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2024 Global Software Outsourcing

Rates and Trends Guide

About the 2024 Guide

For over two decades, Accelerance has been at the About the 2024 Guide 2
forefront of the software development outsourcing
landscape. As the premier Global Software 2023 In Review: When the Market 3
Outsourcing Authority®, we empower clients to Turned On a Dime
leverage outsourcing for strategic transformation
and adept navigation through business cycles. Our 2023 Predictions: What Happened? 4

Our 2024 Predictions: What to Expect in 5

Drawing upon our experience, we present the 2024
Software Development Outsourcing
edition of the Global Software Outsourcing Rates and
Trends Guide. Our insights are derived from our global 7
Understanding Rates Holistically
network – the world's most extensive group of
certified software development firms encompassing How to Save $1 Million+ by 8
over 30 countries and 60 industries. In today's Outsourcing Your Development
dynamic landscape, a global perspective is more
crucial than ever to comprehend the challenges and Huge Savings Offshore: Our 9
opportunities arising from skills gaps, geopolitical Methodology Explained
shifts, and economic fluctuations.
Cost Considerations For 2024 10
We understand that gaining a comprehensive
Low Cost But Subpar: A Scenario To Avoid 12
perspective is invaluable. In addition to our proprietary
insights, we have curated pivotal trends and the latest
Accelerance’s Proprietary Rates Analysis 14
data from industry thought leaders and certified
outsourcing partners. 15
Latin America - Rates & Insights

This guide offers in-depth information tailored to Latin America - 2024 Rates, Regional 16
bolster your software investment and guide Trends & Advice
decision-making in the upcoming year. It serves as a
resource for expert insights, benchmarking, proposal Eastern Europe - Rates & Insights 17
considerations, addressing skills gaps, understanding
tech priorities, professional development, and making Eastern Europe - 2024 Rates, 18
informed predictions in the realm of software Regional Trends & Advice
development outsourcing.
South Asia - Rates & Insights 19
Accelerance’s strength lies in the fusion of our
South Asia - 2024 Rates, 20
expansive global network, professional consulting
Regional Trends & Advice
proficiency, and our exclusive partner selection
process, which delivers results. Southeast Asia - Rates & Insights 21

This guide is a testament to our due diligence Southeast Asia - 2024 Rates, 22
capabilities, honed through the meticulous scrutiny of Regional Trends & Advice
over 8,000 software development companies
worldwide, certifying only the top 1% as premium Summary View: 2024 Global Software 23
enterprise-grade partners. Outsourcing Rates Per Region

New Book: Synergea - Coming Soon 24

2023 In Review:
When the Market Turned on a Dime

Challenging. That’s the only way to describe the Our survey shows that 41% of Latin American partners
complex set of market conditions our customers and decreased their workforce in 2023 to cut costs, with
global network of software development partners customers eyeing Asia as a lower-cost development
faced throughout 2023. destination. So what can we expect in 2024? While
central banks seem to be slowly getting on top of
Inflation ratcheted up cost pressure across the board, inflation, interest rates will continue to remain high for
with soft demand in many sectors leading to tech the next year.
projects being scaled back, delayed or shelved
completely. The weak economic conditions weren’t The latest LinkedIn Workforce Report (September
felt evenly. Property, financial services, and 2023) shows that hiring via the platform for roles in
construction stuttered along, while healthcare the U.S. continues to decline, with the “technology,
continued to experience reasonable growth. Tech information, and media” category down a whopping
companies struggled to raise capital on greatly 42% in the same period in 2022. The slowdown set in
reduced valuations. very rapidly. It means that developers are chasing
fewer jobs, which allows employers to pick and
The latest survey of our global partner network reveals choose the best talent. We are now in a buyer’s
that over 55% of them saw their customers cutting market, which has implications for outsourcing
budgets, slowing their spending, or looking for more dynamics everywhere.
cost-effective solutions in 2023.
The defining theme of the year was the rise of
Some partners resorted to discounting their artificial intelligence. Our partners see it as posing
rates to bolster cash flow in this constrained challenges and opportunities, but with every digital
environment. On top of it all, we had the ongoing transformation project now including AI in some
specter of war in Ukraine. Our survey was completed capacity, it's a trend that can’t be ignored and
before war erupted in the Middle East. While Eastern generative AI will continue to mature rapidly in 2024.
Europe remains depressed as an outsourcing
destination with the hostilities continuing, Israel’s Ultimately, the year ahead will be another difficult
thriving tech sector will feel the impact of tens of period, but with light beckoning at the end of the
thousands of its workers being called up for the tunnel. Around the world, our developers have a
war effort. growth mindset, with 60% of them expecting to grow
revenue in 2024 and the majority planning on hiring
Outsourcing hotspots in Southeast Asia, as well as more developers.
India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, have seen an uptick
in demand over the past year as work was pulled out It continues to be a time when a laser focus on value
of Ukraine and sanctioned Belarus and Russia. Latin for money, quality of service, and maintaining strong
America was an early beneficiary of the conflict in relationships between outsourcing partners and their
Europe too. But during 2023, software development clients is critical. Accelerance remains your trusted
firms in the region ran into trouble as the high prices outsourcing advisor as we prepare to turn the page on
they paid to secure engineering talent in 2021 and another year.
2022 came back to bite them.

