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Grammar On! 7 Chapter 1. Sentence Q.B.A. Global warming refers to the increase in the temperature on the surface of the earth., Global ‘warming can have far-reaching impact on biodiversity and climatic conditions of the planet,, It results in arise in sca levels, the melting of ice caps and causing climate changes worldwide., Global warming poses the biggest threat to our planet., It is one of the most widely discussed topics today,, If not taken seriously it can lead to the decimation of life on our planet, Q. B.B. Pomegranate has been a popular fruit over the years.,It originated from Iran and was grown in other regions like the Mediterranean and India., These days, the fruit is mostly grown is Iran, Turkey, India, Aftica and the United States., The best place for growing pomegranate fruit is in warm climate regions., One pomegranate fruit includes lots of ‘nuttition with low in calories., In just one pomegranate fruit there is only about 25g of sugar and about 100 calories. Q.C. Assertive Q. D.Abdul: Hello, Ammi can I speak to Dad? Atnmi: He is not well. He is resting in his toom. Isanything special? ‘Abdul: Can I borrow the car tomorrow? Ammi: Why do you want to borrow the car? Abdul: Tam going out with my friends tonight, Ammi: Iam affaid your father won't like it because the last time you borrowed his car you had an accident and dented the door. Abdul: [promise I'l drive carefully this time. Ami And the petrol tank was almost empty ‘Abdul: 1 fill itup before I get home ‘Ammi: Well, then, this will be the last time if you don't drive carefully. ‘Abdul: Oh! Great! Thanks Ammi, QE. Subject: It, The thought of having to give evidence, My greatest problem, It, I, There are moments, Only a fool, The girl, That India will win the match, My father, Hs fractured hand, The ferocious looking tiger, All of the residents, The rain clouds, Reading books, The garbage collector, Ten centimeters of rain, I, You, Singing birds Predicate: was a very uncomfortable minute for us., threatened him, is my lack of confidence, was avery clever idea, will explain how exactly we arrived at the conclusion, when ‘we doubt our own capabilities, will believe your story., was desperate for some money, is certain, was confined to bed for many days, will take two months to cure, was shot dead by the hunter, ran away from the collapsing building, look menacing, is a good hobby, didn’t turn up yesterday, was recorded in the city, May borrow your pen?, Get out of the room, attract the tourists. Q. F. Phrase, Sentence, Sentence, Phrase, Phrase, Sentence, Sentence, Phrase, Sentence, Sentence Q. G. at a premium of, in a convenient ‘manner, from the bank account, in the unfortunate event of death, due to an accident Q. I. complex, simple, compound, complex, simple, compound, complex, compound, complex, simple, compound, complex, complex, compound, simple Chapter 2. Formation of Negative & Interrogative Sentences Q. A. Abdul is not a good singer., Tigers do not live in the forest., Children do not like music and dancing, India is not a democratic country., He may not come today., The police did not arrest the thief, ‘Youre not fit for this assignment., She has not failed. Q.B. He has hope for suecess., He can concentrate for five minutes., Children like to study., She brings her book regulatly., I abused someone., There is a picture in this book, She can always speak the truth, She always speak the truth,, Ihave eaten something today. Q. C, Can their fame ever fade?, Everyone knows the PM. I know the PM,, Itis awaste of time to ‘be worked as 'whatsapp’., Does it matter much to have lost the election?, Do we go to school just to pass examinations?, Is that the way an Indian should react?, It is not the kind of language a student should uuse., Could we have found the way without your guidance?, We shall never forget these wonderful moments,, [sit of any use to teach students who are unwilling to learn? Chapter 3. Information Questions & Question Tags Q.A. Who broke the glass?, Who wrote The Hardy Boys'?, Who finished the book by Chetan Bhagat?, What did he say?, Where does Mr. Ajay go on Sunday evenings?, What does this machine make?, How tall is the tower?, What brings the shower?, What is my dad doing?, How late is the train?, When does he