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1. **A refugee**
- Meaning: A person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war,
persecution, or natural disaster.
- Synonyms: emigrant, migrant, displaced person, asylum seeker.

2. **An emigrant**
- Meaning: A person who leaves their own country to settle permanently in another; an
emigrant typically leaves voluntarily for better opportunities.
- Synonyms: migrant, expatriate, settler, immigrant.

3. **A migratory**
- Meaning: Relating to migration, which involves moving from one place to another, often
with the changing seasons or for survival reasons.
- Synonyms: nomadic, wandering, roving, itinerant.

4. **A nomadic man**

- Meaning: A person who moves from place to place, often without a permanent home,
following a traditional or seasonal pattern.
- Synonyms: wanderer, traveler, vagabond, drifter.

5. **Deadening**
- Meaning: Making something less intense, lively, or active; causing a loss of interest or
- Synonyms: dulling, numbing, stifling, dampening.

6. **Terrible**
- Meaning: Extremely bad or serious; causing fear, dread, or apprehension.
- Synonyms: dreadful, horrific, appalling, horrifying.

7. **Dangerous**
- Meaning: Likely to cause harm, injury, or damage; involving risk or hazards.
- Synonyms: hazardous, perilous, risky, unsafe.

8. **Lethal**
- Meaning: Causing or capable of causing death; deadly.
- Synonyms: deadly, fatal, mortal, lethal.

9. **Wrong**
- Meaning: Not correct or true; morally or legally incorrect.
- Synonyms: incorrect, erroneous, mistaken, false.

10. **Prohibited**
- Meaning: Officially forbidden; not allowed.
- Synonyms: forbidden, banned, illegal, prohibited.

11. **Evil**
- Meaning: Morally bad or wrong; causing harm or suffering.
- Synonyms: wicked, sinful, malevolent, malicious.

12. **Impermanent**
- Meaning: Not lasting or enduring; temporary.
- Synonyms: temporary, transient, fleeting, ephemeral.

13. **A traitor**

- Meaning: A person who betrays someone or something, such as a friend, country, or
- Synonyms: betrayer, turncoat, double-crosser, defector.

14. **An immigrant**

- Meaning: A person who comes to live permanently in a foreign country.
- Synonyms: settler, newcomer, newcomer, migrant.
o © An emigrant
Emigrant (noun): A person who departs from their native land to settle elsewhere.
Synonyms: migrant, expatriate, settler, immigrant.

15. **Famous**
- Meaning: Widely known; renowned.
- Synonyms: renowned, celebrated, well-known, famous.

16. **Notorious**
- Meaning: Famous or well-known, typically for something bad or negative.
- Synonyms: infamous, notorious, disreputable, scandalous.

These are the meanings and some synonyms for each word in your list. If you have any
specific word you want more information about or additional synonyms for, feel free to ask!

Here are the meanings and synonyms for the words you've listed:

1. **Fantastic**:
- **Meaning**: Extraordinarily good or attractive; imaginative or fanciful.
- **Synonyms**: Wonderful, marvelous, incredible, extraordinary, unbelievable, amazing.

2. **Terrifying**:
- **Meaning**: Causing extreme fear.
- **Synonyms**: Frightening, horrifying, alarming, fearsome, intimidating.

3. **Incredible**:
- **Meaning**: Impossible to believe.
- **Synonyms**: Unbelievable, astonishing, extraordinary, fantastic, amazing.

4. **Imaginary**:
- **Meaning**: Existing only in the imagination.
- **Synonyms**: Fictitious, unreal, mythical, illusory, invented.

5. **Impulsive**:
- **Meaning**: Acting or done without forethought.
- **Synonyms**: Spontaneous, hasty, rash, impetuous, unpremeditated.

6. **Excitable**:
- **Meaning**: Easily excited.
- **Synonyms**: Nervous, high-strung, jumpy, hyperactive, volatile.

7. **Thoughtless**:
- **Meaning**: Without consideration for others; inconsiderate.
- **Synonyms**: Inconsiderate, careless, heedless, rash, reckless.

8. **Violent**:
- **Meaning**: Using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill
someone or something.
- **Synonyms**: Brutal, savage, aggressive, fierce, forceful.

9. **Negotiate**:
- **Meaning**: Try to reach an agreement or compromise by discussion.
- **Synonyms**: Bargain, discuss terms, mediate, confer, parley.

10. **Confer**:
- **Meaning**: Grant or bestow (a title, degree, benefit, or right); have discussions.
- **Synonyms**: Consult, discuss, talk, deliberate, negotiate.

11. **Consult**:
- **Meaning**: Seek information or advice from (someone with expertise in a particular
- **Synonyms**: Ask, seek advice from, confer, discuss, talk to.
12. **Advise**:
- **Meaning**: Offer suggestions about the best course of action to someone.
- **Synonyms**: Recommend, counsel, suggest, guide, direct.

13. **Deviate**:
- **Meaning**: Depart from an established course.
- **Synonyms**: Diverge, depart, stray, veer, digress.

14. **Vary**:
- **Meaning**: Differ in size, amount, degree, or nature from something else of the same
general class.
- **Synonyms**: Differ, change, alter, fluctuate, diversify.

15. **Regulate**:
- **Meaning**: Control or maintain the rate or speed of (a machine or process) so that it
operates properly.
- **Synonyms**: Control, manage, direct, govern, adjust.

16. **Punctuate**:
- **Meaning**: Occur at intervals throughout (a continuing event or a place); insert
punctuation marks in (text).
- **Synonyms**: Emphasize, highlight, accentuate, interrupt, break.

17. **Unlucky**:
- **Meaning**: Having, bringing, or resulting from bad luck.
- **Synonyms**: Unfortunate, luckless, hapless, jinxed, cursed.

18. **Foundling**:
- **Meaning**: An infant that has been abandoned by its parents and is discovered and
cared for by others.
- **Synonyms**: Abandoned infant, waif, orphan, stray, castaway.
19. **Orphan**:
- **Meaning**: A child whose parents are dead.
- **Synonyms**: Parentless child, foundling, waif, stray.

20. **Street-child**:
- **Meaning**: A homeless or neglected child who lives on the streets.
- **Synonyms**: Waif, urchin, homeless child, runaway, abandoned child.

21. **Fiction**:
- **Meaning**: Literature in the form of prose, especially short stories and novels, that
describes imaginary events and people.
- **Synonyms**: Novel, story, tale, fabrication, invention.