Andy Hilliard
Accelerance CEO

Our 2023 Predictions:
What Happened?

We knew 2023 would be tough, but the mix of inflation, low business and consumer
confidence, plus geopolitical tensions turned out to be a more potent brew than expected.

Prediction: We saw outsourcing firms playing an
Prediction: We backed the analysts’ view that IT
increasingly valuable role in offering specialist
spending would increase modestly during the year.
skills in emerging technologies as skills shortages
Forrester bullishly predicted 10.5% growth in tech
in the U.S. continued to bite.
investment, while Gartner was more circumspect
with a 5.1% expected boost.
What happened?: The generative AI revolution,
which only kicked off in November 2022 with the
What happened?: In our own partner network, many
debut of ChatGPT, subsumed many other
firms saw flat or even declining revenue as
categories of emerging technology. Partners and
customers tightened their belts. They postponed
customers alike had to scramble to evaluate the
projects, pushed out new ones, and the overall
potential impact of the technology. Our AI survey
cadence of work across our network slowed down
of partners completed in July showed that most
dramatically. When the analysts do their final sums
of them were already developing and deploying
for 2023, IT spending will likely have come in lower
GenAI-powered products for customers and
than many anticipated.
investing in training and product.


Prediction: We expected U.S. firms to increasingly Prediction: We thought Latin America would be
look to outsourcing as an answer to their the primary recipient of work displaced by the war
economic woes. in Ukraine.

What happened?: That played out as expected. We What happened?: The first half of 2022 saw sizable
saw companies implement hiring freezes in the U.S. projects head to locations like Brazil, Colombia,
early in the year and only bolster software Argentina, and Costa Rica as expected. But as the
development capacity with offshore partnerships to year progressed, cost pressures on Latin American
take advantage of lower rates. But the work was partners who had paid top dollar for talent in
unevenly distributed, with Asian outsourcing 2021 - 2022 saw some firms shed staff, while Asia
destinations the main beneficiaries of the search increasingly won out as a destination with lower
for lower rates and geopolitical stability. developer rates the deciding factor weighing in
the region’s favor.

Our 2024 Predictions:
What to Expect in Software
Development Outsourcing
Whatever normal once looked like is unlikely to come back into view in 2024 with
lingering economic pain, geopolitical strife, and technological disruption coloring the
outlook for the year.

