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Task 1

Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets (infinitive or –ing form).
1 This medicine will help you (get) better.
2 The instructions tell you what (do) in an emergency.
3 The science project involves (go) to a local river to study the wildlife.
4 I didn’t mean (hurt) you – I’m really sorry!
5 The children were encouraged (touch) the animals.
6 You should avoid (restart) the machine until the red light goes off.
7 David didn’t know what (investigate) next.
8 I get bored of (do) the same tasks every day.
9 I don’t fancy ______________ (go) out tonight.
10 I don’t recommend ______________ (take) the bus, it takes forever!
Task 2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

9If you (need) to change the time we’ve arranged for any reason, just let me know.
10 I really wouldn’t do that if I (be) you!
11 ‘If you (do) your homework as soon as you came in from school, it wouldn’t be a pain later!’ said
Angie’s mum.
12 If I (live) in a houseboat on a beautiful river, I’d be so happy!
13 I’ll see you at 7.00, then, unless I (hear) from you.
14 ‘If you (not go) to the training session this evening, would it be a big problem?’ said Tim’s dad.
15 If David (not forget) his passport, we wouldn’t have been so late!
Task 3
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

16 I’m not very good at maths. I wish I am / was / would be better at it.
17 I wish George says / will say / would say how he feels. I never know what he’s thinking.
18 Our day out in the city was great, but there was too much to see in one day. If only we have / we had /
we’d had more time!
19 I sometimes wish my family don’t move / didn’t move / hadn’t moved to England – it’s so cold and
20 I like being really comfortable in a house. So I’d rather live / to live / living in a palace than a tent!
21 I’d rather not take / not to take / I’m not taking the bus into town, if you don’t mind.
22 It takes so long to get to my uncle’s lovely house on the island. If only there is / was / had been a way of
getting there quickly!
23 I wish I ’m not taking / wouldn’t take / wasn’t taking my Russian exam this year. I’d prefer to wait
until next year.
Task 4
Complete the text with the correct present or present perfect form of the verbs in brackets. Sometimes
more than one answer is possible.
The real Pete 4D

Over the last few years, Pete 4D (16) (become) one of the most loved DJs in the world.
He regularly (17) (play) his particular style of electronic music to crowds of young fans all over the
world. He (18) (come back, just) from a month-long tour of Asia, where he entertained fans in
India, Japan and Vietnam and this weekend he will be in Las Vegas. What’s more, Pete is also a respected
producer. He (19) (work on) his third studio album for the last few months. All of this at only twenty-four
years old.
Despite the apparently glamorous lifestyle, Pete (20) (come across) as a quiet, thoughtful young man.
Although his DJ gigs are full of loud, fast-paced dance tunes, Pete (21) (not listen, only) to this type of
music in his free time. He is a collector of rare world music and an expert on South American folk music. At
the moment, he (22) (write) a book about the history of Ecuadorian music. Pete 4D is definitely not your
average dance music DJ!
When Pete (23) (not be) on tour in the world’s biggest cities, he prefers to spend his time in the countryside.
He has recently bought an old farm in Cornwall, in the south west of England, where he (24) (spend) a lot of
his time these days. At the moment, workmen (25) (repair) the old farm buildings, but Pete (26) (plan) to
move into the farm in the near future. Recently, he (27) (study) an online course
in organic farming methods and when he finishes, he (28) (want) to start growing organic fruit and
vegetables on the farm.
This (29) (not seem) like the type of thing a twenty-something DJ would normally do. In fact, it (30) (sound)
more like someone’s
retirement plans. However, Pete hasn’t shown any signs of wanting to retire, which is good news for his fans
all over the world.

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