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Group 1Simon says: remember your target is one para.

I think you can reduce your

description of the problems and focus on the 2 solutions

Cell Phone Addiction is a common problem for many citizens in Hong Kong. Although
smartphones are convenient, it is harmful if people are addicted to it since people may stop
working or studying but using the smartphone. So we need to find out the solutions. There
are two main methods people can use to handle the issues of addiction on electronic
products: managing recreation time and encouraging them to socialize in real life. Firstly, a
high degree of personal initiative and self management is able to avoid cell phone addiction.
we could try to minimize dependencies by reducing the use of playtime, therefore, people
can develop their hobbies like reading. Also, they will have more time to finish their work or
study.(Simon: what would be the consequence?). Secondly, communicating in face to face is
another effective solution for this issue. Cell phones are just tools that can barely improve
your social skills. Spending time in real society or even going out for a work, you might be
able to realize the weak points and promote yourself.

Group 2 Cell Phone addiction Simon says: make this one concise para. Good development
of ideas for point one. Could reduce the description of the problem and focu more on

With the development of technology, smartphone possession is very common in Hong Kong.
However, if people are addicted to using cell phones, it is harmful to their body and leads to
an irreplaceable health problem such as the deterioration of vision. There are two methods
to solve this problem which are restricting the screen time and adjusting the rhythm of playing
on the mobile phone. Firstly, an application called “ screen time” which can help people to
restrict the screen time by counting the time they use cell phones. Moreover, people can set
the screen time they want. The apps will shut down all the apps that people are using and
turn off their phone. If people want to turn it back on, they have to type the password they
have set before. This solution can help parents to restrict the screen time that their kids are
using and remind people the time they spend on phones. The second solution is adjusting the
rhythm of playing on the mobile phone. If blindly immersed in the phone, it will harm our health.
So, after we play for a while, it is necessary to relax our neck and eyes. It is better for us to stand
outside and take a fresh breath. Moreover, looking at some green plants also improves eyesight
and relieves fatigue.

Group 3 Bullying on social media Simon says: you can add a summary sentence

Nowadays cyber bullying is becoming more serious since everyone has a chance to use
these apps. Because of the private problem, there are systems to protect personal
information. For example the anonymity. Therefore people may have a wrong message that
attacks people through the internet will not be caught. However, using social media will have
records, people can be caught by police. Although cyber bullying is not physically hurt,
people still get some mental hurt by these messages. Then how can people understand the
severity of cyberbullying and avoid cyberbullying happening? There are many solutions
which provide for tackling the problem of cyber bullying. Many voices supported that
legislative control would be the most effective solution to solve the problem. For one thing, it
has a deterrent for the public. They understand that it needs to bear the consequences of
cyberbullying before they write down the spite comment. On the other hand, the law can
protect the victims from being attacked and harassed online. Therefore we need to deny
cyber bullying.

Group 4 :
Hong Kong problem : Insomnia (poor sleep) Simon says: target is one para!

The principal challenge faced by Hong Kong residents is undergoing Insomnia. As

far as Insomnia is concerned, it brings a profound influence to all the sufferers.
Insomnia is a type of common sleep disorder that causes the residents difficulty to
fall and stay asleep. It being universal in Hong Kong could attribute to the
humongous mental pressure produced by the work-life imbalance and high living
cost. Insomnia gives rise to a vicious circle which adversely affects our mental
health by depriving our sleep. Eventually, the ordinary residents may suffer from
psychiatric illness.The first method is to stop thinking about work before bed.
Because of the work pressure, some people always think about what happened
during the day or what they need to do tomorrow, which is not helpful to relax their
brain. So, people should make a simple plan for the work to be done the next day or
write a diary to reduce worries. In addition, in terms of the nearly unaffordable living
cost, what we could do is not spend so much on the useless commodities. For
instance, several middle-class workers love to buy luxury brand products to show
their high social status. Reducing the frequency to buy those products would be one
of the effective solutions.

