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Simulation of Mist Film Cooling

on Rotating Gas Turbine Blades

Film cooling techniques have been successfully applied to gas turbine blades to protect
them from the hot flue gas. However, a continuous demand of increasing the turbine inlet
temperature to raise the efficiency of the turbine requires continuous improvement in film
cooling effectiveness. The concept of injecting mist (tiny water droplets) into the cooling
fluid has been proven under laboratory conditions to significantly augment adiabatic
cooling effectiveness by up to 50%–800% in convective heat transfer and impingement
T. S. Dhanasekaran1 cooling. The similar concept of injecting mist into air film cooling has not been proven in
e-mail: the laboratory, but computational simulations have been performed on stationary turbine
blades. As a continuation of previous research, this paper extends the mist film cooling
Ting Wang scheme to the rotating turbine blade. For the convenience of understanding the effect of
rotation, the simulation is first conducted with a single pair of cooling holes located near
the leading edge at either side of the blade. Then, a row of multiple-hole film cooling jets
is put in place under both stationary and rotating conditions. Both the laboratory (base-
Energy Conversion and Conservation Center, line) and elevated gas turbine conditions are simulated and compared. Elevated condi-
University of New Orleans, tions refer to a high temperature and pressure closer to actual gas turbine working
New Orleans, LA 70148-2220 conditions. The effects of various parameters including mist concentration, water droplet
diameter, droplet wall boundary condition, blowing ratio, and rotational speed are inves-
tigated. The results showed that the effect of rotation on droplets under laboratory condi-
tions is minimal. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model employed is the
discrete phase model (DPM) including both wall film and droplet reflect conditions. The
results showed that the droplet-wall interaction is stronger on the pressure side than on
the suction side, resulting in a higher mist cooling enhancement on the pressure side.
The average rates of mist cooling enhancement of about 15% and 35% were achieved
under laboratory and elevated conditions, respectively. This translates to a significant
blade surface temperature reduction of 100–125 K with 10% mist injection at elevated
conditions. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4004480]

Keywords: film cooling, surface curvature, mist cooling, heat transfer enhancement

1 Introduction ness on a rotor blade and found higher cooling effectiveness on

the suction side than on the pressure side of the blade. They
The film cooling technique is applied in modern gas turbines to
believed that this phenomenon was caused by the effect of the ra-
protect the components such as the turbine blades from hot com-
dial flow and strong mixing on the pressure surface. Suryanar-
bustion gases. The inlet temperature of the gas turbine is being
ayanan et al. [12] measured film-cooling effectiveness under
increased continuously to achieve high thermal efficiency, which
rotation on the rotor blade platform and found that film-cooling
correspondingly demands cooling techniques with increased high
effectiveness increased with an increase in the coolant-to-main-
cooling effectiveness.
stream mass flow ratio for all turbine speeds. Higher turbine rota-
tion speeds showed a wider spread of local film cooling coverage
1.1 Film Cooling. There were numerous studies that focused on the platform. Yang et al. [13] performed a numerical study of
on film cooling over flat surfaces with streamwise coolant injec- three-row film cooling on the leading edge of a rotor blade in a
tion in the past decades [1–3]; others studied film cooling in airfoil one-and-half stage turbine. They found that the film cooling and
cascade environments to better simulate the flow and heat transfer heat transfer showed an unsteady character due to the interaction
mechanisms under engine conditions [4–6]. While most of the of a rotating blade in a turbine stage and concluded that the film
above studies were conducted using stationary cascade blades, cooling effectiveness was high when the rotor blade was exposed
studies on rotating turbine blades are also abundant. Dunn et al. to the high speed passage flow downstream of the stator, but
[7,8] studied the heat transfer on the vane, end-walls, and rotors in decreased significantly when the rotor moved into the wake of the
a full stage rotating turbine using a shock-tunnel facility and thin- rotor blade.
film heat flux gages. Abhari and Epstein [9] investigated the
highly unsteady heat transfer on the rotors of transonic turbine.
1.2 Film Cooling With Mist. As the working gas tempera-
Mehendale et al. [10] studied the effects of high free-stream turbu-
ture continuously increases to augment thermal efficiency, new
lence and upstream wake on heat transfer and film cooling of a
cooling techniques are needed to surpass incremental improve-
rotor blade in a low speed wind tunnel facility. They concluded
ments of conventional gas turbine cooling technologies. A promis-
that high turbulence and wake increased the heat transfer slightly,
ing technology to enhance film cooling is to inject water mist into
but significantly reduced the film cooling effectiveness for lower
the coolant flow. Each droplet acts as a cooling sink and flies over
blowing ratios. Takeishi et al. [11] employed the CO2 mass trans-
a distance before it completely vaporizes. This “distributed cool-
fer analogy technique to measure the local film cooling effective-
ing” characteristic allows controlled cooling by manipulating dif-
ferent sizes of injected water droplets. The flow temperature is
Corresponding author.
Contributed by the Heat Transfer Division of ASME for publication in the JOURNAL
reduced mainly due to droplet evaporation and partially due to
OF HEAT TRANSFER. Manuscript received March 4, 2010; final manuscript received larger specific heats of water and water vapor. Another important
June 19, 2011; published online October 28, 2011. Assoc. Editor: Wei Tong. merit of employing mist film cooling is that some larger droplets