Growth in The Lingering

Pent-Up Modest Asia and Partners
Impact of
Demand Rate Rises Latin America Productize AI

Pent-Up Demand But increases will be in the order of 6%—10%, a far cry
from the double-digit increases common in
The hesitancy to invest in IT projects in 2023 will likely 2021—2022. The exception is in Asia, which has
see budgeted spending pushed into 2024. absorbed an influx of work in 2023 and development
Transformation projects can only be put off for so firms there plan on adjusting rates in the range of
long and C-suite executives will be watching the 6%—15%.
direction of travel in interest rates and inflation
carefully. Growth in Asia and Latin America

The revival in digital ad revenue reflected in the third Eastern Europe, sadly, has cooled dramatically. Client
quarter 2023 results of tech giants like Google, Meta, loyalty aside, we saw very little interest in nearshore
and Amazon points to a revival in consumer spending activity from the UK. Instead, it mostly went to South
and accompanying momentum for tech-driven Asia. The chill in Eastern Europe extends beyond
business transformation. Consumer spending overall Ukraine to surrounding countries like Poland, Latvia,
beat expectations in the September 2023 quarter. It all Romania, and Hungary. Our discussions with
makes Gartner’s forecast of 8% growth for global IT customers tell us that the region is simply seen as too
spending in 2024 look realistic. risky to trust important projects with at the moment.

That’s reflected in our survey, where 86% of

Modest Rate Rises respondents had medium to low confidence about the
business climate in Eastern Europe. Workforce growth
Our survey of partners suggests we can expect expectations for 2024 are high in Latin America and
modest increases in developer rates in 2024 to deal Asia, which should come as no surprise given the
with lingering high rates of inflation in many regions. strong demand we see in both regions. We don’t
In our four key regions—Latin America, Eastern anticipate the Israel-Hamas war to significantly
Europe, South Asia, Southeast Asia and —over 50% of disrupt outsourcing markets, other than the volume
developers have indicated that they will increase their of work flowing from Israel to key outsourcing
rates in the next six months. destinations, which represents a small fraction
of the overall market.

Partners Productize AI

We expect the GenAI hype to die down in 2024, but also for AI to be more extensively drawn on in meaningful ways by
customers of outsourcing firms around the world. In Latin America and Asia, our partners fret that a lack of skilled and
experienced engineers in AI and related fields like data analytics will prove to be a constraint.

We are already seeing proactive partners move to build AI into their product offerings, developing accelerators to assist
their customers in piloting and deploying AI systems. In 2024, it will be easy to recruit a development firm touting its
capabilities in AI. Some firms are investing to stay ahead of the curve others are just being opportunistic. “Buyer beware”
remains the name of the game. AI will help to streamline software development and low-end coding to a greater degree
in 2024 and begin to yield results in the low-code/no-code space too.

The Lingering Impact of Inflation

Our survey respondents point to inflation and economic conditions as the key factors that will determine what their
biggest challenges will be in 2024 - and what will determine the level of demand.

They are right to be nervous about inflation. In October, the International Monetary Fund boosted its projection for global
inflation for 2024 to 5.8% from 5.2%. At the same time, it trimmed its forecast for economic growth in 2024 to 2.9% — it
picked 3% for full-year 2023. Interest rates will likely remain high and monetary policy tight everywhere as central banks
continue their efforts to get inflation under control. That means continuing cost pressure and limited access to capital
for firms seeking investment to expand.

For software outsourcing firms that are well run, pay staff well and, therefore, avoid high attrition at times of high market
activity, 2024 shouldn’t pose dramatic challenges. For customers considering outsourcing, options are opening up.
Outside of the main U.S. centers, it may again be cost-effective to recruit software development teams onshore.
Developer rates demanded in the big centers will continue to make outsourcing an attractive proposition.

There are very stable, cost-effective and quality outsourcing destinations all over the world that are ready and waiting to
assist with your software development needs.

Inflation Won’t Slow as Much as Previously Anticipated

World consumer-price growth (YoY) New forecast Old forecast

1996 2000 2004 2009 2013 2017 2021 2024

Source: International Monetary Fund

Rates Holistically

When you are considering outsourcing software development, it's natural to focus on
finding the lowest hourly rate, particularly in this economic climate.

