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Article 2/2 Problems 31 PROBLEMS Introductory Problems Problems 2/1 through 2/8 treat the motion of a particle which moves along the s-axis shown in the figure. = Hts, form Problems 21-218 2/1 The velocity of a particle is given by v = 258 — Bor — 1200, where » is in feet per second and f is in seconds. Plot the velocity v and acceleration a versus time for the first 6 seconds of mation and evaluate the velocity when a is rer. 2/2 The position of a particle is given by s = 0.27" — 0.65 ~ 2.35 + 4.4, where s is in fect and the time ¢ is in seconds. Plot the displacement, velocity, and acceleration as functions of time for the first 5 seconds of motion, Determine the positive time ‘when the particle changes ite direction, 2/3 The velocity of a particle which moves along the s-axis is given by v = 2 — 4¢ + 5%, where ¢ is in see- ‘onds and» is in meters per second. Evaluate the posi- tion s, velocity v, and acceleration a when ¢ = 3 6. The particle is at the position s, = 3m when t = 0 2/4 The displacement of a particle which moves along the s-axis is given by s ~ (—2 + &f}e, where s is in meters and ¢ is in seconds. Plot the displacement, velocity, and acceleration versus time for the first 20 seconds of motion, Determine the time at which the acceleration is zero, 2/5 The acceleration of a particle is given by a = 2¢ ~ 10, where a is in meters per second squared and ¢ is in seconds, Determine the velocity and displacement as functions of time. The initial displacement at ¢ = 0 is 4s) = —4m, and the initial velocity ig vy = 3 mvs 2/6 The acceleration of a particle is given by a = ~kt*, where a is in meters per second squared and the time £ is im seconds. Ifthe initial velocity of the par- ticle at ¢ = 0 is vy = 12 m/s and the particle takes 6 seconds to reverse direction, determine the mag- nitude and units of the constant k, What is the net displacement of the particle over the same 6-socond interval of motion? 2/7 The acceleration of a particle is given by @ = ks", where a is in meters per second squared, k is a con- stant, and ¢ is in meters. Determine the velocity of the particle as a function of its position s. Evaluate your expression for s = 5 mif k = 0.1 ms and the initial conditions at time ¢ = 0 are s) = 3 m and vy = 10 ms. 218 The acceleration of a particle is given by a = cy + et, where a is in millimeters per second squared, the velocity v is in millimeters per second, and e, and ¢, are constants, Ifthe particle position and velocity at # = 0 are sy and vp, respectively, determine expres sions for the position s of the particle in terms of the velocity v and time ¢ 2/9 Calculate the constant acct ration a in g's which the catapult of an aircraft carrier must provide to pro- duce a launch velocity of 180 mifhr in a distance of 300 ft. Assume that the carrier is at anchor, 2/10 A particle in an experimental apparatus has a veloc- ity given by v ~ ky, where v is in millimeters per second, the position ¢ is millimeters, and the con- stant k= 0.2 mm'"s"! If the partile has a velocity vp = 3 mmis at £ = 0, determine the particle posi tion, velocity, and acceleration as functions of time, and compute the time, position, and acceleration of the particle when the velocity reaches 15 mm/s 2/11 Ball 1 is launched with an initial vertical veloc- ity v, = 160 ft/sec. Three seconds later, ball 2 is Iaunched with an initial vertical velocity v,, Deter- zine v, if the balls are to collide at an altitude of 300 ft. At the instant of collision, is ball 1 aacending. ‘or descending? Problem 2/11 32 Chapter 2 Kinematics of Particles ane ans Experimental data for the motion of particle along a straight line yield measured values of the velocity v for various position coordinates s. A smooth curve is drawn through the points as shown in the graph. Determine the acceleration of the particle when = 208. 8 v, ftlsee 10 20 250 sft Problem 2/12 In the pinewood-derby event shown, the car is re- leased from rest at the starting position A and then rolls down the incline and on to the finish line C. If the constant acceleration down the incline is 2,75 mist and the speed from B to C is essentially constant, de- termine the time duration t4c for the race. The effects of the small transition area at B can be neglected. 