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Doc. No.: TARSA-RCU-SRP-PLN-01-R00

Date: 10/01/2024


Spill Response Plan Page 1 of 11

Takween Alrajhi
Raden Commercial Canter, Olaya Street, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Spill Response Plan Page 2 of 11

Takween Alrajhi
Raden Commercial Canter, Olaya Street, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Hyatt Place Hotel Spill Response Plan Revision No: 00


Rev. Paragraph Revision Description

0 - First submission for Engineer’s review and approval.

Originated by Reviewed by Approved by

Sr. HSE Manager Technical office Engr Sr. Construction Manager
Imran Raza Mohammed Zeitoun Iyad Muhsen
Date: 10-01-2024 Date: 10-01-2024 Date: 10-01-2024

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Takween Alrajhi
Raden Commercial Canter, Olaya Street, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Hyatt Place Hotel Spill Response Plan Revision No: 00

1. PURPOSE.........................................................................................................................4

2. SCOPE..............................................................................................................................4

3. REFERENCES..................................................................................................................4

4. OBJECTIVES....................................................................................................................4

5. IMPLEMENTATION...........................................................................................................4

6. SPILL RESPONSE TEAM.................................................................................................6

7. IDENTIFICATION OF POTENTIAL SPILL SCENARIOS.................................................6

8. SPILL RESPONSE EQUIPMENT.....................................................................................6

9. SPILL RESPONSE PROCEDURES.................................................................................6

10. COORDINATION WITH AUTHORITIES...........................................................................7

11. CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT.......................................................................................7

12. SPILL PREVENTION AND RESPONSE APPROACH.....................................................8

13. MONITORING..................................................................................................................18

14. TRAINING........................................................................................................................18

15. RESOURCES..................................................................................................................18

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Takween Alrajhi
Raden Commercial Canter, Olaya Street, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Hyatt Place Hotel Spill Response Plan Revision No: 00

The purpose of this Spill Response Plan is to establish a systematic and effective approach for Takween
AlRajhi to respond to and manage spills that may occur during construction activities at the RCU - Hyatt
Place Hotel project in Al Ula. The plan aims to minimize environmental impact, protect the health and safety
of personnel, and ensure a swift and coordinated response.

This document is applicable to TKAR and their sub-contractors involved in The RCU - Hyatt Place Hotel, Al
Ula project. The plan covers spill prevention measures, response strategies, and responsibilities. All TKAR
employees, contractors, subcontractors, and visitors associated with the project are subject to the
procedures outlined in this plan.

Project HSE Plan
TKAR Waste Management Plan

The primary objectives of the Spill Prevention and Response Plan for the RCU - Hyatt Place Hotel project in
Al Ula are:

(a) Prevent Spills:

 Implement measures to identify and eliminate potential sources of spills.
 Conduct regular risk assessments to identify areas prone to spills and implement preventive measures.
 Ensure proper storage, handling, and transportation of hazardous materials to minimize the risk of spills.

(b) Minimize Environmental and Social Impact in the Event of a Spill:

 Develop and implement effective response strategies to minimize the impact of spills on the environment
and the surrounding community.
 Establish clear communication channels to promptly inform relevant authorities, stakeholders, and the
public in the event of a spill.
 Train personnel on spill response procedures to ensure a quick and coordinated response.


(a) Prevention Measures:

 Conduct regular inspections to identify potential sources of spills, such as leaks from equipment or
storage containers.

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Takween Alrajhi
Raden Commercial Canter, Olaya Street, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Hyatt Place Hotel Spill Response Plan Revision No: 00

 Implement engineering controls, such as secondary containment systems and leak detection devices, to
This document is applicable to TKAR and their sub-contractors involved in The RCU - Hyatt Place Hotel, Al
Ula project. The plan covers spill prevention measures, response strategies, and responsibilities. All TKAR
employees, contractors, subcontractors, and visitors associated with the project are subject to the
procedures outlined in this plan.

1. Introduction

1.1 Background Information

In adherence to the rigorous standards set by the Royal Commission for Al Ula (RCU), Takween AlRajhi is
committed to ensuring the sustainable development of the Hyatt Place Hotel project. The Comprehensive
Environmental and Social Management Plan (CESMP) serves as our strategic framework, guiding the
implementation of environmentally and socially responsible practices throughout the project's lifecycle.

The RCU classification system aptly recognizes the diverse environmental and social facets associated with
development projects. As outlined in the Project Description and Baseline Conditions, the Hyatt Place Hotel
development has been identified to potentially impact several key aspects of the environment. In this context,
Takween AlRajhi acknowledges the significance of responsible and sustainable practices in addressing the
potential impacts associated with the development.

