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Bachelor of Science in Nursing 2YB


Coverage for Midterm: • Fails to establish dialog • Establishes dialogue among

between the reader and the the reader, text, and other
• The Nature of Critical Writing
text by locking the reader in readers by allowing all sides
• Critical Writing in the Academe his or her pre-existing opinion to reconsider existing
• Critical Writing in the Workplace about the argument. positions and opinion.
• Strategies in Critical Writing Binary reading Nuanced reading
• Arguments in Critical Writing • Provides only “agree or • Allows for a deep and detailed
disagree” answers understanding of complex
THE NATURE OF CRITICAL WRITING • Does not allow for an texts.
Discussed by Prof. Chinone and Prof. Restor understanding of complex • Takes into account “gray
Transitioning from Critical Reading to Critical Writing arguments. areas” of complex arguments.
- Reading and writing are the two of the macro skills essential • Prevents the reader from a • Establishes rhetorical
for learning. Critical reading is not a process of passive true rhetorical engagement engagement between the
consumption, but one of interaction and engagement between with the text. reader and the text.
the reader and the text. Therefore, when reading critically and
actively, it is important not only to take in the words on the Descriptive and Critical writing
page, but also to interpret and to reflect upon what is read Descriptive writing Critical/ analytical writing
through writing and discussing it with others. States what happened Identifies the significance
Reading and Writing Evaluates (judges the value of)
- Are two macro-skills which are related to each other. States what something is like
strengths and weaknesses
Critical and Active Reading Weighs one piece of
- is not just passive consumption of a text, rather the goal is to Gives the story so far
information against another
interpret and reflect upon what is read through writing and
States the order in which
discuss it with others. Makes reasoned judgements
things happened
Reacting to a text
Argues a case according to
- This often done on an emotional and largely subjective, rather Says how to do something
than on an intellectual and objective level.
Shows why something is
- It is quick but shallow. Explains what a theory says
relevant or suitable
- For example, if we encounter a text that advances arguments
with which we strongly disagree, it is natural to dismiss those Explains how something Indicates why something will
ideas offhand as not wrong and not worthy of our attention. works work (best)
Doing so would be reacting to the text based only on emotions Indicates whether something
Notes the methods used
and on our pre-set opinions about its arguments. It is easy to is appropriate or suitable
see that reacting in this way does not take the reader any closer Says when something Identifies why the timing is
to understanding the text. A wall of disagreement that existed occurred important
between the reader and the text before the reading continues to States the different Weighs up the importance of
exist after the reading. components components parts
- Learning is limited and the reader may not be able to get any Gives reason for the selection
States options
useful insight from the author because of reluctance and doubt of each option
arising from questions on the author’s credibility. This is Evaluates the relative
List details
regardless of the subjectivity and possible invalidity of the significance of details
argument. Structures information in
Lists in any order
Responding to a text order (e.g., of importance)
- This requires a careful study of the ideas presented and Shows the relevance of links
States links between items
arguments advanced in it. It is analytical and evaluative. between pieces of information
Critical readers who possess this skill are not willing to simply Gives information Draws conclusions.
reject or accept the arguments presented in the text after the • Descriptive Writing – using senses and adjectives, describing a
first reading right away. They are open-minded and willing to place, person or things depends what picture that formed in the
learn in spite of differences in beliefs and principles. mind of the reader. It can be objective or subjective
- Responding to a text is much more productive and progressive. • Remember that critical writing is no longer about observation
Reacting to texts Responding to texts and imagination. Rather, it strongly calls for observation and
• Works on an emotional level • Works on an intellectual and logic to raise solid arguments, supported by evidence that you
rather than an intellectual emotional level by asking the will carefully elaborate in your text.
level. readers to use all three • What are the Key Characteristics? – sensory descriptive
• Prevents readers from rhetorical appeals in reading • Remember apply caution and humility when established
studying purposes, intended and writing about the text. positions. Critical writers might tentatively suggest an
audiences and context of texts • Allows for careful study of independent point of view, using such phrases as “it could be
they are working with. the text’s rhetorical aspects argued that”… or “an alternative viewpoint might suggest that”

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Descriptive Writing - Academic writing differs from other types of writing such as
• Facts and figures about a particular issue journalistic or creative writing. In most forms of academic
• Description of a background to a case study writing a detached and objective approach is required.
• Details of an organization -
• An account of how research was undertaken Principle
• A summary of a sequence of events • Clear purpose
• Descriptions of what happened in an experiment. - The goal of your paper is to answer the question you
- The most characteristics features of descriptive writing are that posed as your topic. Your questions give you a purpose
it will describe something, but will not go beyond an account of - The most purposes in academic writing are to persuade,
what appears to be there’ (University of Leicester. Learning analyze/synthesize, and inform.
Development Centre, 2013) • Persuasive Purpose
- In persuasive academic writing, the purpose is to get your
Critical Writing readers to adopt your topic to answer to the questions.
- Is more complex, and involves more discussion, analysis and - So you will choose one answer to your question, support
evaluation than does descriptive writing. Examples of critical your answer using a reason and evidence, and try to
writing activities include: change the readers point of view about the topic. It
• Engaging with evidence includes arguments and position paper.
• Open minded and objective enquiry • Analytical Purposes
• Presenting reasons to dispute a particular finding - In analytical academic writing, the purpose is to explain
and evaluate possible answer to your questions, choosing
• Providing an alternative approach
the best answer(s) based on your criteria.
