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Crew of NASA
Mars Mission
Complete Year in

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Guided Practice

Match the terms to their meanings:


1. The astronauts embarked on a daring space _______________.
2. The hermit found peace in the ___________ of the forest. Isolation
3. The coral reef is a vibrant ____________for marine life.
4. His ____________ on perfection hindered his progress.
5. A balanced diet ensures proper _____________. Nutrition
6. The scientists conducted a simulated experiment to study the
effects of zero gravity.


Please write down or note these questions.

1. How long did the crew of the NASA mission to Mars spend inside the simulated Mars

2. What was the primary focus of the crew’s experiments during the mission?

3. Who is the mission commander of the NASA Mars mission mentioned in the article?

Please write down or note these questions.

1. How long did the crew of the NASA mission to Mars spend inside the simulated Mars
The crew spent more than 12 months inside NASA’s first simulated Mars environment at
Johnson Space Center in Houston.
2. What was the primary focus of the crew’s experiments during the mission?
The crew focused on establishing possible conditions for future Mars operations through
simulated spacewalks, growing and harvesting vegetables, and maintaining the habitat and
3. Who is the mission commander of the NASA Mars mission mentioned in the article?
The mission commander of the NASA Mars mission was Kelly Haston.

Crew of NASA Mars Mission Complete Year in Isolation

The crew of a NASA mission to Mars emerged from their craft on July 6 after a
yearlong voyage that never left Earth. The four volunteer crew members spent
more than 12 months inside NASA's first simulated Mars environment at Johnson
Space Center in Houston.

Kelly Haston, Anca Selariu, Ross Brockwell and Nathan Jones entered the 3D-
printed habitat on June 25, 2023. When Haston, the mission commander, came
out, she said: "It's actually just so wonderful to be able to say 'hello' to you all."

Jones, a doctor and the mission medical officer, said the 378 days "went by
quickly."They lived and worked inside the 157-square-meter space to simulate a
mission to the red planet.

Crew of NASA Mars Mission Complete Year in Isolation

The crew focused on establishing possible conditions for future Mars operations
through simulated spacewalks in a small sandy space outside the living area, as
well as growing and harvesting vegetables and maintaining the habitat and their

They also worked through challenges a real Mars crew would be expected to
experience including limited resources, isolation and delays in communication of
up to 22 minutes with their home planet, NASA said.

Steve Koerner, from the Johnson Space Center, said most of the crew's
experiments focused on nutrition and how that affected their performance. The
work was "crucial science as we prepare to send people on to the red planet," he

Crew of NASA Mars Mission Complete Year in Isolation

"They've been separated from their families, placed on a carefully prescribed meal
plan and undergone a lot of observation," Koerner said.

"Mars is our goal," he said, calling the project an important step in America's intent
to be a leader in the global space exploration effort.

Anca Selariu, the crew's science officer, said she had been asked many times why
there is a fixation on Mars.

"Why go to Mars? Because it's possible," she said. "Because space can unite and
bring out the best in us."


1. What are your thoughts on NASA's Mars research mission?

2.Do you find it surprising that Nathan Jones said the mission went by quickly?

3.What do you imagine would have been the most challenging part of the mission?

4.Why do you think humans have a fixation with Mars?

5.What do you think are the best reasons to go to Mars?


Further discussion:

1. Are you excited by the prospect of humans landing on Mars?

2.Do you think Mars will one day be colonized?
3.Does your country have a space agency? Does it have any goals for Mars?
4.Do you think the US will continue to be the global leader in space exploration for
the foreseeable future?
5.By going to Mars one day, we will make things better for us here on Earth. — Scott
Kelly. What do you make of this quote?
You did it!
Today, you were able to:
• Read and understand the article.
• Identify the main research findings and answer further
discussion questions.

• Use the new vocabulary to construct their sentences.

Thank you very
much! See you

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