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Original Article

Global Spine Journal

2024, Vol. 14(3) 804–811
Effect of Intraoperative Tranexamic Acid on © The Author(s) 2022
Article reuse guidelines:
Perioperative Major Hemorrhage Requiring
DOI: 10.1177/21925682221123317
Transfusion in Patients Undergoing Elective
Spine Surgery: A Propensity Score-Matched
Analysis Using a National Inpatient Database

Akira Honda, MD, PhD1 , Yoichi Iizuka, MD, PhD1, Nobuaki Michihata, MD, PhD2,
Kazuaki Uda, PT, MPH3, Tokue Mieda, MD, PhD1, Eiji Takasawa, MD, PhD1 ,
Sho Ishiwata, MD, PhD1 , Yohei Kakuta, MD, PhD1, Yusuke Tomomatsu, MD1,
Shunsuke Ito, MD1, Kazuhiro Inomata, MD1, Hiroki Matsui, PT, MPH4,
Kiyohide Fushimi, MD, PhD5, Hideo Yasunaga, MD, PhD4, and Hirotaka Chikuda, MD, PhD1

Study Design: Retrospective cohort study.
Objectives: This study aimed to examine whether the use of intravenous TXA in elective spine surgery is associated with
reduced perioperative massive hemorrhage requiring transfusion.
Methods: We extracted all patients who underwent decompression with or without fusion surgery for the cervical, thoracic,
and lumbar spine between April 2012 and March 2019. The primary outcome was the occurrence of massive hemorrhage
requiring transfusion, defined as at least 560 mL of blood transfusion within 2 days of spine surgery or the requirement of
additional blood transfusion from 3-7 days postoperatively. Secondary outcomes were the occurrence of thrombotic
complications (pulmonary embolism, acute coronary syndrome, and stroke) and postoperative hematoma requiring additional
Results: We identified 83,821 eligible patients, with 9747 (12%) patients in the TXA group. Overall, massive hemorrhage
requiring transfusion occurred in 781 (.9%) patients. Propensity score matching yielded 8394 pairs. In the matched cohort, the
TXA group had a lower proportion of massive hemorrhage requiring transfusion than the control group (.7% vs 1.1%; P = .002).
There was no significant difference in the occurrence of thrombotic complications and postoperative hematoma requiring
additional surgery between both groups. The multivariable regression analysis also showed that the use of TXA was associated
with significantly lower proportions of massive hemorrhage requiring transfusion (odds ratio, .62; 95% confidence interval, .43-
.90; P = .012).

Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine, Gunma, Japan
Department of Health Services Research, Graduate School of Medicine, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Department of Health Services Research, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Health Economics, School of Public Health, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Department of Health Policy and Informatics, Tokyo Medical and Dental University Graduate School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan

Corresponding Author:
Akira Honda, Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine, 3-39-22 Showa, Maebashi, Gunma 371-8511, Japan.

Creative Commons Non Commercial No Derivs CC BY-NC-ND: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 License ( which permits non-commercial
use, reproduction and distribution of the work as published without adaptation or alteration, without further permission provided the
original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
Honda et al. 805

Conclusions: In this analysis using real-world data, TXA use in elective spinal surgery was associated with reduced peri-
operative massive hemorrhage requiring transfusion without increasing thrombotic complications.
Level of evidence: Prognostic Level III

elective spine surgery, tranexamic acid, major hemorrhage requiring transfusion, thrombotic complications, nationwide
inpatient database