• Recognizing the limitations of evidence: either your evidence
- often investigate causes, examine effects, evaluate
or the evidence provided by others
effectiveness, assess ways to improve to solve problems,
• Thinking around a specific problem
find the relationships between various ideas, or analyze
- Is an involvement in an academic debate. It requires a refusal to
other people’s arguments.
accept the conclusions of other writers without evaluating the
• Informative Purpose
arguments and evidence they provide’ (University of Leicester.
- The purpose is to explain possible answer to your
Learning Development Centre, 2013)
question, giving the readers new information about your
Descriptive writing – when Critical wiring – when you
you need to: need to:
- The differs from an analytical topic is that you do not
Introduce Organize and evaluate evidence push your viewpoint on readers, but rather try enlarge the
Make comparisons between readers view.
Present facts eg, a case study
• Audience Management
Describe how an experiment Analysis why something did - As with all writing, academic writing is directed to a
was carried out not work specific audience in mind. Unless your instructor says
List details eg, resources used Apply your own judgements otherwise, consider your audience to be fellow students
Make links between areas of with the same level of knowledge as yourself.
Outline areas of knowledge
knowledge - You will have to engage them with your ideas and catch
Quote from writers in the field Weigh up alternatives their interest with your writing style. Imagine that they are
Provide information or data Evaluate/argue/contest also skeptical, so that you must use the appropriate
Summarize Draw conclusion reasoning and evidence to convince them of your ideas.
• Clear Point of View
- Academic writing, even that with an informative purpose,
CRTICAL WRITNG IN THE ACADEME is not just a list of facts or summaries of sources.
Discussed by Prof. Chinone and Prof. Restor - Although you will present other people’s ideas and
- Academic writing is far from a one-size-fits-all genre. research, the goal of your paper is to show what you think
Applicable to the broad variety of academic disciplines and about these things.
their unique approaches to conducting and documenting - Your paper will have and support your own original idea
research efforts in the field, one might find it challenging to about the topic. This is called the thesis statement, and it
identify clearly what constitutes academic writing. is your answer to the question.
- differs from other types of writing such as journalistic or • Single Purpose
creative writing. In most forms of academic a detached and - Every paragraph (even every sentence) in your paper will
objective approach support your thesis statement.
- In an academic writing assignment, you will start by asking a - There will be no unnecessary, irrelevant, unimportant, or
good question, then find and analyze answers to it, and choose contradictory information (your paper will likely include
your own best answer(s) to discuss in your paper. contradictory or alternative points of view, but you will
- Your paper will share your thought and finding and justify respond to and critique them to further strengthen your
answer with logic and evidence own point of view).
- So the goal of academic writing is not show off everything that • Logical Organization
you know about your topic, but rather to show that you - a standard organizational pattern. For academic essays
understand and can think critically about your topic and papers, there is an introduction, body, and conclusion.
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- Introduction catches the reader’s attention, provides - Clarity. It should be understandable after one reading and
background information, and lets the reader know what to have no mistakes.
expect. It also has the thesis statement. • Outlining
- Body paragraphs support the thesis statement - A basic outline is your first attempt to organize the ideas
- Each body paragraph has one main point to support the of your paper. It will help you focus your research and
thesis, which is names in topic sentence. consider the order of your idea.
- Each point is then supported in the paragraph with logical - Write, Revise, Edit, Proofread.
reasoning and evidence. Each sentence connects to the
one before and after it. Critical Academic Writing
- Conclusion summarizes the paper’s thesis and main points - According to the University of Birmingham publication, “A
and shows the readers the significance of the paper’s short guide to critical writing for Postgraduate Taught
finding. students,”
• Strong support - “Critical writing is an involvement in an academic debate. It
- Each body of paragraph will have sufficient and relevant requires „a refusal to accept the conclusions of other writers
support for the topic sentence and thesis statement. This without evaluating the arguments and evidence they provide.‟”
support will consist of facts, examples, description, - A Lancaster University publication adds that “The aim of
personal experience, and expert opinions and quotations. academic writing is not to present „the right answer,‟ but to
• Clear and Complex Explanations discuss the controversies in an intelligent way.”
- This is very important as the writer, you need to do all the Tips to help you reflect critical thinking in critical academic
work for the reader. The reader should not have to think writing
hard to understand your ideas, logic, or organization. • Be sure to answer the right and relevant questions.
• Effective use of Research • Give enough contexts so that the reader can follow your ideas
- Your paper refer to a variety of current, high-quality, and understand your principles.
professional and academic sources. You will use your • Include references to the material you have read.
research to support your own ideas. • Try to group different studies thematically or categorically and
• Correct APA Style make links between ones that are related.
• Writing Style • Explain source material to your readers to show why it is
- Your writing should be clear, concise, and easy to read. It valuable and relevant.
is also very important that there are no grammar, spelling, • Discuss the ideas that come from these source texts in your
punctuation, or vocabulary mistakes in academic writing, writing.
Errors convey to the readers that you do not care. • Justify your judgments. Say why you think an idea is relevant,
valid or interesting.
Writing Process • Acknowledge the drawbacks or limitations of ideas, even the
Brainstorm ones you disagree with.
- write down all the possible answers to your questions, and • Avoid absolute statements. Use hedging language to make
write down all the information, opinions, and questions your statements more convincing.
you have about your topic. • Do not be afraid to make intelligent suggestions, educational
Pre-writing guesses or hypotheses.
