math 5

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Bishop Cotton World School

Name:------------------------------------ Term-1 Exam

Grade: 5 Duration: 90 min Total Marks: 40

Q1.Fill in :-
A. In 5,27981 , 5 is in the ____________________ place.
B. In 3090500 the place value of 9 is _______________.
C. 5000 ml - ________________ L
D. 100 cm - ________________ m
E. 10 km - ____________________ meter
Q2. A. Write the descending order only even number :- (you have to pick up only even numbers)
I. 42502 ,557 ,457 ,8525, 458 , 498 __________________________________

II. 20145 , 2145 , 123 ,422 , 448 , 446 , 447 ___________________________________

B. Write the ascending order only odd number :- :- (you have to pick up only odd numbers)

I. 1235 , 125 , 186 179 , 12 , 568 , 19 , 256 ___________________________________

II. 125,14 , 485 , 4665 , 14 , 16 , 18 , 1125 , 57 ______________________________________

Q3. A. Make the greatest and the smallest numbers even number using all the given digits .

I. 4 2 8 3 6 5 _______________
II. 5 8 4 6 2 0 _______________
B. Find the value :-
I. 763673 - 8736538 - 897386 - 87637

Ans .__________
II. 12345 - 76876 + 13254 - 307565

Ans .__________
III. -782726 - 87639 - 9897 + 78978

Ans .__________
Q4. A. Find the production of the greatest and the smallest three digit number made with the
digits 5, 2 , and 9

Ans .__________

B. Neha bought a large generator for rs. 15,44,782 she had to sell it for rs. 12,55,000 . did she
gain or lose money and find her profit or loss.

Ans .__________

C. The product of a number and 165 is 1,20, 450 find the number .

Ans .__________

D. To buy a flat , a man paid rs.47250 every months for six year . how much did he pay in all ?

Ans: __________
E. Find the smallest number that is divisible by 27 and 36 .

Ans: __________
Q5. Find the L.C. M of the number by inspection .
A. 3 , 4 , 6

B. 4 , 12 , 18

C. 8, 12 , 24

D. 18, 26 , 32

Q6. A. Find the greatest number that divides 33 and 45 leaving 3 as remainder in each case .

Ans ______

B. Find the greatest number that divides 57 , 133 , and 384 leaving 7 , 8 , and 9 respectively as

Ans . _______
C. Make the greatest and the smallest ODD numbers using all the given digits.
A. 0,1,2,4,8

B. 2,5,4,8,5

Q7.Find the H. C . F by prime factorization.

A. 48 and 128 B. 72 and 126 C. 54 , 72 , and 90 D. 63 , 81 , and 108

Q8 .Write Roman numerals :-

A.892 _______ B. 500 _____ C. 50 _______ D. 792 ______

E. 1052 ______ F. 656 _________

39 x 1 = 39

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