Introduction and over 1000 community hospitals voluntarily contributed to

the database. Overall, approximately 50% of all acute-care
Reducing intraoperative blood loss is one of the most im- inpatients in Japan were provided. The database contains
portant research topics in spine surgery. It often requires blood encrypted unique identifiers; age and sex; body weight and
transfusions due to perioperative blood loss.1-3 Previous height; admission and discharge dates; smoking history; in-
studies have shown that blood transfusion is associated with stitution type; diagnoses coded according to the International
poor outcomes, including in-hospital mortality, morbidity, and Classification of Diseases (ICD) 10th revision; surgical and
postoperative complications.1,4-6 To reduce perioperative nonsurgical procedures coded according to Japanese original
blood loss and blood transfusions, the intraoperative admin- codes; duration of anesthesia; drugs prescribed; and discharge
istration of antifibrinolytic agents, including tranexamic acid status. A previous study has shown that the validity of di-
(TXA), has been widely used. agnoses and procedure records in the database was high as the
TXA, a synthetic derivative of the amino acid lysine, is an sensitivity and specificity of the primary diagnoses were
antifibrinolytic agent that binds to plasminogen and blocks the 78.9% and 93.2%, respectively.21 The database clearly dif-
interaction of plasmin (ogen) with fibrin.7 Accordingly, TXA ferentiates between comorbidities that were already present at
prevents the dissolution of blood clots and reduces bleeding. admission and complications that occurred after admission;
TXA is being increasingly used during surgery because of its many studies using the database have been reported else-
hemostatic effect. According to a recent Canadian study, TXA where.22-24 Because all data were de-identified, the require-
is used with varying frequencies among non-cardiac surgical ment for patient informed consent was waived.
procedures, with a rate of 18% in spinal fusion surgery.8 From April 2012 to March 2019, we extracted all patients
Additionally, a recent randomized controlled trial involving who underwent elective spine surgery with or without
patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery showed reduced 1000 mg of TXA during hospitalization (Figure 1). To ensure
incidence of the composite bleeding outcome with tranexamic the generalizability of spine surgery, we included decom-
acid.9 pression with or without fusion surgery for the cervical,
Although several small randomized controlled trials thoracic, and lumbar spine, and we excluded minimal invasive
(RCTs) have been conducted to examine the efficacy of TXA surgery and long fusion such as corrective fusion surgery.
in various spinal procedures, the reported efficacy of TXA in Patients who received intravenous TXA on the day of surgery
reducing perioperative blood loss is inconsistent.10-16 Despite were defined as the TXA group. Because we could not pre-
meta-analyses suggesting the usefulness of TXA in spine cisely identify whether the one-shot topical use of TXA was
surgery,17-19 it remains unclear whether the available evidence administered intravenously or topically, we excluded patients
on its efficacy from relatively small trials can be directly who were administered less than 1000 mg from the TXA
extrapolated to real-world clinical settings. Moreover, the group. We further excluded patients who (i) underwent spine
available evidence is inconclusive regarding the lingering surgery with a main diagnosis of hematoma (ICD-10 code:
concern of a potential increase in thrombotic complications, S141, S241, S341, and T093), infectious disease (tuberculosis
mainly because of the small sample size of prior trials. This A180, B902, osteomyelitis/spondylitis/discitis M46), tumor
study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of in- (C412, C795, D166, and M42), and traumatic disease
travenous TXA administration in elective spine surgery using (M8418, M8448, S12-3, S22-3, S32-3, T02.1, and T03.1); (ii)
a Japanese national inpatient database. had thromboembolic/coagulation disorder, renal failure, and
hemodialysis on admission; (iii) required blood transfusion
and TXA use preoperatively; (iv) had anticoagulation and
Materials and Methods
antiplatelet drug use postoperatively; (v) required the 5%
This was a retrospective cohort study using the Japanese maximum blood transfusion volume outliers; and (vi) un-
Diagnosis Procedure Combination database, a national ad- derwent the 5% minimum and maximum anesthesia time
ministrative claims database, and discharge data.20 All aca- outliers. The hospital volume of spine surgery was defined as
demic hospitals were obliged to participate in the database, the number of spine surgeries performed annually at each
806 Global Spine Journal 14(3)

Figure 1. Flowchart of patient inclusion/exclusion criteria.