A Focus on Value, Not Price

A team of highly skilled and experienced developers

will deliver better results more quickly than one with
simply low rates but limited expertise. A good
development partner will be able to help you realize
your vision by offering up technical architects, product
owners and building accelerators to help you create
solutions quickly and efficiently.

A good partner will be prepared to push back on your

ideas and plans, if they don’t think they will help you
achieve your business goals. Some customers don’t
However, obsessing over this metric alone can lead to know exactly what they want and a proactive partner
subpar results. It’s crucial to look at the value software will help you answer those fundamental questions.
developers can offer as partners beyond just their Accelerance can also help steer you through the
hourly rates. For instance, you may be able to recruit a discovery phase of a project to help set up an
collection of contractors to build your application at a outsourcing relationship for success.
$5 per hour discount on the rate charged by a credible
outsourcing firm.

But are you up to the challenge of wrangling a group Your focus should be on where the
of contractors who haven’t collaborated before? That value lies, and in software development,
may work for a short-term project, but tends to unravel
value goes beyond coding.
in the long run.

Will you opt for a low-cost provider over one that

invests in developing its workforce and providing
This guide is full of the most up-to-date software
experienced team leaders and managers who
development rates from around the world. Knowing
understand your business goals and can keep projects
them is hugely important to benchmarking yourself
on track? The age-old adage of “you get what you pay
against the market. But our customers usually work
for” applies particularly to software outsourcing.
with a whole budget number in mind and spend that
budget strategically to get the best possible outcome.
Your focus should be on where the value lies, and in
software development, value goes beyond coding. It
Don’t get buried in the weeds obsessing over hourly
encompasses factors like communication skills,
rates for developers. Look at the big picture and stay
project management capabilities, problem-solving
focused on the overall value the outsourcing
abilities, and experience in working with similar
relationship offers.
projects or industries.

How to Save $1 Million+ By
Outsourcing Your Development

Scrum Intermediate QA Intermediate Senior Software

Based on a
Master (Automated) Software Developer Developer
model team of 10: 1 2 5 2

Total Cost $1,250,480
39% Savings
South Asia
Total Cost $776,160
North America 62% Savings
Total Cost $2,052,429
Southeast Asia
Total Cost $564,480
72% Savings

Latin America
Total Cost $1,172,080
43% Savings

At Accelerance, we urge our customers to take a If you extrapolate those numbers to a large
holistic view of software development rates rather than development team of 50, the on-shore cost would be
fixating on the hourly rate you can expect to pay in around $11.3 million in the U.S. per annum. By
various outsourcing destinations. outsourcing, you can save $5.5 million in Europe, $5.8
million in Latin America, $7.75 million on the Asian
That’s because when you engage an outsourcing subcontinent, and almost $9 million savings in
partner, you are most likely to be seeking to build a Southeast Asia. If those overall savings sound too
development team rather than one or two contractors good to be true, read on. We’ll explain exactly how
to augment your needs. When outsourcing we came to those conclusions.
development, it is important to look at the costs you
can expect across the entire team, as well as the The bottom line is that when you look at the total cost
savings you can anticipate compared to maintaining an of recruiting and maintaining a skilled development
on-shore team. team in the U.S., including factors like 401K employer
contributions, health benefits, and management
We’ve modeled the overall savings you can make in overheads, you are looking at a major investment.
various outsourcing regions, assuming you are looking Huge savings beckon offshore, but you need to
to hire a team of 10 people. The results are dramatic, work with quality outsourcing partners. That’s where
ranging from a saving of 39% ($801,000) per annum in Accelerance comes in. We help you find them and
Europe, to 72% ($1.49 million) in Southeast Asia. make sure that if you are working on a fixed
budget, you’ll get everything you need to see your
project succeed.

Huge Savings Offshore:
Our Methodology Explained

Drawing on data from the Robert Half 2023 Annual Salary Survey, we estimated that a typical software development
team of 10 will cost just over $2 million per annum in the United States. We looked at a mix of roles including senior
and intermediate software engineers, a scrum master and a QA engineer. Our model included base salaries in key
U.S. markets such as New York City, San Francisco, Boston, Seattle, Chicago, and Raleigh. We included the average,
or 50th percentile, salary rate reported by salary survey respondents.

