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Place :

Date : 10/07/2024



Indian Overseas Bank


Dear Sir,

With reference to the loan of Rs 15,00,000.00 (Rupees Fifteen Lakh only) granted to me/us
please permit me/us to repay the said loan of Rs 15,00,000.00 in equal 84 instalments of Rs.
26,359.00 each month the first of such instalment payment to commence from 10/08/2024.

Notwithstanding anything contained herein or in the loan/security documents, the Bank will
have the option in its discretion to recall the entire loan amount or any part thereof and to
enforce the security in the following circumstances or when the Bank suspects or has reason
to believe the Borrower has /have violated or is /are violating the terms and conditions
contained herein.

1. any instalment of principal remaining unpaid for a period of 15 days after the
respective due date for the payment thereof.
2. any interest remaining unpaid and in arrears for a period of 3 months after the same
shall have become due whether demanded or not.
3. any representation or statement made herein by the Borrower being found be materially
4. the Borrower committing any breach or default in the performance of or observance of
any term or condition or provision contained in these presents and /or in the security
documents or any other term or condition relating to the advance.
5. the Borrower entering into any arrangement or composition with the Borrower’s

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by NAGESH BIRADAR
Date: 2024.07.10 18:47:08 IST
Reason: Agreement Executed
Location: Telangana
creditors on committing any act of insolvency;
6. the Borrower committing any act, the consequences of which may lead to the winding
up of Borrower’s business:
7. execution or distress of other process being enforced or levied upon or against the
whole or any part of Borrower’s property whether secured to the Bank or not.
8. the borrower going into liquidation (except for the purpose of amalgamation or
reconstruction with the approval of the Bank);
9. the Borrower (if an individual) or any of the partners of the Borrower (if a firm) being
adjudicated insolvent or taking advantage of any law for the relief of insolvent debtors;
or entering in any arrangement or composition with his creditors or committing any act
of insolvency;
10. a Receiver being appointed in respect of the whole or any part of the property of the
11. the Borrower ceasing or threatening to cease to carry on business; or giving or
threatening to give notice of his/its intention to do so or dispose of the whole or any
substantial part of the business.
12. if the Borrower shall stop payment or threaten to do so;
13. if the Borrower shall without the consent in writing of the Bank create or attempt or
purport to create any mortgage, charge, pledge, hypothecation or lien or encumbrance
ranking in priority to paripassu with or create any mortgage; charge, pledge,
hypothecation or lien or encumbrance subsequent to the security given or to be given to
the Bank for the above loan.
14. it being certified by an accountant or a firm of accountants, appointed by the Bank
(which the Bank is entitled and authorized to do at any time) that the liabilities of the
Borrower exceed its/his assets or that the Borrower is carrying on business at a loss;
15. the occurrence of any event or circumstances which is pre-judicial to or impair or
imperils or depreciates or jeopardizes or is likely to prejudice or impair or imperils or
depreciate or jeopardize the security given to the Bank and
16. the occurrence of any event or circumstances which would or is likely to prejudicially
or adversely affect in any manner the capacity of the borrower to repay the loan.

On the question whether any of the matters, event or circumstances mentioned in the sub-
clause (a) to (p) above has happened, the opinion and/or decision of the Bank shall be
conclusive and binding on the Borrower.

Yours faithfully,

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by NAGESH BIRADAR
Date: 2024.07.10 18:47:08 IST
Reason: Agreement Executed
Location: Telangana


(Signature of …Borrower's)


(Counter Signature of Guarantor)

F(378) Revised

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by NAGESH BIRADAR
Date: 2024.07.10 18:47:08 IST
Reason: Agreement Executed
Location: Telangana
Indian Overseas Bank



DOOR NO. 6-3-144 and 6-3-144/1, PLOT NO.22, .


Tel.: -
Indian Overseas Bank
IFS Code: IOBA0003400 SWIFT:
Good People to Grow With
e-mail id :

MICR Code:


(This sanction letter contains six pages-Any alteration in the sanction letter requires






Dear Sir(s)/Madam(s),


Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by NAGESH BIRADAR
Date: 2024.07.10 18:47:08 IST
Reason: Agreement Executed
Location: Telangana
We refer to your loan application dated 09/07/2024 We also refer to the related correspondence and
discussions and the consensus of the terms and conditions of the credit facilities arrived.

We take pleasure in advising that the Competent Authority of the Bank has sanctioned the following
credit facilities subject to compliance of the terms and conditions as appended to this communication.