hospital and was categorized into quartiles (very low, low, covariates: surgical site (cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine),
medium, and high). The hospital volume of TXA use was presence of ossification of the posterior longitudinal ligament,
defined as the number of spine surgeries performed annually at cell-saver use during surgery, instrumentation surgery, dura-
each hospital in which TXA was administered. This volume tion of anesthesia, and total amount of TXA used. Age was
was categorized into quartiles. To ensure the hospitals that classified into 3 groups: 19-49 years, 50-64 years,
perform a certain number of spine surgeries and hospitals that and ≥65 years. BMI was categorized as underweight
have a certain number of TXA use cases are only chosen, we (<18.5 kg/m2), normal weight (18.5-24.9 kg/m2), overweight
also excluded patients who underwent spine surgery at the (25.0-29.9 kg/m2), and obese (≥30.0 kg/m2) according to the
hospital which was categorized as having a “very low” World Health Organization definition. CCI scores were cat-
hospital volume of spine surgery and/or a “very low” hospital egorized into 3 groups (≤1, 2, and ≥3).
volume of TXA use. The primary outcome was the proportion of massive hem-
orrhage requiring transfusion, defined as at least 560 mL of blood
transfusion within 2 days of spine surgery or additional blood
Covariates and Outcomes transfusion requirements from 3-7 days postoperatively.1,26
The covariates included age; sex; body mass index (BMI) (kg/ Because patients who underwent preoperative autologous do-
m2); smoking history (non-smoker, current/past smoker, and nations were more likely to be transfused their own blood during
missing); academic hospitals; emergency admission; ambu- perioperative management, we did not include autologous blood
lance use; pre-existing comorbidities, including diabetes transfusion for calculating the amount of transfusion. Secondary
mellitus (E10-E14), hypertension (I10-I15), and chronic lung outcomes were serious postoperative thrombotic complications
disease (J40-J47); history of cerebrovascular disease (I60- (pulmonary embolism, acute coronary syndrome, and stroke) and
I69), cardiac disease (I20-I25, I30-I52), hepatic cirrhosis postoperative hematoma requiring additional surgery. Compli-
(K74), and at least one comorbidity; Charlson comorbidity cations after admission were identified with the following di-
index (CCI) score;25 Barthel index; hospital volume of agnoses recorded after admission: surgical site infection (T814)
elective spine surgery; and hospital volume of TXA use. The along with the text data “surgical site infection” or “deep in-
following perioperative factors were also included as fection” or “postoperative infection”; postoperative hematoma
Honda et al. 807

Table 1. Baseline characteristics before and after propensity score matching.

Unmatched Cohort Matched Cohort

Total Control TXA Control TXA

Variables (n = 83,821) (n = 74,074) (n = 9747) ASD (n = 8394) (n = 8394) ASD

Age (y), mean (SD) 68 (11) 68 (12) 68 (12) 2 68 (13) 68 (13) 1

Male 51499 (61) 45697 (62) 5802 (60) 5 5052 (60) 5013 (60) 1
BMI (kg/m2), mean (SD) 24 (5.1) 24 (5.1) 24 (4.2) 12 24 (3.9) 24 (4.3) 1
Perioperative information
TXA dose (mg), mean (SD) 1354 (800) – – 1354 (800) – – – 1267 (700) –
Anesthesia time (min), mean (SD) 212 (69) 213 (69) 207 (70) 11 208 (.4) 206 (.7) 4
Surgical site
Cervical spine 27556 (33) 24932 (34) 2624 (27) 13 2398 (29) 2348 (28) 1
Thoracic spine 1872 (2.2) 1693 (2.3) 179 (1.8) 2 152 (1.8) 154 (1.8) 0
Lumbar spine 54393 (65) 47449 (64) 6944 (71) 14 5844 (70) 5892 (70) 1
OPLL 5863 (7.0) 5294 (7.1) 569 (5.8) 5 499 (5.9) 513 (6.1) 0
Cell-saver use 4031 (4.8) 3536 (4.8) 495 (5.1) 2 446 (5.3) 416 (5.0) 2
Instrumentation surgery 24094 (29) 20643 (28) 3451 (35) 16 2900 (35) 2873 (34) 1
Smoking history
Nonsmoker 47426 (57) 41863 (57) 5563 (57) 1 4769 (57) 4814 (57) 1
Past/current smoker 29121 (35) 25576 (35) 3545 (36) 5 3095 (37) 3077 (37) 0
Missing data 7274 (8.7) 6635 (9.0) 639 (6.6) 10 530 (6.3) 503 (6.0) 1
Academic hospital 51287 (61) 45886 (62) 5401 (55) 12 4728 (56) 4812 (57) 2
Emergency admission 3562 (4.3) 3121 (4.2) 441 (4.5) 20 322 (3.8) 328 (3.9) 0
Ambulance use 825 (1.0) 727 (1.0) 98 (1.0) 0 61 (.7) 71 (.9) 1
Comorbid conditions
Diabetes mellitus 16266 (19) 14427 (20) 1839 (19) 1 1579 (19) 1566 (19) 0
Hypertension 20112 (24) 16910 (23) 3202 (33) 23 2655 (32) 2646 (32) 0
Chronic lung disease 2208 (2.6) 1918 (2.6) 290 (3.0) 2 243 (2.9) 253 (3.0) 1
Cerebrovascular disease 1281 (1.5) 1079 (1.5) 202 (2.1) 5 175 (2.1) 170 (2.0) 0
Cardiac disease 6492 (7.8) 5571 (7.5) 921 (9.4) 6 768 (9.2) 774 (9.2) 0
Hepatic disease 9357 (11) 7538 (10) 1819 (19) 25 1592 (19) 1557 (19) 1
At least one comorbidity 39398 (47) 33819 (46) 5579 (57) 24 4772 (57) 4727 (56) 1
Charlson comorbidity index
≤1 75487 (90) 67320 (91) 8167 (84) 21 6987 (83) 7033 (84) 2
2 7172 (8.6) 5805 (7.8) 1367 (14) 20 1241 (15) 1186 (14) 2
≥3 1162 (1.4) 949 (1.3) 213 (2.2) 7 166 (2.0) 175 (2.1) 1
Barthel index, mean (SD) 95 (16) 95 (16) 95 (16) 1 95 (16) 95 (16) 0
Hospital volume
Low (23-43) 27149 (32) 24564 (33) 2585 (27) 15 2545 (30) 2498 (30) 1
Medium (44-91) 28352 (34) 25804 (35) 2548 (26) 19 2021 (24) 2135 (25) 3
High (>92) 28320 (34) 23706 (32) 4614 (47) 32 3828 (46) 3761 (45) 2
TXA use volume
Low (22-41) 26626 (32) 23533 (32) 3093 (32) 0 2507 (30) 2555 (30) 1
Medium (42-85) 28563 (34) 25450 (34) 3113 (32) 7 2321 (28) 2383 (28) 2
High (>86) 28632 (34) 25091 (34) 3541 (36) 7 3566 (42) 3456 (41) 3
Data are presented as numbers (%) if not mentioned. ASDs are presented as %.
Abbreviations: TXA, tranexamic acid; ASD, absolute standardized difference; SD, standard deviation; BMI, body mass index; and OPLL, ossification of the
posterior longitudinal ligament.