Group 5
CellPhone addiction
With the popularization of smart phones, not only the convenience it
brings to people, but also the addiction of people to mobile phones
deserves our attention. This is a global problem and certainly a Hong
Kong's problem.When people spend more time with their phones, it is
not only their work and study efficiency that suffers, but also their
health.So what can we do about it?

Simon says: you have “secondly” but no firstly and no preview: There are two …. You can
improve the structure by doing this

In my opinion, the reason why we are addicted to the mobile phone for a long time is actually
a manifestation of the lack of personal self-control, so we should do something about it. We
need to make a plan every day to fulfill our day. People waste time on their cell phones when
they have nothing to do. There are two ways which are similar to each other to deal with this
problem. Firstly, now most smart phones will come with some screen time control functions,
which can help us control the time very well. Or some apps can do the same thing. I think
the first thing is to keep yourself busy and have goals every day. Secondly, I need something
to assist me, such as an APP for time management. This solution is efficient because, on the
one hand, it reduces screen time to distract the user and, on the other hand, it provides a
sense of accomplishment. Imagine crossing off tasks from your to-do list every night and
seeing yourself using your phone for only three hours. This is such a happy thing.
I think this method should be a good solution to this problem.

Group 7 Simon says: I didn’t ask you to use a ref but if you do, you need a citation! Good
practice! :) You need a citation in text (in brackets)!

The principal challenge faced by Hong Kong people is Insomnia, this problem is very serious
right now. While the lifestyle of Hong Kong people has been quicken in recent decades,
people turn to sleep less to pursue doing more work or make it free time. Insomnia is
common among city people. According to the research conducted by Hong Kong University,
in 1032 interviewees, around 40% of them are facing the problem of Insomnia and that will
affect their health and cause some serious disease such as heart disease, depression, stroke.
Therefore, we need to think of some methods to improve this situation. Firstly, we should not
drink much coffee or liquor before sleeping. Nowadays because of high work pressure, many
people need to stay up late and they will use coffee and liquor to relax themselves but most
researches have pointed out that caffeine and alcohol can make our brain be more active and
make us unable to fall asleep easily. Also, I suggest that they drink some red dates or
chrysanthemum tea because they can improve the quality of sleeping and they will damage
our bodies. Besides, maintaining a suitable schedule for slee ping is necessary to cure
insomnia. Work-Life balance is effective because it favors the mental health process and
helps us relax our tense which helps us have a better recovery when we rest. I hope our
suggestions and ideas can attract people’ s attention and improve the situation of insomnia
in Hong Kong .


Group 8: Simon says: remember the target is one para

Bullying on social media

Nowadays, social media is used for communicating with people. However, cyberbully has
become a challenge faced by people. There are different types of bullying on social media,
for example, pranking, spreading rumours, sending mean texts… A plenty of effects will
bring out. Firstly, in the physical aspect, insomnia will be faced by the victims. The victims
may feel scared or anxious after receiving such evil messages or photos, as a result, they
cannot be relaxable and keep thinking about it. The victims find it hard to have a good sleep
at night. Therefore, their bodies may become weaker than before, for example, they always
feel sick, tired easily… It is obvious that cyberbullying has brought a bad effect to the
victims.Secondly, in the mental aspect, cyberbullying would cause a huge mentally hurt.
When victims are cyberbullied, they would be afraid to use the Internet, start losing their
confidence and what the bully says can make a mental shadow on the victim, so they cannot
get back to a normal life, always living under the shadow. If the problem is so serious, the
victims may want to suicide as they lose the hope for living.Thirdly, in the social aspect,
cyberbullying would make the victim unable to make friends, become lonely. As the victim
lose confidence and all the other people around the victim know him/her is being bullied on
the internet, they would also laugh at the victim in real life and the victim also lose the
confidence to make new friend or meet old friend, in a long term, the victim may be bullied in
both online and offline.To solve the problem, victims should talk with their people who have
close relationships with them. By chatting with someone they trust, they can be more
comfortable, also receive more useful suggestions. Therefore, they know how to address the
problem by themselves. The most important thing is, they know there are some people
supporting them, so they will not do something dangerous like suicide.

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