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Academic and Professional Background

Can you tell us about your educational background and why you chose to study Architecture?

Tip: Highlight key aspects of your academic journey, any significant projects or coursework, and your
passion for architecture.

What kind of professional experience have you gained in the two years since you graduated?

Tip: Discuss your job roles, the projects you worked on, your responsibilities, and any skills you
developed. Be specific about how your experience relates to integrated design.

Why do you want to pursue a master's degree in Integrated Design?

Tip: Explain your interest in the field, how it aligns with your career goals, and what you hope to
achieve through this program.

Motivation and Goals

 What motivated you to apply to Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe specifically?
Tip: Research the program and the institution. Mention specific faculty members, courses, or
resources that attracted you to the program.
 What are your long-term career goals, and how does this program fit into them?
Tip: Be clear about your career aspirations and how the skills and knowledge from this
program will help you achieve them.

Skills and Competencies

 Can you discuss a project from your portfolio that best represents your skills in integrated
Tip: Choose a project that demonstrates a blend of technical and creative skills. Explain the
concept, process, and outcome in detail.
 How do you approach problem-solving and design challenges?
Tip: Describe your design process, including how you gather information, generate ideas, and
iterate on solutions

Personal and Professional Development

 How do you keep up with the latest trends and developments in architecture and design?
Tip: Mention any relevant books, journals, conferences, workshops, or online resources you
engage with.
 Can you describe a time when you had to work collaboratively on a design project? What
was your role, and how did you ensure successful collaboration?
Tip: Provide a specific example that showcases your teamwork and communication skills.

Program-Specific Questions
 What do you think are the key elements of successful integrated design?
Tip: Discuss your understanding of integrated design, emphasizing the importance of
interdisciplinary collaboration, sustainability, user-centric design, and innovation.
 How do you plan to contribute to our program and the academic community here?
Tip: Talk about your enthusiasm for participating in academic discussions, projects, and
possibly contributing to research or student initiatives.
Situational and Behavioral Questions
 Describe a challenging project you worked on. How did you handle the challenges, and
what was the outcome?
Tip: Choose a project that presented significant obstacles and explain your problem-solving
strategies and the final results.
 How do you manage deadlines and prioritize tasks when working on multiple projects?
Tip: Discuss your time management and organizational skills, providing examples of how
you've successfully managed competing demands in the past.

Wrap-Up Questions

 Do you have any questions for us about the program or the university?
Tip: Prepare thoughtful questions that show your genuine interest in the program and your
eagerness to learn more about specific aspects of the curriculum or student life.
 Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?
Tip: This is your opportunity to mention anything unique about your background or
experiences that make you a strong candidate for the program.

Preparation Tips

 Review Your Portfolio: Be ready to discuss any project in detail.

 Research the Program: Understand the specific focus areas of the program and how they
align with your interests.
 Practice Answers: Rehearse your responses to these questions with a friend or in front of a
 Be Authentic: Ensure your answers reflect your genuine experiences and aspirations.

Good luck with your interview!

Academic and Professional Background

1. Can you tell us about your educational background and why you chose to study

 Answer: I graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Architecture from Yildiz Technical

University. From a young age, I was fascinated by how spaces can influence human
behavior and experiences. Architecture seemed like the perfect field to blend my
interests in art, science, and technology. During my studies, I was particularly drawn
to sustainable design and computational design, which led me to work on several
projects focusing on these areas.

2. What kind of professional experience have you gained in the two years since you

 Answer: Over the past two years, I have worked as a junior architect at Fibrobetn
Company where I was involved in various stages of the facade design process, from
conceptual design to construction documentation. I worked on a range of projects,
including residential, commercial, and public buildings. This experience allowed me
to hone my skills in project management, computational design tools, and
collaborative design.