(S141, S241, S341, T093, and T810) along with the text data coronary syndrome (I21-I24); heart failure (I50); stroke (I60–
“hematoma” or “epidural hematoma”; pulmonary embolism I64); urinary tract infection (N30, N34, N36-N37, and N39); and
(I26); respiratory complications (pneumonia [J12-J18 and J69], renal failure (N17–N19). We identified patients with at least one
respiratory failure [J96], and respiratory disorders [J95]); acute complication during hospitalization.
808 Global Spine Journal 14(3)

Table 2. Outcomes before and after propensity score matching.

Unmatched Cohort Matched Cohort

Control TXA Control TXA

Outcomes (n = 74,074) (n = 9747) (n = 8394) (n = 8394) ARR (95% CI) P-value

Major hemorrhage requiring transfusion 717 (1.0) 64 (.7) 93 (1.1) 56 (.7) –.44 (–.72 to –.16) .002
Blood transfusion
Overall 1667 (2.3) 165 (1.7) 200 (2.4) 139 (1.7) –.73 (–1.15 to –.30) .001
during operation 1015 (1.4) 117 (1.2) 110 (1.3) 99 (1.2) –.13 (–.47 to –.20) .444
within 3 days 632 (.9) 51 (.5) 76 (.9) 44 (.5) –.38 (–.64 to –.13) .003
within 7 days 748 (1.0) 65 (.7) 96 (1.1) 57 (.7) –.47 (–.75 to –.18) .002
Thromboembolic complications 9 (.01) 2 (.02) 2 (.02) 2 (.02) .00 N/A
Pulmonary embolism 2 (<.01) 0 (.0) 1 (.01) 0 (.0) -.01 (-.04 to .01) .317
Acute coronary syndrome 7 (.01) 2 (.02) 1 (.01) 2 (.02) .01 (–.03 to .05) .564
Stroke 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (0) 0 (.0) .00 N/A
Complication after admission
Postoperative hematoma with operation 127 (.2) 27 (.3) 19 (.2) 17 (.2) .00 N/A
In-hospital death 20 (.03) 2 (.02) 3 (.04) 2 (.02) -.01 (–.06 to .04) .655
Surgical site infection with operation 185 (.2) 35 (.4) 26 (.3) 29 (.3) .00 N/A
At least one complication after admission 1924 (2.6) 226 (2.3) 201 (2.4) 198 (2.4) .00 N/A
Data are presented as numbers (%) if not mentioned.
Abbreviations: TXA, tranexamic acid; ARR, absolute risk reduction; CI, confidence interval; and N/A, not applicable.

