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Continuous And Discrete Signals

Continuous-time signal:

Continuous-time signal is the “function of continuous-time variable that has uncountable or infinite set
of numbers in its sequence”.

The continuous-time signal can be represented and defined at any instant of the time in its sequence.
The continuous-time signal is also termed as analog signal. It is a continuous function of time defined
on the real line (or axis) R. It has continuous amplitude and time. That is, the continuous-time signals
will have certain value at any instant of time.

The continuous-time signal is drawn as shown in Figure 1.

The examples for continuous-time signals are sine waves, cosine waves, triangular waves, and so on.
The electrical signals also behave as continuous-time signals when these are derived in proportion
with the physical parameters such as pressure, temperature, sound, and so on.

Discrete-time signal:

Discrete-time signal is the “function of discrete-time variable that has countable or finite set of
numbers in its sequence”. It is a digital representation of continuous-time signal.

The discrete-time signal can be represented and defined at certain instants of time in its sequence.
That is, the discrete-time signal is able to define only at the sampling instants. Digital signal can be
obtained from the discrete-time signal by quantizing and encoding the sample values. The discrete-
time signals are represented with binary bits and stored on the digital medium.

The discrete-time signal is drawn as shown in Figure 2.

The output data from a computer is one of the examples of discrete-time signals.

What are the differences between continuous and discrete-time signals?

The differences between continuous and discrete-time signals are as follows:

What are the differences between discrete and digital signals?

The differences between discrete and digital signals are as follows:

Is digital signal a discrete-time signal?

The digital signal can be a discrete or continuous-time signal. That is, all the digital signals are not
discrete-time signals.

Digital signal is an electrical signal that has discrete value at each and every sampling point. It is used
to represent data as a sequence of discrete values.

In digital signal, the signal is transformed into binary bits. The binary bits are 0 and 1. The binary bit 1
is used to indicate a positive value of the digital signal, and the bit 0 is used to represent no value or
zero value of the digital signal. The digital signals are usually indicated by a square wave. The
transition (or change of state) of digital signal from one bit value to the other is instantaneous. That is,
the digital signal changes instantaneously, and at any instant, it can take on one of a finite number of

Write the advantages of digital signal as follows:

 The effect of noise, distortion, and interference is very much less with digital signals as they are less
 The digital data can be compressed comparatively easier than the analog data. Therefore, the
transmission efficiency is more with digital signals than the analog signals.
 The digital signals offer better security.
 The digital signals can be easily upgraded.
 The digital signals can be easily designed compared to the analog signals.
 The digital signals improve the error performance and subsequently improve the quality of the signal.
 The cost is considerably less with digital signals than the analog signal for transmission of data.
 The digital signals can be easily stored with less memory in less duration than the analog signals.
ELG 3120 Signals and Systems Chapter 1

Chapter 1 Signal and Systems

1.1 Continuous-time and discrete-time Signals

1.1.1 Examples and Mathematical representation

Signals are represented mathematically as functions of one or more independent variables. Here
we focus attention on signals involving a single independent variable. For convenience, this will
generally refer to the independent variable as time.

There are two types of signals: continuous-time signals and discrete-time signals.

Continuous-time signal: the variable of time is continuous. A speech signal as a function of

time is a continuous-time signal.

Discrete-time signal: the variable of time is discrete. The weekly Dow Jones stock market index
is an example of discrete-time signal.
x(t) x[n]


x[-1] x[1]
x[-2] x[2]
-5 -4 -3 3 4 5
t -2 -1 0 1 2

Fig. 1.1 Graphical representation of continuous- Fig. 1.2 Graphical representation of discrete-time
time signal. signal.

To distinguish between continuous-time and discrete-time signals we use symbol t to denote the
continuous variable and n to denote the discrete-time variable. And for continuous-time signals
we will enclose the independent variable in parentheses (•), for discrete-time signals we will
enclose the independent variable in bracket [•].