3. Why do you want to pursue a master's degree in Integrated Design?

 Answer: Integrated Design is a field that resonates deeply with my professional

aspirations and interests. I believe that addressing contemporary design challenges
requires a multidisciplinary approach that combines architecture, engineering, and
sustainability. This program offers the opportunity to deepen my knowledge and
skills in these areas and to work on innovative projects that can make a meaningful

Motivation and Goals

4. What motivated you to apply to Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe specifically?

 Answer: Technische Hochschule Ostwestfalen-Lippe is renowned for its focus on

practical, hands-on learning and its strong connections with industry. I am
particularly impressed by the faculty's expertise and the cutting-edge research being
conducted in integrated design. The opportunity to study in a collaborative
environment with access to advanced facilities is something that greatly excites me.

5. What are your long-term career goals, and how does this program fit into them?

 Answer: My long-term goal is to become a leading architect specializing in

sustainable and integrated design solutions. I aim to work on projects that not only
meet client needs but also contribute positively to the environment and society. This
program will provide me with the advanced skills and knowledge necessary to pursue
these goals and to stay at the forefront of innovation in the field.

Skills and Competencies

6. Can you discuss a project from your portfolio that best represents your skills in integrated

 Answer: One of the key projects in my portfolio is the …, a mixed-use development

focused on sustainable urban living. I led the design team in integrating green
building technologies, such as solar panels and rainwater harvesting systems, with
user-centric design principles. The project involved extensive collaboration with
engineers and environmental consultants, resulting in a design that is both
innovative and sustainable.

7. How do you approach problem-solving and design challenges?

 Answer: My approach to problem-solving is systematic and collaborative. I start by

thoroughly understanding the problem context and gathering relevant data. I then
brainstorm and sketch multiple solutions, often seeking feedback from colleagues
and stakeholders. Iterative testing and refinement are crucial steps in my process to
ensure that the final design is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

Personal and Professional Development

8. How do you keep up with the latest trends and developments in architecture and design?

 Answer: I stay informed about the latest trends and developments by regularly
reading industry journals such as Architectural Digest and Dezeen. I also attend
webinars, workshops, and conferences whenever possible. Additionally, I am an
active member of professional organizations like the [Relevant Organization], which
provides valuable networking opportunities and access to cutting-edge research.

9. Can you describe a time when you had to work collaboratively on a design project? What
was your role, and how did you ensure successful collaboration?

 Answer: On the [Project Name] project, I worked as a project coordinator, leading a

diverse team of architects, engineers, and contractors. To ensure successful
collaboration, I established clear communication channels and regular progress
meetings. I also made sure that everyone’s input was valued and integrated into the
design process, fostering a collaborative and inclusive team environment.

Program-Specific Questions

10. What do you think are the key elements of successful integrated design?

 Answer: Successful integrated design hinges on interdisciplinary collaboration,

sustainability, and user-centered design. It requires a holistic approach that considers
environmental impact, social implications, and economic viability. Effective
communication and the integration of diverse perspectives are also crucial to
achieving innovative and functional design solutions.

11. How do you plan to contribute to our program and the academic community here?

 Answer: I plan to contribute to the program by bringing my professional experience

and a collaborative spirit to the classroom. I am eager to participate in group
projects, engage in research activities, and share my insights through seminars and
workshops. Additionally, I hope to contribute to student-led initiatives and
community outreach programs that promote sustainable design practices.

Situational and Behavioral Questions

12. Describe a challenging project you worked on. How did you handle the challenges, and
what was the outcome?
 Answer: One challenging project was the renovation of an old industrial building into
a modern coworking space. The main challenges were dealing with the building's
structural limitations and integrating modern amenities while preserving its historical
character. I handled these challenges by working closely with structural engineers
and heritage consultants. The outcome was a successful transformation that
maintained the building’s historical essence while providing a functional and
inspiring workspace.

13. How do you manage deadlines and prioritize tasks when working on multiple projects?

 Answer: I use project management tools like Trello and Asana to keep track of tasks
and deadlines. I prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance, breaking
down larger tasks into manageable steps. Regular check-ins and setting realistic
milestones help me stay on track and ensure timely delivery of projects.

