacturer’s recommendations.
5.19 Weatherproofing of Class 10 Buildings (Garages)
The weatherproofing of masonry Class 10 buildings as defined under the BCA is not required except where its construction
contributes to the weatherproofing of the Class 1 building.


6.1 Generally
All framing works shall comply with the requirements of the BCA.
6.2 Timber
All timbers shall comply with the requirements of the BCA or in accordance with other tables of timber of component sizes
approved by the relevant Building Surveyor.
6.3 Floor Framing
Brick piers and/or stumps shall be provided to a height above the ground as required to provide clearance to the underside
of bearers in accordance with the BCA. Joints in bearers shall be carried out in such a manner that the bottom edge of
each bearer is adequately supported by brick piers or stumps.

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6.4 Flooring
Refer to the Contract Documents for type of flooring.
6.5 Eaves, Verge, Fascia and Barge
Refer to the Contract Documents for type of eaves, verge, fascia, etc. Timber fascia and bargeboards to be painted with a
suitable timber primer or as per Contract Documents. Unless otherwise specified line eave soffit including verandah and
porch linings and verge overhang with a minimum 4.5mm thick fibre cement sheet fixed to framing members and finished
with all necessary moulds, jointing strips or cover straps.
6.6 Framing for Parapet, Box and Concealed Gutters
Where required and shown on the Contract Documents, frame up to allow for the installation of parapet, box or concealed
gutters. The framing shall be set up to give to the gutter sufficient support and fall.
6.7 Roof access opening
Where required for access into the roof space, trim between ceiling joists in a convenient position to provide a roof access
opening having clear dimensions of approximately 400mm x 600mm. Fit to the roof access opening a cover of material
similar to the ceiling lining or as otherwise specified.
6.8 Service Platform in Roof Space
Where a gas ducted heating unit or similar is to be installed within a roof space, construct a platform supported above the
top plate. The platform is to be fully decked with adequate provision for the added load. The deck is to be of sufficient size
to allow full support of the unit.
6.9 External Cladding
● General -Refer to Contract Documents for type of material to be provided.

● Except where western red cedar or treated pine cladding is to be used, or unless otherwise specified, all timber
cladding shall be primed or treated with a penetrating wood preservative to all exposed faces. Timber cladding to
be fixed in accordance with the BCA provisions.

● Weatherboards - Weatherboards shall be laid to a true line and be lapped vertically as per BCA requirements.
Butt joints shall be staggered and at corners ends shall abut stops unless otherwise specified.

● Vertical/Angled Boarding - Vertical/Angled boarding shall be fixed as per BCA requirements. The lower ends of
boards are to be suitably protected if finishing against a metal flashing. The metal flashing shall be turned up behind
the board and turned down at the front line of the board - except for shiplap or other similar moulded boards.

● Other External Cladding - Fibre cement sheets/planks shall be fixed in accordance with the BCA requirements.
Vinyl, aluminium or other external cladding shall be fixed to plates, studs, noggings or battens as the case may be.
All necessary flashings, cover straps, etc are to be provided to ensure weather-tight joins.
6.10 Installation of External Timber Posts or Columns
Except in the case of red gum, jarrah or other timbers that have a durability rating to allow in ground use and suitable
treated pine posts or columns all timbers are to be kept clear of the finished paving or if Owner is responsible for external
paving and a height can not be determined, 150mm minimum above ground level. Posts to be supported on galvanised
post supports fixed to a concrete base.
6.11 Sub Floor Access Door
If required and where shown on drawings install a sub floor access door complete with frame, hinges and securing device.
The access door can be of either timber or metal materials.
6.12 Timber Steps, Ramps, Landings, Balustrades and Handrails
Where indicated in the Contract Documents construct and install any timber step, stairs ramp, landing, balustrade and
handrail as required and in accordance with the BCA. Note: Tolerances are allowed for steps as per the HIA Guide.
6.13 Bath Installation
Baths to be installed as per the Contract Documents and the BCA requirements.
6.14 Shower Base Installation
Shower bases to be installed as per the Contract Documents and the BCA requirements.
6.15 Installation of Door and Window Frames
The Builder shall install and fix in position all door and window frames as required by the Contract Documents.

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6.16 Joinery
● Generally - All joinery work shall be as per Contract Documents.