Robert Half 2023 Annual Salary Chart

Role Intermediate Senior
Scrum Master QA Engineer
(50% Percentile) Software Engineer Software Engineer
York City, $162,840 $136,620 $178,000 $201,480
San Francisco,
Francisco, CA
CA $159,300 $133,650 $174,500 $197,100
Chicago, IL
Boston, MA $155,940 $131,760 $172,000 $194,180
Raleigh, NC
Seattle, WA $152,200 $127,710 $167,000 $188,340
New IL
York City $146,320 $122,760 $160,000 $181,040
Boston, NC $122,100 $102,465 $134,000 $151,110
Avg. Base
Avg. Base Salary
Salary $149,955 $125,828 $164,250 $185,542
Avg. Fully
Avg. Fully Loaded
Loaded Salary
Salary $193,444 $163,284 $211,313 $237,927

We then accounted for the extra expenses that go with employing a development team in the U.S., including
overhead such as federal and state taxes, benefits and health insurance, and a $500 per month allowance for tools
of trade. This ‘fully-loaded’ cost is the true cost of hiring a development team on-shore. But we haven’t included the
cost of housing a development team as that can vary greatly depending on real estate prices and the extent to
which team members work remotely. However, all of these costs add at least 25% on top of the cost of paying base
salaries for a development team. It all adds up. For instance, hiring an intermediate developer in Seattle, WA on a
salary of $167,000 will cost $231,450 fully loaded.

Fully Loaded Employee Cost Calculator (Example: Intermediate Software Engineer in Seattle, WA)

How is my fully loaded onshore development costs calculated?

Base Salary $167,000

+15% for Benefits (PTO, 401K, Healthcare, etc.) $25,050

$231,450 +10% for Federal and State Employment Taxes $16,700
Fully Loaded
Cost +10% for Management Overhead $16,700
+$500/month for Facilities and Tools of the $6,000
Trade (laptop, software, etc.)

Total Fully Loaded Employee Cost: $231,450

The opportunities to either save money or to scale your team to increase speed to market and improve product
quality through partnering with a quality outsourcing firm really are quite stunning. We are helping our clients
achieve savings of 30%—70% with every engagement.

Cost Considerations
For 2024

It will be a buyer’s market early in 2024 as changing labor dynamics and the
belt-tightening ease upward price pressure further. But other factors will also
influence overall software development costs…

Outsourcing Location

Where you choose to outsource to will have a major influence on your total cost
of ownership of software projects. Asia’s attractive rates will see the region win
more business, particularly on the subcontinent. Latin America’s rates are
tracking up, but the region still offers incredible value and in convenient
nearshore destinations. Don’t focus on cost alone but consider factors such as
language proficiency, cultural compatibility, time zone differences, and
communication abilities when selecting an outsourcing location.

Trending Tech

If you are looking for general software engineering talent in the main coding
languages and employing established platforms, you will find a favorable
outsourcing market in 2024. There will be more competition, and therefore price
pressure, in trending areas of tech, and the one trending like no other is artificial
intelligence. Firms with a strong track record in AI, which have invested in
accelerator programs to help customers deploy AI rapidly, will be in hot
demand, particularly when backed up with solid data science and
analytics capabilities.

Professional Services vs. Staff Augmentation

Are you looking to hire a team of developers to accelerate what you are doing,
or seeking a partner for a more transformative impact on your business? A
body shop will offer lower rates but a short-term focus. Software partners
specializing in more strategic long-term relationships will charge more but likely
deliver greater value. Focus on finding a balance between cost and the
expertise offered by an outsourcing company. By investing in a team with
specialized skills and experience, you are more likely to achieve high-quality
results and avoid potential headaches down the road.