22. **Falsehood**:
- **Meaning**: The state of being untrue.
- **Synonyms**: Lie, untruth, fib, fabrication, deception.

23. **Pseudonym**:
- **Meaning**: A fictitious name, especially one used by an author.
- **Synonyms**: Pen name, alias, nom de plume, stage name, assumed name.

24. **Mistake**:
- **Meaning**: An action or judgment that is misguided or wrong.
- **Synonyms**: Error, blunder, slip, oversight, miscalculation.

25. **Baker**:
- **Meaning**: A person who makes bread and cakes, especially commercially.
- **Synonyms**: Pastry chef, bread maker.

26. **Salesman**:
- **Meaning**: A man whose job involves selling or promoting commercial products,
either in a shop or visiting locations to get orders.
- **Synonyms**: Vendor, seller, marketer, retailer, representative.

27. **Cake-seller**:
- **Meaning**: A person who sells cakes.
- **Synonyms**: Confectioner, baker.

28. **Confectioner**:
- **Meaning**: A person who makes or sells sweets or chocolates.
- **Synonyms**: Candy maker, sweet maker, pastry chef.

29. **Camp**:
- **Meaning**: A place with temporary accommodation of huts, tents, or other structures,
typically used by soldiers, refugees, or travelers.
- **Synonyms**: Encampment, bivouac, tent village.

30. **Barracks**:
- **Meaning**: A building or group of buildings used to house soldiers.
- **Synonyms**: Quarters, garrison, camp, cantonment.

31. **Tents**:
- **Meaning**: Portable shelters made of cloth, supported by poles and secured by cords
attached to pegs driven into the ground.
- **Synonyms**: Canopy, pavilion, marquee, shelter.

32. **Cottage**:
- **Meaning**: A small house, typically one in the country.
- **Synonyms**: Cabin, lodge, bungalow, chalet, hut.

33. **Tumblers**:
- **Meaning**: Large drinking glasses.
- **Synonyms**: Glasses, beakers, goblets.

34. **Breakers**:
- **Meaning**: Waves that break into foam when they reach the shore.
- **Synonyms**: Surf, whitecaps, rollers.

35. **Currents**:
- **Meaning**: Bodies of water or air moving in a definite direction.
- **Synonyms**: Flows, streams, tides, drifts.

36. **Roarers**:
- **Meaning**: A term sometimes used to describe large, noisy waves.
- **Synonyms**: Breakers, crashers, thunders.

37. **Wrong-doer**:
- **Meaning**: A person who does something wrong or illegal.
- **Synonyms**: Offender, criminal, delinquent, transgressor, malefactor.

38. **Cheat**:
- **Meaning**: A person who behaves dishonestly in order to gain an advantage.
- **Synonyms**: Swindler, fraud, trickster, deceiver, con artist.

39. **Impostor**:
- **Meaning**: A person who pretends to be someone else in order to deceive others.
- **Synonyms**: Pretender, fake, fraud, charlatan, deceiver.

40. **Traitor**:
- **Meaning**: A person who betrays a friend, country, principle, etc.
- **Synonyms**: Betrayer, turncoat, backstabber, defector, double-crosser.
41. **Dictator**:
- **Meaning**: A ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained
control by force.
- **Synonyms**: Autocrat, tyrant, despot, oppressor, totalitarian.

42. **Tyrant**:
- **Meaning**: A cruel and oppressive ruler.
- **Synonyms**: Despot, dictator, oppressor, autocrat, authoritarian.

43. **Demagogue**:
- **Meaning**: A political leader who seeks support by appealing to the desires and
prejudices of ordinary people rather than by using rational argument.
- **Synonyms**: Agitator, rabble-rouser, firebrand, provocateur.

44. **Emperor**:
- **Meaning**: A sovereign ruler of great power and rank, especially one ruling an
- **Synonyms**: Monarch, sovereign, ruler, king, czar.

45. **Impulsive** (Repeated from 5):

- **Meaning**: Acting or done without forethought.
- **Synonyms**: Spontaneous, hasty, rash, impetuous, unpremeditated.

46. **Excitable** (Repeated from 6):

- **Meaning**: Easily excited.

- **Synonyms**: Nervous, high-strung, jumpy, hyperactive, volatile.

47. **Thoughtless** (Repeated from 7):

- **Meaning**: Without consideration for others; inconsiderate.
- **Synonyms**: Inconsiderate, careless, heedless, rash, reckless.

48. **Violent** (Repeated from 8):

- **Meaning**: Using or involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill
someone or something.
- **Synonyms**: Brutal, savage, aggressive, fierce, forceful.

Here are the meanings and synonyms for the words you've listed:

49. **Courageously**:
- **Meaning**: In a way that shows bravery or valor.
- **Synonyms**: Bravely, boldly, fearlessly, gallantly, heroically.

50. **Excitedly**:
- **Meaning**: In a manner showing enthusiasm or eagerness.
- **Synonyms**: Enthusiastically, eagerly, energetically, animatedly, zealously.

51. **Thoughtlessly**:
- **Meaning**: Without consideration or regard for others; carelessly.
- **Synonyms**: Carelessly, heedlessly, recklessly, inconsiderately, rashly.

52. **Impulsively**:
- **Meaning**: Acting or done without forethought.
- **Synonyms**: Spontaneously, hastily, rashly, impetuously, unpremeditatedly.

53. **Orally**:
- **Meaning**: By means of speech; spoken rather than written.
- **Synonyms**: Verbally, vocally, by mouth, spoken.
54. **Intelligently**:
- **Meaning**: In a way that shows intelligence; with understanding and insight.
- **Synonyms**: Wisely, astutely, shrewdly, perceptively, sensibly.

55. **Confidentially**:
- **Meaning**: In a way that is intended to be private or secret.
- **Synonyms**: Secretly, privately, intimately, discreetly, clandestinely.

56. **Literally**:
- **Meaning**: In a literal manner; exactly.
- **Synonyms**: Exactly, precisely, word for word, strictly, verbatim.

57. **Script**:
- **Meaning**: The written text of a play, movie, or broadcast.
- **Synonyms**: Text, screenplay, manuscript, dialogue, writing.

58. **Copy**:
- **Meaning**: A thing made to be similar or identical to another.
- **Synonyms**: Duplicate, reproduction, replica, facsimile, imitation.