● Windows - Windows shall be of the type referred to in the Contract Documents and may be of stock size or special
size. If a nominal size is shown on the project specification / plans then the closest manufactured stock size to that
nominal size may be used.

● External Door Frames - External door frames shall be of the type referred to in the Contract Documents and may
be of stock size or special size. If a nominal size is shown on the project specification / plans then the closest
manufactured stock size to that nominal size may be used.

● Doors - External and internal doors to be as specified in the Contract Documents.

● Door Hardware and Furniture - Fit to all doors, hinges, sliding racks, latches, locks and furniture as specified in
the Contract Documents. If required by the BCA sanitary compartment doors are to be fitted with lift off hinges.

● Architraves and Skirting - Refer to the Contract Documents for type and size.

● Angle Moulding - Where necessary, fix quads or other suitable mouldings to internal angles.

● Kitchen Cupboards - Refer to the Contract Documents.

● Laundry Trough and Base - Refer to the Contract Documents.

● Bathroom Vanity Cupboard - Refer to the Contract Documents.


7.1 Wall Insulation and Sarking
Wall insulation and sarking or reflective foil insulation shall be provided as per the requirements of the energy report or the
BCA deemed to satisfy provisions. Sarking or reflective foil insulation shall be securely fixed to the outside edge of studs
prior to the fixing of external claddings. Sarking or reflective foil insulation shall have the top sheet lapped externally over
the lower sheet and care shall be taken to prevent tears or holes from occurring in the sheets. As required by the energy
report or the BCA, insulation shall be installed between or to studs before the installation of internal linings. Where
insulation materials are fixed between studs in cavity wall construction, the Builder shall ensure that the insulation shall not
fall or project into the cavity space.

8.1 Generally
Roof covering shall be as specified in the Contract Documents and installed in accordance with the BCA.

9.1 Generally
Plumbing works shall be carried out by plumbers who have the necessary licenses or registrations required by the
governing State or local authorities and are able to provide the required certificates of compliance.
9.2 Water Supply
The Owner is required to provide a private water main directly in front of the property.
Where the Owner cannot comply with this requirement the Builder may arrange for a suitable rain water tank system to be
installed on the property and the cost of the tank and its installation shall be a debt due and payable to the Builder by the

Note: Where the Contract Documents allow for the tapping of an existing water main on the opposite side of the road
fronting the property, the contract price does not include any requirement to install any under road conduit, under road
boring, road opening fees or road closures unless specifically stated otherwise in the Contract Documents. Further, the
Owner is responsible for water usage charges for the duration of the building period.
9.3 Taps and Fittings
Refer to the Contract Documents.
9.4 Hot Water Unit Installation
See Contract Documents for type, size and location of hot water unit
If a solar hot water unit is nominated in the Contract Documents to satisfy the Victorian energy and water conservation
requirements it must comply with the relevant provisions in the Plumbing Regulations.

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9.5 Septic Tank

The manufacture and installation of septic tanks shall be to the requirements and satisfaction of the relevant local authority.
If required by the Contact Documents the Builder is to make all connections and lay all pipes necessary for the operation
of the tank including effluent drains laid to falls, pits and covers as may be necessary.
9.6 Septic Sullage System
Where the Contract Documents allow for the Builder or the Owner to provide and install a septic sullage drainage system,
the installation price will include the costs for all permits, tests and completion certificates required by the relevant
Where the Owner is responsible to provide and install a septic sullage system, the Builder will provide a point or points of
discharge from the waste pipes at a minimum distance of 100mm from the edge of the building.
The Builder is not responsible for any earth works, connections or site clearing in relation to a septic sullage system
provided by the Owner.


● Where the Owner is responsible for the Septic Sullage works, all necessary permits must be approved prior to the
relevant Building Surveyor/Certifier approving the Building Permit.

● Where the Owner is responsible for the Septic Sullage works, the Owner is to ensure that all works are completed
and approved by the relevant Authorities before the Builder has completed the Building Works.

● A Certificate of Occupancy will not be issued by the relevant Building Surveyor unless the Septic Sullage works
have been completed and approved. This is vital as lending institutions will not release the Final Progress Payment
without the Certificate of Occupancy.

● The Final Payment will be due upon completion of the Building Works by the Builder and not upon completion of
the Septic Sullage works by the Owner.

9.7 Drainage
● Sewer Drains - Drains are to be installed in materials acceptable to the local authority and connected to all wastes.
All costs incurred for drainage works outside the building site will be payable by the Owner.