Wrap-Up Questions

14. Do you have any questions about the program or the university?

 Answer: I am interested in learning more about the specific research opportunities

within the Integrated Design program. Could you tell me more about the ongoing
projects and how students can get involved? Additionally, I would like to know about
the support services available for international students.

15. Is there anything else you would like us to know about you?

 Answer: I would like to mention my active involvement in community design

initiatives, where I have volunteered my skills to help design public spaces that are
accessible and welcoming. This experience has reinforced my commitment to using
design as a tool for social good, and I am eager to bring this perspective to the

I am Elif Albayrak. I graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from Yildiz Technical
University in Istanbul. I am 26 years old, and I would describe myself as enthusiastic, hardworking,
and supportive. From a young age, I was fascinated by how spaces can influence human behavior and
experiences. Architecture seemed like to perfect field blend my interest in art, design, science and
technology. And during my studies, I was particularly drawn to sustainable and computational design
which led me to work on several projects focusing on these areas. Additionally, I studied for one
semester at Hochschule Düsseldorf in my second year. I wanted to experience international study
one more time.

I have 2 years of experience in architecture.

Outside education, I keep myself fit and healthy which increases my enegery levels and I do yoga that
helps me boost my concentration. I am keen to calligraphy. In my free times , I do calligraphy on my
ipad. And another ambition of mine is photography. I have taken photos since high school. I love
keep myself update

I want to study this subject because I have a genuine belief I can succeed but, more importantly, I
have a genuine passion for the subject that means I actually enjoy learning and immersing myself in
my studies. I guess for some students, yhey simply want to obtain the qualification, but I actually fell
the benefit to me will be long-lasting, as my eventual career goals very much align with the subject

Why have you chosen this university?

During my research I found out as much as possible about the university's approach to learning. From
that research, the department’s approach to learning makes me feel confident that I will be given the
best support while I am here. I also understand you have great learning facilities here at the
university that will mean I have every chance of succeeding.

Whats your biggest achievement and why?

It would have to be my erasmus journey. Beacause I did not only adapt different culture and
language, I also won the erasmus scholarship through almost 250 students thanks to my grades and
my english language score. I achieved something even I don’t have enough money to cover my life
expenses in the foreign country. I worked really hard, dedicated quality time to study . And this
experience have had such a positive impact on my attitude to work and study in general, and I now
have the self belief

Explain how you intend to study during your time at university?

I believe I know myself pretty well now in terms of what works for me while studying. For me quality
study involves creating mind maps, and besides academic learning, I like to practice in real life. For
example if you write down a code, you need run if it will work or not.

What are your main interests outside of education?

I like to keep myself healthy and fit and spend time doing yoga or pilates a few times a week. I really
like do calligraphy especially modern calligraphy. It is easy to do and I don’t have to consume paper
or pen. All you need is just an ipad and digital pen. Addittionally, I have taken photography since high
school. It is not only a hobby for me it is my lifestyle right now. Wherever I go I take my machine.

Also I studies German. I will take a B2 German exam in the end of July. I think if you decide study or
live a foreign country it is essential to learn its language. And also I really like to German culture and
language contrary other people. If a person dont like German language he or she haven’t read

What can you bring to the university?

I understand that being at university is an important part of my development. I will bring an ability to
work hard, a desire to contribute positively, whether that’s being part of a recognized club or society
within the university, and also being part of the wider academic debate during lectures and
discussions in general. I feel I have a lot of offer and can assure you I will contribute positively if I am

I will bring my international experience, and knowldge of programming. I took Design computing
course right after the universtiy from Michigan University, and know I take Date Science for
construction, architecture and engineering from . If I see or read sth sometimes the knowledge it isnt
enough for me. And I always search the subject which is intriguing to me. So my learning process is
not restricted in just a classroom. I open all the knowledge and I really like to share what I learn to
my peers. Because I believe that like knowldge multiplies by sharing. I desire to contribute positively,
wheter that being part of a recognized club or society within the university.

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