Journal of Heat Transfer Copyright V

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can fly farther into the downstream region and evaporate where
single-phase air film cooling becomes less effective. Li and Wang
[14,15] simulated mist=air film cooling and showed that a small
amount of mist injection (2% of the coolant mass flow rate) could
increase the adiabatic film cooling effectiveness by about 30–50%
under low temperature, velocity, and pressure conditions similar
to those in the laboratory. They also investigated the effects of dif-
ferent flow parameters, injection hole configurations, and coolant
supply plenum on the cooling effectiveness. Under the GT operat-
ing conditions with high temperature and high pressures, Wang
and Li [16] found that the mist cooling enhancement was less
attractive in terms of “enhancement percentage” (10–20%) than
the cases with low pressure, velocity, and temperature conditions.
However, due to the high surface temperatures in real gas tur-
bines, a relatively smaller percentage of cooling enhancement can
result in a large wall temperature reduction, which is critical for
significantly extending the life expectancy of gas turbine airfoils.
To further simulate the actual GT operating conditions more
closely, Li and Wang [17] presented the mist=air film cooling heat
transfer coefficient under conjugate conditions by employing in-
ternal channel cooling beneath the blade surface. The results of
their conjugate 2D cases indicated that reverse heat conduction
from downstream to upstream along the solid wall was strong
within a distance of five slot widths. Recently, Li and Wang [18]
studied the effects of curvature on mist film cooling. They found
that the mist cooling enhancement was in the order of flat
surface > pressure surface > suction surface > leading edge. Their
simulation showed that the film cooling effectiveness increased by
approximately 40% on the leading edge, 60% on the concave sur-
face, and 30% on the convex surface for 2% mist concentration. Fig. 1 (a) Geometry and boundary conditions of the single
The studies [14–18] on mist=air film cooling were conducted stage turbine model and (b) film cooling hole orientation and
considering the turbine blades as being stationary. But, consider- geometry of a single row configuration
ing the high-speed rotation in the real situation would make water
droplets experience additional body forces such as centrifugal and
ters are given in Table 1. For simplification, two-dimensional tur-
Coriolis forces apart from main forces like drag and gravitation,
bine blades and stator blades are considered here based on the blade
the present paper, as a continuation of previous studies, is focused
profiles used at mid section in Behr et al. [19], and an equal number
on simulating mist film cooling under rotating turbine conditions.
of rotor and stator blades (54) are assumed to allow simulating only
Due to the difficulty in introducing mist into the turbine airfoils
one stator blade and one rotor blade in a periodic domain as shown
and unknown benefits of employing mist under actual gas turbine
in Fig. 1, which can significantly reduce the computational time.
operating conditions, it is understood that implementation of mist
Otherwise, the entire 360-deg turbine flow passage will be needed
cooling to the existing gas turbines is not feasible in the near
as the computational domain.
future. Therefore, this paper tries to explore whether the potential
The study is first conducted by using a single pair of holes to
of heat transfer enhancement is attractive to consider employing
investigate the effect of rotation on mist transport without consid-
mist cooling in a future gas turbine system. The present CFD sim-
ering the effect of neighboring cooling jets. This pair of holes is
ulation assumes that the mist with defined mist=steam ratio enters
placed at the midspan of the turbine’s leading edge: one at the
at the injection location. A parallel study is undertaken to develop
pressure side and one at the suction side. These two holes are ori-
a technique to transport mist into the turbine vanes and blades to
ented at 635 deg with respect to the stagnation line, as shown in
achieve required mist=air ratio at the desired injection locations.
Fig. 1. In this configuration of a single pair of film holes, mist film
cooling results are obtained for the baseline case with parameters
2 Numerical Model listed in Table 2. In addition to investigating the rotation effect,
simulations are also performed to study the effects of various mist
2.1 Airfoil and Cooling Hole Configuration. For the present concentrations, rotational speeds, water droplet diameters, and
mist cooling analysis, the geometry of the one-and-half stage turbine blowing ratios on mist film cooling performance.
conducted by Behr et al. [19] is used. The turbine had 3D twisted After studying the film cooling injected from the single pair
blades, which were designed by 2D blade profiles optimized with of film holes, a row of multiple film holes at the pressure side is
an inverse design scheme. The geometry details and flow parame- simulated. The single-row configuration has five film cooling

Table 1 Main parameters of a single-stage axial turbine

considered Table 2 Conditions for the baseline and the elevated cases

Rotor speed (RPM) 2700 Baseline condition Elevated condition

Hub=tip diameter (mm) 660=800
Flow coefficient (/ ¼ cx=Um) 0.63 No. of film holes 1 and 5 5
No. of blades 54 Turbulence model k-e with standard k-e with standard
Chord=pitch 1.41 wall function wall function
Chord (mm) 59.85 Blowing ratio 1.88 0.5
Aspect ratio (span=chord) 1.17 Mist ratio (wt. %) 2% 10%
Flow angle 58 deg Rotational speed (RPM) 289 2700
Mach number 0.13 Droplet wall boundary condition Reflect Reflect