59. **Manuscript**:
- **Meaning**: A book, document, or piece of music written by hand rather than typed or
- **Synonyms**: Draft, document, text, script, paper.

60. **Essay**:
- **Meaning**: A short piece of writing on a particular subject.
- **Synonyms**: Article, composition, paper, study, dissertation.

61. **A casebook**:

- **Meaning**: A book containing records of illustrative cases, especially for teaching
purposes in law or medicine.
- **Synonyms**: Record book, file, compendium, ledger, dossier.

62. **An anthology**:

- **Meaning**: A published collection of poems or other pieces of writing.
- **Synonyms**: Collection, compilation, selection, album, compendium.

63. **A journal**:

- **Meaning**: A daily record of news and events of a personal nature; a diary.
- **Synonyms**: Diary, log, chronicle, record, notebook.

64. **Reviews**:
- **Meaning**: A critical appraisal of a book, play, movie, exhibition, etc., published in a
newspaper or magazine.
- **Synonyms**: Critiques, assessments, evaluations, analyses, appraisals.

65. **Historian**:
- **Meaning**: An expert in or student of history, especially that of a particular period,
geographical region, or social phenomenon.
- **Synonyms**: Chronicler, recorder, annalist, biographer, scholar.

66. **Chronicler**:
- **Meaning**: A person who writes accounts of important or historical events.
- **Synonyms**: Historian, recorder, annalist, diarist, documenter.

67. **Biographer**:
- **Meaning**: A person who writes an account of someone's life.
- **Synonyms**: Memoirist, life-writer, author, chronicler, documenter.

68. **Diarist**:
- **Meaning**: A person who keeps a diary.
- **Synonyms**: Journal-keeper, chronicler, recorder, memoirist, autobiographer.

69. **Treachery**:
- **Meaning**: Betrayal of trust; deceptive action or nature.
- **Synonyms**: Betrayal, disloyalty, perfidy, duplicity, faithlessness.

70. **Treason**:
- **Meaning**: The crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the
sovereign or overthrow the government.
- **Synonyms**: Betrayal, sedition, disloyalty, subversion, rebellion.

71. **Sedition**:
- **Meaning**: Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state
or monarch.
- **Synonyms**: Incitement, rebellion, revolt, insurrection, subversion.

72. **Terrorism**:
- **Meaning**: The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against
civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
- **Synonyms**: Extremism, militancy, violence, insurgency, radicalism.

Here are the meanings and synonyms for the words you've listed:

73. **Epigraph**:
- **Meaning**: A short quotation or saying at the beginning of a book or chapter, intended
to suggest its theme.
- **Synonyms**: Inscription, quotation, motto, citation, preface.

74. **Epitaph**:
- **Meaning**: A phrase or statement written in memory of a person who has died,
especially as an inscription on a tombstone.
- **Synonyms**: Inscription, elegy, commemoration, memorial, tribute.

75. **Conclusion**:
- **Meaning**: The end or finish of an event, process, or text.
- **Synonyms**: Ending, finish, close, resolution, finalization.

76. **Epilogue**:
- **Meaning**: A section or speech at the end of a book or play that serves as a comment
on or a conclusion to what has happened.
- **Synonyms**: Afterword, postscript, coda, finale, conclusion.

77. **Scholarly**:
- **Meaning**: Involving or relating to serious academic study.
- **Synonyms**: Academic, learned, erudite, intellectual, bookish.

78. **Omniscient**:
- **Meaning**: Knowing everything.
- **Synonyms**: All-knowing, all-seeing, all-wise, infallible, wise.

79. **Learned**:
- **Meaning**: Having much knowledge acquired by study.
- **Synonyms**: Educated, scholarly, erudite, knowledgeable, well-read.

80. **Erudite**:
- **Meaning**: Having or showing great knowledge or learning.
- **Synonyms**: Learned, scholarly, educated, knowledgeable, intellectual.

81. **Monarchy**:
- **Meaning**: A form of government with a monarch at the head.
- **Synonyms**: Kingship, sovereignty, crown, rule, empire.

82. **Aristocracy**:
- **Meaning**: The highest class in certain societies, typically comprising people of noble
birth holding hereditary titles and offices.
- **Synonyms**: Nobility, upper class, elite, gentry, patricians.

83. **Plutocracy**:
- **Meaning**: Government by the wealthy.
- **Synonyms**: Oligarchy, ruling class, moneyocracy, wealthocracy.

84. **Oligarchy**:
- **Meaning**: A small group of people having control of a country, organization, or
- **Synonyms**: Rule by few, elite, plutocracy, junta, aristocracy.

85. **A terrorist**:

- **Meaning**: A person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against
civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
- **Synonyms**: Extremist, militant, insurgent, radical, fanatic.

86. **An anarchist**:

- **Meaning**: A person who believes in or tries to bring about anarchy.
- **Synonyms**: Rebel, insurgent, agitator, radical, revolutionary.

87. **A militant**:

- **Meaning**: A person engaged in aggressive verbal or physical combat, often for a
- **Synonyms**: Activist, extremist, combatant, fighter, radical.

88. **An extremist**:

- **Meaning**: A person who holds extreme or fanatical political or religious views.
- **Synonyms**: Radical, fanatic, zealot, militant, hardliner.

89. **Faithful**:
- **Meaning**: Remaining loyal and steadfast.
- **Synonyms**: Loyal, true, devoted, trustworthy, dependable.

90. **Credible**:
- **Meaning**: Able to be believed; convincing.
- **Synonyms**: Believable, plausible, reliable, trustworthy, convincing.

91. **All-believing**:
- **Meaning**: Accepting or believing in all things or many things without skepticism.
- **Synonyms**: Credulous, gullible, naive, trusting, unquestioning.

92. **Credulous**:
- **Meaning**: Having or showing too great a readiness to believe things.
- **Synonyms**: Gullible, naive, trusting, unsuspecting, innocent.

93. **Immigrants**:
- **Meaning**: People who come to live permanently in a foreign country.
- **Synonyms**: Settlers, newcomers, expatriates, migrants, aliens.

94. **Compatriots**:
- **Meaning**: A fellow citizen or national of a country.
- **Synonyms**: Countrymen, fellow citizens, nationals, co-nationals.

95. **Comrades**:
- **Meaning**: Companions who share one's activities or fellow members of an
- **Synonyms**: Friends, colleagues, associates, allies, partners.
96. **Refugees**:
- **Meaning**: People who have been forced to leave their country in order to escape war,
persecution, or natural disaster.
- **Synonyms**: Asylum seekers, exiles, displaced persons, escapees, evacuees.

