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In-service Inspection Report

INTERIM Report No:

Revision No:0
Particulars of project
DNV project name: Static Equipment Inspection and Fitness For
Service Assessment
DNV customer name: Engineering For the Petroleum and Process
Industries (ENPPI)
Owner name: Alexandria National Refining and
Petrochemicals Company (ANRPC)
Service type: Inspection and Assessment Service
Location: ANRPC Plant – Alexandria
DNV project number: 40005-115
DNV assignment number: CTR-00098691
DNV contract number: 40005-115-770-17-01
Start date: 9-02-2023
End date: 10-02-2023

1. Introduction
The below mentioned exchanger was planned to carry out both external Visual & UT measurement
inspection according to ITP to evaluate integrity of the equipment.

2. Inspection Driver
 Revamp of Existing Naphtha Hydrotreater Unit-201
 Damage Mechanism:
 Shell (201-CL-008): Sulfidation & High-temperature H2/H2S Corrosion & Temper
3. Reference Standards
 API 510: Pressure Vessel Inspection Code: In-Service Inspection, Rating and Repair and
Alteration, Eleventh Edition, Oct. 2022
 API RP 572: Inspection Practices for Pressure Vessels, Fourth Edition, Dec. 2016

4. Reference documentation (ITP)

Doc title/no. Edition/revision
Reactor (1201) ITP (201-CL-008) Rev 0 – 2/2/2023

5. System/Equipment inspected.
Tag no. Description Location

6. Scope of inspection
Inspection notification no(s).: Inspection and Mechanical Assessment
Description of inspection activities performed/inspection methods used
External This equipment was offered for external visual inspection & thickness measurements
on selected CMLs according to approved ITP and API 510 (eleventh edition – October
2022) clause 5.6.

Form code: SVI 401

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In-service Inspection Report

7. Findings

A. External Inspection

External inspection carried out on Splitter and found the following:

 Nameplate is in place and found satisfactory.
 Equipment is insulated (371/180) HC and the insulation found in a good condition.
 No CUI was observed, surface condition found good.
 Foundation was inspected and no cracks or any defect in the fireproofing was observed.
 Flanges found in a good condition.
 UT thickness measurement was performed, and results were satisfactory.
 Temperature and pressure indicating instrument were in place and found satisfactory.
 Lifting lug found in a good condition.
 Earthing is connected and found satisfactory.

B. NDT activities
 Ultrasonic thickness measurements carried out on selected locations as per ITP, results are
reported in a separate report.

8. Areas of concern

 Based on the above external observation no other major observation required

9. Recommendations

 No action required

10. Attachments

 Photos
 GA drawing
 Checklist
 UT Report

11. photograph’s

Form code: SVI 401

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In-service Inspection Report

Photo (01) Photo (02)

General View for Vessel Nameplate found in place & readable of the

Photo (03) Photo (04)

Insulation found in a good condition Flanges, bolts and nuts and found in a good

Form code: SVI 401

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In-service Inspection Report

Photo (05) Photo (06)

Foundation found in a good condition with no Earthing is connected and found satisfactory
evidence for vibration

Photo (07) Photo (08)

Lifting lug found in a good condition. No CUI was observed, surface condition found

Form code: SVI 401

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In-service Inspection Report


Name Wissam Moukhtar Abdelhameed Ghanem

Title API Inspector DNV Site team leader Site Mnager

Description Prepared by Reviewed by Approved by

Form code: SVI 401

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