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holes, each with a 1 mm diameter and the distance between the where hfg is the latent heat. The convective heat transfer coeffi-
film holes is 7.5 mm, which gives the pitch-to-diameter ratio of cient (h) can be obtained with an empirical correlation [22,23].
7.5. The circular film holes are oriented toward the tip at an ori- The evaporated mass is calculated by two modes: evaporation
entation angle of 30 deg and zero inclination angle relative to and boiling. During the evaporation mode, the evaporated mass
the surface as shown in Fig. 1(b). All of the above mentioned change rate or vaporization rate is affected by the relative humid-
calculations are considering the baseline (laboratory) working ity in the air and it is shown in Eq. (6) and is governed by the con-
condition, i.e., at 1 atm, low inlet turbine temperature of 400 K, centration difference between the droplet surface and the air
low inlet velocity of 7 m=s, and low turbine rotational speed of stream
289 RPM. Finally, more realistic gas turbine working conditions
are simulated at 2700 RPM rotational speed, 103 m=s inlet dmp
 ¼ pd2 kc ðCs  C1 Þ (6)
velocity, 15 atm pressure, and 1500 K inlet temperature with dt
multiple film holes.
where kc is the mass transfer coefficient, and Cs is the vapor con-
2.2 Numerical Method. A feasible method to simulate the centration at the droplet surface, which is evaluated by assuming
air film cooling with mist injection is to consider the droplets as a that the flow over the surface is saturated. C1 is the vapor concen-
discrete phase and air as the continuous phase. As the volume tration of the bulk flow, obtained by solving the transport equations.
fraction of the liquid (0.1%) in this study is only 0.1%, the dis- When the droplet temperature reaches the boiling point, the follow-
crete phase model is suitable. The trajectories of the dispersed ing equation can be used to evaluate its evaporation rate [24]
phase (droplets) are calculated by the Lagrangian method. The  
impacts of the droplets on the continuous phase are considered to dmp k 
be source terms in the governing equations of mass, momentum,  ¼ pd2 ð2:0 þ 0:46Re0:5
d Þ ln 1 þ cp ðT1  TÞ=hfg =cp
dt d
energy, and species.
The following are the governing equations of mass, momentum,
energy, and species, which are based on time-averaged steady
state conditions. (Please note that even though the computation is where k is the gas=air heat conductivity and cp is the specific heat
conducted for a rotating condition, the steady-state governing of the bulk flow. Again, more details are documented in Refs. [15,
equations are used because the rotating speed is only added to the 20, 21] for the model of the discrete phase.
rotor domain without actually rotating the meshes. This will be The stochastic method [26] is used to consider the turbulence
further explained later). dispersion effect on droplet tracking. The droplet trajectories are
calculated with the instantaneous flow velocity ( u þ u0 ), and the
@ velocity fluctuations are then given as
ðqui Þ ¼ Sm (1)
@xi  0:5
u0 ¼ 1 u0 2 ¼ 1ð2k=3Þ0:5 (8)
@  * @P @ 
qui uj ¼ qgj  þ sij qu0 i u0 j þ Fj (2)
@xi @xj @xi where 1 is a normally distributed random number. This velocity
  will apply during the characteristic lifetime of the eddy (te), a time
@  @ @T scale calculated from the turbulence kinetic energy and dissipa-
qcp ui T ¼ k qcp u0 i T 0 þ lU þ Sh (3)
@xi @xi @xi tion rate. After this time period, the instantaneous velocity will be
updated with a new 1 value until a full trajectory is obtained.
  Since the results are sensitive to the time scale, an appropriate
@  @ @Cj
qui Cj ¼ qDj qu0 i C0 j þ Sj (4) selection of the time scale is critical. In this study, the time scale
@xi @xi @xi
is selected as 0.009 (k=e). A more detailed study about the effect
of time scale on computational results and an appropriate selec-
where sij is the symmetric stress tensor. The source terms (Sm, Fj, tion of time scale is referred to in Ref. [20].
and Sh) are used to include the contributions from the dispersed
phase. lU is the viscous dissipation and k is the heat conductivity.
Cj is the mass fraction of the species (j) in the mixture and Sj is 2.3 Boundary Conditions
the source term for this species. Dj is the diffusion coefficient.
The diffusion term is used for bidiffusion between water vapor 2.3.1 Airflow. The main flow and coolant flow are assumed
and air. When the liquid partially evaporates into water vapor, it to be dry air (zero humidity). In this simulation, the mist cooling
surrounds the liquid droplet. Then, the water vapor will be trans- effects are investigated at two different working conditions
ported away through convection and mass diffusion. Three species including baseline and elevated working conditions. In the lab
(oxygen, nitrogen, and water vapor) are simulated in the paper. conditions, a lower turbine inlet absolute velocity of 7 m=s
The terms of qu0 i u0 j , qcpu0i T 0 , and qu0 i C0 j in the equations above (Re ¼ 1.6  105 based on the blade chord length) and a tempera-
represent the Reynolds stresses, turbulent heat fluxes, and turbu- ture of 400 K are assigned. The coolant jet inlet velocity is 10
lent concentration (or mass) fluxes, which should be modeled m=s (Rej ¼ 3760, based on the film hole diameter), with an inlet
properly for a turbulent flow as seen in the film cooling of gas tur- temperature of 300 K. The blowing ratio is 1.88. The lower inlet
bines. More detailed investigations and discussions on turbulence velocity is chosen in order to obtain comparable results with the
models and their effects on the simulation of mist cooling can be previous study on this application [18]. To maintain the designed
found in other sources [15,20,21]. flow coefficient of 0.63, the turbine rotation speed is reduced from
To track the trajectory of droplets, the hydrodynamic drag, 2700 RPM to 289 RPM in the lab condition.
gravity, and forces such as the “virtual mass” force, thermopho- At the elevated working condition, the inlet velocity is raised to
retic force, Brownian force, and Saffman’s lift force are combined 103 m=s (Re ¼ 38  105), the inlet temperature to 1500 K, and the
to affect the droplet motion. More details on these forces can be rotational speed to 2700 RPM to achieve the design flow coeffi-
found in Ref. [20]. The energy equation for any individual droplet cient of 0.63. The coolant jet inlet velocity is 22 m=s
can be given as the following equation. (Rej ¼ 13,750) and the blowing ratio is 0.5. The details of condi-
tions and fluid properties for these two working conditions (lab
and elevated) are given in Tables 2 and 3.
dT dmp The inlet turbulence is specified in terms of turbulence inten-
mp cp ¼ pd2 hðT1 TÞ þ hfg (5)
dt dt sity: 3% at mainstream inlet and 1% at the coolant flow inlet. The

Journal of Heat Transfer JANUARY 2012, Vol. 134 / 011501-3

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Table 3 Air and water (liquid) properties at low baseline and
elevated conditions