● Stormwater Drainage - PVC stormwater drains are to be installed and connected as shown in the Contract
Documents or as altered by the Builder or the Builder’s contractor. Drains are to be 90mm with 300mm cover where
possible. Unless otherwise stated in the Contract Documents, drains of 100mm diameter or larger shall be charged
to the Owner as a variation to the Contract. Stormwater drains are to discharge to the legal point of discharge within
the allotment.
● If a water tank is nominated in the Contract Documents to satisfy the Victorian energy and water conservation
requirements it must comply with the relevant provisions in the Plumbing Regulations.

● Unsewered Areas - In unsewered areas, all sewerage drains will be laid in accordance with and using materials
approved by the local authority.

● Agricultural Drains - Install agricultural drains where specified in the Contract Documents.

● Agricultural Drains and/or Silt Pits - Agricultural drains and silt pits are to be laid as shown in the Contract
Documents. If required in the Contract Documents, agricultural drains and silt pits are to be connected to the storm
water drainage system or a suitable discharge area.
9.8 Flue Installation
Where the Contract Documents provide for the installation of a heating appliance that requires a flue, the
flue must be installed in accordance with the BCA.

10.1 Generally
Generally, all electrical work must comply with AS 3000:2007 – Electrical installations. (also know as the Australian/New
Zealand Wiring Rules.)
All electrical installation work shall be carried out by a licensed electrical contractor.
This work and all materials to be used in connection with the work shall strictly comply with the relevant regulations, bylaws
or codes administered or required by the electrical regulatory authority.
The electrical contractor must give all notices in respect of the work and obtain all necessary approvals and consents. The
electrical contractor must strictly comply with all safety standards, regulations and requirements.
The electrical contractor must give all notices required in connection with the work and to arrange for the inspection and
approval of the work as required by the electricity supply authority. The Builder will advise the Owner when the Owner’s
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application as the relevant consumer may be forwarded to the electricity supply authority. The Owner will be responsible
for forwarding a consumer application form to the electrical regulatory authority.
Note: It is the Owner’s responsibility to ensure that power is available to the building site. Where power supply to the
building site is not available or is temporarily not available, the Owner is to provide temporary power to the building site
within seven (7) days of being notified of this requirement by the Builder. The temporary power must be provided by the
Owner in a manner that complies with the relevant occupational health and safety legislation for the Builder to use the
temporary power for the continued construction of the building works.
The Owner is responsible for nominating the service provider and for arranging (at completion of the building works) for
the service provider to connect the supply cable directly from the supply pole to a connection point on the building. This
connection point will be provided by the Builder. The Owner is responsible for paying all costs and fees in relation to the
Where the Owner does not provide temporary power within seven (7) days as required, the Builder may arrange for
temporary power to be provided to the building site and all associated costs, including a percentage allowance covering
the Builder’s margin and overheads, will be charged to and payable by the Owner.
Where the Owner has requested the Builder to install three-phase power connections to the building works, the Owner is
responsible to advise the Builder if three-phase power is available to the mains in front of the property.
10.2 Underground Supply
Unless otherwise stated, the Contract Documents allow for the Builder to connect a single phase power supply to the
building. The supply is connected from the electricity supply authority’s 240 volt underground supply pit to the meter box
located on the building.
The Owner agrees to nominate the Builder to act as agent for the Owner in nominating the service provider during the
building works, for electrical power connection in the Owner’s name.
The Owner is responsible for power usage charges for the duration of the building works.
The Owner can change to an alternative power supply provider at any stage after settlement.
10.3 Overhead Supply
Where the Contract Documents allow for a single phase power supply to be connected to the building directly from the
electricity supply authority’s 240 volt supply pole, the relevant supply pole should be located not more than 18m away from
the building.