Statistical Analysis randomized controlled trial. In this study, IV was defined as

the proportion of TXA use in each hospital, that is, the
We performed a propensity score matching analysis to balance hospitals’ preference regarding TXA. These preference-based
the measured potential confounders between groups.27 We variables are obviously associated with the treatment of in-
estimated the propensity scores for TXA using a multivariable terest but have no direct association with the outcome. We
logistic regression model. All covariates were included as used a two-stage residual inclusion method for IV analysis.
predictive variables in the model. We used the one-to-one Third, to improve the generalizability of our results, we in-
nearest neighbor method with a caliper width of .2 of the cluded patients who were treated with anti-coagulant or anti-
standard deviation of the estimated propensity scores. Each platelet therapy after surgery.
patient in the TXA group was matched to one patient in the Continuous variables are presented as mean (standard
control group without replacement. We calculated the absolute deviation) and categorical variables are described as numbers
standardized differences for each covariate before and after (%). We compared the crude outcomes between the TXA and
matching and confirmed the balanced distribution of co- control groups using the t-test for continuous outcomes and χ 2
variates between the TXA and control groups. To adjust for test for binary outcomes. A two-sided P-value <.05 was
clustering within hospitals, generalized estimating equations considered statistically significant for all tests. All analyses
were fitted with multivariable logistic regression models after were performed using Stata/MP version 15 (StataCorp, Col-
propensity score matching. Age, sex, BMI category, surgical lege Station, TX).
site, instrumentation surgery, cell-saver use, duration of an-
esthesia, CCI category, and hospital volume for spinal surgery
were included in the model.
We also performed the following sensitivity analyses. First,
to assess the robustness of our results in propensity score We included 83,821 eligible patients who underwent elective
matching, we conducted propensity score-stabilized inverse spinal surgery (mean age, 68 years; male, 61%) (Table 1).
probability of treatment weighting (IPTW).28 This method can Overall, TXA was administered to 9747 patients (12%), and
maintain the sample size of the original data, yield more the mean TXA dosage was 1354 mg. Of these 9747 patients,
precise interval estimations of the variance of the main effect, TXA was most frequently used for lumbar spine surgery
and control type I error, as compared with the non-stabilized (13%), followed by thoracic spine surgery (9.6%) and cervical
IPTW. Second, to control for unmeasured confounders and spine surgery (9.5%). Propensity score matching yielded 8394
confirm our propensity score analyses, we conducted an in- pairs. In the unmatched groups, the proportions of emergency
strumental variable (IV) analysis.29,30 An IV analysis can admissions, hypertension, hepatic disease, CCI ≥2, and
adjust for measured and unmeasured confounders, similar to a hospital volume of spinal surgery were higher in the TXA
Honda et al. 809

Table 3. Multivariable logistic regression analysis after propensity score matching.

Outcomes Odds Ratio 95% Confidence Interval P-value

Major hemorrhage requiring transfusion .62 (.43 to .90) .012

Postoperative thromboembolic complication 1.07 (.16 to 7.40) .94
Postoperative hematoma with operation .98 (.48 to 1.99) .95