• Choose a Topic • You are supposed to make judgments based on evidence, so
- Think about things related to your interest your conclusions must be meaningful and completely
- Narrow your ideas from subjects to topics objective.
- Write your topic as a question
• Note that conclusions are usually plural. A single
• Research conclusion—rare but possible—is usually straightforward and
- What you must remember is that “doing good research is worth discussing.
takes time”. Do not expect to do research once and find • Do not ignore arguments just because you disagree with them.
everything that you need for your paper.
• Avoid praising authors just because they are famous in the
• Discover your Thesis Statement
field. Praise them for the substance of their work assessed with
- A good thesis statement usually includes:
objectivity, not with subjectivity.
- Main idea of the paper. ONE idea. The entire paper is
• Check that your argument flows logically
based on this statement
- Your opinion or point of view. The thesis statement is not Constructing a Good Academic Argument
a fact nor a question, but your view of the topic and what - A good academic argument makes an evidence-based claim
you want to say about it. designed to advance a specific field of study.
- Purpose of the paper. From the thesis, it should be clear - It also demonstrates an understanding of the foundational
what the paper will do. research for the claim and the implications of the results on
- Answer to the research question. Ask yourself the the field.
question and then answer it with your thesis. Is it truly an - Points of view can strengthen your argument, either by
answer? (if not, change the question or the answer) providing evidence to support your argument or by providing
- An element of surprise. This means that the thesis is food for thought when constructing your argument to
interesting, engaging, and perhaps not so expected. effectively debate counterclaims.

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A Belmont University resource titled, “Writing an Argument,” - According to Eric Schmieder, “I think you have to face
states: criticism with an open mind and a willingness to learn.
• “The purpose of argument writing is to present a position Sometimes the comments are harsh, but mostly they are well-
and to have an audience adopt or at least seriously intentioned efforts to help you improve. Consider the source
consider your argument.” Further, it notes that “Good and select ones whose feedback you value when possible.”
argument writing is critical, assertion-with proof-writing. 7 ways to improve writing by receiving feedback (TurnItIn)
It should reflect a serious attempt on the writer‟s part to 1) Feedback Connects to Your Goals
have considered the issue from all angles.” - Feedback lets you know how much development you have
The Simon Fraser University “Resources on argumentation in made towards your writing goals and what else you need
academic writing” claims that: to do to meet them. It also gives you a clearer picture of
• “Argumentation is less about trying to change „what where you are in your timeline of progress.
readers believe, think, or do,‟ and more about convincing 2) Feedback Can Be More Important Than Your Score
„yourself or others that specific facts are reliable or that - Scores and grades only measure performance -- they do
certain views should be considered or at least tolerated‟”. not tell you how to get better. Read all the comments and
• In another resource titled, “Building Good Arguments”, use them to revise your work. A good score without
they describe six elements of a well-reasoned argument: feedback leaves you at a plateau while a bad score with
claim, reason, qualifier, warrant, backing, and conditions feedback leaves you an opportunity to progress and
of rebuttal. improve without limits.
The Writing Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel 3) Feedback Helps You Ask the Right Questions
Hill offers that: - You might not always understand the comments you get.
• “…by considering what someone who disagrees with your You may even disagree with them, and sometimes you
position might have to say…, you show that you have may have trouble understanding how to apply them. Ask
thought things through, and you dispose of some of the your instructor for more clarification and advice. Teachers
reasons your audience might have for not accepting your prefer assertive students that show interest for learning.
argument.” 4) Feedback Lets You Determine What Is Most Important
- Focus on the comments that will make your ideas clearer
Critically Evaluating Source Materials and help readers understand, then work your way down.
- According to the Cleveland State University Writing Center, 5) Feedback Aids in Revision and Practice
“Critical reading means that a reader applies certain processes, - Use your comments to revise and practice your writing.
models, questions, and theories that result in enhanced clarity You may also use your current feedback to reflect on the
and comprehension.” mistakes that you have committed in the past.
- Critical evaluation of source materials allows you “to evaluate 6) Feedback Helps You Take Ownership of Your Writing
the strength of the argument being made by the work”. The - Find your voice as a writer, and establish your own style
University of Toronto resource, “Critical Reading Towards and principles.
Critical Writing” echoes this mindset, stating: 7) Feedback Gets You on the Same Page as Your Teacher
- “To read critically is to make judgments about how a text is - Your teacher’s comments are there to help you, not
argued. This is a highly reflective skill requiring you to “stand criticize you. Your feedback is part of a conversation
back” and gain some distance from the text you are reading.” through which your teacher is trying to support you and
- For those new to critical evaluation of a source, however, you your writing development.
should ask “What aspects are important to consider when
critically evaluating a source?” CRITICAL WRITING IN THE WORKPLACE
- According to Sheldon Smith, founder and editor of Discussed by Prof. Chinone in an article on Critical Reading, “In 1) Plan
addition to what a text says, the reader needs to consider how - Always start by thinking about the purpose of the
it says it, who is saying it, when it was said, where it was said communication. The information and points that you want
(i.e. published), and why it was said (i.e. the writer‟s purpose).” to present in your writing should target the specific
- Why is it important to be able to critically evaluate source audience that you try to inform or convince.
materials? 2) Design an Outline
• The University of Minnesota Center for Writing says, - You need to outline your goals and the points that you
“When you understand how what you read is written, you want to write about to achieve those goals. List down
can work to incorporate those techniques into your own everything that you deem relevant and along the way, you
writing”, while the Walden University Academic Skills might have to add or delete some points.
