Expressing feelings

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Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Kelas : VI (Enam)

Expressing Feelings (Ungkapan perasaan)

1. happy = senang
2. sad = sedih
3. hurt = sakit
4. angry = marah
5. confident = percaya diri
6. exhausted = sangat kelelahan
7. afraid = takut
8. clumsy = ceroboh
9. comfortable = nyaman
10. romantic = romantic
11. tired = lelah
12. annoyed = terganggu
13. irritated = menyakitkan
14. scared = takut
15. stressed = tertekan
16. upset = marah
17. overwhelmed = terlalu senang
18. jealous = iri
19. furious = sangat marah
20. delighted = sangat senang
21. frightened : takut
22. thirsty : haus
23. hungry : lapar
24. nervous : gugup
25. surprised : terkejut
26. disappointed : kecewa
27. lonely : kesepian
28. comfort : nyaman
29. satisfied : puas
30. tired : lelah
31. angry : marah
32. glad : senang
33. full : kenyang
34. excited : bersemangat
35. sleepy : ngantuk

Contoh Kalimat Expressing Feelings

 She looks sad
(dia terlihat sedih)
 The teacher is angry
(gurunya sedang marah)
 You and I are always happy
(Kau dan aku selalu senang)
 He feels confident
(dia merasa percaya diri)
 I am happy to see you
(aku senang melihatmu)
 I'm afraid we will running out of tickets
(aku takut kita akan kehabisan tiket)
 She lost her key because she's clumsy
(dia kehilangan kunci karena dia sangat ceroboh)
 I feel scared when entering the haunted house
(aku merasa takut ketika memasuki rumah hantu)
 I am so tired after all day worked
(aku sangat lelah setelah sepanjang hari bekerja)
 He's jealous when he saw her ex-girlfriend dating another man.
(dia sangat iri ketika dia melihat mantan pacarnya mengencani lelaki lain)


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