97. **Grey market**:

- **Meaning**: The trade of a commodity through distribution channels which are legal
but unintended by the original manufacturer.
- **Synonyms**: Parallel market, unofficial market, unauthorized market.

98. **Share market**:

- **Meaning**: A market in which shares of publicly held companies are issued and
- **Synonyms**: Stock market, equity market, securities market, bourse.

99. **Black market**:

- **Meaning**: An illegal traffic or trade in officially controlled or scarce commodities.
- **Synonyms**: Illegal market, underground market, illicit trade, bootleg market.

100. **Flea market**:

- **Meaning**: A market, typically outdoors, selling secondhand goods.
- **Synonyms**: Swap meet, bazaar, jumble sale, street market, car boot sale.

101. **Inscription**:
- **Meaning**: Words inscribed, as on a monument or in a book.
- **Synonyms**: Engraving, writing, lettering, dedication, etching.

102. **Transcription**:
- **Meaning**: A written or printed representation of something.
- **Synonyms**: Copy, reproduction, record, duplicate, script.
103. **Translation**:
- **Meaning**: The process of translating words or text from one language into another.
- **Synonyms**: Interpretation, rendering, version, conversion.

104. **Transformation**:
- **Meaning**: A thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance.
- **Synonyms**: Change, conversion, metamorphosis, alteration, transfiguration.

105. **Without a valid passport**:

- **Meaning**: A person who lacks legal documentation for international travel.
- **Synonyms**: Undocumented, without papers, stateless, paperless.

106. **Who goes to live in exile**:

- **Meaning**: A person who is forced to live away from their native country.
- **Synonyms**: Expatriate, banished person, deportee, refugee, outcast.

107. **Without a settled home or regular work**:

- **Meaning**: A person who does not have a permanent residence or steady employment.
- **Synonyms**: Homeless, vagrant, itinerant, transient, nomadic.

108. **Who asks for political asylum**:

- **Meaning**: A person seeking refuge in another country due to political persecution.
- **Synonyms**: Asylum seeker, refugee, political exile, displaced person.

109. **Sonnet**:
- **Meaning**: A poem of fourteen lines using any of a number of formal rhyme schemes.
- **Synonyms**: Poem, verse, lyric, ode, composition.

110. **Epilogue**:
- **Meaning**: A section or speech at the end of a book or play that serves as a comment
on or a conclusion to what has happened.
- **Synonyms**: Afterword, postscript, coda, finale, conclusion.

111. **Composition**:
- **Meaning**: A written or musical work, especially one regarded in terms of its content
or form.
- **Synonyms**: Essay, piece, creation, work, article.

112. **Lyric**:
- **Meaning**: Expressing the writer's emotions, usually briefly and in stanzas or
recognized forms.
- **Synonyms**: Song, verse, poem, ballad, sonnet.

113. **Man-hater**:
- **Meaning**: A person who has a strong dislike or hatred of men.
- **Synonyms**: Misandrist, hater of men, man despiser, male hater.

114. **Cannibal**:
- **Meaning**: A person who eats the flesh of other human beings.
- **Synonyms**: Flesh-eater, man-eater, anthropophagus.

115. **Demon**:
- **Meaning**: An evil spirit or devil.
- **Synonyms**: Fiend, evil spirit, devil, monster, diabolical being.

116. **Misanthropist**:
- **Meaning**: A person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society.
- **Synonyms**: Recluse, hermit, cynic
Here are the meanings and synonyms for the words you've listed:

117. **Horticulture**:
- **Meaning**: The art or practice of garden cultivation and management.
- **Synonyms**: Gardening, cultivation, agriculture, landscaping, floriculture.

118. **Gardening**:
- **Meaning**: The activity of tending and cultivating a garden.
- **Synonyms**: Horticulture, landscaping, cultivation, planting, yard work.

119. **Geology**:
- **Meaning**: The science that deals with the earth's physical structure and substance.
- **Synonyms**: Earth science, geoscience, petrology, mineralogy, stratigraphy.

120. **Botany**:
- **Meaning**: The scientific study of plants.
- **Synonyms**: Plant science, phytology, floristics, plant biology, dendrology.

121. **Patriotism**:
- **Meaning**: The quality of being patriotic; devotion to and vigorous support for one's
- **Synonyms**: Nationalism, loyalty, allegiance, devotion, love of country.

122. **Generousness**:
- **Meaning**: The quality of being kind and generous.
- **Synonyms**: Generosity, benevolence, munificence, largesse, magnanimity.

123. **Philanthropy**:
- **Meaning**: The desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the
generous donation of money to good causes.
- **Synonyms**: Charity, benevolence, humanitarianism, altruism, largesse.

124. **Nobility**:
- **Meaning**: The quality of being noble in character, mind, birth, or rank.
- **Synonyms**: Aristocracy, nobleness, grandeur, highness, lordship.
125. **Astrologers**:
- **Meaning**: People who study the movements and relative positions of celestial bodies
interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.
- **Synonyms**: Stargazers, horoscopists, diviners, fortune-tellers, seers.

126. **Astronomers**:
- **Meaning**: Scientists who study celestial bodies such as stars, planets, comets, and
- **Synonyms**: Stargazers, astrophysicists, cosmologists, space scientists.

127. **Geophysicists**:
- **Meaning**: Scientists who study the physical properties of the earth.
- **Synonyms**: Earth scientists, geologists, seismologists, geodynamicists.

128. **Geologists**:
- **Meaning**: Scientists who study the solid, liquid, and gaseous matter that constitutes
the Earth and other terrestrial planets.
- **Synonyms**: Earth scientists, petrologists, mineralogists, stratigraphers.

129. **Crowd**:
- **Meaning**: A large number of people gathered together.
- **Synonyms**: Gathering, throng, assembly, multitude, mob.

130. **Mob**:
- **Meaning**: A large, disorderly, and often violent crowd of people.
- **Synonyms**: Horde, rabble, throng, crowd, gang.

131. **Audience**:
- **Meaning**: The assembled spectators or listeners at a public event, such as a play,
movie, concert, or meeting.
- **Synonyms**: Spectators, viewers, listeners, onlookers, congregation.
132. **Ruffian**:
- **Meaning**: A violent person, especially one involved in crime.
- **Synonyms**: Thug, hooligan, delinquent, rowdy, brute.

