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JULY 2024

Unseen Comprehension; First Flight: Nelson Mandela -A Long Walk to Freedom, A Tiger
ENGLISH in the Zoo; Writing : Letter of Enquiry; Grammar: Subject Verb Agreement
अप ठत ग यांश, डायर का एक प ना, मीरा के पद, पदबंध, रचना के आधार पर वा य, प लेखन
HINDI (औपचा रक प )
MATHEMATICS Ch3: Pair of Linear Equations in two variables, Chapter 6: Triangles

Physics: Chapter Light (till Refractive index)

Chemistry - Acids,bases and salts till pH (page17-26)
G.SCIENCE Biology - Ch 5:Life Processes (from respiration till lymph)

History: Ch.1 The Rise of Nationalism in Europe, Geography: Ch.2 Forest and Wildlife
S.SCIENCE Resources, Civics: Ch.2 Federalism (till page no. 17)
१) शु चपयावरणं ( अ यास स हत) (२) याकरण - वा य प रवतनम ्, घ टका, त पु ष समास, अनुवाद,प ,
SANSKRIT च पठनम ्|

Comprehension,letter writing,Verbs(présent,impératif,passé composé,imparfait,plus-que-

parfait,futur simple,futur antérieur,conditionnel présent ),Relative pronouns (simple,
composé), Trouvez la question, pronom personnel(COD,COI,tonique,y,en),lessons 4,5
FRENCH (Entre Jeunes-2).All the related worksheets and work done

Lektion 7 - Die App, die den Dieb findet!

Unseen Passage and E-Mail Schreiben
GERMAN Grammatik: Präteritum, All Präpositionen (as done in notebook and Get Ready)
APPLICATION Ch1:Internet Basics,Ch3:HTML Basics
HOME SCIENCE Ch 3: Features of adolescents and Ch 7: Food and personal hygiene

PAINTING Chapter 3: Understanding and Appropriate use of Tools

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