Manisha Shadangi Integrated Course Project B7 SEM 1

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Name of the Student: Manisha Shadangi

Enrolment Number : IFHE2301RL1167
Course: BEL, MOB, ITM ,FAF and QM
Batch: IFHE- OLMBA-7; Semester: First

1. The Title of the Project:

Analysing the Corporate Governance, Ethical, Technological and Regulatory

practices adopted by GMR Group of Companies in the view of achieving Business
Excellence and Its Impact on various stakeholders.
2. Statement of the Business Problem (SoBP):

In my 2+ years of Experience in GMR Group of Companies , I had an exposure to

various sectors of the their businesses namely, Aviation, Aerospace Engineering,
Hospitality and Infrastructure Development Sector having a multi-dimensional and
Multi- Functional exposure in legal, HR, Taxation, Accounting, Implementing the
compliance related IT Tools.

GMR is a regulatory compliant Company that abides law, adheres of ethical practices
and ensures applicability of updated technology into their day-to-day business
operations and departmental activities which could be collectively is called as a good
Corporate Governance.

However, for the purpose of implementing a good Corporate Governance there are
certain challenges or problems that the business entity experiences due to frequent
changes in the legal and regulatory framework from time to time which impacts of
External and Internal Forces of the Organisation.

For the purpose of adapting such change or implementing a new policy , usually every
Organisation faces some hesitation from its Human Resource/ Employees for
implementing a new policy or a new Standard Operating procedure or Business
process management or such other Technology as may be required for the business for
better analysis of Organisational data and Financial Information.

Further to the above, Governance and Ethical, Technological practices should be used
as a tool to pull out the best performance from the employees however it should not
result into micro managing the activities of the employees which amounts to
employee’s dissatisfaction, Lack of Concentration at workplace which may lead to lot
of errors at work place and erroneous entries of data into the systems consequent to
which a business problem may arise as such situation would result into
misrepresentation of data in Management Information Systems which would lead to
misleading Business research and Financial Analysis and it will also impact the
overall growth and profitability of the organisation.
3. Project Objective:
The core objective of this integrated course project is to understand, analyse and
resolve the business problems occurring due to Managements Decision and
Organisational/ Human Behaviour while implementing a good Corporate Governance,
Ethical, Technological and Regulatory practices on Business.

The core objective of each course is mentioned herein below:


 Business Environment  To identify the internal and external
 Technological, Legal environment factors impacting business;
BEL &Regulatory Environment  To strategize business decisions to cope
 Ethics in Business with the changes occurring in the
business environment.
 Financial Statement Analysis  To Analyze Financial Statement of the
and Financial Ratios entity, by using the various analytical
FAF  Use of Technology in Financial tools, for financial decision making.
 Use of Technology in Business;  To Analyze the database management
 MIS; and information systems management for
 IT Governance, Ethical and business applications;
social Dimensions of  To review the Planning, Implementation
technology. and Evaluation of MIS for Business
 Business Process Management decisions.
 Ethical Behaviour of  To observe key elements of
Management; organizational behavior for effective
MOB  Organisational Behaviour and leadership, decision-making.
Human Behaviour;
 Managerial Ethics
 Business Research;  To use the data from various quantitative
 Report Drafting; methods to analyze business decisions
QM  Designing of a computer based  To utilize business research and report
Information System. methods for decisions

4. Methodology:
To interact with various stakeholders in order to understand the impact of the
changes in the regulatory framework;
BEL To Conduct SWOT Analysis and reach to a conclusion.

To refer to the latest Consolidated Audited Financial Statements and use

various IT tools to understand the errors taken place due to change in process
FAF or regulation
To conduct a systems audit in order to enumerate the areas of technological
improvement, data security feature with in the organisation; Development of
ITM Systems strengthening policies for strong MIS and business process

To interact with employees of the Company and understanding their look out
relating to the organisational behaviour.

To collect, consolidate the business data and use various quantitative methods
to enumerate various trends and performance of the Organisation.


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