133. **Theocracy**:
- **Meaning**: A system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.
- **Synonyms**: Ecclesiocracy, hierocracy, church-state.

134. **Episcopacy**:
- **Meaning**: The government of a church by bishops.
- **Synonyms**: Bishopric, hierarchy, episcopal system, bishopdom.

135. **Oligarchy**:
- **Meaning**: A small group of people having control of a country, organization, or
- **Synonyms**: Rule by few, elite, plutocracy, junta, aristocracy.

136. **Aristocracy**:
- **Meaning**: The highest class in certain societies, typically comprising people of noble
birth holding hereditary titles and offices.
- **Synonyms**: Nobility, upper class, elite, gentry, patricians.

137. **Epidemic**:
- **Meaning**: A widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a
particular time.
- **Synonyms**: Outbreak, plague, pandemic, contagion, infestation.

138. **Infection**:
- **Meaning**: The invasion and multiplication of microorganisms such as bacteria,
viruses, and parasites that are not normally present within the body.
- **Synonyms**: Contagion, illness, disease, virus, contamination.
139. **Sickness**:
- **Meaning**: The state of being ill.
- **Synonyms**: Illness, disease, ailment, malady, affliction.

140. **Death**:
- **Meaning**: The end of the life of a person or organism.
- **Synonyms**: Demise, passing, decease, expiration, end.

141. **Pedestrian**:
- **Meaning**: A person walking rather than traveling in a vehicle.
- **Synonyms**: Walker, foot-traveler, stroller, ambler, hiker.

142. **Walker**:
- **Meaning**: A person who walks, especially for exercise or enjoyment.
- **Synonyms**: Pedestrian, hiker, stroller, rambler, ambler.

143. **Rambler**:
- **Meaning**: A person who walks for pleasure, especially in the countryside.
- **Synonyms**: Walker, hiker, stroller, wanderer, roamer.

144. **Wanderer**:
- **Meaning**: A person who travels aimlessly; a drifter.
- **Synonyms**: Roamer, drifter, nomad, vagabond, traveler.

145. **Guide book**:

- **Meaning**: A book of information about a place, designed for the use of visitors or
- **Synonyms**: Handbook, manual, directory, travel guide, reference book.

146. **Collection**:
- **Meaning**: A group of things or people, often of the same kind, that have been
- **Synonyms**: Compilation, assembly, anthology, aggregation, selection.

147. **An Anthology**:

- **Meaning**: A published collection of poems or other pieces of writing.
- **Synonyms**: Collection, compilation, selection, album, compendium.

148. **Compilation**:
- **Meaning**: The action or process of collecting and assembling information.
- **Synonyms**: Collection, anthology, assortment, aggregation, assemblage.

149. **Orthodontist**:
- **Meaning**: A dentist who specializes in correcting irregularities of the teeth and jaw.
- **Synonyms**: Dental specialist, braces doctor, dental surgeon.

150. **Osteopath**:
- **Meaning**: A practitioner of osteopathy, a type of alternative medicine that
emphasizes physical manipulation of muscle tissue and bones.
- **Synonyms**: Bone specialist, osteopathic physician, DO (Doctor of Osteopathy).

151. **Podiatrist**:
- **Meaning**: A medical professional specializing in the treatment of the feet.
- **Synonyms**: Foot doctor, chiropodist, foot specialist.

152. **Oncologist**:
- **Meaning**: A doctor who specializes in the treatment of cancer.
- **Synonyms**: Cancer specialist, tumor doctor, cancer physician.

153. **An eccentric**:

- **Meaning**: A person with unconventional and slightly strange views or behavior.
- **Synonyms**: Oddball, nonconformist, maverick, weirdo, individualist.

154. **A maniac**:

- **Meaning**: A person exhibiting extreme symptoms of wild behavior, especially when
violent and dangerous.
- **Synonyms**: Lunatic, madman, fanatic, psychopath, madcap.

155. **A manikin**:

- **Meaning**: A jointed model of the human body, used in anatomy or as an artist's aid.
- **Synonyms**: Dummy, mannequin, model, figure, doll.

156. **A phobic**:

- **Meaning**: A person with an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.
- **Synonyms**: Fearful, terrified, panic-stricken, anxious, neurotic.

157. **Boxer**:
- **Meaning**: A person who takes part in boxing, especially as a sport.
- **Synonyms**: Fighter, pugilist, contender, combatant, brawler.

158. **Swimmer**:
- **Meaning**: A person who swims, especially as a sport or for exercise.
- **Synonyms**: Aquatic athlete, diver, water sportsman, bather.

159. **Athlete**:
- **Meaning**: A person who is proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise.
- **Synonyms**: Sportsperson, competitor, sportsman

, player, runner.

160. **Weightlifter**:
- **Meaning**: A person who engages in the sport or activity of lifting weights.
- **Synonyms**: Bodybuilder, lifter, powerlifter, strength athlete.

161. **Debauched**:
- **Meaning**: Indulging in or characterized by excessive indulgence in sex, alcohol, or
- **Synonyms**: Depraved, corrupt, dissolute, immoral, licentious.

162. **Dishonest**:
- **Meaning**: Behaving or prone to behave in an untrustworthy or fraudulent way.
- **Synonyms**: Untruthful, deceitful, fraudulent, corrupt, unscrupulous.

163. **Dissimilar**:
- **Meaning**: Not alike; different.
- **Synonyms**: Different, distinct, unlike, disparate, heterogeneous.

164. **Discontent**:
- **Meaning**: Dissatisfaction with one's circumstances; lack of contentment.
- **Synonyms**: Unhappiness, dissatisfaction, displeasure, restlessness, discontentment.

165. **Administratoress**:
- **Meaning**: A female administrator.
- **Synonyms**: Manager, supervisor, director, executive, admin.

166. **Administress**:
- **Meaning**: A female who administers.
- **Synonyms**: Manager, director, supervisor, executive, administrator.

167. **Administratrix**:
- **Meaning**: A female who administers, especially in a legal context (e.g., estate).
- **Synonyms**: Female administrator, executrix, manager, director, supervisor.
168. **Administer**:
- **Meaning**: Manage and be responsible for the running of (a business, organization,
- **Synonyms**: Manage, supervise, oversee, conduct, direct.
Here are the meanings and synonyms for the words you've listed:

169. **Kleptomaniac**:
- **Meaning**: Someone with an irresistible urge to steal, typically without need or profit.
- **Synonyms**: Thief, pilferer, robber, shoplifter, purloiner.