Nature of EMI* and
Amount of loan Margin
Facility Repayment Tenor
of Interest

Rs. 15,00,000.00 RLLR ( 9.35 %) + Spread

Personal Loan Rs. 26359 and 84
(Rupees Fifteen Lakh NIL ( 2.50 % ) = Total ( 11.85
Term Loan %)

*EMI will automatically change subject to periodic revision/change in bench mark rate
(MCLR/RLLR) which is displayed in Bank website, without any intimation to the party/ies.

As and when you avail the said credit facilities, renewal of the limits at our option is due (i) at the end
of twelve months from the date of this communication (valid up to one year) or (ii) from the date of
our letter, if any, advising revalidation of this sanction.

Please note that bank reserves its right to amend, alter or vary the terms and conditions or withdraw all
or any of the credit limits sanctioned at any time at its discretion without assigning any reasons

Please arrange to comply with the terms and conditions of the above sanction as detailed in the
Annexure and execute the necessary security documents upon completion of which the limits shall
become operative.

This sanction advice is being delivered to you in duplicate along with the annexures. Kindly return the
duplicate copy of this Sanction Advice and Annexure duly signed on all pages by you as also by the
guarantor/s in token of your acceptance of Credit facility(ies) sanctioned to you on the Terms and
Conditions specified therein.

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by NAGESH BIRADAR
Date: 2024.07.10 18:47:08 IST
Reason: Agreement Executed
Location: Telangana
Advance Officer Branch Head


We are thankful to the bank for providing clarifications sought by us regarding this sanction. We are
fully satisfied with and accept the terms and conditions of sanction of the credit facilities stipulated
above by the bank as the same were arrived at by consensus after discussions and receiving

Signature of all Borrowers with name and date Signature of all Guarantors with name and date







1. Prime security: NA
2. Collateral security: NA

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by NAGESH BIRADAR
Date: 2024.07.10 18:47:08 IST
Reason: Agreement Executed
Location: Telangana
B. Guarantees:

Personal guarantee of the following should continue for the limits:

Name DOB Permenent Address Net Worth As On

C. RATE OF INTEREST: (for each type of facility)

Type of Facility As per Proposed sanction

Term Loan RLLR ( 9.35 %) + Spread ( 2.50 % ) = Total ( 11.85 % )

v. The concession in interest rate / charges allowed, if any, shall be available only till the validity
of the current internal rating and in case of revalidation, it is subject to same/better rating is
obtained and at the discretion of the bank.
v. Interest rate is subject to revision/increase and the periodical change in the benchmark rate will
be displayed in the Bank’s website from time to time.


a) Processing fees of Rs. 13,275.00 will be recovered and will not be refunded even if you do not take
up the limits, revalidate the sanction or foreclose the loan / facilities.

D. REPAYMENT SCHEDULE: (for each type of facility)

Nature of Facility Personal Loan Term Loan

Term Loan 84 months
Cash Credit On demand


1. The limits / loan will be released after execution of related loan documents.
2. Letter of undertaking to be obtained from the subjects authorizing the bank to cancel the entire

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by NAGESH BIRADAR
Date: 2024.07.10 18:47:08 IST
Reason: Agreement Executed
Location: Telangana
sanctioned limit / unavailed portion of the sanctioned limit without assigning any reasons


1. Other significant terms, if any (as stipulated by the sanctioning authority)

2. Branch shall implement such of those latest instructions as approved by the Board/MCB and
duly circulated by the Central Office and the new guidelines introduced with respect to loan
documentation, between the date of sanction and the date of availment.
3. Notwithstanding anything contained in the Sanction TERMS, THE Bank at any point of time
reserves the absolute right to cancel the limits (either fully or partially) or recall the loan
unconditionally without prior notice (a) in case of borrower’s credit worthiness and/or (b) in
case of non-compliance of terms and conditions of the Sanction and/or (c) in case of the limits/
part of the limits are not utilized by you.

4. Revision in Benchmark/Interest Rates: The Interest Rate is linked to Benchmark such

as REPO Rate of RBI. Interest rates for the loan is subject to change based on
movement in REPO Rate/Other Benchmark/other cost escalation. In case of increase in
rate of interest, tenor of the loan shall be revised to keep the EMI unchanged subject to
maximum age/tenor permitted for the scheme. If you wish to increase the EMI of the
loan and keep the tenor unchanged or prepay certain amount to keep the Tenor and EMI
unchanged, you may approach the Branch and exercise the option based on certain
terms and conditions prevailing at the time of exercising the option.