group than in the control group. They were well-balanced after transfusion, whereas intraoperative blood transfusion was not
propensity score matching. different between patients who used TXA and those who did
Table 2 shows the clinical outcomes with and without TXA not. These results are similar to those of previous meta-
use before and after propensity score matching. Overall, analyses.17-19
massive hemorrhage requiring transfusion was occurred in Although previous RCTs10-16 and meta-analyses17-19 have
781 (.9%) patients. Postoperative thrombotic complications studied the efficacy of TXA use in spine surgery, some
and postoperative hematoma requiring additional surgery limitations exist in those RCTs regarding the safety profile in
occurred in 11 (.01%) and 154 (.2%) patients, respectively. In real-world clinical settings. Postoperative serious complica-
the matched cohort, the TXA group had a lower occurrence of tions in spinal surgery, including pulmonary embolism, acute
massive hemorrhage requiring transfusion than the control coronary syndrome, and stroke, are rare, ranging from .0%-
group (.7% vs 1.1%; P = .002). There was no significant .9%.23,31 Although a previous meta-analysis suggested that
difference in the occurrence of thromboembolic or other intravenous TXA was safe for patients who underwent any
complications after admission between groups. medical discipline, no population-based study has evaluated
The multivariable logistic regression analysis also showed the risk of TXA use during elective spine surgery.32 The
that massive hemorrhage requiring transfusion was signifi- present study is the largest and has enough sample size to
cantly less frequent in the TXA group than in the control group estimate rare outcomes with an effect size of .2 and 90%
(odds ratio [OR], .62; 95% confidence interval [CI], .43-.90; power. Our results indicate that serious thrombotic compli-
P = .012) (Table 3). The use of TXA was not significantly cations were not associated with the use of TXA in elective
associated with an increase in the proportion of postoperative spine surgery.
thrombotic complications (OR, 1.07; 95% CI, .16-7.40; P = Another concern is whether the use of TXA increases or
.94) or postoperative hematoma requiring additional surgery decreases the formation of postoperative epidural hematoma.
(OR, .98; 95% CI, .48-1.99; P .95). The results of sensitivity Several studies have reported that the incidence of symp-
analyses using IV and IPTW were similar to those of the main tomatic postoperative epidural hematoma in spinal surgery
analyses (Supplemental Tables 1 and 2). Analyses including ranges from .0%-1.0%.33-35 Studies have also reported that
patients treated with postoperative anti-coagulant or anti- obesity (body mass index ≥35 or higher), multilevel proce-
platelet therapy revealed similar findings as those of the dures, an American Society of Anesthesiology classification >
main analyses (Supplemental Table 3). III, revision surgery, dural repair intraoperatively, and peri-
operative transfusion were independent risk factors for
postoperative hematoma.33-35 However, it is difficult to pre-
Discussion cisely evaluate the risk of postoperative hematoma because of
In the present analysis of nationwide real-world data, we its low incidence and complex heterogeneity. The present
found that the intraoperative use of TXA was associated with study showed that the use of TXA was not associated with any
reduced perioperative massive hemorrhage requiring trans- increase or decrease in postoperative epidural hematoma that
fusion during elective spine surgery without increasing required additional surgery.
thrombotic complications. There was no significant difference This study has several limitations. First, we could not
in the occurrence of postoperative hematoma that required obtain precise information on the operation. The American
additional surgery between groups. Society of Anesthesiology class and intraoperative compli-
Previous RCTs have shown that TXA reduced intra- cations, including dural tear and uncontrollable bleeding, may
operative estimated blood loss in spine surgery,11,13-15 affect perioperative bleeding and postoperative hematoma
whereas several other studies on TXA in spine surgery formation and could be unmeasured confounders. However,
failed to reveal significant blood loss intraoperatively.10,12,16 we used IV analysis as a confirmatory analysis and found
The limited settings and small sample sizes of the RCTs may similar results to those of the main analysis. Thus, we believe
be the reasons for this inconsistency. Furthermore, most RCTs that these unmeasured confounders may have little effect on
have been conducted at a single institution, which may have perioperative blood transfusions and serious postoperative
led to different results. The present study revealed that the use complications. Second, there was no information regarding
of intravenous TXA was associated with reduced massive the timing, dose, and administration route of intraoperative
hemorrhage requiring transfusion and perioperative blood TXA use intraoperatively. Because the common criteria for the
810 Global Spine Journal 14(3)

timing and dosage of intravenous TXA is a loading dose of ORCID iDs

20 mg/kg (maximum 1000 mg) plus a maintenance dose of 1 Akira Honda, MD 
or 2 mg/kg/h in Japan,36 we excluded patients who were Eiji Takasawa, MD, PhD 
administered less than 1000 mg of TXA from the TXA group. Sho Ishiwata, MD 
It is expected that these patients were administered one-shot
TXA at the end of surgery. We were also unable to identify Supplemental Material
whether TXA was used postoperatively, such as for the
treatment of cerebral hemorrhage, or as part of the stan- Supplemental material for this article is available online.
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