170. **Megalomaniac**:
- **Meaning**: A person who is obsessed with their own power.
- **Synonyms**: Narcissist, egotist, megalomaniacal, self-centered, arrogant.

171. **Egomaniac**:
- **Meaning**: A person who is excessively conceited or self-centered.
- **Synonyms**: Narcissist, egotist, self-centered, self-absorbed, vain.

172. **Philanthropist**:
- **Meaning**: A person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, often through
charitable donations and actions.
- **Synonyms**: Benefactor, humanitarian, patron, donor, giver.

173. **Arrogance**:
- **Meaning**: A sense of superiority, self-importance, or excessive pride.
- **Synonyms**: Haughtiness, pride, conceit, vanity, pomposity.

174. **Glads**:
- **Meaning**: This seems to be a shorthand or abbreviation without a clear meaning in
English. It may not have a standard definition or synonym.
175. **Enmity**:
- **Meaning**: The state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or
- **Synonyms**: Hostility, animosity, antagonism, hatred, bitterness.

176. **Terms**:
- **Meaning**: Conditions under which an action may occur; agreements or conditions
- **Synonyms**: Conditions, stipulations, provisions, terms and conditions, agreement.

177. **Onomathalmologists**:
- **Meaning**: This seems to be misspelled or possibly a variant form. It may refer to
"ophthalmologists," who are doctors specializing in eye health.

178. **Steals**:
- **Meaning**: Takes something without permission or right.
- **Synonyms**: Pilfers, purloins, snatches, takes, appropriates.

179. **Lies**:
- **Meaning**: False statements made with deliberate intent to deceive.
- **Synonyms**: Falsehoods, untruths, fibs, fabrications, deceit.

180. **Flirts**:
- **Meaning**: Behaves playfully or amorously with a romantic interest.
- **Synonyms**: Teases, coquets, dallies, romances, seduces.

181. **Loves**:
- **Meaning**: Feels deep affection or romantic attachment for someone.
- **Synonyms**: Adores, cares for, cherishes, admires, adulates.

182. **Mortal**:
- **Meaning**: Subject to death; human.
- **Synonyms**: Human, earthly, perishable, temporal, deadly.

183. **Serious**:
- **Meaning**: Solemn or thoughtful in character or manner.
- **Synonyms**: Earnest, grave, solemn, significant, important.

184. **Slight**:
- **Meaning**: Small in degree; minor.
- **Synonyms**: Minor, slight, negligible, trivial, insignificant.

185. **Temporary**:
- **Meaning**: Lasting for only a limited period; not permanent.
- **Synonyms**: Transient, fleeting, impermanent, ephemeral, short-term.

186. **Team**:
- **Meaning**: A group of people working together to achieve a common goal.
- **Synonyms**: Group, crew, squad, band, unit.

187. **Flock**:
- **Meaning**: A group of birds or sheep, typically under the care of a shepherd.
- **Synonyms**: Herd, group, crowd, throng, pack.

188. **Hobbs**:
- **Meaning**: This could refer to "hob," a term used for a kind of oven or stove, or it
might be a surname.

189. **Fishmonger**:
- **Meaning**: A person who sells fish.
- **Synonyms**: Fish seller, fish vendor, piscator.
190. **A fish catches from a hobby-cycling string**:
- This phrase does not have a clear meaning in English. It might be a mistranslation or a
specific term from another context.

191. **Speaking in whispers**:

- **Meaning**: Speaking quietly or softly.
- **Synonyms**: Whispering, murmuring, speaking softly, talking quietly.

192. **Speaking to oneself**:

- **Meaning**: Talking aloud to oneself, often as a way of thinking aloud or expressing
- **Synonyms**: Talking to oneself, muttering, soliloquizing, monologuing.

193. **Pack**:
- **Meaning**: A group of wild animals, especially wolves, living and hunting together.
- **Synonyms**: Group, herd, band, flock, swarm.

194. **Muttons**:
- **Meaning**: This usually refers to the flesh of mature sheep used as food.

195. **Vipers**:
- **Meaning**: Venomous snakes belonging to the family Viperidae.
- **Synonyms**: Adders, snakes, serpents, reptiles.

196. **Speaker**:
- **Meaning**: A person who speaks, especially in public or as a profession.
- **Synonyms**: Orator, lecturer, talker, presenter, announcer.

197. **Tendril**:
- **Meaning**: A thin, curling stem or leaf by which a climbing plant attaches itself to a
- **Synonyms**: Curl, spiral, twirl, coil, whorl.

198. **A speaking in whispers**:

- This seems to be a duplicate entry. See "Speaking in whispers" for meaning and

199. **‘Ruler’**:
- **Meaning**: A person exercising government or dominion.
- **Synonyms**: Monarch, sovereign, king, queen, leader.
Here are the meanings and synonyms for the words you've listed:

200. **Murdering to the water**:

- This phrase doesn't have a standard meaning in English. It might be an idiom or
expression specific to a certain context.

201. **Torturous**:
- **Meaning**: Causing extreme pain or suffering; relating to torture.
- **Synonyms**: Agonizing, excruciating, tormenting, painful, harrowing.

202. **Omniscient**:
- **Meaning**: Knowing everything; having complete or unlimited knowledge.
- **Synonyms**: All-knowing, wise, knowledgeable, sagacious, insightful.

203. **Omnivorous**:
- **Meaning**: Feeding on both animal and plant substances; having a diet comprising
- **Synonyms**: All-eating, indiscriminate, diverse, varied, eclectic.

204. **Torpid**:
- **Meaning**: Mentally or physically inactive; lethargic.
- **Synonyms**: Sluggish, inactive, dormant, lethargic, slow.
205. **Egotist**:
- **Meaning**: A person excessively concerned with themselves; selfish.
- **Synonyms**: Narcissist, egocentric, self-centered, conceited, vain.

206. **Parasite**:
- **Meaning**: An organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by
deriving nutrients at the other's expense.
- **Synonyms**: Leech, freeloader, sponger, moocher, hanger-on.

207. **Anthropophagus**:
- **Meaning**: A cannibal; a human-eater.
- **Synonyms**: Cannibal, man-eater, human-eating.

208. **Humanist**:
- **Meaning**: A person who believes in the value and dignity of human beings; a scholar
of classical studies.
- **Synonyms**: Philanthropist, humanitarian, scholar, classicist, educator.