2s Problem 2/13 A ball is thrown vertically up with a velocity of 30 m/s at the edge of a 60-m cliff Calculate the height h to which the ball rises and the total time t afler release for the ball to reach the bottom of t cliff. Neglect air resistance and take the downward acceleration to be 9.81 m/s! 25 26 27 2 Problem 2/14 ‘Acar comes to a complete stop from an initial speed ‘of 50 mifhr in a distance of 100 ft. With the same constant acceleration, what would be the stopping distance s from an initial speed of 70 mifhr? ‘The pilot of a jet transport brings the engines to {full takeoff power before releasing the brakes as the aircraft is standing on the runway. The jet thrust remains constant, and the aircraft has a near. constant acceleration of 0.4g. Ifthe takeoff speed is 200 km/h, calculate the distance s and time ¢ from, rest to takeoff A game requires that two children each throw a ball upward as high as possible from point O and then ‘run horizontally in opposite directions away from ©. The child who travels the greater distance before their thrown ball impacte the ground wins, If ehild A throws a ball upward with a speed of 4 ~ 70 fulsec and immediately runs leftward at a constant speed of uy ~ 16 ft/sec while child B throws the ball ‘upward with a speed of u, = 64 ft/sec and imme- diately runs rightward with a constant speed of vg = 18 fsee, which child will win the game? i i f i \ i 1 \ i 1 i \ I Hi Problem 2/17 Article 2/2 Problems 33 Representative Problems ane ang During an 8-second interval, the velocity of a par- ticle moving in a straight line varies with time as shown, Within reasonable limits of accuracy, deter- ‘mine the amount Aa by which the acceleration at 1 = 4.2 exceeds the average acceleration during the interval. What is the displacement As during the interval? uu 2/21 At a football tryout, a player runs a 40-yard dash in 4.25 soconds. I he reaches his maximum speed at the 16-yard mark with a constant acceleration and then maintains that epeed for the remainder of the rrun, determine his acceleration over the first 16 yards, hhis maximum speed, and the time duration of the ve e * 2 10 he Problem 2/18 In the final stages of @ moon landing, the lunar module descends under relrothrust of its descent engine to within k~ Sm ofthe hina surface where ithae a downward velocity of 2 mis. If the descent engine is cut off abrapily a this point, compute the impact velocity of the landing gear with the moon Lunar gravity ie ofthe earth’ gravity A girl rolls a ball up an incline and allows it to re- turn to her. For the angle @ and ball involved, the acceleration of the ball along the incline is constant at 0.25g, directed down the incline. If the ball is re- eased with a speed of 4 m/s, determine the distance « it moves up the ineline before reversing its diree- tion and the total time ¢ required for the ball to re- ‘turn to the child’s hand, Problem 2/20 x 14.25 200 Problem 2/21 2/22 The main elevator A of the CN Tower in Toronto rises about 350 m and for most of its run has a constant speed of 22 km/h, Assume that both the acceleration and deceleration have a constant mag- nitude of }g and determine the time duration ¢ of a the elevator run. 350m Problem 2/22 34 Chapter 2 Kinematics of Particles 2/23 A Scotch-yoke mechanism is used to convert rotary ‘motion into reciprocating motion. As the disk rotates at the constant angular rate », a pin A slides ina vertical slot causing the slotted member to displace horizontally according to x = r sin(ut) relative to the fixed disk center 0. Determine the expressions for the velocity and acceleration of a point P on the output ehaft of the mechanism a functions of time, and determine the maximum velocity and accel- eration of point P during one cycle. Use the values 75 mm and w = rad/s Problem 2/23 A train which is traveling at 80 mifhr applies its brakes as it reaches point A and slows down with ‘4 constant deceleration, Its decreased velocity is observed to be 60 mi/hr as it passes a point 1/2 mi beyond A. A car moving at 50 mishr passes point 2 at the same instant that the train reaches point A. In an unwise effort to heat the train to the crossing, the driver “steps on the gas.” Calculate the constant acceleration a that the car must have in order to beat the train to the crossing by 4 seconds and find the velocity v of the ear as it reaches the crossing Problem 2/28 2/26 Car Ais traveling at a constant speed uy 2/25 Small steel balls fall from rest through the open- ing at A at the steady rate of two per second. Find the vertical separation h of two consecutive balls when the lower one has dropped 3 meters. Neglect air resistance Problem 2/25 30 ken at a location where the