Note: The Owner must also ensure that the electricity supply authority has clear access to enable its supply cable to be
connected from its supply pole to a connection point on the building.
Where an overhead power supply cannot be connected to the building, the Owner is responsible for providing an
underground supply pit to be installed on the property directly in front of the building and to pay all associated costs and
fees in relation to this installation including connection to house.
10.4 Mains Switchboard
A switchboard of approved design and size to adequately accommodate the electrical distribution and metering equipment
required for the building shall be provided and installed in a location as close as practicable to the location specified in the
Contract Documents.
10.5 Light Points and Switches
Refer to the Contract Documents for the number, type and location of the light points and switches. These shall be
positioned as close as practicable to the positions shown in the relevant drawings.
10.6 General Purpose Outlets
Refer to the Contract Documents for the number, type and location of the general purpose outlets. These
shall be positioned as close as practicable to the positions shown in the relevant drawings.
10.7 Accessories and Appliances
All lampholders, special outlets and other accessories are to be provided and installed as specified in the
Contract Documents. These should be positioned as close as practicable to the positions shown in the
relevant drawings.
10.8 Completion
On completion of all electrical installation work the electrical contractor shall supply certificate of
compliance to the Builder.

11.1 Plasterboard and Fibrous Plaster - Generally
Refer to the Contract Documents for details of the type of wall and ceiling finishes.
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When the material is dry, all jointing compound of the internal areas of the building (Class 1) shall be sanded smooth to a
Level 4 finish. All joints shall be assessed for finish as per the HIA Guide.
When the material is dry, all jointing compound of the internal areas of the garage (Class 10) shall be sanded smooth to a
Level 2 finish.

Note: Level 4 and Level 2 plaster finishes are defined in the HIA Guide.


12.1 Generally
Refer to the Contract Documents for extent and type of wall and/or floor tiling.

13.1 Generally
Supply and install glazing as specified in the Contract Documents and in accordance with the
requirements of the BCA.

14.1 Generally
● Exterior Finishes - Refer to the Contract Documents for the colour schedule and type of paint or stain.

● Interior Finishes - Refer to the Contract Documents for the colour schedule and type of paint or stain.
● Preparation - Ensure all surfaces are clean, dust free and that all required filling and sanding is carried out.
14.2 Minimum Coating Requirements
● Ceilings - Apply two coats of paint or as required by the Contract Documents.

● Walls - Apply two coats of paint or as required by the Contract Documents.

● Woodwork and Doors -Apply two coats of paint or stain or as required by the Contract Documents.

● Exterior Woodwork - Apply two coats of paint or stain or as required by the Contract Documents.

● Exterior Spouting and Downpipes (Including UPVC Surfaces) - Ensure surface is clean, dust free and
degreased. Apply 2 coats of suitable finishing paint or as required by the Contract Documents.

15.1 Generally
For type and extent of fencing refer to the Contract Documents and drawings.

Note: It is the Owner’s responsibility to serve the required fencing notices on the adjoining owners.
The Builder shall not be required to proceed with the fencing works until the Owner has furnished to the Builder written
confirmation of approval from the adjoining owner together with written instructions for the Builder to proceed with the
fencing works. If approval is not obtained from the adjoining owner then the Builder may delete the fencing works from the
Contract. If the adjoining owner fails to pay the relevant share of the cost of the fencing works the Owner shall pay the full
price of the fencing works. Any variation to the extent of fencing actually erected shall be made at the rate for the metre
run stated by the Builder in the Contract Documents.
15.2 Other Fences and Gates
These shall be constructed in accordance with the Contract Documents.


16.1 Stormwater Drainage
Spouting, downpipes and stormwater systems are designed for Normal Weather Conditions. During heavy
rain periods, the stormwater drainage system will possibly overflow away from the inside of the building.
The efficiency of the system is dependant on the Owner regularly cleaning and maintaining the spouting,
downpipes and stormwater drains.
Note: Refer to the Definition and the HIA Guide for the definition of “Normal Weather Conditions”.
16.2 Termite management system

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If a termite management system is required to comply with the BCA, local authority requirement or the
Contract Documents and installed as part of the building works, it is the Owner’s responsibility to maintain
the termite management system as required.
16.3 Site Cleaning
The Builder shall maintain the site in a clean and tidy condition during construction and remove all surplus material and
waste on completion of the building work.


The Owner is advised that the foundations and associated drainage system on a building site require continuing
maintenance to assist in the proper performance of the footings.
Advice on foundation maintenance is contained in the CSIRO Building Technology File No. 18 and it is the Owner’s
responsibility to maintain the building site in accordance with that information sheet.

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The works shall be constructed in accordance with the Building Code of Australia (BCA). Where is it proposed to use an
alternative solution to meet the performance requirements of the BCA, details of the approved material, system/s or method
will be annexed to these specifications.