go to the Mall?, What did the postman do?, Which saree did my wife like better?, What is my father?, Who will lead the team?, What is he doing here?, Which penis very smooth?, What killed the cat?, How did the cat die?, What did the car do? Q. B. is there?, don't you?, can you?, do they?, won't it?, aren't they?, haven't they?, do you?, did they?, do you?, isit?, Isn'the?, don't you?, didn't you?, didn'the?, don't 17, have they?, did he?, didn't you?, does it?, don't you?, isn't it?, do I?, weren't you?, isn't she? Q. C. § 22. reachers Manual Grammar On! 1108 Leela broke her leg and injured her elbow., I was just going to., did you?, Ifyou want, You shouldn't have, Ido his friend, In the lab, Zakir, she didn't say what time., If possible Q. D. one, by then, it, email id, T hope there will not be any problem Chapter 4. Nouns Q. A. Frank and Joe Hardy, the Hardys, Bayport, Barmet Bay, Atlantic Ocean, Chet Morton, Hardy Boys, Bayport, Chief Ezra Collig Q. B. man, ferryboat, office, passenger, office, fellow, boys, office, police chief, men, study, workshop, boys, house, barn, property, gymnasium, weekends, friends, ideas, brothers, preference. Q. C. advice, pride, choice, density, offertory, simplicity, performance, ending, decision, violence Q. D. was, has, have, have, were, were Q. G. 1=a, 4g, 5c, 6=h, 7=d, 9=e, 10} Chapter 5. Noun—Numbers and Gender Q.A. People, women, children, feet, sheep, teeth, students, fish, men, housewives, knives, shelves, geese, pianos, policemen, luggage Q. B. are, have, think, were, are, have, deserve, are, are, is Chapter 6. Creative Writing Q.A. aii, b=ii, =i iti, Q. Writing Skills 4, I meet postman Ali very regularly. He is about 5 f. 6 inches tall. He always wears a white kurta and pajama, His head is slightly bald. He has a thick ‘moustache whichis properly cut. He always keeps a smile on his face; but when he laughs we can see his teeth which are in pure white colour, His face is always clean-shaven. But his voice is rough and unpleasant though he speaks very softly and politely. He is always found with a stack of letters in his hand, Heis very friendly and social. Heis also very helpful and people in our street like him a lot. Chapter7. Pronouns QA. his, him, she, him, it, her, she, she, her Q. B. He, him, he, none, he, himself, his, he, his, He, you, me, he, he, It, you, I, his, We, your, they Q. C. she, her, she, she, she, her, she, her, it, it, you, T, you, we, ‘we, you, yout, you Q. D. those-that; he- it; anyone-someone; he- it; he- you; I—he; Their-its It—them; ‘Thai- it; She- he; That- This; That -this; They he; I-He Q. E. They, him, he, He, his, he, Everything Chapter 8. Adjectives Q.A. full, world cup, Caribbean, Indian, unexpected, Indian, Caribbean, Prudential, sand Q. B. Gloomy, noisy, witty, windy, gluey, smily, eventful, wonderful, playful, cordial, harmful, leafy, weighty, manish, stylish, reddish, costly, monthly, likely, deadly, burdensome, cumbersome, wearisome Q. C. ‘Woven fabric, Sunken eyes, Drunken soldier, Closed door, Dried fruit, Handsome face, Boring story, Loving parents, Matching clothes, Sickly baby, Deadly weapon, Stylish shoes, Cordless phone, Hanmless animals, Useful tool, Painful injury, Wonderful holiday, Careless student, Easy examination Q. D. East India Tea, cool, India, nostalgic, dew-wet, cherry, cool , clarion, wet, pungent , breakfast, floating, inchoate, sharp, hot young, bedded, sweet, farmer's covered, crated, orange, bitter-sweet, good male, father's, smooth wom leather, gaping, blisteted varnished, heated calf-skin, flat moist, apple, stuck, red, burnt, brown tired autumn, warm, clean ruddy, printed, fat limp underdone, large deep-hued, smoking-hot, seasoned, old pine, closed; Concord, long white Q. E. An ox came down to the pond to drink. As he walked into the water he smashed a young frog into the mud, When the frogs returned home, the old mother frog soon missed the little frog. She wanted to know where the little frog was. “Oh mother,” said the little frogs, “a big monster stepped on little brother with one of his big feet.” “How big?” said the mother frog, “Was he as big as this?” And she puffed herself up. “Oh, much bigger!” they ctied. The frog puffed up even bigger. “No, he was bigger than that!” they cried. “He couldn't possibly have been bigger than this,” she said, And