209. **Omnipotent**:
- **Meaning**: Having unlimited power; able to do anything.
- **Synonyms**: All-powerful, almighty, supreme, invincible, omnipowerful.

210. **Killing insects**:

- **Meaning**: The act of exterminating or eliminating insects.
- **Synonyms**: Insecticide, pest control, bug-killing.

211. **Eats nothing**:

- This could refer to a person or creature that consumes no food, possibly due to fasting or
specific dietary restrictions.
212. **Chauvinist**:
- **Meaning**: A person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism.
- **Synonyms**: Jingoist, nationalist, bigot, supremacist, xenophobe.

213. **Philanderer**:
- **Meaning**: A person who engages in casual love affairs or flirtations.
- **Synonyms**: Womanizer, flirt, seducer, libertine, Casanova.

214. **Crocodile tears/sorrow**:

- **Meaning**: Insincere or false tears or sorrow; a hypocritical display of emotion.
- **Synonyms**: Fake sorrow, insincere grief, hypocritical tears, feigned sadness.

215. **Tears and animals in spreading his love**:

- This phrase is unclear in meaning. It might refer to a metaphorical expression or a
specific cultural reference.

216. **Expose his task of nobility**:

- This phrase is ambiguous and doesn't have a clear standard meaning in English.

217. **Manifold expansion**:

- **Meaning**: A significant increase or growth in multiple aspects or directions.
- **Synonyms**: Diverse expansion, multifaceted growth, varied development.

218. **Titanism**:
- **Meaning**: The quality or state of being gigantic or immense; also used
metaphorically to denote great strength or power.
- **Synonyms**: Gigantism, enormity, colossal strength, mammoth size.

219. **Philosopher**:
- **Meaning**: A person engaged or learned in philosophy; a thinker or theorist.
- **Synonyms**: Thinker, sage, scholar, theorist, intellect.
220. **Pioneer**:
- **Meaning**: A person who is among the first to explore or settle a new country or area;
a trailblazer.
- **Synonyms**: Innovator, groundbreaker, explorer, trailblazer, forerunner.

221. **Paraphrase**:
- **Meaning**: A rewording of something written or spoken by someone else, typically to
clarify its meaning.
- **Synonyms**: Rewording, rephrasing, restatement, translation, rendition.
Here are the meanings and synonyms for the words you've listed:

222. **Stoic**:
- **Meaning**: A person who can endure pain or hardship without showing their feelings
or complaining.
- **Synonyms**: Impassive, unemotional, indifferent, calm, composed.

223. **Extrovert**:
- **Meaning**: A person predominantly concerned with external things or objective
considerations; outgoing and socially confident.
- **Synonyms**: Outgoing, sociable, friendly, gregarious, communicative.

224. **Megalomaniac**:
- **Meaning**: A person who is obsessed with their own power or importance.
- **Synonyms**: Narcissist, egotist, autocrat, despot, dictator.

225. **Philanthropist**:
- **Meaning**: A person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by
donating money to good causes.
- **Synonyms**: Benefactor, humanitarian, donor, giver, patron.

226. **Introvert**:
- **Meaning**: A person predominantly concerned with their own thoughts and feelings
rather than external things; shy and reserved.
- **Synonyms**: Shy, reserved, reticent, inward-looking, introspective.

227. **Seriously ill**:

- **Meaning**: In a severe medical condition; critically unwell.
- **Synonyms**: Critically ill, gravely ill, seriously sick, terminally ill, in critical

228. **Sporadically ill**:

- **Meaning**: Occasionally or irregularly ill; experiencing health issues infrequently.
- **Synonyms**: Occasionally sick, intermittently ill, sporadic health issues.

229. **Endocrinologist**:
- **Meaning**: A medical specialist who diagnoses and treats disorders of the endocrine
glands and hormones.
- **Synonyms**: Hormone specialist, gland doctor, endocrine physician.

230. **Glands**:
- **Meaning**: Organs in the body that secrete hormones directly into the bloodstream.
- **Synonyms**: Organs, nodes, lymph nodes, glands.

231. **Arrogance**:
- **Meaning**: An attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or
presumptuous claims.
- **Synonyms**: Haughtiness, conceit, vanity, pride, self-importance.

232. **Maintain a distance**:

- **Meaning**: To keep a physical or emotional distance from someone or something.
- **Synonyms**: Keep at arm's length, avoid, stay away from, keep apart.

233. **Terminally ill**:

- **Meaning**: Incurably or fatally ill; having a disease that will ultimately lead to death.
- **Synonyms**: Dying, fatally ill, incurable, in the final stages, on death's door.

234. **Epidemics**:
- **Meaning**: Widespread occurrence of a disease in a community at a particular time.
- **Synonyms**: Outbreaks, pandemics, plagues, infections, contagions.

235. **Heart**:
- **Meaning**: The central or innermost part; also, the organ that pumps blood through
the circulatory system.
- **Synonyms**: Core, center, essence, soul, spirit.

236. **Enemy**:
- **Meaning**: A person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something.
- **Synonyms**: Adversary, foe, opponent, rival, antagonist.

237. **Intimate terms**:

- **Meaning**: Close or personal relationships; familiarity or closeness.
- **Synonyms**: Close relationships, intimacy, familiarity, closeness, friendship.

238. **Memories**:
- **Meaning**: Recollections of past events or experiences stored in the mind.
- **Synonyms**: Recollections, remembrances, reminiscences, experiences, memoirs.

239. **Misanthrope**:
- **Meaning**: A person who dislikes humankind and avoids human society.
- **Synonyms**: Cynic, skeptic, recluse, hermit, misanthropist.

240. **Endures**:
- **Meaning**: To suffer patiently; to undergo or tolerate something difficult or painful.
- **Synonyms**: Suffers, withstands, bears, tolerates, perseveres.
241. **Enjoys pleasure**:
- **Meaning**: To take pleasure in something; to derive enjoyment or satisfaction.
- **Synonyms**: Delights in, relishes, savors, appreciates, enjoys.

242. **Suffers**:
- **Meaning**: To undergo or endure pain, distress, or hardship.
- **Synonyms**: Endures, experiences, withstands, tolerates, undergoes.

243. **Loves**:
- **Meaning**: Feels deep affection or romantic attachment for someone.
- **Synonyms**: Adores, cares for, cherishes, admires, adulates.