Partner Overhead

Most of Accelerance’s partners have some staff on shore in the U.S. to work
directly with customers, undertake presales work and build networks. That’s
great for accountability and maintaining the relationship between partner and
customer. But it adds overhead at U.S. rates. In 2024, due to the softening of
the IT labor market, we can expect modest increases in U.S. overhead rates in
line with inflation.

Overall Demand

With lingering economic uncertainty and war continuing to cause instability in

Eastern Europe and the Middle East, the appetite for investment in tech projects
will remain muted. But there is also pent-up demand, similar to what we saw
toward the end of the pandemic when firms scrambled to secure developer
talent as they sought to adapt to contactless business models, with a surge in
e-commerce and online business across the whole value chain. As business
confidence improves, IT budgets will be loosened, which could occur toward
the end of 2024.

Low Cost But Subpar:
A Scenario To Avoid

Inadequate software development processes, lack of communication, and

compromised standards are just a few of the pitfalls companies encounter when
partnering with the cheapest bidder.

Viewing software outsourcing as merely a financial significant value to their stake in the company due to a
transaction overlooks the complexities involved in project that fails to deliver.
developing high-quality applications. Subpar outputs
tend to generate added expenses, along with missed The revenue and cash flow implications of an
opportunities, making any initial savings appear as unsuccessful business transformation project, or a
nothing more than false economies. new application or platform that arrives dead in the
water, can be disastrous for a business, particularly in
The opportunity cost can be dear. Shareholders who a high interest rate environment where debt has
ultimately bear the cost of software development become expensive and harder to obtain.
projects can miss out on the potential to add

Case in Point: How Wrong It Can Go

Consider the case of Jeff Shules (name changed to protect the unfortunate): He was a Vice President of
Engineering who had spent five painstaking months (at about $15K per month – his salary at the time)
accomplishing nine site visits in three countries to select an offshore outsourcing vendor.

He investigated India, China, and South America. Ultimately, he selected a U.S.-owned outsourcing vendor with an
operation in China. This vendor was in the process of acquiring a second team of programmers who were perfect
for Jeff’s needs.

When the vendor’s acquisition of the second Chinese team fell through, a junior team from another operation was
assigned to Jeff’s project. The junior programmers’ English skills were limited, making communication difficult and
inefficient. Their programming skills were worse. Because of the 16-hour time difference with China, managers in
the U.S. spent many late nights emailing detailed instructions (even pseudo code) and answering questions by
phone when it was daytime in China.

Severe morale problems emerged in the U.S. staff. Missed deadlines and extreme employee frustration eventually
elevated the issue to the board level.

Finally, after a long six-month learning curve, the Chinese team became more efficient. But the damage was done.
Despite Jeff’s careful research and painstaking attention to detail, he had made a critical outsourcing mistake and
found himself resigning from the company.

Low Cost But Subpar:
A Scenario To Avoid

Why Do Software Outsourcing Projects Fail? Are You at Risk for a Software Mismatch?

The ills that befall software projects are similar to the

Check the box if you are going through that point in
flu that lays many of us low during the winter months
your project. The more boxes you check, the more
— there are unique variants each year, but perennial
at-risk your project is.
problems too.
Does your chosen vendor...?:
A key one is the down to the customer. It stems from
not investing enough time in assessing and testing the
Say they were solely dedicated to your project,
product market fit for what you are asking a software
but they’ve over-extended themselves to
partner to help build. Too often, the customer pushes
multiple clients?
ahead and builds the wrong product.

Charge you for a room full of programmers you

Sometimes they have laid the groundwork for a
ended up managing and directing yourself?
successful product, but skimp on the development
budget. A software developer who is paid toward the
Procrastinate communicating IP protection
upper quartile of the going market rate, in whatever
policies and procedures until it’s too late?
location, is likely to be more engaged, experienced,
and useful to you than someone who is paid in the
Fail to provide adequate specs?
bottom quartile.

