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一. 热身活动 Warming up................................................................................................................... 2
二. Part 1 喜好类话题 (Like & Dislike).............................................................................................. 3
三. 口语回答基本框架和思路..............................................................................................................4
四. 高分回答有哪些回答思路和注意事项?......................................................................................6

本节课内容:Part 1 喜好类话题高分表达




一. 热身活动 Warming up

What would you like to do for leisure activities?

I’d like…

to go running

to go swimming

to go cycling

to walk a dog in a park

to do yoga

to go fishing

二. Part 1 喜好类话题 (Like & Dislike)

Topic: Fish

-Do you like going fishing?

(Why do some people like fishing?)

-Do you like eating fish?

-Where can you fish?

Part1 话题类型 Part1:4-5mins

基本描述 喜好表达 类型表达 3 个话题左右

每个话题在 3-4 问左右

频率表达 看法询问 意愿表达

例:Part 1 Topic: Fish

Do you like going fishing?

Part 1 每个小问题:

 只需要 ________________回答 ________________即可

 大约 ________________即可

 内容太长考官会适时打断

 注意听清问题并直接回答

Now it’s your turn: Can you have a try?

(1) Could be your answer:


I like going fishing because it’s a very good way for me to relax.

Any problem?

Let’s compare with another answer:

Sure and I love doing it…

… because it’s a very good way for me to relax.

Any difference?

Tip: 直接回答问题并进行 ________________(i.e. like)

(2)Could be your answer now:

Sure and I love doing it…

… because it’s a very good way for me to relax.

Let’s compare with another answer:

Sure and I love doing it… because it’s a very good way for me to wind down and

I can forget my work or study for a while. That’s why I’d like to bring my fishing

rod to a riverside park and spend the whole afternoon there.

Any difference?

Tip: 尝试多讲一些 ________________(具体化具象化场景化)+ ________________(搭配)

(3)Could be your answer now:

Sure and I love doing it… because it’s a very good way for me to wind down and

I can forget my work or study for a while. That’s why I’d like to bring my fishing

rod to a riverside park and spend the whole afternoon there.

三. 口语回答基本框架和思路



- love

- wind down / forget work or study

- rod / park / afternoon

The ASD Model!


 语调(e.g. 句中升,句末降)

 自然的断句(e.g. 标点、并列句、从句)

 句子中的重音(e.g. 形容词、副词、重要信息的名词)

例 2:

Part 1 Topic: History

Do you like history?

(Can you have a try?)

(1) Sample answer:

a. Usually I prefer some nonfiction.

b. Yeah and I’m fond of reading anything related to history.

c. In that way, I can learn lessons from a certain era in the past.

d. or even predict and analyses what would happen in the future.

e. especially stories or biographies from historical figures.



(2) Sample answer (Key words):


- fond of

Supporting ideas:

- nonfiction / stories / biographies / figures

Details or examples:

- lessons / predict / analyses / future

四. 高分回答有哪些回答思路和注意事项?

 ASD Model

 直接回答问题并进行合理替换(i.e. like)

 尝试多讲一些细节和原因(具体化具象化场景化)

 词汇提升(搭配)

 发音特征的体现(语调、合理的断句、句子中的重音)

Try more questions:

Do you like to get up early in the mornings?

Do you keep plants at home?

第 8 页

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