A discrete-time signal x[n] may represent a phenomenon for which the independent variable is
inherently discrete. A discrete-time signal x[n] may represent successive samples of an
underlying phenomenon for which the independent variable is continuous. For example, the
processing of speech on a digital computer requires the use of a discrete time sequence
representing the values of the continuous-time speech signal at discrete points of time.

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ELG 3120 Signals and Systems Chapter 1

1.1.2 Signal Energy and Power

If v(t ) and i (t ) are respectively the voltage and current across a resistor with resistance R , then
the instantaneous power is

1 2
p(t ) = v(t )i(t ) = v (t ) . (1.1)

The total energy expended over the time interval t1 ≤ t ≤ t 2 is

1 2
∫ p(t )dt = ∫
t2 t2
v (t )dt , (1.2)
t1 t1 R

and the average power over this time interval is

1 1 1 2
∫ ∫
t2 t2
p (t )dt = v (t )dt . (1.3)
t 2 − t1 t1 t 2 − t1 t1 R

For any continuous-time signal x(t ) or any discrete-time signal x[n] , the total energy over the
time interval t1 ≤ t ≤ t 2 in a continuous-time signal x(t ) is defined as

t2 2
x (t ) dt , (1.4)

where x denotes the magnitude of the (possibly complex) number x . The time-averaged power
1 2

is x (t ) dt . Similarly the total energy in a discrete-time signal x[n] over the time
t 2 − t1 t1
interval n1 ≤ n ≤ n2 is defined as


∑ x[n]

1 n2

The average power is x[n ]
n2 − n1 + 1 n1

In many systems, we will be interested in examining the power and energy in signals over an
infinite time interval, that is, for − ∞ ≤ t ≤ +∞ or − ∞ ≤ n ≤ +∞ . The total energy in continuous
time is then defined

T 2 ∞ 2
E ∞ = lim ∫ x(t ) dt = ∫ x(t ) dt , (1.6)
T → ∞ −T −∞

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ELG 3120 Signals and Systems Chapter 1

and in discrete time

+N +∞
E ∞ = lim ∑ x[n] = ∑ x[n ] .
2 2
N →∞
−N −∞

For some signals, the integral in Eq. (1.6) or sum in Eq. (1.7) might not converge, that is, if x(t )
or x[n] equals a nonzero constant value for all time. Such signals have infinite energy, while
signals with E ∞ < ∞ have finite energy.

The time-averaged power over an infinite interval

1 2

P∞ = lim x (t ) dt (1.8)
T → ∞ 2T −T

1 +N

P∞ = lim x[n ] (1.9)
N →∞ 2 N + 1

Three classes of signals:

• Class 1: signals with finite total energy, E ∞ < ∞ and zero average power, (Energy Signal)

P∞ = lim =0 (1.10)
T → ∞ 2T

• Class 2: with finite average power P∞ . If P∞ > 0 , then E ∞ = ∞ . An example is the signal
x[n ] = 4 , it has infinite energy, but has an average power of P∞ =16. (Power Signal)

Class 3: signals for which neither P∞ and E∞ are finite. An example of this signal is x(t ) = t .

1.2 Transformations of the independent variable

In many situations, it is important to consider signals related by a modification of the

independent variable. These modifications will usually lead to reflection, scaling, and shift.

1.2.1 Examples of Transformations of the Independent Variable

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ELG 3120 Signals and Systems Chapter 1

x[n] x[n-n 0]

n n

(a) (b)

Fig.1.3 Discrete-time signals related by a time shift.

x(t-t0 )


Fig. 1.4 Continuous-time signals related by a time shift.

x[n] x[-n]

n n

(a) (b)

Fig. 1.5 (a) A discrete-time signal x[n] ; (b) its reflection, x[− n] about n = 0 .

x(t) x(-t)

t t
0 0

(a) (b)

Fig. 1.6 (a) A continuous-time signal x(t ) ; (b) its reflection, x(−t ) about t = 0 .

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