she kept puffing herself up bigger and bigger and bigger until, allat once, she burst. Do not attempt the impossible. Chapter 9. Reading Comprehension Q.1. Ie, 2a, 3b, 4a, 5=a, 6b, Tc Q. 2. A. a. its education is not effective, b. inherited from the British, c. to make to money, d. for governments to provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of six to 14 years.,c, Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, District Primary Education Program, National Bal Bhavan ete, f. to grow up their personality and merit, B. a. implementation, b. launched Q. 3. he was very tall and strong while the driver was not, not very happy about it, because he wanted to challenge Big John and make him pay his fare, had become quite strong, he had a bus pass Q. 4. 1=c, 2=d, 3d, 4=b, i, &=c, 7=c Q. 5. it can become the best pencil in the world, someone's hands, sharpening, correct, if you will always remember these five things and never forget them. Q. 6.1. clothes, his soldiers; nor did Teachers Manual Grammar On! 1to8| 23 P he care to go either to the theater or the chase, two rouges, invisible Q. 6.2 extremely, exhibit, unseen, cheerfully’ Chapter 10. Degree of Comparison Q.A. discouraged, nervous, refreshed, exemplary, interesting, higher Q. B, No other metal is as useful as iron/Iron is more useful than any other metals., No other river in India is as long as Ganga’ Ganga is the longest river in India., No other sea-port in India is as good as Bombay. / Bombay is better than any other sea-port in India., China is larger than most other countries. / China is one of the largest countries in the world,, Hercules was stronger than any other man, / Hercules was the strongest man in the world,, No other boy in the class is as intelligent as James. / James is the most intelligent boy in the class., Very few Indian saints were as popular as Vivekananda,/ Vivekananda was more popular than most other Indian saints, Chapter 11. Determiners QA. the, the, the, the, a the, the Q. B. The, the, the, a, the, the, an, the, The, the, the, the, the, the Q.C.A mobile phone today has a wide variety of uses. Most importantly it gives us a sense of security. Ithas also become a source of information on several of topics that are closely related to our education. The latest mobile phones are mini-computers or semi-robots.Q. D. some, any, some, any, any, some, some, any, some, some Q. E. much, many; much, many; many; a lot of; alot of; a lot of; many ; much; much ; much Q.F.alittle, a few, little, few, a little, a few, a few, a little, little, a few, little, a little, litte, few, a few, a litte, little, few, a few, a little Q. G. Many, an, all, the, the, the, the, a, each, the, any, The Q. H. a/ the, no/all, the/a, an/a, athe, athe Q.1.althe, althe, her/his, athe, an/a, mocking/mock, armies/army Chapter 12. Adverbs Q.A. closely, hardly, late, really, well, sternly, never, very quickly, closely, Never, greedily, recklessly, differently, tomorrow, How far, quickly, straight, Slowly, cautiously, nervously Q. B. continuously, fast, peacefully, decisively, brightly, slowly, greedily, quickly, slowly, utterly, completely, really, fortwo days, often, peacefullyQ. C. I already know the answer, The train has just left, We have just seen her in the market., Our Principal is highly respected. I can hardly hear your voice., He is never in time for meals., She was never bad-tempered., Please take this rubbish outside,, Abdul is still asleep., This is not good enough, Chapter 13, Prepositions Q.A.of, until, out, since, on, After, behind, under, before, before, after, With, in, on, in QB. following, during, by, despite, by, within, for, on, of, a, alongside, over, inside, within, on, about, in, between, about, on Q. C. For, over, of, by, of, from, from, in, about Q. D. Aman had two daughters, ‘the one married to a gardener, and the other to a tile-maker. After a time he went to the daughter who had ‘married the gardener, and inquired how she was and how all things went with her. She said, “All things ate prospering with me, and I have only one wish, that there may be a heavy fall of rain, in order that the plants may be well watered.” Not long after, he went to the daughter who had married the tile maker, and likewise inquired of her how she fared; she replied, “I want for nothing, and have