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Name of the Student: Manisha Shadangi

Enrolment Number : IFHE2301RL1167
Course: MM, HRM, BCSS,EFB and OM
Batch: IFHE- OLMBA-7; Semester: Second

1. The Title of the Project:

Analysing the impact of Microeconomic factors, HR policies, Operations

excellence, Marketing tools and communication practices adopted by Deccan
Cement Group of Companies in the view of achieving Business Excellence and Its
Impact on various stakeholders.
2. Statement of the Business Problem (SoBP):

In my Experience in Deccan Cements Limited which is a listed Company in BSE and

NSE since 1980’s, I have an exposure to various functions of their business namely,
Legal, Marketing, Operations, Project Costing and Accounting, Fund Raising, Payroll
Management and Labour Laws related compliances, and establishing channels for
formal communications with the shareholders and various regulatory authorities.

In the process of undergoing this course project the objective is to attempt to construe
about the various functions of business that creates a huge impact on the turnover,
profitability, business strategies , goodwill and reputation of the organisation.

In view of achieving the said above objective I shall be analysing the following
business problems as mentioned herein below:

 While communicating with the regulatory authority or shareholders often there

is a loss of trial due to multiple correspondences which makes it difficult for
the new person to understand the entire situation on whom the management
has shifted the onus of responsibility. Therefore analysing combination of
various channels or approaches for an effective communication while
corresponding with the regulatory authorities and the shareholders.
 Costing of Cement Bags not just depends upon demand and supply but also
depends on the weather condition, political changes, cost of coal, diesel and
fly ash and such other factors. Therefore analysing the economic factors
influencing the costing of cement bags.
 Analysing the recent trends in Human Resources practices in IT services
 Formulating a Marketing plan of a start up company named “hunger saviours”
having a cloud based kitchen in a tier 2 city providing its services for late
night food delivery.
 Analyzing the operation management strategies adopted by Walmart v/s
3. Project Objective:
The core objective of this course project is to understand, analyse and resolve the
business problems occurring due to Managements Decision, Economic factors,
project Management and Organisational/ Human Behaviour practices.

The core objective of each course is mentioned herein below:


 Letter Writing Analysing To develop a dashboard for
 Writing to Persuade combination of keeping a track of the formal
 Reports, Business various channels or communications made with
Proposals and approaches for an regulatory authorities or
Business Plans effective shareholders and to create a
BCSS template to be used by
employees for formal
while corresponding communication to ensure
with the regulatory consistency.
authorities and the
 Analysis of costs Analyzing the To refer to the latest
 Forecasting and economic factors Financial Statements and
Decision making influencing the cost internal auditors & cost
factor of cement auditors report. Discuss
EFB with the management, study
of economic factors to
construe the price of the
cement bags
 Organisational Analysing the recent To collect, consolidate the
Structure and HRM trends in Human business data available on
 Emerging challenges Resources practices the official websites of the
of HRM in Cement Industries company and various
HRM government reports and use
various quantitative methods
to enumerate various trends
and HRM practices of the
 Marketing  Formulating a To perform a research by
Environment and Marketing plan for way of interviews of the
Marketing Costs; the company to cement dealers and
 Consumer Buying improve its marketing managers and
MM Behavior; formulate a marketing
consumer base and
 Marketing Research; strategy based on the
Demand Forecasting. responses received for the
 Strategic Planning company.
 Supply chain Analyzing the To collect, consolidate the
management operation business data and use
 Purchase and material management various quantitative methods
OM management strategies adopted by to enumerate various trends
Deccan Cements v/s and performance of the
Organisation in relation to
Shree Cements
operation management.

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