5. Switchover to Fixed Interest & Vice Versa: At the time of reset of Interest Rates,
wherever Fixed Interest Rate is available for a credit facility, customer may approach
the Branch for the same and opt for a Fixed Interest Rates on their Loans. Such
switchover is permitted for a limited number of times during the entire tenor of the loan
subject to payment of service charges at amount equal to 0.10% of the Loan Amount
Outstanding, if Loan is not disbursed in full then 0.10% of Sanction Amount, at the
time of exercising the option with maximum of Rs. 5000/- plus applicable GST thereon.

6. Prepayment of Loan: For Loans with Fixed Interest Rates, charges on prepayment shall
be levied. Customers may pay the charges along with prepaid amount otherwise the
prepayment charges shall be deducted from the amount so prepaid by the customers.
Prepayment charges for Fixed Interest Rate based loans shall be amount equal to 1% of
amount prepaid plus applicable GST thereon.



Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by NAGESH BIRADAR
Date: 2024.07.10 18:47:08 IST
Reason: Agreement Executed
Location: Telangana
1. Right of Recall:

The referred credit facility is extended solely at the Bank’s discretion. In addition to what is stated in
point 1, the Bank reserves the right to withdraw partially/wholly or regulate such credit facility on the
occurrence of any one of the following events of the Borrower:

i. Non-compliance with terms and conditions of sanction

ii. Indulging in drawings beyond the sanctioned limits

iii. Indulging in activities, which are detrimental to the image/ interest of the Bank viz., acts that are
unlawful, malafide etc.

iv. Deterioration in the conduct of accounts/facilities in any manner whatsoever.

2. Deterrents for default:

a) In terms of directives in force now or as may be modified from time to time, default in repayment of
instalments and/or servicing of interest for a notified period automatically results in categorization of
all borrowal accounts as Non-Performing Asset (NPA). Such categorization renders the borrower
ineligible from seeking (i) Additional/Ad-hoc credit facilities (Fund Based and/or Non-fund based),
(ii) Waiver of overdue interest and (iii) Soft recovery measures.

b) Bank is under no obligation to consider the request of the borrower, if any, for additional Credit
facility(ies) without a comprehensive review of the existing credit limits, operations in the accounts
and past performance in meeting commitments such as servicing of interest charged to the Loan
account(s), repayment of Loan instalments, as applicable to the purpose for which credit facility has
been extended.

c) In the event of the borrowal account being overdrawn without prior agreement or exceeding the
agreed borrowing limit, the bank shall charge overdue interest at the rates specified from time to time.

3. Revision in RLLR Rate and charging of interest:

a) In case of borrowal accounts where interest rate is linked to RLLR (Repo Linked Lending Rate) or
where fixed interest rate is specified by the Bank, changes if any, in the Bank’s RLLR and/or fixed
rate specified by the Bank, shall be conveyed through Press Report or Publicity through media or a
suitable ‘Notice’ placed in the banking hall of the branch and such mode of communication shall be
construed as sufficient

‘Notice" to the borrower about the revisions effected in the interest rates.

b) The applicable interest rate/s will be charged with monthly, or such other rests as may be notified
by the Bank from time to time.

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by NAGESH BIRADAR
Date: 2024.07.10 18:47:08 IST
Reason: Agreement Executed
Location: Telangana
c) The interest will be calculated and charged as per the daily balances, to the borrowal account/s until
the same is fully liquidated and the interest so charged will be paid by the borrower as per the terms
agreed or as and when demanded by the Bank.

4. Prepayment of facilities: Prepayment of your borrowal accounts will be subject to the recovery of
charges at the discretion of the Bank.

5. Copies of loan documents to be executed by the borrower for the credit facility(ies) referred herein,
will be provided at his/her/their cost, on receipt of a specific request to the undersigned in writing.

6. Disclosure clause: All the borrowal accounts with our Branch/ Bank will be subjected to the
application of disclosure- norms prescribed by RBI.

7. A. CIC Clause: The information / data pertaining to all the borrowal accounts shall be furnished to
Credit Information Companies such as Credit Information Bureau of India Limited (CIBIL) and other
Agencies / Authorities, from time to time in terms of mandatory provisions in force.

B. Information Utility Clause:

Financial information pertaining to all the borrowal accounts shall be submitted to Information
Utility(ies) in terms of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016, Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board
of India (Information Utilities) Regulations, 2017 and under the terms and conditions and applicable
Bye-Laws of the Information Utility of the choice of Indian Overseas Bank. Such information
submitted by Indian Overseas Bank from time to time shall be verified and authenticated from time to
time by the borrower(s)/ guarantor(s) in the mode and within the time prescribed by the information
utility. Applicable charges shall be borne by the borrower failing which the same is recoverable from
the guarantor.

