Prospectus Plus 2 2024

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Message from Chaieman ‘We have come a ong way os the best sdcctana ntvion and achieved many misstones Today, wo ‘re best own othe fn ion to wel wladom and vive into the young minds ond bude character “thick help them Yoke fe dections. At DAY school, we inpite stents to know thei ete tent ane ‘ecide the future career based on tet re potential ‘Weal know these tno yeor ser SEE ar 0 sete ond delete. One minor mike or wrong decion on rin ele Ife ofthe stoens os wel os their fomly Ths phase Ino ser Ie rnc, he ‘hay need fe decide and tke @ ight ditactian Many researehes have shown that et Ws pai ef ine ‘signed ur site ina wey which empowers ham fo take bast daciion fr her fut. To decide aboot ‘he fre in ths deeate end eicelphov, we ince he values ond pips in stents aon with the bea of loovledge ond sl. The lnowledge ond sil re only ene wing of © bia the ote is vals, Diincples and arttede. Wih bath the wings wth them they are copable of fying coun the glebe no ater whet where end how the envionment they succeed |W DAV’: oury student on be the ben amon phys sual and itllacl bite, Ach re four plo: of life. S, by choosing DAY whoo, yu have chon right Fgh and right pl wis he best destination Hence, feel proud and be confident. Welcome fo DAV... Awl Kedia Chairman From the Desk of Management Team Doar Student I vould like fe extend my hearty congratulation to yu al for your ‘tend sent in SEE Board Examination I hereby cordially welcome ‘ou at DAV college. DAY college i ly etaished whe view provide qualty edvcarion tothe students Mereby making then ‘lbaly competes Rn bythe academics of fe raion Is excel Sevoted ond dedicat to acheve i goal to produce hghy potent hime retoutees fr the contemporary glabel market Wa stongly Detleve tat education ina ot about cehiaving cerfcates but to ‘bea sete, conor, etatonl and etal grow of on advil Ecaton should be all: embracing 20 tht the steers can fore ny potenti challenges thot wil come in thelr coreer = making proces “his has overs been the prtpel mato of his ellege Shee OAV ealege ir 6 eartous omelgamotion af western tachaology fond ster dealt equally placer smphest on sthee! an cel ‘oles, forthe reson that en the combination of globe knowlege ‘Sd cco vee: tekes on Indoial towards the eth of lary. The college, with highly deveted, dedicated and determined teem of {ocues, proudly encovrages te SEE gradvates to on DAY witout et, Pra wort ‘suman Basné Dear Student: DAY allege, re to name, il sett combine ecatern vals ond western tachnologies os ccademic bose. We bellve that eduction Int a dependent projects end end shold be 2 Botte change and developmant ofthe today. ‘We offer, nih on eoger readiness, qalty and practical edition a congenial environment: We hove ateomof teined ond experienced foci and edmisratve fiat and cove al, competent Man Saam ete ‘We hove well-ventilated spacou lsstoons, well-equipped laboratories and bret that most the espietions ef one wih is! for knowledge. Besides, we ivelve steers in ier, physica Gnd mental exercise rough sports oe oir eo-crialar acti, for we have a eanvon tht eolihy mind exit ne heathy Boe. ‘You wl eal feel ifforence once you jln DAY. ce RUSTE oy VISION + & team of professionel ond scholars, Inter upon keeping the flog of psn etre fling, + Applied buinets uci wih nul il and procices ‘Wes natural het Dayanend Angle Ved (OAV) rst wos + Presmedical en Pre-enginwerng ees ‘renowned bins orgerizotion of Napa wth he sbjetvet + Reguer ssesiment {o esabls orgenize and manage edveotoral inte: + Adeons| computer education fo orer Nepal uncer the ulform ieslogy ond rev + Yogo ond medhaton Hence, DAV Suihil Kedia Vihwa Bhoret