Center offers that “You are not simply absorbing the 3) Research and Fact-Check to Ensure Depth of Information
information; instead, you are interpreting, categorizing, - The depth and amount of detail you include are also
questioning, and weighing the value of that information” important. Sometimes, lots of detail is necessary, while in
in support of critical reading processes. other cases the focus should be on getting to the point
quickly; this decision depends on your reader.
Receiving Criticisms 4) Pique the Readers’ Interest
- Many times, critically evaluating the work of others is much - One way to do this is to show readers how the information
easier than receiving critical feedback on your own writing will impact them: “Let them know up front why the topic
efforts. It is just harder to be at the receiving end. you are addressing is of interest to them.”

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5) Reach Your Audience 4) Good writers are credible

- To effectively reach your audience, consider the - People with advanced writing skills are perceived as more
terminology you use and the information you include. reliable and trustworthy. Producing flawless documents
Using known terms and clearly explaining information will also make you look more credible than those who
allows the reader to better understand the document produce subpar quality.
6) Always Proofread - People, especially those from outside the business
- Finishing the last sentence is not the end of the writing organization, will judge you the first time they see you.
process because professional writing is reader-, not writer-, Unfortunately, in most occasions, customers and clients
centered. Be certain that your audience understands the first see you through your writing, whether it is via an
topic. email, a sales letter or a phone call. Hence, it is crucial to
establish a great first impression that might last a long
Reasons Why Business Writing Skills are Important time.
- There are three main ways of communication in business: 5) You can be more influential
verbal, non-verbal and written. Written communication, - Good persuasion skills help you to influence others to
although generally categorized under non-verbal achieve your goals. This is especially true for those who
communication, is separated as a different category for the will delve deeper into the fields of marketing, sales,
sake of discussion as it is the most widely applied form of communications, public relations and law.
business communication. - Professors assign their students to write persuasive essays
- Written business communication includes emails, letters, in order to prepare them for the job market by developing
technical reports and plain reports, company brochures, press these significant skills.
releases, manuals, presentation slides, case studies, sales - If you are creating taglines and calls-to-action for your
materials, white papers, visual aids, social media updates, and organization, you need to know how to develop a copy
other business documents. Whether you are connecting that will encourage the reader to take action. If you are
internally with colleagues and executives or externally to describing an innovative idea that can improve a process
current and potential clients and customers, the way you write to your manager, you should sound convincing.
can either give your career a boost or hamper your progression 6) Business writing conveys courtesy
within the organization. - Professionals take into consideration formatting and
1) Writing skills ensure effective business communication etiquette. They also pay attention to their personal tone,
- Business correspondence helps a company connect with clarity, and logic. They avoid poor word choice and
partners and stakeholders. If a text is poorly written and grammar. These things can come across as lazy or even
structured, the message may be misinterpreted and may rude.
lead to loss of business transaction or even to permanent 7) Writing skills help to keep good records
loss of partnership. - Information that is communicated orally is not kept for
2) Writing skills make the difference between "good" and long. That is the reason why students take notes of
"bad" employees lectures. As scholars use their notes to write essays, you
- Crafting your own resume and cover letter may pose a can apply your records in your work.
real challenge, especially when you have to tailor fit them - Keeping a record of your writing, especially when you
to the position and industry that you are trying to apply belong to industries related to creativity and concepts, can
for. Furthermore, a document filled with grammatical also help you build a reliable portfolio that may be used
errors will not impress anyone in the business for career advancement.
organization, which you need to secure the job.
- Professionals are good at composing clear messages. 8) You boost your professional confidence
Employers value such workers. That is the reason why - When written communication leads a business to another
companies invest so much in their recruitment and successfully completed project, you become more
training processes. confident and inspired, not to mention more eligible for
- Practice writing as often as you can in order to stand out promotion. Who does not like to advance in the career
among your co-workers. Senior management is generally ladder?
more favorable towards an employee who can create 9) You promote yourself and your career
excellent documentation. - The better your writing skills are, the more responsibility
3) You demonstrate your intelligence with quality writing you will be given. That is great for you and your future
- A few grammatical or punctuation errors may seem minor, career success.
but people do notice them even when they do not show 10) Business writing builds a solid web presence
any reaction and give you feedback. They tend to think - Business is all about presentation. Owners aim to set up
that those who do not write well are less intelligent than an effective online presence, especially nowadays that the
those who do. marketing game has turned digital. It helps potential
- Do not let anyone dismiss you because of your poor customers discover the company and its products.
writing skills. A few minutes of proofreading can improve - Quality content is a decisive factor here. A person who
the way you are perceived, prompting everyone to take can present business in the best light and convince people
you more seriously. to buy products or services is an irreplaceable employee.
You can even establish a lucrative career in marketing
communications and digital marketing with this.

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STRATEGIES IN CRITICAL WRITING source? Do any common ideas or viewpoints run through
Discussed by Prof. Chinone and Prof. Restor all the sources?