8. Period of Validity of sanction:

a) This credit sanction is valid for an availment period of six months from the date of this
communication. Unless availed within six months, this sanction requires revalidation by the
Sanctioning Authority.

b) When the necessity for revalidation arises, the borrower has to submit a written request–letter to the
branch and the reasons for non-availment of credit facilities even after lapse of six months from the
date of this communication. Such request for revalidation will be evaluated by the Sanctioning
Authority and the validation of availment – period of sanction or otherwise will be communicated to
the borrower. It is to be noted that request for revalidation of sanction will be entertained only once.

Particulars Validity
Personal Loan For availment : 6 months

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by NAGESH BIRADAR
Date: 2024.07.10 18:47:08 IST
Reason: Agreement Executed
Location: Telangana
9. KYC guidelines:

In terms of directives of RBI currently in force, KYC (Know Your Customer) guidelines are
applicable and the required personal information / data as and when sought by the Bank should be

10. Liability of Guarantors: Guarantor/s is/are advised to take notice that the bank shall have the right
to exercise discretion with regard to allowing the loanee to withdraw amount from the loan account
over and above the limit sanctioned and the guarantee to be extended shall cover such an eventuality

Advance Officer Branch Head

Schedule of Borrower(s)

Sl.No Name with Date of Birth PAN Reference Signature
with borrower
1 EDAPB6576D 8057015667

Schedule of Guarantor(s)

Name with Date AADHAR Reference Relationship with

Sl.No PAN Signature
of Birth Number borrower

Signaturte of all Borrowers Signature of all Guarantor

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by NAGESH BIRADAR
Date: 2024.07.10 18:47:08 IST
Reason: Agreement Executed
Location: Telangana

Undertaking Letter from the new borrowers after introduction of interest linked

With RLLR instead of MCLR/Base Rate



The Branch Manager

Indian Overseas Bank


Dear Sir,

Sub: Credit facility/loan availed by me/ us-A/C no.............................

I/We undertake and agree as below:

1. The interest rate applicable for the credit facility /loan availed by me/ us is linked to
Repo Linked Lending Rate (RLLR) and the interest rate applicable to my/ our credit
facility /loan is Overnight/ 1 month /3 month /6 month / 1 year/ 2 year / 3 year/*RLLR
which is at present 9.35 % plus 2.50 % per annum (Total 11.85 % per annum )
2. The interest will be re-set periodically as per Bank’s sanction and lending policy.
3. As RLLR is floating rate, we are agreeable to abide by the terms of floating rate of
interest and we are agreeable to pay the dues as per the revised/re-set rate plus spread as
and when it changes.
4. I/We also understand that the EMI fixed may undergo change in number of instalments
and amount as per the revised / re-set interest / rests and agree to remit the instalments
as per such change without raising any dispute on this count.



Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by NAGESH BIRADAR
Date: 2024.07.10 18:47:08 IST
Reason: Agreement Executed
Location: Telangana
Contents noted –


(Signature with date, if signed subsequently)

*Score out the tenor options which are not applicable.

**Applicable for term loan.

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by NAGESH BIRADAR
Date: 2024.07.10 18:47:08 IST
Reason: Agreement Executed
Location: Telangana

Rs. 15,00,000.00 Place :

Date: 10/07/2024

On demand I/we NAGESH BIRADAR jointly and severally promise to pay to Indian
Overseas Bank, or Order, the sum of Rs: 15,00,000.00 (Rupee Fifteen Lakh Only) for
value received together with floating interest thereon at Overnight/ 1 month/ 3month/ 6 month
/ one year/ two year / three year / *Repo Linked Lending Rate (RLLR)or any other applicable
Bench mark rate of the Bank now being 9.35 % plus 2.50 % p.a. (Total 11.85 % per
annum) from this date with monthly rests or at such rates as may be reset and rests as may be
revised by the Bank on its own or as per the instructions of Reserve Bank of India from time
to time.


Stamp/ Signature


Son/Daughter/Wife of : SANGSHETTY



*Score out the options which are not applicable

In case of discrepancy between the English version and translated version in other languages,
the English version shall prevail. In case of discrepancy in the interest rate between this DPN
and hypothecation Agreement for the same loan/ credit facility, interest rate mentioned herein
shall prevail.

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by NAGESH BIRADAR
Date: 2024.07.10 18:47:08 IST
Reason: Agreement Executed
Location: Telangana
Form F 14A(Revised)

Signature Not Verified

Digitally signed by NAGESH BIRADAR
Date: 2024.07.10 18:47:08 IST
Reason: Agreement Executed
Location: Telangana

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