only one wish, that the dry weather may continue, and the sun shine hot and bright, so that the bricks might be dried.” He said to her, “If your sister wishes for rain, and you for dry weather, with which of the two am I to join my wishes? Chapter 14. Conjunctions QA. that, and, yet, or, as well as, as/so, not only/but also, after, tll, so/that, while, where, than, either/or, unless Q. B. lam as tall as he., The car hit either a goat or a donkey., Though he was poor he was happy., She speaks English as well as her mother., Start early lest you should miss the bus., Unless you ask me, I cannot help you., He would neither cat nor allow us to cat., He climbed up a tree so as to geta good view of the procession., She is either a teacher or a student., Five years have passed since I saw ‘Abdul.Q. C. After they got married, they had to learn to manage their own home,, If you can hear what I'm saying keep quiet., By the time he arrived home I had already cleaned the house., She's not smart yet people like her., He fell asleep while he was watching the film., He went crazy when he failed in the exam., The first exercise was easy whereas this one is extremely difficult, I won't invite my classmates toaparty until [ know them well., Even though he failed he won't give up his ideals., Since | am unwell | can't write the exam. Q. D. 1. since, if, so, since, so, and 2. and, and, But, If, and, that § 24 teachers Manual Grammar Ont 1 to 8 Chapter 15.Verbs Q.A. sent, are lazy, worked, are closed, was singing, am, has been appointed, was declared, arrested, play, killed, has been locked, has stopped, is chained, is delayed Q. B. see, watched, sounded, keyed, comforted, encourage, disappeared, tasted, gave, changed, admitted, doubt, borrow, seized Q. C. Direct Object a ticket, a house, a card, a bike, the answer, leader, a cup of tea, a tune, an excellent meal, a story, Indirect Object me, her, me, Abdul, me, him, me, us, my parents, the children Q. D. Promoted, rained, applied, revolves, wonvlost, believe, talked, looked, laughed, appears. Chapter 16.Non-Finites Q.A. [ told her to tell the truth., I have appointed a new teacher to teach Biology., While travelling to South India I looked out of the window of my train to see the beautiful sceneries., The tea is too hot to drink, He has migrated to Delhi to continue his higher education., The new PM expects every minister to do his duty., He went to Delhi to visit the Parliament House., I am not afraid to speak the truth., The thief broke into the house to steal jewellery., I am delighted to hear about your success. Q. B. reading, Running, drawing, sitting, Taking, helping, driving, raining, talking, Beating, playing, Cheating, Dancing, Smoking, drinking, hearing, Talking, punishing, helping, waiting Q. C. Hearing-present participle, injured=past participle, barking-present participle, Waving-present participle, Jumping-present participle, waiting-present participle, tattered = past participle, lying-past participle, laden=past participle, Driven=past participle Q. D. I saw her reading a book., We watched the police arresting him., I heard Abdul talking to his friend,, Having started early we arrived soon., Taking the stick he rushed to the door., We saw a boy walking to school., Heating a noise I turned around., Having hurt his leg, he stopped there., Receiving no reply to my letter, [phoned him., Being tired, he sat down. Chapter 17. Transformation of Sentences Q.A. This is not the way to react,, Can anything succeed like success’, Can I let you suffer like this?, The sight is very beautiful., Who does not want to be rich?, A student should never be afraid of examinations., How unlucky he is!, It is matter of great joy that we have won the match, Everyone loves his teachers., Has a sanyasi anything to do with money? Q. B. No sooner had he see me than he ran away., Not only Abdul but also Amina is intelligent., He not only ate an orange but also drank a glass of juice., We did not find the place very bad,, I don't dislike watching movies., Iam no richer than he., She is so happy that she does not bother., No sooner did we reach the platform than the train left., Sanskrit is so difficult that one cannot learn it easily., No student is absent today., No other king is as great as Alexander., Unless you know the way you will not