speed limit is 100 km/h. The police officer in ear P observes this speed via radar. At the moment when A passes P, the police car be- {gins to accelerate at the constant rate of 6 m/s* until a speed of 160 km/h is achieved, and that speed is then maintained. Determine the distance required for the police officer to overtake car A. Neglect any nonrectilinear motion of P. Problem 2/26 2/27 A toy helicopter is flying in a straight line at a con- stant speed of 4.5 m/s. If a projectile is launched vertically with an initial speed of vp = 28 m/s, what horizontal distance d should the helicopter be from the launch site $ if the projectile is to be travel- ing downward when it strikes the helicopter? As- ‘sume that the projectile travels only in the vertical direction, Article 2/2 Problems 35 2128 2128 Problem 2/27 A particle moving along a straight line has an accel- eration which varies according to position as shown. Ifthe velocity ofthe particle atthe position x = 5 ft is v = ~2 f¥/sec, determine the velocity when x 98. Problem 2128 A model rocket is launched from rest with a con- stant upward acceleration of 3 m/s* under the ac- tion of a small thruster. The thruster shuts off after 8 seconds, and the rocket continues upward until it reaches its apex. At apex, a small chute opena which ensures that the rocket falls at a constant speed of 0.85 m/s until it impacts the ground, Determine the ‘maximum height / attained by the rocket and the total flight time. Noglect aerodynamic drag during ascent, and assume that the mass of the rocket and the acceleration of gravity are both constant, Problem 2/29 2/30 An electric car is subjected to acceleration tests along a straight and level tet track. The rerulting vt data are closely modeled over the first 10 sec- ‘nds by the function » = 24t = t2 + By, where tis the time in aeconds and v isthe velocity in fot per second, Determine the displacement s as a function af time over the interval 0 = ¢ = 10 aoc and specify its value at time ~ 10 sc. 160 9 140] 120] a A «| , eee 4o| aL ._ To tase Problem 2/30 36 Chapter 2 Kinematics of Particles 2/31 A vacwum-propelled capsule for a high-speed tube transportation system of the future is being de- signed for operation between two stations A and B, which are 10 km apart. If the acceleration and deceleration are to have a limiting magnitude of (06g and if velocities are to be limited to 400 km/h, determine the minimum time ¢ for the capsule to make the 10-km trip. eS a, im Problem 2/31 2/32 Ifthe velocity v of a particle moving along a straight line decreases linearly with its displacement s from 20 m/s to a value approaching zero at s = 30m, determine the acceleration a of the particle when = 15m and show that the particle never reaches the 30-m displacement. 20| mls Problem 2/82 2/33 A particle moves along the x-axis with the velocity history shown, If the particle is at the position 4 in. at time f = 0, plot the corresponding displace ‘ment history for the time interval 0 = ¢ = 10 sec Additionally, fnd the net displacement and total dis- tance traveled by the particle for this interval 1 in Jove Problem 2/33 2/34 The 230,000-1b space-shuttle orbiter touches down at about 220 mi/hr: At 200 mi/hr its drag parachute deploys. At 35 mi/hr, the chute is jettisoned from the orbiter. If the deceleration in feet per second squared during the time that the chute is deployed is 0.00030" (epeed v in feet per second), deter- mine the corresponding distance traveled by the orbiter. Assume no braking from its wheel brakes, Problem 2/34 2/35 Reconsider the rollout of the space-shuttle orbiter of ‘the previous problem, The drag chute is deployed at 200 mir, the wheel brakes are applied at 100 mi/hr until wheelstop, and the drag chute is jettisoned at 35 mi/hr: Ifthe drag chute results in a decelers- tion of ~0.00030 (in feet per second squared when, the speed v is in feet per second) and the wheel Drakes cause a constant deceleration of 5 ft/sect, determine the distance traveled from 200 mi/hr to wheelstop, 2/36 The cart impacts the safety barrier with speed vy ~ 8.25 mls and is brought to a stop by the nest of nonlinear springs which provide a deceleration a hye — pv’, where x is the amount of spring deflee- tion from the undeformed position and hy and k, are positive constants. If the maximum spring deflec- tion is 475 mm and the velocity at half-maximum deflection is 2.85 m/s, determine the values and cor- responding unite for the constante ky and ky. Article 2/2 Problems 37 2137 