Baseline (lab) condition Elevated condition

Air 400 K 1500 K

1 atm 15 atm
Density (kg=m ) 0.871 3.483
Specific heat (J=kg-K) 1014 1230
Heat conductivity (W=m-K) 0.0338 0.1
Dynamic viscosity (kg=m-s) 2.3  105 5.5 105
Kinematic viscosity (m2=s) 2.6  106 1.6  106
Saturation temperature (K) 373 472
Specific heat (J=kg- K) 4180 4490
Density (kg=m3) 998 866
Latent heat (kJ=kg) 2260 1950
Others parameters
Fig. 2 Elements on the rotor and stator. The film hole is
Mist diameter (lm) 5 5
located at the midspan of turbine blade (z 5 0.635 m)
Main flow speed (m=s) 7 103
Jet flow speed (m=s) 10 22
Main flow temperature (K) 400 1500 decouples the momentum and energy equations. The SIMPLE
Jet flow temperature 300 644 algorithm is used to couple the pressure and velocity. A second
Remain 1.6  105 38  105 order upwind scheme is selected for spatial discretization of the
Rej 3,760 13,750
convective terms and species. The computation is conducted for
Flow coefficient (/) 0.63 0.63
Rotational speed (RPM) 289 2700 the main and coolant air flow fields (continuous phase) first. After
Rotational number (x Dm=cx ) 3.16 2.0 obtaining an approximate, converged flow field of the air, the dis-
persed phase droplet trajectories are calculated. At the same time,
drag, heat, and mass transfer between the droplets and the air are
fluid at the rotor is defined as a moving reference frame with the Iterations proceed alternatively between the continuous and dis-
angular speed equivalent to that of the blade. The computational crete phases. Ten iterations in the continuous phase are conducted
faces at the two extreme ends in the circumferential direction are between two iterations of the discrete phase. Converged results
assigned rotational, periodic conditions. The flow exit of the are obtained after the residuals satisfy mass residual of 104,
computational domain is assumed to be at a constant pressure of energy residual of 106, and momentum and turbulence kinetic
1 atm. All of the walls in the computational domain are adiabatic energy residuals of 105. These residuals are the summation of
and have a no-slip velocity boundary condition. the imbalance for each cell, scaled by a representative of the flow
rate. The computation was carried out through parallel processing
2.3.2 Droplet Injection. The uniform droplet size of 5 lm is on two dual-core Pentium clusters: one with 10 nodes and another
considered in the baseline case (Table 2), and the effect of distrib- with 6 nodes. It is found that it is relatively easier to achieve more
uted droplet diameter is also simulated for comparison. The mass effective multitask parallel processing by employing two separate
ratio of mist over cooling airflow is 2% (about 2.74  107 kg=s) clusters instead of one 16-node cluster.
in the baseline case. The number of mist injection points at the
coolant inlet depends on the number of computational elements at 3 Results and Discussion
the inlet surface. In the present case, about 120 injection points
are placed. The boundary condition of droplets at the walls is 3.1 Results of Single Hole Film Cooling Configuration
assigned as “reflect”, which means the droplets elastically
rebound off the walls once reaching them. The condition of drop- 3.1.1 Validation of CFD Model. Due to unavailability of
let deposition at the wall using the wall-film model is also simu- experimental work on the mist=air film cooling in open literature,
lated and compared with the “reflect” model. Details about these the CFD model has been validated by comparing the computa-
two models are documented in Dhanasekaran and Wang [20]. At tional results first against the experimental results of air-only film
the outlet, the droplets just simply fly=escape from the computa- cooling in Ref. [15], followed by comparing the experimental
tional domain. mist=steam flow in a tube [20] and of impinging jet flow in
Ref. [21]. It should be noted that it was the steam that was used as
2.3.3 Meshing and Simulation Procedure. The computational the continuous phase, not air, in the CFD model for validation of
domain is constructed by structured hexahedral elements, as handling droplets. The details of the calibration of CFD models
shown in Fig. 2. Finer meshes are used on the rotor blade surface can be seen in Refs. [20] and [21] and are not repeated here. For a
and near the cooling holes. The total number of 800,000 elements quick reference, Fig. 3 shows both the standard k-e and Reynolds
are used for the typical single-row, multiple-film hole configura- stress turbulence model predicting well (within 5%) in compari-
tion. The rotating frame containing the rotor is simulated by set- son with the experimental results of the temperature distribution
ting up two fluid zones using the “mixing plane technique.” The on the target wall. Although the RSM model seems to fair a bit
two zones are the upstream guide vane and the rotor stage. In the better, it takes 4–5 times longer to compute the results with this
mixing plane technique, both zones are treated as steady-state model than the standard k-e model. Despite the advantage of using
problems. Flow field data from the adjacent zones are passed as the RSM model, it does not seem to be as valuable as saving 80%
boundary conditions that are spatially averaged at the mixing of the computational time in the present study. Thus, the standard
plane interface. This mixing removes any unsteadiness that would k-e turbulence model is chosen for this study with enhanced near-
arise due to circumferential variations in the passage-to-passage wall treatment with yþ1.
flow field, thus yielding a steady-state result. The computation is The heat transfer results of multiple row impinging jets on a flat
carried out using the commercial CFD software FLUENT (Version plate are shown in Fig. 3. The results show reasonable prediction
6.2.16) from Ansys, Inc. The simulation uses the segregated of the wall temperature (Twall) with the steam-only jet as well as
solver, which employs an implicit pressure-correction scheme and the mist=steam jet. Both results are within 5% of the experimental

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Fig. 3 Qualification of mist cooling computational model by
comparing with the experimental results of a mist impinging jet
conducted by Li et al. [25]

data based on the temperature scale, Tw – Tsat. The temperature

span between 100  C (Tsat) and 320  C (approximately highest
value) is used as the “temperature scale.” This 5% prediction ac-
curacy level is acceptable for this current study, so the CFD model
is then applied on predicting the mist film cooling in a rotating
vane-blade stage.