reach on time. Q. C. Was ita great sight? OR Was it not a great sight?, Can anyone deny this?, Is there anything wonderful about this picture?, Doesn't everyone adore the beauty of ‘the setting sun?, Could I hear my watch ticking in my pocket?, Is ituseless to cry over spilt milk? OR Is it not useless to cry over spilt milk?, Is Kashmir known forits scenic beauty’ OR Is not Kashmirknown for its scenic beauty?, Is the beauty of nature beyond description? OR Isn't the beauty of nature beyond description?, Has everybody heard of iphone? OR Hasn't everybody heard of iphone?, Does he have his dinner at seven every evening?, Did I tell him to pray always? OR Did I not tell him to pray always?, Doesn't virtue get its own reward? Chapter 19. Modals Q.A. should, will, will, can, could, could, won't, ought to, should, may, may, may, may, might, must, ‘must, must, needn't, need, might, can Q.B.1 need, can't; 2 would; 3 can, should; 4 could, can; Smay Chapter 20. Tenses Q.A. speaks, consider, are, teaches, get, watch, doesn't go, is, expect, wears Q. B. go, expect, are/going, is/going, are/running, inaugurates, am getting, lands, prefers, are/quarreling, am texting, am going/are staying, are/feeling, costs, speaks.Q. C. He has lost his key., She has broken her leg., She has improved her English,, A letter has arrived this morning., The bus fare has gone up to Rs 20., Now we have sailed round the island several times., May be has lost alot of weight, Ihave complained to him several times., ‘The prices have gone up., He has grown paddy all over his field. Q. D. has disappeared, have been disappearing, has been giving, has given, has moved, have been moving, have been claiming, has claimed, have been stopping, has stopped.Q. E. have you seen, reached was went, have you washed it, wasn't, worked, has lived, did you go was was, died never met, have never net, he has gone out.Q. F. was waiting arrived, were you doing, did you go, was wearing, were you driving happened, took wasn't looking, didn't know, saw was trying, was walking heard was following started, wanted. Q. G. had gone, ‘went, had gone, broke, saw had broken stopped Q. H. were having, had known, was walking, had been running, were cating, had been cating, was looking, was waiting, had been waiting, had had, had been travelling. Q. I. are having, opens finishes, am not going am staying, are you doing, are going, begins, Teachers Manual Grammar On! 1to8 25 F does this train get, am going, are you coming, is coming, is traveling, arrives, am meeting, am not using, doesit finish Tenses (Revision) Q.A. I remember, was assassinated, was, was, gave, wanted; 2, are, wear, held, proved, were killed, attacked; 3. is, is threatened, is, strikes, trembles, is; 4. visited, wanted, is working, studied, did , talked; 5. has been raining, is, am sitting, looking, enjoy, watching; 6. was sitting, watching, were, moved, wanted, worked; 7. realized, have designed, would suit, offer, are welcomed, feel;8. have seen, have been selected, accept, have brought know, will not go; 9. are you planning, pay have promised, know, is, hhas asked; 10, was raining, went, am, think, is, go; 11. are assembling/will be assembling, am invited, am, is coming, have told, will go; 12. met, asked, was doing, appeared, told was enjoying; 13. could, believe, rang, have scored, was, scoring; 14. get, are has gone, does not allow, will bring do; 15. was talking, began, walked started had gone, advised; 16. do show, think, is want, should treat, is; 17. has reached, suffer take, are has lost, brings; 18. are, realize, will be, become, are considered Q. B. was selling, was, would ask, asked, has taught, had been, heard, recognized, would take, has spread, may benefit, will have made Q. C. The boy felt nervous when the door was open because there stood a lovely young woman.; The boy asked fora glass of water. He wanted to get some meal but he felt nervous when ine saw the woman.; The woman didn't accept anything for the drink because her mother had taught her not to accept anything for kindness.; He felt not only stronger physically, but his faith in God and man ‘was strong also, He had been ready to give up and quit.; Many years later that same young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rate disease.; Dr. Howard Kelly rescued the woman,; The