● HIA Guide to Materials and Workmanship for Residential Building Work, 2008
● HIA Home owners (handover) manual
● CSIRO Technology File 18
● CSIRO Illumination and decoration of Flat Surfaces TR90/1

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Details of Alternative Solutions
(This page can be used to list any relevant materials, methods and/or systems that are to be used as part of an
alternative solution.)

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Clear the entire building site to remove all vegetable matter and rubbish.

Excavate over area to be benched to remove topsoil approximately 50mm thick.

Cut the building site to levels shown on drawings including forming batters. Level, grade and trim
surface of reduced level excavation.

Supply, lay and compact bulk filling to filled areas including forming batters. Reuse excavated
materials if allowable.

Supply, lay and compact imported quarry rubble to below floor slab area.

Excavate for the footings including excavation for set downs to Garage and Wet areas.

Remove all surplus spoil from clearing and excavation operations to a dump off site.


Construct footings and integral floor slabs complete as per the details contained in the Footing
Layout Plan.

Provide set downs in slab for wet area.

Provide suitable white ant protection to the structure.

Finish slab to be left ready for application of specified floor finishes.


Lay sewer and connect sewer as required. Terminate sewer at a gully and leave ready for
connection of wastes by plumber.

Lay 90 mm Ø P.V.C. underground stormwater service to building. At each downpipe provide a

P.V.C. connector to the 100x50 downpipe. Run the stormwater service to discharge into the street
water table.


Build face brickwork to all external faces using standard size face bricks. Face bricks to be
selected by owner prior to commencement. (Allow a P.C. amount of $550.00 and $320 per
thousand for the purchase and delivery of face and common bricks).

Mortar to brickwork to be plain grey, roll jointed.

Brick on edge sills to all windows.

Use 0.5 black embossed plastic damp proof course to all walls.

Open perpends above DPC every 5th brick. (1200 c/c approximately).

Provide jamb, head and sill flashings at openings using plastic DPC as required.

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Refer Engineers plans for layout of Control Joints to brickwork. Control Joints to be as per details
in Engineers details.

Arch bars and lintels to openings to be hot dipped galvanised.
Arch bars and lintels as follows:
610 wide opening Flat bar 85 x 800
910 wide opening Flat bar 85 x 1100
1210 wide opening Angle 100 x 100 x 1500
1510 wide opening Angle 100 x 100 x 1800
1810 wide opening Angle 100 x 100 x 2100
2110 wide opening Angle 150 x 100 x 2400
2410 wide opening Angle 150 x 100 x 2700


Supply for Carpenter to install into wall frames all aluminium window and door frames. Size and
configuration of frames to be as shown on the drawings, acrylic coloured finish and to have fitted
timber reveal linings.
All wall and roof framing to be carried out in accordance with the current requirements of AS1684

Build wall framing as per details.

Construct roof framing as per details.

Eaves soffits to be lined with 4.5mm Hardiflex FRCB. Hardiflex linings to have PVC jointing. Finish
against walls with 25mm quadrant mould.

Prefabricated timber door frames to Main Entry door and Laundry door. Main entry doorframe to
have side lights as shown.

Provide 19mm quadrant mouldings to timber door frames externally.

Internal door linings throughout - use 110 x 32 with 32 x12 door stop.

All windows to have linings internally.

Architraves throughout to be Colonial Style 70 X 19.

Skirting throughout to be Colonial Style 90 X 19.

Internal doors throughout to be “Readycoat” Colonial style preformed moulded doors. All doors to
be fitted with appropriate knob style latch set and pair of zinc plated loose pin hinges. Cavity sliding
door sets to be installed in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

To all swing doors provide plastic buffer stops.

External Main Entry door to be feature panel solid core timber construction. Laundry door to be
moisture resistant flush panel ply faced solid core timber construction. All external entry doors to
be fitted with 1½ pair zinc plated fixed pin hinges and keyed alike double cylinder entry latch/lock
sets to match internal knob style hardware.

Allow a Provisional Sum of $9,750.00 for the supply and installation of the following cupboards.
Design of cupboards to be provided later.

Kitchen cupboards including Pantry and Servery.

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Robes to Bedrooms 1, 2 and 3.

Cupboards in Family and Laundry.


Roof covering to be brown cement or clay tiles.

Allow for 0.48mm colorbond cappings and flashings.

Colorbond blue metal fascia system.

Eaves gutters to be OG style on concealed brackets - colorbond finish.

Box gutters to meet Building Code requirements - colorbond finish.