244. **Orthopaedist**:
- **Meaning**: A medical doctor specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders
of the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.
- **Synonyms**: Orthopedist, bone doctor, joint specialist, musculoskeletal doctor.

245. **Mortal**:
- **Meaning**: Subject to death; human.
- **Synonyms**: Human, earthly, perishable, temporal, deadly.

246. **Serious**:
- **Meaning**: Solemn or thoughtful in character or manner.
- **Synonyms**: Earnest, grave, solemn, significant, important.

247. **Slight**:
- **Meaning**: Small in degree; minor.
- **Synonyms**: Minor, slight, negligible, trivial, insignificant.

248. **Temporary**:
- **Meaning**: Lasting for only a limited period; not permanent.
- **Synonyms**: Transient, fleeting, impermanent, ephemeral, short-term.
Here are the meanings and synonyms for the words you've listed:

2. **Team**:
- **Meaning**: A group of people working together to achieve a common goal.
- **Synonyms**: Group, crew, squad, band, unit.

3. **Troop**:
- **Meaning**: A group of soldiers, especially a unit of cavalry, armored vehicles, or
- **Synonyms**: Squadron, battalion, regiment, company, force.

4. **String**:
- **Meaning**: A thin cord of fibers twisted together; also used metaphorically for a series
or sequence of things.
- **Synonyms**: Cord, thread, line, strand, sequence.

5. **Fisherman**:
- **Meaning**: A person who catches fish, typically as a job or for sport.
- **Synonyms**: Angler, fisher, fisherman, piscator, fisherperson.

6. **Angler**:
- **Meaning**: A person who fishes with a rod and line.
- **Synonyms**: Fisher, fisherman, angler, piscator, fisherperson.

7. **Soliloquy**:
- **Meaning**: A dramatic speech in which a character talks to themselves, revealing their
inner thoughts.
- **Synonyms**: Monologue, speech, discourse, dialogue (if spoken with oneself).
8. **Pack**:
- **Meaning**: A group of wild animals, especially wolves, living and hunting together.
- **Synonyms**: Herd, group, crowd, throng, pack.

9. **Hunter**:
- **Meaning**: A person who hunts wild animals for food or sport.
- **Synonyms**: Huntsman, shooter, sportsman, trapper, stalker.

10. **Venison**:
- **Meaning**: The flesh of a deer used as food.
- **Synonyms**: Deer meat, game, wild meat, venison.

11. **Spoor**:
- **Meaning**: Track or scent left by a person or animal; trail.
- **Synonyms**: Track, trace, scent, trail, footprints.

12. **Tendil**:
- This term doesn't have a standard meaning in English. It might be a typo or a specific
term from another context.

13. **Murder of a father**:

- **Meaning**: Patricide; the killing of one's father.
- **Synonyms**: Father's murder, patricide, matricide (if mother).

14. **Murder of a brother**:

- **Meaning**: Fratricide; the killing of one's brother.
- **Synonyms**: Brother's murder, fratricide, homicide.

15. **Regicide**:
- **Meaning**: The killing of a king or queen.
- **Synonyms**: King's murder, regicide, tyrannicide (if tyrant).
16. **Aural**:
- **Meaning**: Relating to the ear or the sense of hearing.
- **Synonyms**: Auditory, hearing-related, ear-related, acoustic.

17. **Torture**:
- **Meaning**: The action or practice of inflicting severe pain on someone as a
punishment or to force them to do or say something.
- **Synonyms**: Torment, agony, suffering, pain, persecution.

18. **Omnivorous**:
- **Meaning**: Feeding on both animal and plant substances; having a diet comprising
- **Synonyms**: All-eating, indiscriminate, diverse, varied, eclectic.

19. **Omniscient**:
- **Meaning**: Knowing everything; having complete or unlimited knowledge.
- **Synonyms**: All-knowing, wise, knowledgeable, sagacious, insightful.

20. **Parasite**:
- **Meaning**: An organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by
deriving nutrients at the other's expense.
- **Synonyms**: Leech, freeloader, sponger, moocher, hanger-on.

21. **Insecticide**:
- **Meaning**: A substance used for killing insects.
- **Synonyms**: Pesticide, bug killer, insect repellent.

22. **Egoist**:
- **Meaning**: A person who is excessively self-centered; selfish.
- **Synonyms**: Narcissist, egocentric, self-centered, conceited, vain.
23. **Pacifist**:
- **Meaning**: A person who believes in peace and refuses to fight in wars.
- **Synonyms**: Peace lover, nonviolent person, anti-war advocate, peacemaker.

24. **'Crocodile tears'**:

- **Meaning**: Insincere or false tears or sorrow; a hypocritical display of emotion.
- **Synonyms**: Fake sorrow, insincere grief, hypocritical tears, feigned sadness.

25. **Philander**:
- **Meaning**: To engage in casual love affairs or flirtations with women.
- **Synonyms**: Flirt, seduce, dally, romance, have affairs.

26. **Omnipresent**:
- **Meaning**: Present everywhere at the same time; ubiquitous.
- **Synonyms**: Ubiquitous, pervasive, everywhere, all-present, universal.

27. **Rodent**:
- **Meaning**: A small mammal with sharp front teeth for gnawing, such as a rat or
- **Synonyms**: Rat, mouse, squirrel, hamster, gerbil.

28. **Anarchist**:
- **Meaning**: A person who believes in or advocates anarchism; someone who rebels
against authority or societal norms.
- **Synonyms**: Rebel, revolutionary, insurgent, dissenter, agitator.

29. **Chauvinist**:
- **Meaning**: A person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism.
- **Synonyms**: Jingoist, nationalist, bigot, supremacist, xenophobe.
30. **Tears of animals**:
- **Meaning**: Tears shed by animals, often associated with emotional states or physical

31. **Painful expression**:

- **Meaning**: A facial expression that indicates pain or suffering.

32. **Philistine**:
- **Meaning**: A person who is hostile or indifferent to culture and the arts, or who has no
understanding of them.
- **Synonyms**: Uncultured person, barbarian, ignoramus, boor, vulgarian.

33. **Philosopher**:
- **Meaning**: A person engaged in the study or practice of philosophy.
- **Synonyms**: Thinker, sage, scholar, theorist, intellect.

34. **Philanthropist**:
- **Meaning**: A person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, often through
charitable donations and actions.
- **Synonyms**: Benefactor, humanitarian, patron, donor, giver.

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