Neglect to choose a team with a full-time,

Many projects go off the rails because the outsourcing
English-speaking liaison who can communicate
partner hasn’t got the right team in place to ensure
effectively with you?
success. Beware any software firm that tells you
they’ve got the exact team needed for your project
Have a great price and solid skills but too many
ready and waiting to go.
cultural barriers to be able to deliver a proper
user interface?
By embracing both value and cost-effectiveness in
equal measure when choosing an outsourcing partner,
Regularly lose engineers because of high
businesses can avoid these risks and embark upon a
attrition rates?
successful collaboration that delivers remarkable
Have to to work long, odd hours due to
conflcting time zones?
Read more: Avoiding Software Outsourcing Disasters -
Set Your Team Up Right
Fail to use a bug tracking system?

Disagree about measurements of success?

Is your project going all

wrong? Talk to a trusted
Accelerance advisor today Let’s Talk
to get on the right track.

Accelerance’s Proprietary
Rates Analysis

Using a detailed set of criteria, Accelerance has It’s also an approach that lays the foundation for a
researched more than 8,000 software development partnership that has a much greater chance of
companies to identify the top 1% worldwide to create a success. Our analysis covers rates for nearshore and
premium pool of certified outsourcing partners. The offshore partner locations:
global software outsourcing rates for 2024 outlined in
this report represent benchmarks gathered from our Nearshore partners are defined as firms that are
unique, worldwide insight into hundreds of firms that within three time zones away from your location:
meet the highest standards.
Pro: More workday
Software development outsourcing rates vary overlap of business
house and less travel
considerably by region, skill level, experience, the
time for on-site visits.
specific technology stack involved, and the length of
commitment required. The rates presented here are Con: Often more costly
based on a six to eight-person team working full time than offshoring.
for 12 months or more.
Offshore partners are defined as firms that are more
than three time zones away from your location:
Rates in the following charts have been
assessed on the basis of building a blended Pro: Usually greatest
team, not augmenting staff by engaging individual cost savings.
contractors. While this may involve more upfront costs,
Con: Navigation of a
it usually works out at a lower overall rate per resource.
greater discrepancy in
work times and cultural

The 25th percentile represents up

to 25% below median.

How to Read The median rate represents the

Accelerance’s Global Rates Table $64
50th percentile.

The upper quartile represents up to

$54 $64 $82 25% above median.

These tables are based on data captured by the

25th percentile Median 75th percentile Accelerance research team from several hundred
enterprise-grade software development firms in key
Hourly software engineering rates are shown in outsourcing regions across the world. All of the
U.S. dollars and presented as a range, broken companies surveyed deliver more than 50% of their
down into four quartiles: work into the U.S., UK, Europe or Australia. Data was
not gathered from IT staffing companies where rates
may be slightly lower.

Latin America
Insights & Rates

From Brazil and Argentina, to Colombia and Costa in 2023, with two-thirds citing salary demands from
Rica, Latin American outsourcing destinations were engineers and inflation as the key reasons.
in hot demand in early 2023 due to the uncertainty
war brought to Eastern Europe. That influx of work has already evened out and
challenging economic conditions have even seen
Development houses took up the slack as work customers dial back their resourcing in Latin America
migrated across the world and nearshoring became as a cost-cutting measure, instead taking on
the strategy of choice for North American customers developers in Asia. Gearing up to support AI projects
seeking stability. The influx of work to the region saw became a major priority during 2023, with 20% of the
hourly rates increase across the board — over half of region’s developers offering new training programs
our survey respondents in the region put their rates up to help upskill staff in AI and data analytics.

R O LE (U SD) $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 $90

Junior Developer $38 $42 $52

Intermediate Developer $50 $57 $64

Senior Developer $65 $70 $74
Lead Developer $68 $75 $82
Architect $80 $82 $92

Junior QA Engineer (Automated) $38 $41 $47

Intermediate QA Engineer (Automated) $49 $53 $60
Senior QA Engineer (Automated) $60 $68 $72

Junior QA Engineer (Manual) $34 $38 $42

Intermediate QA Engineer (Manual) $41 $46 $54
Senior QA Engineer (Manual) $50 $57 $65

Project Manager $62 $67 $77

Scrum Master $57 $67 $72
Business Analyst $57 $61 $69
Graphic Designer $49 $60 $66
Dev Ops $62 $70 $80

Data Scientist $62 $74 $77

Data Analyst $61 $76 $81
Data Engineer $60 $67 $71

Latin America
2024 Rates, Regional
Trends & Advice
After attracting a sizable inflow of development work in 2022 and early 2023, Latin America saw its fortunes change
by mid year as biting inflation in the region as well, as clients’ countries, saw attention shift to the price-competitive
Indian subcontinent.