Down pipes to be 50 X 100 rectangular - colorbond finish.


Ceiling to all Living areas and in Garage to be 10mm “Supaceil” ceiling board, flush jointed and
finished at walls with 55mm plasterboard cove cornice.

Wall linings to be 10mm plasterboard, flush jointed.

External walls including stud walls at Garage to be insulated with R2.0 insulation batts.

Wall lining to wet area to be 10mm wet area plasterboard, flush jointed.

Ceilings including ceiling of Garage to be insulated with R2.5 insulation batts.


Front Porch - Whole area to be tiled with 300 X 300 quarry tiles including the step down to the
paving. (Allow a P.C. amount of $45.00 per m2 for the supply only of quarry tiles).

Kitchen - Tile the wall area above the kitchen benches with mosaic tiles to the length of the bench
unit. (Allow a P.C amount of $45.00 per m2 for the supply only of mosaic tiles).

Bathroom, Laundry, WC and En-suite Walls - Using 200 X 200 mm square tiles. Tile to 2000mm
high in shower cubicles. Tile to 1200mm high to all other walls except in WC where 1 row of
skirting tiles is required. Tile the skirt area below the spa bath. (Allow a P.C amount of $25.00 per
m2 for the supply only of 200 x 200 mm wall tiles).

Bathroom, W.C, Vanity, En-suite and Laundry Floors - Tile the floors including shower cubicle
floors with 200 X 200mm floor tiles. Allow for the floor tiles to project through door thresholds
externally where applicable. (Allow a P.C. amount of $40.00 per m2 for the supply only of floor tiles
for the areas).

Apply suitable waterproofing membranes as required.

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Provide a 19mm Ø copper underground water service from the street boundary. Provide a screw
nosed bibcock in the front and back of the residence as garden taps. Provide a wall fixed screw
nosed bibcock over the domestic sink adjacent the Laundry.

Provide waste services to the building to the requirements of Local Water Authority. Connect the
waste services to the sewer drain and all sanitary fittings within the building in accordance with all
codes and regulations.

Provide a domestic sink outside Laundry.

Connect cold water service within the building to all sanitary fittings and outlets.

Provide instantaneous hot water unit and connect hot water to Showers, Vanity units, Bath,
Laundry trough, Washing machine outlets and Kitchen sink and Dishwasher.

Supply and install the following sanitary fittings:

1500 long twin bowl stainless steel sink and drainer.

Close coupled W.C. suites comprising vitreous china pan, dual flush plastic cistern and plastic

Acrylic bath.

Vitreous china vanity basins.

Single bowl inset stainless steel laundry trough.

Install only the following fittings:

Vanity cupboards unit (Allow P.C. amount of $1,500.00 for the supply only of the vanity units)

Under-sink dishwashing unit (Allow P.C. amount of $ 600.00 for the supply only of the dishwashing

Towel rails, soap holders, toilet paper holders and plastic framed mirrors (Allow a P.C. amount of
$350.00 for the supply only of these Bathroom and En-suite fittings).

Supply and install standard chrome plated taps and outlets as follows:

Shower sets complete with universal shower outlet.

Vanity basin sets complete with aerated fixed outlets.

Stop valve to W.C. suites.

Kitchen sink set complete with aerated swivel outlet.

Washing machine outlets.

Bath set complete with fixed outlet.

Laundry set complete with aerated swivel outlet.

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Allow a Provisional Sum of $1,200.00 for the supply and installation of off white acrylic finished
shower screens in the Bathroom and En-suite.


Provide Gas and Electrical Meter boards as applicable to Bricklayer to build in.

Supply and install all internal and external lighting, power, TV and phone points, exhaust fans and
smoke detectors as shown on the electrical plan.

Allow $550.00 for the provision of underground electrical connection.


Exposed external timber to have 1 sealer/undercoat and 2 coats of acrylic paint.

Exposed external linings to have 1 sealer/undercoat and 2 coats of acrylic paint.


Internal ceilings to have 1 sealer and 2 coats of flat acrylic paint.

Internal walls to have 1 sealer and 2 coats of low sheen acrylic paint

Internal woodwork to have 1 undercoat and 2 finish coats of full gloss enamel.

Internal door to have 1 undercoat and 2 finish coats of full gloss enamel.


Allow a provisionalSum of $3,000.00 for the construction of the timber decking.

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Specification - Revised Nov 2014

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