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Lab No : 24060109185 EMR: HYD-2024-148635 Branch : Main Branch

Name: Mr M. NADEEM Ward/Unit : -

Age: 35 Y Cell: 03133824790 Co llect io n T ime: 10-JUN-24 23:42:50
Ref By:

LAB ID: 24060109185


Chemical Pat hology I Repor t ing T ime: 11-JUN-24 02:29:06

Test Name Result Unit Normal Ranges

HbA1C (Glycosylated HB)............................................................. 5.55 %....................... 4.8 - 6.5


Non Diabetes---------- < 5.7%
Pre Diabetes---------- 5.7 - 6.4%
Diabetes ---------- > 6.5%

Patient with known diabetes: Optimal Level :< 7.0%
Patient with known diabetes are advised to consult their health care practitioner/provider for the individualized glycemic targets.

Report is computer g enerated, so does not require sig nature. Printing on: 11- Jun- 2024 05:06:53
Lab No : 24060109185 EMR: HYD-2024-148635 Branch : Main Branch
Name: Mr M. NADEEM Ward/Unit : -
Age: 35 Y Cell: 03133824790 Co llect io n T ime: 10-JUN-24 23:42:50
Ref By:

LAB ID: 24060109185


Chemical Pat hology Repor t ing T ime: 11-JUN-24 02:29:09

Test Name Result Unit Normal Ranges

L.F.Ts (6 Para)
Serum Bilirubin (Total)................................................................... 0.45 mg/dl..................... 0.10 - 1.00
Serum Bilirubin (Direct).................................................................. 0.21 mg/dl..................... <= 0.30
Serum Bilirubin (Indirect)............................................................... 0.24 mg/dl..................... 0.25 - 0.9
SGPT(ALT).................................................................................. 27 U/L....................... < 45
Alkaline phosphatase..................................................................... 90 U/L....................... 42 - 129
Gamma GT.................................................................................. 22 U/L....................... 8-61

Vitamin D3 Level............................................................................... 19.9 ng/ml...................... 30-40

Vitamin B12.................................................................................. 218.5 pg/ml..................... 234 - 894

Report is computer g enerated, so does not require sig nature. Printing on: 11- Jun- 2024 05:06:53
Lab No : 24060109185 EMR: HYD-2024-148635 Branch : Main Branch
Name: Mr M. NADEEM Ward/Unit : -
Age: 35 Y Cell: 03133824790 Co llect io n T ime: 10-JUN-24 23:42:50
Ref By:

LAB ID: 24060109185


Special Chemist ry Repor t ing T ime: 11-JUN-24 09:38:07

Test Name Result Unit Normal Ranges

Helicobacter Pylori IGG................................................................. 1.42 U/ml....................... < 0.9 Negative

0.9 - 1.1 Gray Zone
> 1.1 Positive

Report is computer g enerated, so does not require sig nature. Printing on: 11- Jun- 2024 05:06:53
Lab No : 24060109185 EMR: HYD-2024-148635 Branch : Main Branch
Name: Mr M. NADEEM Ward/Unit : -
Age: 35 Y Cell: 03133824790 Co llect io n T ime: 10-JUN-24 23:42:50
Ref By:

LAB ID: 24060109185


Haematology 1 Repor t ing T ime: 11-JUN-24 00:38:45

Test Name Result Unit Normal Ranges

CBC ESR Profile

Haemoglobin.................................................................................. 14.5 gm/dl..................... 13.0 - 17.0
Haematocrit.................................................................................. 43.3 %....................... 40 - 50
R.B.C.................................................................................. 4.74 10^6/L.................... 4.3 - 5.9
M.C.V.................................................................................. 91.4 FL....................... 80 - 100
M.C.H.................................................................................. 30.6 PG....................... 27 - 34
M.C.H.C.................................................................................. 33.5 g/dL.......................
W.B.C.................................................................................. 7.78 10^3/UL................. 4.0 - 10.0
Neutrophils.................................................................................. 41.4 %....................... 40 - 80
Lymphocytes.................................................................................. 44.0 %....................... 20 - 40
Monocytes.................................................................................. 7.7 %....................... 2 - 10
Eosinophils.................................................................................. 6.4 %....................... 1-6
Basophils.................................................................................. 0.5 %....................... <1
Platelet Count.................................................................................. 259 x10^9L.................... 150-400
ESR.................................................................................. 15 mm/1Hr.................. 0 - 25

Normocytic, Normochromic.

Report is computer g enerated, so does not require sig nature. Printing on: 11- Jun- 2024 05:06:53

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