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10 Etiquette Rules for Online Students

In order to get considerate and respectful online communication

between teachers and students, our school Golden Bridge Education
Center have 10 netiquette rules. Keep in mind, the rules of etiquette
are just as important online as they are in real life.

1. Stay considerate
To prevent inappropriate behavior on the internet, stay considerate
and thoughtful to fellow internet users, friends or classmate. Hate
speech, name- calling, and offensive opinions are intolerable both in
public and comment sections as well as in private conversations and
email threads.
The moderators or admin of this group may remove the hateful
comment and inform your parents or guardian for the first time.
2. Respect other people's privacy
Whenever you decide to share a photo or video that includes other
people, practice proper netiquette by asking them if they are okay with
you doing.
3. Don't spam
It is really annoying when we all get unsolicited and irrelevant messages
in our inboxes. So remain tactful and ask questions before sending out
messages and also respect other personal time.
4. Respond to emails and messages from school admin team
Emails or messages from your Teachers or your educational institution
often contain important information and the recipient expects a reply.
Don't let them wait and looking forward your respond too long.
5. Help control flame wars
You have the right to disagree with someone else's opinion on the
internet or this viber group, try to keep the discussion healthy.
However, if you get into flame wars, a conservation including insulting,
aggression with profanity and other type of offensive language, leave
this problem to your teacher and school admin team. They will deal
with this. It is not your responsibility.
6. Practice using empathy
7. Use respectful langrage (In this viber group, we have teachers,
parents and students, so using polite language is the most important of
8. Send messages if appropriate
It's important to send an appropriate amount of messages or only
school-related messages to your classmate or teachers. Other
inappropriate messages or messages that are not related to school are
not allowed to send in this group.
9. Read content thoroughly
The last and most important of all is
10. Respect your teacher and elders.
There will be two soft warning and final warning and also inform your
parents if we figure out someone don't want to follow all or one of the
rules on purpose.
On behalf of Golden Bridge Education Center, I truely encourage you all
to follow all these rules not only in our school but also in all other
online platform.

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