3.1.2 Results of Single Hole Film Cooling Configuration of

the Baseline Conditions. In evaluating film cooling performance,
the adiabatic cooling effectiveness (g) is used, which is defined as
Fig. 4 Heat transfer results of baseline case: Re 5 1.6 3 105,
g ¼ ðTg  Taw Þ=ðTg  Tc Þ (9) 5 lm, 2% mist, 289 RPM, baseline condition, cooling hole
location is at z 5 0.365
where Tg is the mainstream hot gas temperature, Tc is the tempera-
ture of the coolant (jet), and Taw is the adiabatic wall temperature.
The cooling effectiveness varies between zero (no cooling) and 1 attached to the surface immediately after the injection (Fig. 6(a))
(the wall temperature is the same as the coolant temperature). location, but the droplets are traveling farther away from the sur-
Initially, a single film hole on the pressure side of the turbine face due to inertia and the centrifugal force induced by the mass
blade surface is considered. The results in Fig. 4(a) show that the difference between air and water. This is the reason that the mist
adiabatic film cooling effectiveness is improved from s=d ¼ 10 to enhancement is not seen in this region. Beyond s=d ¼ 10, the drop-
45, where s is the curvature length on pressure surface and d lets follow more closely to the air flow path (Fig. 6(b)) and are
denotes the diameter of film hole. The values presented in this fig- attached to the pressure wall, due to reduced centrifugal force as
ure are obtained from the local peak effectiveness values at vari- the droplet sizes continuously decrease with evaporation and inter-
ous s=d locations. The locations s=d ¼ 10 and 45 are located on action with the wall surface. The decrease in droplet size can be
the pressure side surface near the leading and trailing edge areas, seen from the figure as 5 lm at the injection location and about 1.7
respectively. The cooling effectiveness ratio (gmist=go) or cooling lm at the turbine trailing edge. It can be noted that the droplets sur-
enhancement, shown in the same figure, clearly indicates that vive even after passing the blade surface. Due to the fact that the
there is no observable cooling enhancement in the region immedi- smaller droplets evaporate faster than the larger droplets, the
ately downstream of the film hole from s=d ¼ 0 to 10, but the cool- enhancement increases drastically for s=d > 35.
ing enhancement increases linearly downstream over the curved
surface. The spanwise cooling effectiveness at stations s=d ¼ 9.5, Effect of mist on blowing ratio and Reynolds
20, 32, and 45 for air-only and mist=air cases are shown in Figs. number. This study considers the mass ratio of mist over cooling
4(b)–4(e), respectively. The location of maximum effectiveness air-flow to be 2%, so the density increases by approximately 2%
for air-only and mist=air cases differs in the radial direction from also. In the coolant channel, the liquid remains as a liquid, so the
stations s=d ¼ 20 to 45. Hence, the local peak values are used to coolant velocity remains about the same. Considering the above
showcase the cooling enhancement in Fig. 4(a). In all the stations two facts (2% increases of density and negligible change of veloc-
considered, the location of the peak effectiveness moves towards ity), the blowing ratio would vary by approximately 2% if the cor-
the hub, once the mist is injected. The figures also show that the rection of water mass were included.
cooling effectiveness increases due to mist by 20% in the far When the water completely evaporates in the mainstream, the
downstream locations (s=d ¼ 32–45). increased volume flow rate will increase the Reynolds number
The effective film cooling range (s=d ¼ 10–45) where the pre- about 1–5% based on the fact that the mist is about 0.01–0.05% of
dominant mist cooling enhancement takes place on the pressure the main mass flow rate (i.e., mist is 2–10% of the coolant flow
surface of the turbine blade can be seen from the Fig. 5. The reason mass, which is about 5% of the main flow mass). Since it takes
for the zero mist enhancement in the initial region (from s=d ¼ 0– time for the droplets to completely evaporate, the actual Reynolds
10) is explained with Fig. 6. The droplets (dots) and film cooling number is difficult to track because the Reynolds number contin-
air (line) traces in the figure show that the coolant air is almost ues to change downstream of the injection hole depending on how

Journal of Heat Transfer JANUARY 2012, Vol. 134 / 011501-5

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Fig. 7 Effect of discrete phase model wall boundary condi-
tions: reflect versus wall-film model (Re 5 1.6 3 105, 5 lm, 2%
mist, 289 RPM, baseline condition) Effect of wall boundary condition of the discrete

