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J | toreises 2.2 In Exercises 1-8, determine whether the given matrix isin row echelon form. Ifit is, stave whether itis also in reduced row echelon form. rhe 3] 01) “ft 2-4 -2 6 31 66 1 2-407 .]2 -1 4] -3 -6 10 4-3-1 12 =3, 15, Reverse the elementary row operations used in Example 2.9 to show that we can convert 1 2-4-4 5 o-1 1 9 =5 oo 1 a -1f ™ o 0 0 0 m8 12-4 -4 5 24 0 02 23 215 1103 65 Section 22 Direct Methods for Solving Lineae Systems 83 16, In general, what isthe elementary tow operation that “undoes” each of the three elementary row operations Ree Ry kRyand R, + KR? | Exercises 17 and 18, show that the given matrices are row equivalent and find a sequence of elementary row operations that will convert A into B. ma-[} the=[ 4] 20-1) fst wa=[ 11 ohe=l3 5 1 aia’ i230 19, What is wrong with the following “proof” that every matrix with at least two rows is row equivalent to a ‘matrix with a zero row? Perform R, + R, and R, + R,.Now rows Land 2 are identical. Now perform R, ~ R, toobtain a row of zeros in the second row, 20, What isthe net effect of performing the following sequence of elementary row operations on a matrix (with atleast two rows)? Ry + Ry Ri ~ Ry R+ RR, 21, Students frequently perform the following type of cal- culation to introduce a zero into a matrix: E Teo [3 | 24 0 10 However, 3R; ~ 2R; is not an elementary row opera- tion. Why not? Show how to achieve the same result using elementary row operations. cclecetaniing arta sn bieaunioenattan oe saves afc esi wr 24, What are the possible reduced row echelon forms of 3X 3 matrices? 88 Chapter 2_ Systems of Linear Equations In Exercises 25-34, solve the given system of equations using cither Gaussian or Gauss-fordan elimination 2, mt Iy—3u=9 We x- yt 2 dey Et BO axt3y+ 255 ay mt ya Bet yd72 27 3m — 2x = 0 28 QW 3x yt Ae ay t2mt m0 Gwe te dy 4x +6n=0 Bw—4ety— 2 W.I4t s= 3 arts= 7 rt Se= 1 30x + 3u~ 2x + Ay = 0 2x — 6x, + 4 — 2% x) 7 Bx ty — 8x, aida ty yx =2 ta tia ay + we Snl cr — dx 8 32 Viet y+ 22 Viy- 3 “y+VE= 1 Bw tet apt wox- ytz= 0 ety =o whe +2= 2 Bhat bt ct d= 4 at+2b+ 3e+ 4d= 10 a+ b+ 6e+ 1d = 20 a+ 4b+ c+ 20d = 35 In Bxorcises 35-38, determine by inspection (i. without performing any calculations) whether a inear system with the given augmented matris: has a unique solution, infinitely ‘many solutions, or ne solution. Justify your answers 0 0 12 SacBee DieL lb 1 3) a6] 2-3 1]-1 10 ah 2 4 -6 2/0 12 3 alo’ 12 37.|5 6 7 8/0] 38]6 5 9 10 n ilo. 29 az. 39, Show that if ad ~ be # 0, then the system axtby=r oxtdy=s has a unique solution, ‘in Exercises 40-43, for what value(s) of, ifany, will the systems have (a) no solution, (b) a unique solution, and (6) infinitely many solutions? 40. kx + 2y= 3 4a xt hye 2x 4y= 6 ket ye Qox-2yt3e=2 9 Bet yth= 1 xt yt 2=k xthyt z= 1 ae- ytae=k ket yt 25-2 44, Give examples of homogencous systems of m linear equations in n variables with m= mand with m > n that have (a) infinitely many solutions and (b) a lunique solution. In Exercises 45 and 46, find the line of intersection of the given planes. 45,3x+2y+2=—1 and Ixy haz 6.4x+y—2=0 and 2x-y+3e=4 47, (a) Give an example of three planes that have a com- ‘mon line of intersection (Figure 2.4). Figure 2.4 () Givean example of three planes that intetsect in pairs but have no common point of intersetion (igure 25) {6) Givean example of three planes, exactly two of which are parallel (Figure 2.6). Figure 2.6 (2) Give an example of three planes that interscct ina single point (Figure 2.7) Figure 2.7, In Bxercises 48 and 49, determine whether the lines x= p+ suandx = q+ tv intersect and, if they do, find their ‘point of intersection eee [for hme all points Q™= (a,b,c) such that the line through Q ‘with direction vector v intersects the line with equation x= p+. 51, Recall thatthe cross product of vectors w and vis a vector u v that is orthogonal to both w and v. (See Exploration: The Cross Product in Chapter 1.) If “=f Section 2.2 Direct Methods for Solving Linear Systems 85 show that there are infinitely many vectors that simultaneously satisfy u+x = and vex = Oand that all are multiples of wre [ont] ane yp epee é tha-| The-[-S]auae-| 2 a ae Sunes aici s ibd > adres See ne ai planes, one containing each line. 52. Letp 1 Exercises 53-58, solve the systems of linear equations over the indicated 2, S3.x+2y=1 overZ, xt y=2 Saxty yee x tz sixty yte x te 56. 3x +2y=1 over Zs xtay=l 37. 3x4 2y xtay=1 58x + 4x = 1 overZ; R+2n thy 83 dy t2y + el Hay 2 59, Prove the following corollary to the Rank Theorem: Let A bean m x nmatrix with entries in Z,. Any consistent system of linear equations with coefficient tmatrix A has exactly p"~"*” solutions over Z, (60. When pis not prime, extra care is needed in solving a linear system (or indeed, any equation) over Z,. Using Gaussian elimination, solve the following System, cover Z,, What complications arise? 1 overZ, o 1 = 1 overZ, over Z; det aya Ax + 3y=2

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