Executive Summary:

Takween AlRajhi is committed to implementing a comprehensive Cumulative Environmental and Social

Management Plan (CESMP) for the Hyatt Place Hotel project in Al Ula. This plan is designed to address and
mitigate potential environmental and social impacts throughout the entire development lifecycle. The
implementation aligns with the Royal Commission for Al Ula's (RCU) 12 strategic principles, site zoning and
planning objectives, and adheres to relevant local and international standards.

The CESMP is a proactive approach to manage environmental and social aspects associated with the
development. It ensures compliance with regulations and standards, emphasizing sustainability and
responsible development practices.

Overview of the Proposed Development:

a. Takween AlRajhi outlines the activities involved in each stage of the development lifecycle, highlighting
the construction, operation, and decommissioning phases.

b. The design integrates RCU's 12 strategic principles, aligns with site zoning and planning objectives, and
complies with local and international standards. This integration enhances the project's sustainability, cultural
sensitivity, and overall positive impact.

Overview of the Receiving Environment:

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Takween Alrajhi
Raden Commercial Canter, Olaya Street, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Hyatt Place Hotel Spill Response Plan Revision No: 00

a. The CESMP considers environmental and social constraints and opportunities identified in the Screening
Form. These factors guide decision-making and planning throughout the project.

b. Identification of sensitive receptors within and around the site ensures a thorough understanding of
potential impacts on the local environment and communities. This information informs the development
approach to minimize negative effects.

Description of Likely Environmental and Social Effects:

a. An aspects and impacts matrix is utilized to systematically identify potential impacts associated with
development activities on sensitive receptors. This matrix provides a comprehensive overview of the
anticipated effects throughout the project lifecycle.

The design takes into account environmental and social constraints, offering alternatives that demonstrate a
commitment to minimizing adverse effects. This approach ensures a balanced and sustainable development.

Description of Proposed Mitigation and Management Measures:

Takween AlRajhi outlines a set of mitigation and management measures to address identified impacts.
These measures include innovative engineering solutions, stakeholder engagement programs, and
continuous monitoring.

The CESMP focuses on:

Environmental Conservation: Implementing sustainable construction practices, waste reduction, and energy
efficiency measures.
Community Engagement: Establishing communication channels with local communities to address concerns
and incorporate feedback into decision-making.
Biodiversity Protection: Implementing measures to protect and preserve local flora and fauna.
Cultural Heritage Preservation: Adhering to RCU's principles to respect and protect the cultural heritage of Al
In conclusion, Takween AlRajhi is dedicated to ensuring that the Hyatt Place Hotel project not only complies
with regulatory requirements but goes above and beyond to contribute positively to the environmental and
social fabric of Al Ula. The CESMP serves as a dynamic and evolving framework, adapting to changing
conditions and continuously improving the project's environmental and social performance.

1.2 Project Location

The Project is located on previously undeveloped land in the district of AlUla Central, within the AlUla Core
Area (Map 1-1). The AlUla Core Area is described as the area which contains a large concentration of
AIUIa’s settlements, infrastructure, and heritage sites, and will be the focal point for its growth; and is
referenced throughout the AlUla Framework Plan which outlines proposals and policies for this area at the
more detailed scale.

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Takween Alrajhi
Raden Commercial Canter, Olaya Street, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Hyatt Place Hotel Spill Response Plan Revision No: 00

The Project is located in the AlUla Old Town and Oasis District which include an array of rural heritage
structures, historic earthen architecture and current rural farming and agricultural practices including date

The location of the Project (also referred to as the ‘Site’) covers an area of approximately 2.7 hectares (ha),
with Plot 1 North covering an area of approximately 1.5ha and Plot 1 South covering an area of
approximately 1.2ha.

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Takween Alrajhi
Raden Commercial Canter, Olaya Street, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Hyatt Place Hotel Spill Response Plan Revision No: 00

1.3 Policy Context

Regional Context - Al Madinah Regional Plan3

The Al Madinah Regional Plan, developed by the Al Madinah Development Authority, sets out a regional
spatial strategy aligned with the National Spatial Strategy (NSS), detailing the development of urban centres
and regional connections as well as regional development policies.
The role of the Al Madinah Regional Plan is to connect different levels of urban planning, propose activities
that are commensurate with the natural, human and economic conditions of each region, activate the
functional role of each region, and build a spatial database and information system that can be updated