2138 Undeformed position 1 Problem 2/36 ‘The graph shows the rectilinear acceleration of a particle as a function of time over a 12-second in- terval. Ifthe particle is at rest at the position 55 at time # = 0, determine the velocity of the particle when (a) =4,(6)¢=8s,and(e)f = 125. Problem 2/37 Compute the impact speed of a body released from rest at an altitude h = 650 miles above the surface of Mars. (a) First assume a constant gravitational acceleration gq, = 12.8 fl/sec® (equal to that at the surface) and (6) then account for the variation of g with altitude (refer to Art. 1/5). Neglect any effects of atmospheric drag. —— Problem 2/38 2139 +2140 ‘The steel ball A of diameter D slides freely on the horizontal rod which leads to the pole face of the electromagnet. The force of attraction obeys an in- verse-square law, and the resulting acceleration of the ball is a = KIL ~ x), where K is a measure of the strength of the magnetic field. Ifthe ball is re- sed from reet at x = 0, determine the velocity ‘with which it strikes the pole face. Problem 2/88 ‘The falling object has a speed ug when it strikes and subsequently deforms the foam arresting material ‘until it comes to rest, The resistance of the foam ‘material to deformation is a function of penetration dopth y and object speed v so that the acceleration of the object is a= g— kv ~ hy, where v is the particle speed in inches per second, y is the penetra- tion depth in inches, and ky and k, are positive con- stants, Plot the penetration depth y and velocity » of the object as functions of time over the first five seconds for by = 12 s0c"?, ky = 24 see“, and vp = 25 in./see, Determine the time when the penctra- tion depth reaches 95% of its final value, yr + Problem 2/40 38 Chapter 2 Kinematics of Particles 2/41 The electronic throttle control of a model train is programmed so that the train speed varies with position as shown in the plot. Determine the time ¢ required for the train to complete one lap. im im 0 2 2 ew = on 265 4428 Distance s,m Problem 2/41 2/42. A projectile is fired downward with initial speed v in ‘an experimental fluid and experiences an accelera- tion a = or ~ 20%, where « and 7 are positive constants and v is the projectile speed. Determine the distance traveled by the projectile when its speed has been reduced to one-half of the initial speed vp. Also, deter- ine the terminal velocity of the projectile. Evaluate for o = 0.7 mis", = 0.2:m"*, and vy = 4 mis, Problem 2/42 2/43 The aerodynamic resistance to motion of a car is ‘nearly proportional to the square of its velocity. Ad- ditional frictional resistance is constant, so that the acceleration of the car when coasting may be writ- ten a = ~C, ~ Cyv#, where C, and C, are constants which depend on the mechanical configuration of the car. Ifthe ear has an initial velocity v, when the ‘engine is disengaged, derive an expression for the distance D required for the car to coast to a stop. = — Problem 2/43 2/44 The driver ofa car, which is initially at rest at the top A of the grade, releases the brakes and coasts down the grade with an acceleration in feet per sec- ‘ond squared given by a = 3.22 ~ 0.004v°, wher the velocity in feet per second, Determine the veloc- ity up at the bottom B of the grade Problem 2/44 2/45 When the effect of aerodynamic drag is included, the y-acceleration of a baseball moving verti cally upward is a, = -g~kv#, while the accel- ration when the ball is moving downward is ag = ~g + ke®, where k is a positive constant and v is the speed in meters per second. If the ball is ‘thrown upward at $0 m/e from essentially ground level, compute its maximum height h and its ‘speed v upon impact with the ground. Take k to be 0.006 m™ and assume that g is constant. Article 2/2 Problems 39 2146 2047 Problem 2445 For the baseball of Prob, 2/45 thrown upward with fan initial speed of 30 m/s, determine the time f, from ground to apex and the time t, from apex to ground, ‘The stories of a tall building are uniformly 10 feet in height. A ball A is dropped from the rooftop position shown, Determine the times required for it to pass the 10 feet of the first, tenth, and one- hundredth stories (counted from the top). Neglect aerodynamic drag. wt Problem 2/47 2048 2049 Repeat Prob. 2/47, except now include the effects of aerodynamic drag. The drag force causes an acceler- ation component in f/sec* of 0.0050" in the direction, ‘opposite the velocity vector, where v is in fUsec. (On its takeoff roll, the airplane starts