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Grade 2 Practice test

1, `Label the following

2, What does A do for the plant?




3, Which part of the plant (A, B, C, D or E) make food for the plant?


4, Which part of the plant in the picture (A, B, C, D or E) we can eat? _________

5, What does B do for the plant?




6, Which of the following are the fruits of plants?

(1) A only (3) A and C only
(2) C only (4) A, B and C only

7, Jina made the following classification chart.

Which group should he classify the following fruit?

(1) A
(2) B
(3) C
(4) D

8, Plants are important to us because different plants can provide us with_________

A: food B: shade C: medicine D: wood

(1) A and B (3) A, B and D
(2) B and C (4) A, B, C and D

9, Tom has a pot of plant with soil as shown below. He watered it everyday. He saw that the
pot of plant grew better when kept near a window. Bhut the plant did not grow well when kept
away from the window.

Why does the plant grow better when kept near a window?



10, The different parts of a plant are labelled R, S, T and U as shown below.

Which one of the following options is correct?

Bishop Cotton World School
Term - 1 Examination
Grade 2

Name:___________ Marks : 40 Duration: 90 min

MCQ (10 x 1 = 10 )

1. The pictures below show how Jimmi was growing four same plants. He watered the plants
with the same amount of water everyday.

Which plant will die after 2 weeks? Plant _______

2. Which of the following is not got from plants?

3. Which of the following is true of all plants?

(a) All plants can give new plants.

(b) All plants have strong stems.

(c) All plants have green leaves.

(d) All plants can produce flowers.

4. Hina cut an apple as shown here.

An Apple comes from a plant. Which part

of the plant is the apple? ___________________

(a) Stem

(b) Flower

(c) fruit

(d) leaf

5. Which of the following are needed by plants to make their own food?

A: water
B: Oxygen
C: Sunlight
D: Carbon dioxide
Choose your option here.

(1) A and B
(2) C and D
(3) A, B and C
(4) A, C and D

6. The picture below is of two trees: tree A and tree B.

Which of the following statements are correct?

A. Tree A is taller than tree B.

B. Tree A has thicker trunk than tree B.
C. Tree A has no roots but tree B has roots.
D. Tree A gives more shade than tree B.
(a) A and C only
(b) B and D only
(c) A , B and C only
(d) A, B, C and D only
7. The diagram below shows a tree.

Which part of the tree is not labelled incorrectly?

(a) Fruit

(b) Leaf

(c) Root

(d) Branch

8. Which of the following about plants are correct?

(a) They need air.

(b) They do not die.

(c) They do not need sunlight.

(d) They do not need water.

9. Which part of the plant grows underground?

(a) leaf

(b) flower

(c) roots

(d) stem

10. Wood is used to make which of the following?

(a) Tyres

(b) Furniture

(c) Jam

Fill in the blanks: (5)

(a) The process by which plants make their food: _____________________

(b) The most beautiful and colourful part of a plant : ______________________

(c) The kitchen of a plant is _________________

(d) _____________ give us honey.

(e) We keep __________ in aquariums.

Study the diagram carefully (2)

This plant takes one gas but gives out another gas.

(a) Which gas is taken in? ______________

(b) Which gas is given out? ______________

Write true and false (5)

A. Silkworm gives us wool. ____

B. Animal dung is used as a good manure and fuel. ____
C. Seed of plants are crushed to make sugar. ____
D. Wheat, rice and maize are pulses. ____
E. Plants give us nitrogen. ____

Study the diagram carefully and label it. (5)

A. What does B do for the plant? (2)




B: What does A do the plant? (1)


Answer the following questions.

1. Circle the animal which is not a domestic animal . ( 2)

2. Circle any two farm animals. (2)

3. How can we use animal dung? (2)





4. What are pet animals? (2)




5. Why are plants called primary producers? (2)




End of Paper

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