- Experienced writers showcase flexibility in achieving their • Based on the pattern of connections you have seen among
objectives by constantly exploring and discovering styles, the various sources, develop an overall point or
procedures, and ideas. They are not afraid to ask questions and conclusion to serve as the organizing thesis of your
question their own writing for a more balanced output. After synthesis.
all, writing is all about thinking. • Develop a plan for presenting the various parts of the
- Only after the writer thoroughly examines the subject through information in a unified way.
writing and is satisfied with the ideas discovered, does he or
she polish the writing for the reader. This is where the writer Evaluation
starts deciding on the style and organization to be used - The most complex of all analytical strategies and uses many of
depending on the target readers and the nature of the text. This the other analytical techniques.
is where the writer also decides which critical strategies to use - In applying this strategy, you first establish the criteria you
for writing the final draft. will use to evaluate your subject, apply them to the specific
- Critical thinking yields several strategies that you are likely to parts of the subject you are judging, and draw conclusions
use in academic writing. Many of your writing assignments about whether your subject meets those criteria.
may reflect just one of the strategies or a combination of them. - In the process of evaluating a subject, you will usually be
- For the sake of clarity, these strategies have been arranged in called upon to render some analysis and synthesis and even
the order of complexity of the critical thinking that they use persuasive or argumentative techniques.
require. Keep in mind that these strategies often overlap with • Establish the evaluation criteria
each other. You may use comparison and contrast when you • Select the characteristics you will apply those criteria to
are synthesizing information, but you may also synthesize the • Evaluate how well the selected characteristics meet the
results of a causal analysis. You may also use several of these criteria
analytical strategies when you write an evaluation. • Present your results, along with examples, to support your
- The basis of many other strategies is the process of breaking Persuasion
something into its parts and putting the parts back together so - This aimed at changing the beliefs or opinions of the readers
that you can better understand the whole. or at encouraging them to accept the credibility or possibility
- When you seek to explain the causes and effects of a situation, of your opinion or belief. You do not have to convince them to
event or action, you are trying to identify their origins and embrace and adapt to your own opinions and beliefs offhand,
understand their results. You may discover a chain of events although that is more preferential. Rather, you have to
that explain the causes and effects. How you decide where the convince them to consider you by keeping an open mind.
boundaries of causal analysis are depends on your thesis and - At some level, all writing has a persuasive element. You may
your purpose for writing. simply be persuading your reader to continue reading your
writing or even to accept your credibility—that you know your
Synthesis subject area. In fiction writing, you persuade your readers to
- A tad more complex than the analytical strategies that have believe your plot and dialogues, enough for them to finish the
just been discussed. In synthesizing information, you must story down to the last chapter.
bring together all your opinions and researched evidence in - You can make your writing persuasive by responding to the
support of your thesis. needs and demands of your readers. When you keep them in
- You integrate the relevant facts, statistics, expert opinions, and mind, you can identify with their points of view and attitudes.
whatever can directly be observed with your own opinion and Use your style and tone to show respect for your reader. Offer
conclusions to persuade your audience that your thesis is your reader arguments and evidences to support your opinion
correct. Indeed, you use synthesis in supporting a thesis and or belief.
assembling a paper.
- The example below shows the writer synthesizing his ideas Effective Critical Writing: An Introduction
about how prejudices and cultural orientation transform voice - Critical thinking delves beneath the surface of things, turning
as a writer at different stages of the writing process. them into objects for study, interpretation, and judgement. The
- How to write a synthesis? aim of critical writing is to express these thoughts.
• Identify the appropriate texts to use. You may find it - Effective critical writing offers a rigorous and thorough
helpful to use the notes and references in one appropriate argument composed in clear, concise, and natural
source to find other relevant sources. language that obeys the rules of grammar.
• Read the sources carefully in relation to your purpose. 1) Write a rigorous & thorough argument
Take notes or annotate your own copies to be able to - Always ensure that your argument deals with
retrieve relevant information easily. the terms and scope of the question posed to you.
• Think about the connections among the various sources. - When you posit an argument, you need to illustrate it with
Do any of the sources agree or disagree on any points? strong and sustained textual evidence (and, often,
Does one source provide background for another? Does secondary sources), linked together with your articulate
one source take up where other leaves of? Does one and thoughtful analysis. Your personal judgments are only
source provide an example of an idea discussed in another the beginning of an academic argument, when they are

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grounded in a sound knowledge of the text and its nuances, looking over your shoulder. Ensure that every word in a
when they move from opinions to arguments. sentence needs to be there; superfluous words clutter the
- Literary criticism is neither wholly objective, nor wholly page and give the impression that you’re being evasive.
subjective. There are no right or wrong analyses, only - The greatest challenge in critical writing is to present
well- and poorly-argued ones. ideas you have spent many hours crafting and clarifying
- A strong argument begins with an effective thesis as if they occurred to you naturally, without excessive
statement. strain or effort. The same applies to the structure of your
- A paragraph should be like an essay in miniature, with a argument: while you need a logical argument, you must
discrete (unique) purpose, and a beginning, middle, and conceal the blueprints after you build the house. Avoid
end. It should begin and end with analytical statements, phrases which simply turn your point-form notes into
rather than with descriptions, paraphrases, or quotations. prose, like “In this essay I will argue…” or “In
- A strong argument uses clear and confident language to conclusion…” or “The idea of appearance versus reality
present its ideas and evidence, avoiding non-committal also appears in Act II, Scene 3.” Essays should show the
phrases like “perhaps” or “this might be interpreted to product, not the gestation, of your ideas.
mean”. If you’re uncertain about your interpretation,
buttress it with more (or better) textual evidence–or do Analysis / Description / Paraphrase / Quotation
some thinking about whether what you’re writing is what • Think of these four modes of writing on a spectrum: at one
you truly think. end, there’s a purely analytical statement (eg. “Hamlet is a
- When responding to a text, don’t simply retell the story or play about epistemological uncertainty”).
argument in your own words. Assume that the reader • For more on selecting quotations, see here.