phase. In the baseline case, the reflected DPM wall boundary
condition is used. The reflected model is usually appropriate when
the wall is superheated 35  C above the saturation temperature;
however, in order to check if any water droplets deposit on the
surface, the wall-film model is employed for 2% mist addition.
The wall-film model allows liquid droplets to deposit on the wall
surface and form a liquid film based on certain criteria (surface
tension, surface superheat, etc.). If the wetting criteria are not sat-
isfied, the droplets will be reflected back from the wall. More
details on these boundary conditions can be found in Ref. [20].
Figure 7 shows that the cooling effectiveness achieved by the two
models is almost same, which desensitizes the uncertainty of the
selection of droplet wall boundary conditions. The reflect wall
boundary condition is therefore employed for all cases in this
study. Effect of rotation. In order to clearly show the effects
of rotation on mist film cooling, simulations are also carried out
on the baseline case under stationary conditions, i.e., 0 RPM tur-
Fig. 5 (a) Temperature distribution and (b) adiabatic film effec-
tiveness on the pressure surface of a single film hole: (i) air
bine rotational speed. Figure 8(a) shows that the mist enhance-
only and (ii) mist=air (Re 5 1.6 3 105, 5 lm, 2% mist, 289 RPM, ment is higher at 0 RPM than 289 RPM throughout the
baseline condition) downstream location. Especially at the initial region from s=d ¼ 0
to 10, noticeable enhancement is observed where the enhancement
was zero for 289 RPM. The spanwise cooling effectiveness at
many liquid droplets have become vapor. It is understood that for s=b ¼ 4.4, 20, and 45 are clearly shown in Figs. 8(b)–8(d). These
a fair comparison, the effect of mist on the Reynolds number figures also show that the location of the maximum cooling effec-
could be isolated by using the same Reynolds number. However, tiveness for air-only film cooling shifts toward the hub regions
as the Reynolds number undergoes continuous changes, it is felt when the turbine speed increases from 0 RPM to 289 RPM. This
that it would be easier to just consider the expanding volume flow implies that the effect of rotation on the flow is strengthened by
rate caused by vaporized liquid droplets as one of the merits of
mist flow and lump this enhancement into overall mist perform-
ance. This merit can be further realized by the potential of reduc-
ing the amount of cooling air to be bled from the compressor to
the turbine airfoils.

Fig. 6 Air only film cooling pathlines and droplet traces:

Re 5 1.6 3 105, 5 lm, 2% mist, 289 RPM, baseline condition Fig. 8 Effect of rotational speed on mist=air film cooling
(viewed from hub to tip) (Re 5 1.6 3 105, 5 lm, 2% mist, baseline condition)

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Fig. 10 Effect of mist concentration (Re 5 1.6 3 105, 5 lm, 289
RPM, baseline condition)

region for the 2% mist ratio is about 25% and it increases to 100%
when the mist ratio is increased to 10%. Further, increasing the
mist ratio to 20% increases the enhancement to 150% (Fig. 10(a)).
Fig. 9 Static pressure distribution on the blade surface show- Effect of blowing ratio. The effect of the blowing ra-
ing effect of rotation (Re 5 1.6 3 105, 5 lm, 2% mist, baseline
tio (BR) on the mist film cooling performance is shown in Fig. 11,
condition). The color on the surface represents static pressure
relative to the operating pressure at 101.325 Pascal. The veloc- including one higher (2.5) and one lower (0.5) than the baseline
ity magnitude is represented by both color and vector length case (1.88). As far as the effect of blowing ratio for the air-only
case is concerned, the cooling effectiveness increases as the blow-
ing ratio decreases for the regions s=d ¼ 0 to 20, but the trend is
suppressing the inclined jet’s penetration toward the tip. However, reversed beyond s=d ¼ 20, i.e., the higher blowing ratio performs
the location of maximum cooling does not change much after add- a bit better than the lower ratio, as shown in Fig. 11(a). The result
ing mist into air film. This suggests that the effect of rotation on is consistent with Ou et al. [27], Ekkad et al. [28], and Yang et al.
the droplet is similar to that on the air, so the droplets closely fol- [13]. When the mist is injected, lower blowing ratios perform bet-
low the air film jet. The reason for the higher cooling enhance- ter than higher blowing ratios throughout the downstream loca-
ment at 0 RPM can be explained with Fig. 9. From the static tions. The mist cooling enhancement ratio in Fig. 11(a) shows the
pressure distribution on the turbine blade in the figure, it is quite drastic increase in cooling enhancement when the blowing ratio
visible that the stagnation line has been shifted from leading edge decreases from 1.88 (baseline case) to 0.5. For example, the
(Fig. 9(b)) to the suction side (Fig. 9(a)) due to the shift in flow enhancement at s=d ¼ 20 is about 10% with BR ¼ 1.88 and the
incidence angle as a result of rotation. In the stationary case, the cooling enhancement value increases to 40% with BR ¼ 0.5. It is
stagnation line is closer to the cooling hole, so the high static pres- observed from the flow insight that the droplets injected in lower
sure in the stagnation region tends to suppress the momentum of blowing ratio interact with the wall immediately downstream of
the film cooling air and droplets and causes the mist=air flow to the injection hole better than the droplets in the higher blowing ra-
get attached to the surface immediately downstream of the injec- tio cases, as shown in Figs. 11(b)–11(d). A larger droplet separa-
tion location. On the contrary, with 289 RPM rotation, the drop- tion zone for higher BR is seen near the injection region.
lets are separated from the wall, as shown in Fig. 6. From the Effect of droplet diameters. The effect of droplet di-
above discussion, it is evidenced that the forces acting on the ameter is studied by first injecting uniform diameters from 1 lm
droplet due to the rotation of the turbine blade does not affect the to 20 lm to gain a clear understanding of the droplet size, fol-
performance of mist cooling much. It can also be observed that lowed by injecting distributed droplet diameters to simulate more
the performance of mist cooling increases as the distance between closely the actual condition as reported in the experimental stud-
cooling hole and stagnation line decreases. ies. The Rosin-Rammler distribution function is used based on the Effect of mist concentration. Figure 10 shows the assumption that an exponential relationship exists between the
influence of 2%, 10%, and 20% mist ratios on mist cooling per- droplet diameter, dd, and the mass fraction of droplets with diame-
formance. It is obvious from Fig. 10 that the cooling enhancement ter greater than d as
increases with increased amount of mist. It is noteworthy that the n
cooling enhancement does not improve in the initial region from Yd ¼ eðd=dm Þ (10)
s=d ¼ 0 to 10 for all the mist ratios. There is a slight variation in
the location of maximum effectiveness with mist ratio. The effect where dm refers to the mean diameter (5 lm) and n refers to the
of centrifugal force on the droplet becomes noticeable beyond the spread parameter. From this relationship, the spread parameter (2.4)
2% mist ratio in the far downstream region (Fig. 10(c)) The is calculated and used to fit the size distribution into the CF model.
increase in mist cooling enhancement is drastic from 2% to 10% CFD model based on the experimental data of [29]. The results in
mist ratio, but the enhancement is not linearly proportional to the Fig. 12 clearly show that increasing the droplet diameter reduces
increased mist mass. For example, the enhancement in the mid the mist cooling enhancement. As the diameter of the droplets