Scheel wot + Regular reerecton wih porens lablihed. On he competion of suecesft Wo decade {nail are of oder ‘rvie, expanded fs wing higher up end hed fe own {Wall equipped iorery ‘lage antablihad nthe yeor 2003. < Atrocive edvenon environ {Provision of scholars snd ard * Encl tenet endl computer lab feities Academic Programme of D.A.V. (NEB) +2 at a Glance Fer the fresh SEE graduates, we have +2 (NEB) progromme offering ‘Sdence, Managerer& Himortes The prescbed euredin of NEB is followed nF? level ot AY. A his evel, the cores are deified ih suc @ manner as fo enable he stodens wih mole opportunities to et thar fal ocodenic destination. MEN \ XL& XI © Com English Optional (any two) © Nepal * Eeonomics/Mkt © Accountancy © Busines Susie + Social Stdies/_* Computer/ Bosic Math Hote! Management/ Busnes Math SCIENCE EUs XI. XII XI& XI +o Eghih + om El 2 pays + Nepal + Gentry sSibe7 * Hotham eet eee + Bolgy / Computer Socal ties Com, Nepal © Opt. English 2 PROGRAMME DAV SUSHIL KEDIA VISHWA BHARATI SECONDARY SCHOOL About NEB ih the emerging needs of CClege fees proud for beng par of the tem, tic a here for the development of secondery freedom ard lesb. Te higher level course ament, has been one of the sigificant Shoroceriscs ofthe clloge Admission Procedures Admission Time Basic Rules of College Uniform nor scooter for to tilts iy the ellos ew Discipi the college nd ore considered arou offencesfr which he such e cose sis, projet wats, seminars, presewttien and group dso. Experienced and highly qualified eccher ram the univers lp th students to unerstond he complicated theories by ving saverel methods on resource, Lectures and ttre re regularly cored ou inthe college. These axis fe essen for ezesflempletion of fe cure cc the sipuated ee ‘hansehes inthe pleblon = seving otis the group dian, preserteton, ‘Sutin project wots ord fick yi These cates steends ened Incempetion of lffere tnd: ncucing logleal argument nd 9 form ideas ‘and opiions. Every yaar the students of DAV calage wil be provided with chelemen’= ‘cholorthip and eword baned onthe rules and regulon exablded bythe ‘allege Our Promising +2 Faculty Co +2 Science, Con Management & Humanities I St Me sum ar Sagh (800) tar Gopinath Ay tar bine Baar tr son Bahar uhathok tac on Pavol "Mr Benup Basnet (HOD) IM Suman Bnet Nec Utom Pougel Mr Umesh Kc ar Ram aja Me Jageshwor Paral sama erp har Ganesn Kae! Ie Ue Sud Mi Toye Hath Bats 1s Kosum al Ms: Onan ori Yar era sent tar Anup ane Mir DevRaj Bost Mir Rohe Draka Me Mina usa ae Han Tapa Me tara ee So Tt er. Chet Ral oj (HOD) Physics amy eta (10) Iie emnandok Msharan IM Sar} Gautam ‘Ms Seems Dew Sharma Me Om Prakash peda MS fayasha sates ir ok ahadur Acca Our Other Programmes: Mi Rana Bie (HOD) ‘Me Mahendra Pandey. Me teshav Gy Me Mani Gaeta (HOD) Ms Anes hat ‘Ms. Yeen Kar Nae Gyan sgt Me PabinsraKuariha Me Sort Mr rye areyan umbo—e Kom Dawadh Mc Te)Sanadur Chaudhary Ms. Sunsha chan Me Pushstam Nola Me Saye Man Shes TSE a Nal Gurung oo ‘Me Ot Ram Sango (HOO) DAV Collage offioted to Tibhavon Unveriy (T) aine at pring aderhip, envepreneurhip ond ‘profesional inthe eld of sone ‘ond Management programs offered ‘om BBA 1 BBS BBM BCA 1 MBS DAV COLLEGE & IITs legally registered company Ander the laws of Government of Nepal To provide iternanonely sloined quay edveton tough Distonee fearing. NIT hos been Inve wih IGNOW ina. Approved by MOE, Equivalency by TU, Ary NAAC. Vaid al oer the ori for lobe/Higher Stas. Programs offered at BAECOM BCA MBA Me jay Kamar Chaudhary Me ipa Peas HOO). "Me Dayram Yad Me jy Chaudhary Mr Ramesh Shah Ms Roja Maharjon ‘Mi Mohan Kamar Rep Ms tapana phat Ms Tues Pathe Me fra Surawar ae Yogendra Daal (HOD) DAV Businss_ School @ premier ‘dceronlbahien