shares your well-earned mastery of the text. Weave the • At the other end of the spectrum, there’s pure quotation: words
text’s narrative into the pattern of your argument and quoted directly from the text (“To be or not to be”).
analysis. This usually means that you don’t need • Description and paraphrase are modes between these two
(necessarily) to stick to the author’s chronology of events: extremes: they tell the reader about the text in your own
move laterally through the material, according to your words–describing events and dialogue, paraphrasing speeches,
own priorities. Make the plot serve your analysis, not the and so on.
other way round. • You can see how these two modes allow for analytical leeway:
- In sum, show the reader that you’re truly engaged with you inform the reader what’s happening, and add your own
the both text and with the question(s) at hand. analytical twist (eg. “Hamlet’s musings on Claudius’ guilt
Writing an Effective Thesis Statement reveal his epistemological uncertainty”).
- The thesis statement tells your reader (1) what you will argue, • What should you do with this information? Think of
and (2) how you will argue it (what categories of evidence you paraphrase and description as a way to balance analysis with
will use). description. All four modes of writing have a place in your
- It is more than just a topic sentence or starting point. writing, and both ends of the spectrum need each other: you
- Here is a weak thesis: need description to tell the reader what’s happening, and
analysis to tell the reader what to think (or what you’re
• Shakespeare uses metaphors to express Romeo and
thinking). Use paraphrase and description to move between
Juliet’s feelings.
them, to make the distinction less overt.
- Here’s a more effective version:
• Be direct
• Shakespeare uses the metaphors of beholding and reading,
in Romeo and Juliet’s conversations, to express their - Rather than saying, “In Hamlet, revenge is depicted as…”,
desires and judgements. say it outright: “Hamlet depicts revenge as…”.
- This is more effective because it’s explicit - Avoid the passive voice, where possible: don’t say,
about which feelings you’ll discuss, and it tells the reader “Tybalt is killed by Romeo” when it’s more direct to say,
what evidence you’ll examine. “Romeo kills Tybalt.” Here are some resources on how to
identify and avoid it, from the writing centres
Faulty Arguments at Toronto and Purdue and UNC Chapel Hill.
- Strong writers argue with the confidence that comes from - There are exceptions to this rule, as to most: when
resourceful use of evidence. Weak writers state and restate you truly don’t know who did an action. It’s appropriate,
arguments to make up for faulty or absent evidence. even necessary, to ask (for example), “Where were these
- One sure sign of weak argumentation is an abrupt shift at the peaches grown?” If you don’t know where they grew, it
end of a paragraph or essay from bland analysis and excessive likely follows that you don’t know who grew them.
quotation to over-confident assertions: “thus we see…” • Be confident
“therefore it is clear…”. This is too glib to be trusted: your job - Rather than writing, “It seems that Horatio is a loyal
is to make it clear, transitioning smoothly between close friend”, try the more direct, “Horatio is a loyal friend.”
readings of your chosen (few) quotations and natural Avoid non-committal phrases like “perhaps” or “this
conclusions. might be interpreted to mean.” If you can’t strengthen an
2) Use clear, concise, & natural language assertion with textual evidence, don’t bother making it.
- Be active, engaging, and clear in your style. Critical - Audience responses, which are notoriously unpredictable,
writing is a highly self-conscious, if not paranoid, act: you are an exception to this rule. (eg. You can argue that a
write with an imaginary (and acutely critical) reader speech is designed to elicit sympathy, not that
it will evoke sympathy from an audience.
J.A.K.E 7 of 10

• Be explicit feasible (and less ludicrous) than that, and they tend to fall into
- Don’t shy away from your critical responsibilities, or the category of what Fowler’s Modern English Usage (1926)
pretend that you know something you don’t. Don’t tell calls “the love of the long word.”
your reader that “it is clear”or “it can be argued that” - This is a trap that students often fall into, in an effort to make
when your task is to make the argument or idea clear. their language sound impressive, at the expense of clarity,
• Be concise precision and directness: virtuosity for virtue, orientate for
- Ensure that every word in every sentence needs to be orient. H. W. Fowler also wrote The King’s English (1906),
there. If you can remove it without changing the meaning, which begins with this advice: “Any one who wishes to
do so. The same goes for sentences within paragraphs. become a good writer should endeavour, before he allows
- The most elegant writing is also the most economical. himself to be tempted by the more showy qualities, to be direct,
Unnecessarily long words and wordy phrases strain the simple, brief, vigorous, and lucid.”
reader’s sense that you truly believe what you are writing, - And this is Fowler’s advice on diction (word choice): “Prefer
rather than cloaking it in unnecessary verbiage. the familiar word to the far-fetched. Prefer the concrete word
- To improve the flow of your argument and the cadences to the abstract. Prefer the single word to the circumlocution.
of your sentences, try reading your early drafts aloud as Prefer the short word to the long.” Enough said.
you revise them. This technique also helps you avoid run- 3) Follow the rules of grammar
on sentences, in which you lose the original idea by the - Grammatical errors are the easiest to fix, and are therefore
end of the sentence, a phenomenon I’m demonstrating in the most exasperating to your readers.
this very sentence, which is, if you are reading it aloud,
already incoherent. Specific matters of grammar:
- My assignments have maximum word-limits because it is • Avoid singular/plural errors when you’re trying to avoid
far more difficult, and more important, to be concise than gender-specific language. Rather than saying, “The
to be verbose. reader understands that they are not given the full story,”
- Most writers love to fill space with words — the length of say “Readers understand that they are not given the full
this web page is all the evidence you need. Many of those story.”
words are unnecessary verbiage, or words that merely • Write in the ‘timeless present’ tense, not mixing past and
take up space without contributing to your argument. present verb-tenses. Don’t write “This was one of the
Here are some egregious examples: recurring themes in the book. There are numerous moments
• For many centuries, Romeo and Juliet has been read by when it appears.” Instead, use the present tense throughout:
countless numbers of people.” “This is one of the recurring themes…” etc.