Journal of Heat Transfer JANUARY 2012, Vol. 134 / 011501-7

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Fig. 12 Effect of droplet diameter: Re 5 1.6 3 105, 5 lm, 2%
mist, 289 RPM, baseline condition Comparison between suction and pressure sides. It is

known that due to different flow and pressure fields over the suc-
tion and pressure sides of a turbine blade, the film cooling per-
formance on these sides is expected to be different. Figure 13
shows the comparison of film cooling performance between the
suction and pressure sides for the baseline case; the film cooling
in the air-only case having higher peak cooling effectiveness
value on suction side than on the pressure side. But, the integrated
value over the pitch gives almost the same for both sides. When
2% mist is injected on either side, the peak mist cooling effective-
ness on the suction side is still higher, but the cooling enhance-
ment is improved considerably further in the pressure side, as
shown in Fig. 13(a). For example, the cooling enhancement at

Fig. 11 Effect of blowing ratio on air-only and mist=air film cool-

ing (Re 5 1.6 3 105, 5 lm, 2% mist, 289 RPM, baseline condition)

increases, the surface area per unit mass decreases, causing a reduc-
tion of the evaporation rate, and, hence, the cooling effectiveness
decreases. When the droplets of distributed diameters are injected,
the cooling enhancement falls between the small and large droplets.
Overall, the distributed diameter droplets perform similarly to
smaller droplets of constant diameter (1 lm) in the near injection Fig. 13 Effect of mist cooling on pressure and suction sides:
region, and similarly to larger constant diameter droplets (20 lm) Re 5 1.6 3 105, 5 lm, 2% mist, 289 RPM, baseline condition (film
in the far field locations. hole located at z 5 0.365)

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Fig. 15 Adiabatic film cooling effectiveness of mist cooling for
multiple-hole single row configuration: Re 5 1.6 3 105, 5 lm, 2%
Fig. 14 Distribution of film cooling effectiveness: mist, 289 RPM, baseline condition
Re 5 1.6 3 105, 5 lm, 2%mist, 289 RPM, baseline condition

cooling enhancement, the multiple-hole configuration has almost

identical enhancement values as the single-hole configuration (see
s=d ¼ 20 is about 10% on the pressure side but is only 5% on Fig. 15(a)) ranging from 10% at s=d ¼ 20 to 30% at s=d ¼ 45. The
the suction side. From the flow pathlines and droplet track lines cooling enhancement of the multiple-hole case increases more lin-
(not shown here), it was found that the droplets released from the early and smoothly than the single-hole case along the surface.
suction side, unlike the pressure side, have relatively poor interac- Here, the enhancement at each z-location is calculated from the
tion with the wall surface, resulting in the relatively lower mist average of five spanwise cooling effectiveness peaks, as shown in
cooling enhancement performance on the suction side. Figure Figs. 15(b) and 15(c).
14(a) shows that the peak cooling locations on both sides move
toward the blade tip due to inclination injection, but the droplets
on the pressure side, as they are subject to the additional second- 3.3 Results of Multiple Film Hole Configuration at
ary flow effect, move further toward the tip than the droplets on Elevated Working Condition. The results discussed so far have
the suction side. The nonrotating case also shows that the suction been conducted at low pressure, temperature, and Reynolds num-
side has a higher cooling effectiveness and the pressure side has a ber conditions. Computation is then extended to simulate the
higher mist-cooling enhancement. mist-cooling enhancement at elevated conditions, which are one
step closer to the real gas turbine environment. For this purpose,
3.2 Results of Multiple Film Hole Configuration at the the inlet turbine temperature is raised to 1500 K, working pressure
Laboratory Condition. The above sections described the mist to 15 atm, inlet velocity to 103 m=s, Reynolds number to
cooling enhancement from a single pair of film holes located at 38  105, and rotation speed to 2700 RPM to reflect the actual gas
the midspan of the turbine blade. The results have helped in turbine working condition. Due to the fact that more latent heat is
understanding pure mist enhancement without counting interac- needed to protect the blade surface from the elevated temperature,
tions between adjacent holes. In order to investigate the mist-cool- a higher mist ratio of 10% is applied. Due to the paper’s page
ing enhancement in the real turbine, a single row of multiple- limit, only one blowing ratio of 0.5 is presented. Table 3 provides
holes on the pressure side is considered. The results are shown in a comparison of air and water properties and operating parameters
Figs. 14(b) and 15. In general, the adiabatic film cooling effective- between the baseline and elevated conditions. The air density
ness of the multiple-hole configuration is slightly higher than the increases about 4 times under the elevated condition, which will
single-hole configuration (Fig. 15(a)) for both air-only and mis- allow more droplets to be suspended in the air. The dynamic vis-
t=air cases. Also, the peak cooling effectiveness diminishes along cosity of air increases about 2.4 times, which will reduce the slip
the z direction (along the turbine blade span, Figs 15(b) and velocity, and therefore, reduce heat transfer to the droplet due to
15(c)). This may be due to the increased mixing with the hot main convection. This allows droplets to last longer to provide needed
flow as a result of stronger secondary and corner flows created at cooling further downstream. The air heat capacity increases at the
the tip region than in the hub region. The increase in the cooling elevated condition, which is beneficial to achieving more effective
effectiveness is higher in the hub region than the tip region, as mist cooling. On the contrary, the droplets’ evaporation rate will
shown in Figs. 15(b) and 15(c). The effect of centrifugal force on increase because the coolant jet temperature is about 171 K higher
the multiple-hole case is not as pronounced as that in the single- than the water saturation temperature at 15 atm in contrast to
hole case, as can be seen from the fact that the peak cooling loca- under the baseline condition where the jet temperature is 73 K
tions are near each injection’s spanwise z-location. Regarding the lower than water saturation temperature. Therefore, the net effect

