Digital Communication

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What is digital communication?

Digital communication definition: This concept, also known as data communication or data transmission, is the
transfer of data or information using digital signals over a point-to-point (P2 P) channel. A P2P connection is a mode
of communication between two communication endpoints.
Communicating digitally is a communication technique in which thoughts, data or information are digitally encoded
as discreet signats. These signals are electronicalytransferredto the recipients.
"This means transferring data, either by analogue
digitized signal or digital bit stream, over point-to-point or point
to-multipoint communication channels. These channels can be made up of many types. For example, there are
storagechannels, fiber optics, computer buses, wireless communication channels, etc.
Information or data is represented as an electromagnetic signal, such as microwaves, electrical voltage, infrared
and airvwaves.

Everyone, and all modern businesses, institutions and organizations depend on this system to communicate
between themselves. In this case, the source of information tends to come from a computer keyboard or mobile
device and flows or is transferreddigitally.
Only one person is needed to operate this system.Therefore, this mode of communication reduces manpower and
is the cheapest way of
communicating to date.
Features of digital communication
These are some of the features of digital communication:
The main feature of communication that you can choose when
digital is and with whom you want to

communicate, including someone who's in another part of the world. What's more, wherever the other
person is, the message is transmitted instantly. This speed is good but can also be bad at the same time.
Messages travel quickly, but sometimes you write things that you later might regret.
Another feature is that with digital communication, verbal communication takes
precedence over non
verbal. Likewise, contact is often brief, replacing the longer, mre meaningfulcontact that being face-to
face brings. Communication through a digital device is often limited to a screen and a speakerphone. As a
result, limited information is transmitted, can sometimes
which be misinterpreted. You often have to
encode and decode text, abbreviationsand emesis.
Only video chats and teleconferences allow gestures, body language and tone of
voice to be interpreted, as
if they were face-to-face conversations. But there are still limitations, as this is very far removed from real
human contact.
More features of digital communication
Digital data can be copied, modified or evenreissued. Every message you write, every friend you add, every
comment or photo you share is encoded in digital data and stored on the server of the service you use,
such as Face book or LINE. This is a big challenge for everyone who communicates
With digital communication, you can be in contact with people who have similar interests, whom
you would never get to know. It's a way of socializing and discovering new ideas at the same time. For
example, you can join a social media group where people share your passion and, by
commenting on posts
and photos, by sending messages etc, you can get to know new people.
Another feature of digital communication
is that it doesn't cost very much. Social media and calling via the
Internet are free. The
that messages don't need printing on paper because they can be stored
on an
electronic device for a long time means you can even save money. Books
can also be electronically
downloaded, so you don't need a printed copy. Consequently, on a global level
this contributes to cutting
own fevwer trees to make paper.
The final feature is that most of your personal ID and information can be
stored on your own device. This
has both positive and negative implications. You need be much more careful not to lose your mobile or
have it stolen. But at the same time, it's very convenient. For example, you can pay for things with your
mobile,and keep passwords or access verification linked to the device, etc.

Examples of digital communication

These are some examples of digital communication:

Social media.
Live chat.

Video chat.

Web calling.

Types of Digital
Social media: social media has made it simpler than ever to communicatewith your fan base. It's one of

the best ways to engage customers with pertinent content in addition to keeping them updated (e.g., blog
posts, videos, and even memes).
Many your website will use FAQs,
Website: It's crucial to update your website frequently. visitors to

chatbots, and service forms to request assistance.

and SMS: Email and texting are excellent ways to interact with your most devoted
Email marketing
updated with newsletters, whilst flash messages
consumers. Email is a fantastic method keep
to clients

can assist promote a surprise deal you've just started.

Pros of Digital Communication in a Workplace
The foremost problem while building departments and
Easier transfer of knowledge within the workplace:
workforce from scratch is that information is siloed within the different teams.
but this never occurs since the
valuable information to impart to another team,
In simple terms, a team may have
that could be gained
basis. As a result, all the benefits
teams don't communicate, at least on a regular or quotidian
from combining knowledge are never realized.
experience,and best practices across locations, teams, and
People throughout your company can share knowledge,
In the aftermath, the quality of service
departments by using online discussion spaces connected to an intranet.

improves, and your staff grows.

digital communication tools can radically
Adapting transformative ways of working: For some people,

and keeping top talent that could prove to be a real asset

change the way they work. This can assist you in luring in

for your company.

to work in the office full-time after the current
Only 18% of employees, according to a recent Fujitsu survey, prefer
is now becoming a massive lure for employees.
wave of remote working. Complete remote or hybrid working
to go beyond the fundamentals in this case; even though
they had access to email, 62% of UK home
It's essential
workers reported that they lacked the technology necessary for productive communication with their

and employees.
collaborate while working
Thanks videoconferencingand digital whiteboard capabilities, your staff can efficiently

mobile and chat tools boost worker engagement and make employees feel like a
remotely.Meanwhile, intranets

part of the team.

You have great resilience in unforeseen situations if you can rapidly contact your
Enhanced workplace resilience:

complete staff and allow them to operate in places other than your workplace
Digital communication is a valuable tool that shouldn't merely be kept on hand in case of a major catastrophe. But,

in many instances, it may keep workers productive when dealing with common problems.

Pros of Digital Communication while Marketing:

More devoted clients: A devoted customer is diffcult to develop with little communication. Positive brand
encounters over an extended period of time build loyalty.
Enhanced word of mouth: Developing a relationship with your customers helps them rememberyour brand. Their
propensityto talk about youwill increase as they think about you more.
Improved brandperception:You may increase customer accessibility to your brand by improving communication.
The ability tocommunicate offers your brand personality.
A better comprehension of the client: For your firm to grow, you must get knowledgeable about your clients.
audience better makes planning marketing efforts much simpler.
Knowing your target

Read More: Collaboration among employees

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