• Sure, and many of them have been reluctant undergraduates • Don’t make semicolon errors; they are to be used only
eager to impress their professors with claims of Shakespeare’s between complete sentences, or between articles in a list
timeless genius or statements of self-evident literary history. which consist of multiple words (eg. “Daniel Price addresses
• “This play is an example of how society can dictate rigid lives his sermon to three classes of readers: his dedicatee Charles;
and teaches us to step back and look at our lives apart from former members of Henry’s household; and young men who
outside expectations.” neglect their spiritual duties”).
• Well, maybe. I appreciate the sentiment that literature can • “Never” use quotation marks for “emphasis.” It’s not only an
teach us to experience the world differently. But bland absurd misuse of this punctuation (whose purpose is to quote
therapeutic pronouncements about text X teaching us moral something from a source), it also suggests an ironic meaning
lesson Y usually replace rigorous evidence-based arguments for the highlighted word, which is the purpose of single
about that text. quotations (eg. Shall we ‘deconstruct’ the zoo after our field
• Specific terms & phrases to avoid trip?). The error of quotation marks for emphasis occasionally
“This piece by Sir Philip Sidney…” results in amusing ironies itself (eg. I “appreciate” your
• Be precise and direct. In modern usage, ‘piece’ means a grammatical smugness.).
short article (“Your piece in the New York Times“) or brief - For other amusing examples, visit The “Blog” of
“Unnecessary” Quotation Marks.
artistic/literary compostion (a piece of music, of rhyme). Can
everybody agree to use more precise words than ‘piece’? • Use two long dashes or two double-hyphens–not single-
“Through this text society learns valuable lessons.” hyphens–when interjecting a parenthetical word or
• No, individual readers read texts. They might together alter
the social fabric, but society is not a hive mind: it cannot • Finally, join the campaign to end the two most pervasive
read or learn anything. As Margaret Thatcher said in one of errors in English grammar:
her rare moments of critical lucidity, there’s no such thing - it’s = it is (or it has), while its= the possessive form of the
as society. pronoun ‘it’
Malapropisms - For example: “It’s in its infancy.”
- These are words used mistakenly, in the place of a similar- - plural forms of words very rarely require an apostrophe
sounding other words””often with amusing results. In Richard Citation Style
Sheridan’s play The Rivals (1775), Mrs. Malaprop commits - Follow the MLA citation style. as outlined in the MLA
this error all the time: “she’s as headstrong as an allegory Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. Always include a
[alligator] on the banks of Nile,” Works Cited section at the end of your essay.
- for instance. “Michelangelo painted the Sixteenth [Sistene] - Remember that you are citing authors, not editors: don’t
Chapel” is another example. Most student examples are more list Romeo and Juliet under its modern editor, but under
J.A.K.E 8 of 10

Shakespeare.Don’t introduce a sentence by saying ‘In Act III • Make sure your essay has a clear, logical structure with
Scene 7, Enobarbus tells Cleopatra…”; rather, quote the relevant points which lead to the conclusion. It should be easy
character and then close the sentence with the citation for your readers to follow where you are heading and why.
(III.7.35). Remember that the citation always goes at the end
of your sentence, even if the quotation ends in the middle. Building Good Arguments
- Students and professionals usually follow two established
ARGUMENTS IN CRITICAL WRTING methods that are effective both in academic and professional
Discussed by Prof. Chinone settings. You may choose whatever you deem is more
Academic Argument effective depending on the type of issue that you raise.
- The term ‘argument’ is used in everyday language to describe a
Toulmin Method
dispute or disagreement between two or more people. However,
- Philosopher Stephen Toulmin offers six elements of a well-
within written academic work, the presence of an argument
reasoned argument and explains how they all work together.
does not always indicate a disagreement.
1) Claim
An argument can be used to - A debatable statement that requires proof.
• Support something we think has merit – a position, a point of • Fact – Example: Today is Sunday.
view, a program, an object. • Judgment or Evaluation – Example: Brand X is more
• Persuade someone that something would be beneficial to do (or effective in removing stains than Brand Y.
not to do) – a course of action. • Policy – Example: All students, both senior high
• Convince someone that something is true, likely to be true or school and college, should wear their IDs at all times
probable – a fact, an outcome. inside school premises.
• Show someone the problems or difficulties with something – a - Keep in mind that a claim is only the starting-point for a
theory, an approach, a course of fully developed argument.
• action. 2) Reason
• Reason with someone to get them to change their mind or their - A statement justifying the claim (e.g. a “because”-clause).
practice. A reason then invites evidence (sometimes called data) to
support a claim and show its validity.
A Good Argument - For example:
- A good argument should be convincing. You should find • "You do not have to study for the exam [CLAIM]
yourself believing the claim, or at least finding the conclusion because classes are suspended today” [REASON].
reasonable. This entails several things: • How do you know that? “The University has already
• acceptable or reasonable premises (likely to be true) made an announcement through their social media
• evidence or reasons that are relevant to the claim accounts and official website” [EVIDENCE].