woman's Kindness of giving him a glass of milk to Howard when he was a young boy was accepted as the payment forthe treatment; owe/ critically/ determined Chapter 21. Active and Passive Voice Q.A. The room is cleaned by her. A dog is chased by them., A picture was drawn by him., ‘The answer was known to Mohan., A song was sung by Leela., The plants are watered by us., Flowers are plucked by ‘them, Football is played by children., A mango was eaten by Ram., I was helped by my father. Q. B. I was kept waiting, Good news is expected; The light has been put out.; Our army have been defeated ; Radios ate sold here,; My bicycle has been sold,; It will soon be forgotten. ; The theatre was opened only last month,; Smoking is prohibited ; The injured were hospitalized. Q.C. Admittance was refused to him by the guard.; He was refused admittance by the guard.; Grammar is taught to us by Mr. Krishna / ‘We are taught grammar by Mr. Krishna.; A ticket will be given to you by the manager,/You will be given a ticket by the manager.; By whom was French taught to you?/By whom were you taught French?; A chair was handed to her /She handed a chair. Q. D. Why was the gate locked by you?; By whom was the noise made?; Can two masters be served?; Will Ibe helped by you?; What was bought by you from the shop?; Can peace be bought by money’; Will a song be sung by you?; Is he being met by them at the station.; By whom was the building destroyed”; Will the enemy be defeated? Q. E. Let this picture be put on that wail.; Letthe fan be switched on; Let the box be opened; Let the police be informed; Let the letter be posted today.; Alcohol shouldn't be drunk.; You are ordered to shut up.; You are requested to shut up.; You are requested to pass the salt; You are requested to listento me. Q. F.Itis believed that the strike will end soon.; It is thought that politics is a dirty game,; It is expected that the petrol prices will go up further:; It is understood that our views are opposed by him.; It is believed that there is a secret tunnel ‘between the two families.; It was expected by the Moughls that they would conquer Chittor,; It would be imagined that he was mad.; It was expected by the police that they would arrest the thief; It is said that elections will not be held.; It is said that prices have gone up. Q. G. The man was laughed at by the children.; I was surprised at the results.; This man's word can be depended on.; I was engaged with the ‘work all the time.; The minister has been spoken to.; Everyone was surprised at the news. Q. H. The work has been completed by my brother ; My pen was stolen yesterday.; A Dutch doctor in Java took the next step.; They could not move me to hospital and I was operated on at home. ; Nothing about the matter could be done.; The recitation room was swept three times by me; ‘The match may be won by our team.; Someone has stolen my purse.; The weak should not be insulted; The patient is being looked after buy the murse.; Our army have been defeated by the enemy.; Promises should be kept ; He was offered achait by me.; The sparrows were being fed by Rahim Khan ; That the committee has adopted an unrealistic policy disappoints me.; The fault was located in the machine by the engincers.; His father desired that his son should become an I.A.S. officer.; Night after night, the cameras were set with the greatest care by me.; His behaviour surprised me much.; The news was published by the papers. The headmaster looks after the discipline of the school.; Were many languages learnt at school by that boy?: The car should first be washed and then polished.; Our time should not be wasted in idle gossip.; People all over the world “26 Teachers Manual Grammar On! 1 to 8 speak English. (REVISION) is removed, is opened, poured into it, 2 should be checked, by a subject expert, typed neatly, is put in an envelope, of the newspaper. 3. were looted, was called, were patrolled, were reported 4. is polluted, are felled, are arrested. 5. is being organized, willbe cleaned, are invited 6. is opened, is taken out, is taken away, is fixed 7. is obtained from DTC office, is filled in, is fixed on it, submitted to the office. 8. is selected, i selected, the rehearsal is begun, are arranged a few days before the staging 9. to be cut, is put, is thrashed, winnowed. 