from rest and accelerates according to @ = ap— ke, where 4 is the constant acceleration resulting from the ‘engine thrust and —ho" is the acceleration due to aerodynamic drag. If ay = 2 mist, # = 0.00004 m~, and is in meters per second, determine the design length of runway required forthe airplane to reach the takeoff speed of 250 kn/a ifthe drag term is (a) ‘exchaded and (6) included. = 250 ken 2180 Problem 2/48 ‘A test projectile is fired horizontally into a viscous liquid with a velocity vy. The retarding foree is pro- portional to the square of the velocity, so that the acceleration becomes a= —ke", Derive expres sions for the distance D traveled in the liquid and the corresponding time t required to reduce the velocity to up/2. Neglect any vertical motion. Problem 2/50 40 Chapter 2 Kinematics of Particles 2/51 A bumper, consisting of a nest of three springs, uused to arrest the horizontal motion of a large mass which is traveling at 40 fu/sec as it contacts the bumper. The two outer springs cause a deceleration proportional to the spring deformation. The center apring increases the deceleration rate when the compression exceeds 6 in, az shown on the graph. Determine the maximum compression x of the outer springs. Problem 2/51 2/52 Car A travels at a constant speed of 65 mifhr: When in the position shown at time t = 0, car B has a speed of 25 mifhr and accelerates at a constant rate of 0.1g along its path until it reaches a speed of 65 mi/br, after which it travels at that constant speed. What is the steady-state position of car A with respect to car B? Problem 2152 2053 2154 208s ‘A block of mass m rests on a rough horizontal sur faco and is attached to a spring of stiffness k. The ‘coeflicienta of both static and kinetic friction are 4. ‘The block is displaced a distance xy to the right of the unstretched position of the spring and released from rest. If the value of x, is large enough, the spring force will overcome the maximum available static friction force and the block will slide toward the unstretched position of the spring with an k amount of stretch (or compression) in the spring at any given location in the motion. Use the values acceleration @ ug — +x, whore x represents the m = 5 kg, k = 150 Nim, 4 = 0.40, and xp = 200 mim and determine the final spring stretch (or compres- sion) x; when the block comes to a complete stop. Unstretched spring position Problem 2/53 ‘The situation of Prob, 2/53 is repeated here. This time, use the values m = 5 kg, k = 150 Nim, w = 0.40, tnd xy = 500 mm and determine the final spring stretch (or compression) x, when the block comes to 1 complete atop. (Note: The sign on the wg term is dictated by the direction of motion for the block and always acts in the direction opposite velocity) ‘The vertical acceleration of a certain solid-fuel rocket is given by a = kev" ~ cv —g, where k, 6, and c are constants, v is the vertical velocity ac- quired, and g is the gravitational acceleration, ‘essentially constant for atmospheric flight, The ‘exponential term represents the effect of a deca; ing thrust as fuel is burned, and the term —cv ap- proximates the retardation due to atmospheric jatance. Determine the expression for the verti- cal velocity ofthe rocket ¢ seconds after firing. Article 2/2 Problems 41 »2/56 The preliminary design for a rapid-transit sys- tem calls for the train velocity to vary with time fas shown in the plot as the train runs the 3.2 km between stations A and B. The slopes of the cubic transition curves (which are of form a + bt + ef? +d?) fare zero at the end points. Determine the total rrun time ¢ between the atations and the maximum acceleration 4 Sos 2 {tim Cubie functions ——— =o raof — dl _————— f b roam 258 initial speed of 255 ft/sec. Relative to an observer located at B, at what times will the line of sight to the projectile make an angle of 30° with the hori- zontal? Compute the magnitude of the speed of the projectile at each time, and ignore the effect of aero- dynamic drag on the projectile. Problem 2/57 2/58 Repeat Prob. 2/57 for the case where aerodynamic drag is included. The magnitude of the drag decel- eration is het, where k = 3.5(10~%) &™* and v is the ‘speod in fect per socond. The direction of the drag is ‘opposite the motion of the projectile throughout the flight (when the projectile is moving upward, the drag is directed downward, and when the projectile is moving downward, the drag is directed upward)

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