Journal of Heat Transfer JANUARY 2012, Vol. 134 / 011501-9

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ing technique is simulated with a rotating turbine blade in this pa-
per. The conclusions are:
• The mist cooling enhancement decreases with increasing
rotational speed. The reduction in cooling enhancement is
mainly attributed to a change in the stagnation location due
to the change in the incident angle, which is a direct result of
the increased RPM. Increasing the rotational speed moves the
stagnation region away from the film-cooling hole on the
pressure side and reduces droplet wall interaction in the near-
hole region.
• The mist cooling enhancement is not linearly proportional to
the mist ratio. For example, the mist-cooling enhancement
increases from 20% to 230% when the mist injection ratio is
increased from 2% to 20%.
• Under laboratory (baseline) conditions with 2% mist injec-
tion, an average cooling enhancement of about 30% is
achieved on the pressure side with about 12% average
enhancement on the suction side. The droplet interaction with
the wall is higher on the pressure side than it is on suction,
which results in a different mist-cooling performance.
• The blowing ratio plays a critical role in the mist-cooling
enhancement. Reducing the blowing ratio from 1.88 to 0.5
increases the mist-cooling enhancement by 4 times in the
baseline case.
• Droplets of smaller diameters (1 lm) evaporate faster than
larger droplets and provide mist-cooling enhancement imme-
Fig. 16 Mist film cooling performance at elevated condition: diately downstream of the injection hole. As the diameter
Re 5 38 3 105, 5 lm, 10% mist, 2770 RPM increases (from 5 lm to 20 lm), the cooling enhancement is
almost zero in the initial regions from s=d ¼ 0 to 10 and grad-
ually increases beyond this point. In the practical situation of
of elevated condition on film cooling effectiveness cannot be mist with distributed droplet diameters, the cooling enhance-
readily known until computation is performed. ment is bounded by the performance of small and large drop-
Figure 16(a) shows that the air-only film cooling effectiveness lets, i.e., a gradual increase in cooling enhancement right
(g) is lower under the elevated working condition in the region from s=d ¼ 0 to far downstream locations.
• The mist cooling enhancement with the single film hole con-
from s=d ¼ 2 to 14, and it is significantly better in the remaining
portion. The cooling effectiveness distribution at two representa- figuration and the multiple-hole configuration are almost iden-
tive locations of s=d ¼ 9.5 and 45 are shown in Figs. 16(b) and tical in the present study except at the far downstream location
16(c). The g distribution along the z direction at s=d ¼ 9.5 beyond s=d ¼ 40. The effect of rotation is less on the multiple-
(Fig. 16(b)) for the air-only film cooling case at the elevated con- hole case than on the single-hole case with the spanwise cool-
dition shows that the g value slightly decreases from the hub to ing area staying centered along the injection location.
• At the elevated operating conditions, an average of 35% mist
the midspan but increases from the midspan toward the tip
region. This is quite different from the results obtained at the cooling enhancement with an equivalent blade surface tem-
baseline condition (Fig 15(b)). One of the reasons for this behav- perature reduction of 100–125 K has been predicted. More
ior may be due to the fact that, at high rotational speeds, the tur- cooling is seen near the tip region. The peak-valley cooling
bine passage flow is more complex as a result of strong difference evens out better in the far downstream area at ele-
interaction with the secondary flows than it is at lower rotational vated conditions than in lab conditions.
speeds. Please note that since there is no experimental data available to
The distinctive peak-valley g-distribution pattern in the earlier verify the CFD results of this study, the readers are advised to
part of the film cooling coverage has been smeared and evened consider the present results qualitatively.
out downstream. This smeared cooling pattern was not seen ear-
lier in the baseline condition (Fig. 15). The mist-cooling enhance-
ment at the elevated condition is pleasantly higher than at the
baseline condition. However, the cooling area covered by air-only This study was supported by the Louisiana Governor’s Energy
film seems to be greater near the tip region than that in the Initiative via the Clean Power and Energy Research Consortium
far-downstream region. As there are more spanwise film cooling (CPERC) and administered by the Louisiana Board of Regents.
holes to cover both the hub and tip regions in the real gas turbine
blades, the reduction in the cooling area near the tip region is not Nomenclature
a concern. As far as the mist cooling enhancement is concerned, it BR ¼ blowing ratio (qu)c=(qu)g
is increased rapidly to 40% at s=d ¼ 20 and gradually reduces to C¼ concentration (kg=m3)
25% at s=d ¼ 45 in the elevated condition, which translates to a cx ¼ axial velocity (m=s)
significant blade surface temperature reduction of 100–125 K. cp ¼ specific heat (J=kg-K)
This trend is quite different from that in the baseline case, i.e., D¼ mass diffusion coefficient (m2=s)
almost linearly increases from 0% to 28% (Fig. 16(a)). d¼ film hole diameter (m)
Dm ¼ midspan diameter (m)
GT ¼ gas turbine
K¼ turbulence kinetic energy (m2=s2)
4 Conclusions kc ¼ mass transfer coefficient (m=s)
Motivated to provide significant cooling enhancement in film h¼ convective heat transfer coefficient (W=m2 - K)
cooling techniques to protect the gas turbine blades, the mist-cool- hfg ¼ latent heat (J=kg)

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