10. is bought, is prepared, is appointed for construction work. 11. is applied for, is attended, are answered. 12. are prepared, is kept, are revised 13. Ghee and suji are mixed and; sugar and water are put; Tasty Halwa is taken down 14, a kg. Of mango pieces are taken, oil is put init, itis stored. 15.a form is taken from the bank, it is introduced, it is handed over to the clerk ; 16. a suitable scenery, Camera is focused, button is pressed Chapter 22. Subject-Verb Agreement Q.A. come, is, was, are, needs, looks, ate, is, are, think, was, does, is, were, is Q.B. have, is, have, states, continue, Falls, Chapter 23. Direct-Indirect Speech QA. Abdul said that he was going to mect a friend; I said that I had been to Mumbai. ; Varun said that he ‘wanted to go to Dubai.; Uma said that she like teaching.; She said that she was very happy about my success.; Vinay said that he wanted to study medicine.; Vivek said that I had spoiled all his books.; He said that Ashok might come in the evening ; She said that her mother was sick.; He said that Manu was a good athlete, Q. B. She asked me if would play with her,; Varun asked if had got a spare pencil with ime,; Swati asked if I wanted to go to Delhi.; Pratiyush asked me if I enjoyed my trip to Shimla.; The teacher wanted to know if there are any more books.; He asked if he should ever forget those happy days.; The teacher asked if we had our homework.; He asked if somebody could show him the way to the ‘temple.; The policeman asked where Mr. Kumar was.; The teacher wanted to know what we were doing,; He asked me why I didn't stay there for a couple of days more.; The teacher asked us if we were not ashamed of what we had done.; The boy asked me if I could show him the way to the nearest Inn.; The speaker wanted to know if there was anyone among us who didn't love his country.; Mother asked where ‘we were all these days, Q. C. The commander ordered his men to halt,; Abdul advised his son to take care while he crossed a busy street ; The beggar requested the passerby to help apoor man.; The teacher asked ‘the class to keep quiet.; The Principal asked Mohit to give him the mobile. ; The priest advised the faithful to do good and forget the rewards.; The master ordered his servant to get out of his sight.; The invigilator ordered the class to stop writing ; Father asked his son to pour him a glass of water.; The new teacher requested the class monitor to take her to the library, Q. D. The team members exclaimed sadly that they had lost the match.; Mohan exclaimed joyfully that it was a wonderful day.; He wished me good morning and told me that he had come to consult me.; The supporters prayed that the king might live long.; I exclaimed that he was a great fool ; She exclaimed that the child was very lovely.; The teacher exclaimed that shame on him who cheated.; She exclaimed with sorrow that she missed the bus.; The students respectfully wished their teacher good moming.; The boy exclaimed with delight hat he had won aprize. Chapter 25. Reading for Comprehension Q.1A. 1 onamass scale can help change our planet for the better, 2. Energy usage and climate change 3. we must all be united together. 4. global warming 5. massive changes to the environment we all rely on to survive 6. changing people's habit. Q. B. objective, connection, dependence, habits Q. C. reliance, massive Q. 2B, humorous, bathroom, light up brightly, kill the snake ifit came out, sticks Q. 3C. 1. doing ‘work in silence 2, be exposed to terabytes of information 3. silence and undivided attention 4, don't change until we die/remains the same tll we die 5. it is constantly changing/new brain cells are created all the time 6. if we train our brain by using the right software program Q. 3D, simultaneously, exposed, change, equivalent Q. 3E. precious, fogey Grammar On! 8 Chapter 1. Sentence Q. B.A. Global warming refers to the increase in the temperature on the surface of the earth., Global ‘warming can have far-reaching impact on bio diversity and climatic Chapter 1. Sentences Q.B.1.i. Children below the age of eighteen years must not drive,, i, We must wear helmets for our own protection, iii, Mobile phones must not be used while driving. 2. i. It strengthens and tones the lungs, Teachers Manual Grammar On! 1to8 | 27 F

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