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H}Kffif,EM &WRflLW M EWIA 4

e 041-9220397 Office ofthe,
ia 041-9220691 Chief Engineer (Development), PMU FESCO Faisalabad

l. Name ofProcuring Agency Faisalabad Electric Supply Company (FESCO)

2 Method of Procurement Single Stage Single Envelope

3 Title ofProcurement LELU(GSC):-

i) llKV Incorning Panel 25KA 2500 Amp for 40MVA &
20I26MVA Power Tmnsformers
ii) 1 I KV Capacitor Contol Panel

iii) 11KV Bus Coupler 25KA 2500Amp

i) llKV Incoming Panel 25KA 2500 Amp for 20I26MVA
Power Tmnsfomer
ii) l lKV Capacitor Control Panel

i) I I KV Incoming Panel 25KA 2500 Amp lor 40MVA Power
ii) 1lKV, 25KA, 630Amp Outgoing Panels
iii) 11KV Bus Coupler 25KA 2500Amp

4 Tender Inquiry No. NCB-596/FESCO/PMU/GSC&GSO&(DWy2023-2,1

5 PPRA Ref. No. (TSE) TS5324308 dated 14.02.2024

6 Date & Time ofBiddins Closing 11:00 A.M.29.02.2024

7 Date & Time ofBidding Opening l2tl5 P .M. 29 .02.2024

8 No. ofBids Received 0l No.

9 Criteria for Bid Evaluation As per Bidding Document

l0 Details ofBids (s) Evaluation As under:

Rule/Regtrlatio StsD/Polic/Drsh for
Rejectior/Ac.eptan.. as per Rule35 or
PP Rules,200{
133.788 (LOT-t)
Thc bid declared Comnercially &
Pak Eleklron 22.502Il.oT-Il)
Tecbnicilly Responsiv. for LOI:
L1d o'tjl) 34.06t (LOT,rrD
r(Gsc), LoT-rr(cso) & LoT-IIv(Dw)
Totar ofAllLoTs = 190353

Lo*estE\aluared BiJder l\t/s lak Elcklron t,td (PEL). Lahore for LOT-y(GSC). LOT-IU(GSO) &
T,OT-lII/(t \Y)

^ /?,A
-l tr€4
11. Any other additional/supporting information, the procuring agency may like to share

E d,t.N.. b I h-!g rc.E(Dev)PMrr FEsco Datcd:

For*'arded to the Deputy Director, Public Procurement ls Floor,

Building, Near Stale Bank, Seclor G-5/2, Islamabad for uploading at lWcbsire.

1. Director General (IT) FESCO Faisalabad with lhe request to upload on FESCO website please
2. Master File.

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