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June 15, 2017

At the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
1. recognize harmonic and Fibonacci sequences
2. find the nth term in a harmonic and Fibonacci sequence


1. Topic: Geometric Sequence - M10AL-Id-1
2. References : G10 LM, pp.26-30;
3. Materials : Visual Aids, activity notebook

1. Preliminary Activities
1.1 Prayer and greetings
1.2 Checking of attendance
1.3 Setting of class mode
1.4 Collecting of assignments
2. Lesson Proper
 Definition of Terms
Harmonic progression - is a sequence of real numbers formed by taking the reciprocals of an
arithmetic sequence/progression. Equivalently, it is a sequence of real numbers such that
any term in the sequence is the harmonic mean of its two neighbors.
Fibonacci sequence - a series of numbers in which each number (Fibonacci number) is the sum of the
two preceding numbers. The simplest is the series 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8.
- the next number is found by adding together the two numbers before it.
 Discussion
Fibonacci sequence:
Example: Find the missing term in the sequence 1, 2, 3, 5, 8____,____, ____
Solution: simply add the 2 terms before the missing term. So, add 5 and 8 to fill the 4th term,
then add 8 and the 4th term to fill the 5th term and so on.
4th term = 5 + 8
5th term = 8 + 4th term…

Harmonic progression
Example 1: Find the 12th term in the sequence 1/9, 1/12, 1/15, 1/18, …
Solution: Note that the reciprocal form an arithmetic sequence so we may first find the 12th
term of the harmonic sequence which is 1/42.
Example 2: Insert two harmonic means between 6 and 3/2. We first find the arithmetic means
between 1/6 and 2/3. Since we have to insert two terms, then we have n= 4, a1= 1/6
and a4= 2/3
Solution: Using the formula an = a1+(n-1)d, we can find the common difference.
a4= a1+(n-1)d
2/3= 1/6+(4-1)d
So the arithmetic means are:
a2 = a1+d a3 = a2 + d
=1/6+1/6 =1/3+1/6
=1/3 =1/2
The reciprocals of these two terms result in the harmonic means between 6 and 3/2
which are 3 and 2.

Direction: In Activity notebook:

1. Recognize which of the following sequence is a Fibonacci or a Harmonic sequence
a. 1, 4, 5, 9, 14, 23,…
b. 1/3, 1/5, 1/7, 1/9, 1/11, …
c. -1/5, -1/10, -1/15, -1/20, …
d. -2, -5, -7, -12, -19, -31,…

2. Find the 5th term of the harmonic sequence 1/9, 1/7, 1/5, 1/3, …

3. Find the missing terms and the sum of the harmonic series 3/2+6/7+3/5+...6/19. What did
you find out when you explored the sum? We need to find the number of terms in this
sequence. We compute n by using the formula an = a1 + (n-1)d.
We have a1 = 2/3, an = 19/6
and d = 7/6 - 2/3 or 1/2
an = a1 + (n-1)d
so, 19/6 = 2/3 + (n-1)1/2
1/2n = 19/6-2/3+1/2
There are two missing terms, a4 and a5.
a4 = a3 + d a5 = a4 + d
=5/3 + 1/2 =13/6 + 1/2
=13/6 = 8/3
We now have the complete terms of the harmonic series, 3/2+6/7+3/5+6/13+3/8+6/19.
Sn= 3/2+6/7+3/5+6/13+3/8+6/19
= 94737 / 69160


Direction: (In activity notebook).

Level of Mastery:
Nearing Mastery
Needs Remediation

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