• reasons which provide sufficient grounds to lead us to • However, will your audience believe the evidence?
accept the claim. These are called the acceptability, That might depend on the credibility of University’s
relevance and grounds of an argument. If an argument social media pages and website, or whether
satisfies these three conditions, it is likely to be a good whomever you are trying to convince is willing to
argument. accept that the social media accounts and the website
you stated are authentic and verified. If your audience
How do I write an argument? accepts the evidence, they will see your claim as
• Ensure you understand the question. What do you have to do? valid.
What issues do you need to cover? 3) Qualifier
• Do your research. What do we know about this issue? What do - A word or phrase (adjective or adverb) that limits the
the researchers say? What are the debates, the problems? scope or “generalizability” of your claim. Without a
• Go back to the question and consider your answer, given your qualifier, your claim may seem too broad or unrealistic for
research and what you have learnt. This will be your claim. your readers.
Make it very clear what position or point of view you are taking. - For example, if you say "The citizens dislike the current
• How will the evidence from your research support your case? government" you would be making an overstatement or
- Integrate supporting evidence by quoting and/or overgeneralization. It is simply not true that "all" citizens
paraphrasing. dislike the current government. Hence, a more reasonable
- Acknowledge counter arguments/counter evidence. claim, a claim for which you are likely to find supporting
- Use linking words and discourse markers to draw evidence, would be "Many citizens dislike the current
connections between your argument and the evidence government."
and/or counter evidence. - Using qualifiers appropriately also helps you to avoid
• Argue for this position in an academic context. Consider your binary or “either/or” thinking, which can invalidate an
claim and supporting premises and draw out the implications: argument.
- Why am I saying this here? - Instead of using the following qualifiers:
- What point am I trying to make? • Always
- What does this evidence show? • Never
• All
• None, no

J.A.K.E 9 of 10

• Totally, completely, absolutely perspectives that stretch beyond (or even run counter to) the
- Try using the following qualifiers: writer’s position. It places an emphasis on reiterating an
• Sometimes, at times, occasionally, usually, frequently opponent's argument to his or her satisfaction. The persuasive
• Many, many a, some, more (or if applicable, a precise power of the Rogerian Method lies in its ability to define the
number or amount) terms of the argument in such a way that:
• A small number, a few, most (or if applicable, a • Your position seems like a reasonable compromise
precise number or amount) • You seem compassionate and empathetic
• Likely, possibly, probably 1) Introduction
4) Warrant - Introduce the issue to the audience while sticking with
- An assumption or point of agreement shared by the arguer objectivity as much as possible.
and the audience. - “The issue of whether nursing students should apply for
- In argument, we rely frequently on these fundamental internship in hospitals with COVID-19 cases or not is still
shared assumptions. Warrants may remain unspoken (but subject to extensive discussion.”
understood) when a writer and reader can be expected to 2) Opposing View
know or agree on them. This is normally the case for - Explain the other side’s position in an unbiased way.
general knowledge and widely accepted facts. - “Some parents believe that internship in hospitals, in spite
- If readers do not share the same assumptions about the of the current pandemic, is essential for learning and for
validity of the writer’s evidence, or if they do not boosting the students’ professional and technical
recognize the assumption, they might not accept the competence.”
evidence or claim. 3) Statement of Validity (Understanding)
5) Backing - This section discusses how you acknowledge how the
- Additional information that justifies or enhances the other side’s points of view can be valid under certain
credibility of your evidence. You need this to ensure that circumstances. You identify how and why their
you audience will accept your evidences or claims. perspective makes sense while you still present your own
- For example, if you give evidence like "Our Lady of argument.
Fatima University is one of the top-quality educational - “Those parents who agree with the internship argue that
institutions in the Philippines," you may need to add, working in hospitals amidst the surge in COVID-19 cases
"They have produced hundreds of board exam top- opens up more opportunities for the students to learn and
notchers in the past with a 100% passing rate for many accept the reality of their future profession.”
college programs across its six campuses." 4) Statement of Your Position
- For this backing to work, you and your audience must - In this section, you explain your own stance.
share an understanding about what having numerous - “Students should not be forced to pursue internship in
board exam top-notchers and a perfect passing rate hospitals with active cases of COVID-19 because the risks
implies. This understanding would be a warrant. and disadvantages outweigh the projected benefits.”
6) Conditions of Rebuttal 5) Statement of Contexts
- The potential objections to an argument. To deal with - Explore scenarios in which your position has merit.
possible objections, imagine a skeptical yet reasonable - “However, although the lack of professional merit and
reader poking holes in your claim and reasons or coming insufficiency in technical knowledge among students
up with opposite, equally valid reasons. increase their chance of contracting the infection,
internship should still be offered as an option, provided
that all safety standards and protocols are strictly
6) Statement of Benefits
- You should conclude by explaining to the opposing side
why they would benefit from accepting your position.
- “Although both sides offer their own advantages and
disadvantages, the safety of the students should still be
prioritized above everything else as learning does not
mean anything if something bad happens to the students
in the process.”
- You have to be objective as much as possible without
sacrificing your own stance. You should end your
argument with clarity about what you are arguing for.

Rogerian Method
- (Named for, but not developed by, influential American
psychotherapist Carl R. Rogers) is a popular method for Review well! Good luuuckk pipol :)) – Aki
controversial issues. This strategy seeks to find a common
ground between parties by making the audience understand

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