The content ‘neon ne leering approoch in DAV Disciplined Environment Classrooms EVALUATION Exams and Progress Report Unit Test Term Exams Cafeteria The DAY rides 2 wide selection of clean, hecithly ene hyglene food Excellent and Outstanding Accomplishments of Davians in NEB Exam: A real Glory of D.A.V. 4 © AtPhysies A+Chemistry © AtMaths © A+Computer » AEnglish Our Full Scholarship Achievers in Medical & Engineering PALLIRAE SE PRPs Geees ouroeeaa? RELIEFS We eR ee ee eye gosegaerees AGPEPePeOee® SREMPSERRS 92 AP? 2FA989e8 2 SLL L Ons g ACHIEVMENTS — Q wr © Raken Mav™ [A Nopal 2 Postion in BAMS Entrance 2024 All Nepal 1# Postion In BSe.C8IT Entrance 2024 CEE (MBBS) Scholarship — 2023 games Asety RalChauahany hue Dahat Sono Yan ‘Sian Pant Sm Deveor 1OE Scholarship — 2023 aermerre 9 2 29 908 29) 2299 LAAFee RPALIP2Ve ? 92 208 pennnee ALUMNI VOICE DAY, en academic insti, gulded by the principles leld by ‘Swami Dayanonda Sararwati, is one of the mort famous premier institutions in Nepel. The thins | learned herein, contributed fo shape my personality now. Without any hich, ‘can say that the entire credit goes to DAV College one its Inputs forme tobe « part of Oxford Univerity now. Specking ‘ony, where om today is Becauee of the ecvection and & hott of other ispirotional lectring opportnties provided by this ceademie tp. Is therefore, strongly recommend SEE graduates to jin it and proceed to moke your fits better and brighter. Mr. Asmod Khakurel 2076 Batch (Oxford University) DAY, for me, is nat only on educationel ination but eta @ perfect setting to teach soft sil that are required in exch ancl every sphere of He. The kind of education | received here really drove me to think differently and motivated me to fuse knowledge end sls. The ide of fuslen between these two enites supported me to choose this coreer in engineering fleld, Now, without a moment’ hesitation, | would ray that DAV i the best desination forthe sulants afte SEE gradvaion. Er. Ashlesh Pandey 2074 Batch (Engineer) ALUMNI VOICE Regarding DAY, | would simply sy that I clways prioritizes the comprchonsve grooming of students ond offers a diversity of siimuleting academic activities thet partcvlery cater to ell posible aspects of stent development. The well-organized ‘ocodemic instttion with a dedicated and exceptionally competent faculty fosters on environment of cccessibility, Inclusvonsss and hecithy competition, wherein each *odent is ented the exsentiol personalized ortemtion and care os ‘well Ove to thee saerat key ofored by DAV, am comfortably doing my MBBS Degree now. In this sense, my strong recommendation for SEE graduates it nowhere lee bet ‘oxcuively DAY, Dr.Preju Sama Shrestha 2074 Batch Personally speaking, DAV is perfect edlational inet. Ne nique; elegant and splendialy equipped infrastructure is an effort Joencourage llth senso ave equaly cexesdble opporhies towards exploring ard enriching thee personals trough verious ‘eoceutclar end scholastic pursuits Is meta to davelop the halite personality of the learners executing eifferent tips, tricks ond techniques, i the rec charm of DAV. Being a Davien, | came to leorn mony invaWvable ideas which helped me get admission in the reputed university of the US and naw, | em working as en intern in the mest-cclaimed compen, Google. | therefore highly recommend SEE graduates to choote this collage for shining carer. Mr. Rejin Nepal 2077 Batch (nie in Google} meer : Yoong boundries nd oer aebol OU between Everest itrncinal Sa depen, and DAV Schoo, ali, Nepal ‘le Sgnctres wre Me Suman Bane, rip (AY Pn NE) Are its Pend Boe, Pep, Everest erate School Japan {Sie oonat na sede Ard ree a etre

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