1.4 Reference to Policies of the Framework Plan

Saudi Arabia has put forward a number of policies and strategies that have informed the development of the
AIUIa Framework Plan. These are highlighted in this section and are as follows:
 AlUla County, 2021 Draft Strategic Environmental Assessment Regulation
 AlUla County, 2021 Draft Heritage Regulation
 AlUla County, 2021 Draft Planning Regulation

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Takween Alrajhi
Raden Commercial Canter, Olaya Street, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Hyatt Place Hotel Spill Response Plan Revision No: 00

 AlUla Country, 2021 Draft Biodiversity Regulation

 Equator Principles Association (2020) The Equator Principles EP4
accessed 24/10/2021
 IFC, 2012. Performance Standards on Environmental and Social Sustainability
26188c95454/PS_English_2012_FullDocument.pdf?MOD=AJPERES&CVID=jkV-X6h accessed
 RCU Framework Plan, 2021. AlUla Framework Plan rev.01 draft
• Vision 2030 (KSA, 2016)
• National Transformation Program (KSA, 2016)6
• Quality of Life Delivery Plan (KSA, 2018)7
• National Spatial Strategy and National Planning Act (KSA, 2016)8

The National Tourism Development Plan 2001-2020 Up to 2021, GAMEP was the Competent Authority for
environmental issues, as defined in the General Environmental Regulations (GER). GAMEP’s role and
responsibilities have been transferred to five units for environmental sector development:
• The National Center for Environmental Compliance (NCEC);
• The National Center for Meteorology;
• The National Center for Vegetation Cover;
• The National Center for Waste Management; and,

Additionally, the previously mentioned GER, which granted the former PME authority to regulate
environmental affairs, is superseded by Royal Decree No M/165 (2020), which came into force in 2021. The
main piece of legislation relating to the environment is the “Regulation on Environmental permits to establish
and operate activities” issued by Royal Decree No. M/165, dated 19/11/1441 Hijri (2020). This regulation
comprises the following:
 Article (1) - Definitions
 Article (2) - Scope of Application
 Article (3) - Scope of work of the Center regarding construction and operation permits for activities
 Article (4) - Classification of activities according to their impact
 Article (5) - Environmental Classification Form for Activities
 Article (6) - Environmental permits for construction and operation
 Article (7) - Study to evaluate the inter-impact of the activities of the second category
 Article (8) - Environmental Impact Assessment Study for Category Three Activities
 Article (9) - General Provisions
 Article (10) - The right to object to the Center’s decisions related to environmental permits
 Article (11) - Detecting violations and imposing penalties
 In addition, the regulation describes templates for the following in its annexes:
 Annex (1) - Environmental Classification Application Form
 Annex (2) - EIA Study Structure & Content Form for Category II Activities
 Annex (3) - EIA Study Scoping Report Structure & Content Form for Category III Activities
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Takween Alrajhi
Raden Commercial Canter, Olaya Street, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Hyatt Place Hotel Spill Response Plan Revision No: 00

 Annex (4) - EIA Study Structure & Content Form for Category III Activities

Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Landscape

Takween Alrajhi's will ensure the preservation and integration of the region's cultural heritage and distinctive
landscape in the architectural design of the Hyatt Place Hotel.

1.5 National Policies

Saudi Arabia has put forward a number of policies and strategies that have informed the development of the
AIUIa Framework Plan. These are highlighted in this section and are as follows:
• Vision 2030 (KSA, 2016)
• National Transformation Program (KSA, 2016)6
• Quality of Life Delivery Plan (KSA, 2018)7
• National Spatial Strategy and National Planning Act (KSA, 2016)8
• The National Tourism Development Plan 2001-2020

1.6 Summary of Impacts by Environmental and Social Aspect

1. Environmental Impacts:
a. Land Use and Biodiversity:
- Potential impact on local land use patterns and biodiversity due to the construction activities.
- Measures to mitigate disturbances to the natural habitat and ecosystems.
b. Air Quality and Climate Change:
- Anticipated effects on air quality and the local microclimate during the construction phase.
- Strategies to minimize dust emissions and control air pollution, ensuring compliance with environmental
The receptors sensitive to changes in air quality which are located within 200 m of the Site include
residential properties, schools, commercial buildings, recreational areas, places of worship, and ecological
receptors (sensitive habitats) The types of key sensitive receptors in proximity to the Site are shown in Map
The World Health Organisation (WHO) sets guidelines that offer quantitative health-based
recommendations for air quality management, expressed as long- or short-term concentrations for a number
of key air pollutants23. Exceedance of the air quality guideline levels is associated with
guidelines respectively.

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Takween Alrajhi
Raden Commercial Canter, Olaya Street, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

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