Cost pressure remains a concern for Latin American governments, particularly in Argentina, where the rate of inflation
had reached 140% by October 2023. But the U.S. dollar’s strength against the peso continues to afford good buying
power in one of the region’s strongest outsourcing centers.

Nearshore development remains a strategic priority for many North American businesses, so Latin America continues
to be a highly attractive destination to send development work. The region’s focus on education continues to build the
pipeline of development talent.

Rate Changes Through the Years

Around 40% of firms we surveyed reduced their developer

workforce in 2023, though typically resulting in less than
Latin America
Senior Developer Rate Comparison
10% head count reduction. Many of those engineers are
now back on the market in the big cities of Latin America. $80

$71 $70
As such, we don't see room for significant rate increases
Senior Developer Rate

$70 $66
in Latin America in the short term, and the firms we
surveyed pointed to single digit rate increases in 2024. $60 $55

The plateau in rates after nearly 40% growth over a $49
$50 $47
three-year period is similar to what we saw between $43
2018 and 2020. The state of the global economy and
difficulties securing specialist skills in AI and data $40
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
analytics are the key issues preoccupying firms in Year
the region as they look with cautious optimism
toward 2024.

Latin America | 2024 Key Trends

Developer rates will plateau in 2024, with any Expect a modest 6%—10% increase in rates to cover
modest increases largely attributable to lingering rising costs due to inflation.
inflation and exchange rate fluctuations.
There’ll be pressure on budgets, with 55% of
It will be a buyer’s market for development talent
development firms expecting customers to cut
following the reduction in staffing at firms
spending in the next six months.
through 2023.
Building AI capability will be a big focus An overwhelming three-quarters of respondents expect
with many development companies investing to increase revenue in 2024, pointing to the resilience
in training for AI, machine learning, and data and popularity of Latin America even in a bear market.

Eastern Europe
Insights & Rates

Development houses in Eastern Europe are Rates barely rose during 2023, reflecting that soft
tempering their expectations for 2024 as demand. Nevertheless, development firms in Eastern
confidence in the region as a reliable outsourcing Europe coped as best they could, incorporating AI into
destination remains low. their offerings and upskilling staff. A highly-capable
workforce awaits an improvement in the region’s
It’s not that locations like Ukraine or neighboring fortunes, with 90% of survey respondents confident of
Poland aren’t valued for their skills and development their ability to attract and retain talent, and most
capabilities. The prospect of the war flaring from anticipating revenue growth in 2024.
stalemate to widespread conflict over winter and
spring has nevertheless made the whole area a
no-go zone for clients from North America and
Western Europe.

R O LE (U SD) $30 $40 $50 $60 $70 $80 $90

Junior Developer $37 $45 $52

Intermediate Developer $53 $60 $68

Senior Developer $64 $75 $78
Lead Developer $75 $83 $88
Architect $75 $94 $101

Junior QA Engineer (Automated) $40 $43 $62

Intermediate QA Engineer (Automated) $50 $59 $63
Senior QA Engineer (Automated) $65 $70 $76

Junior QA Engineer (Manual) $37 $44 $58

Intermediate QA Engineer (Manual) $44 $48 $61
Senior QA Engineer (Manual) $54 $60 $71

Project Manager $59 $75 $77

Scrum Master $55 $70 $74
Business Analyst $55 $70 $83
Graphic Designer $59 $73 $87
Dev Ops $74 $80 $84

Data Scientist $80 $85 $87

Data Analyst $80 $85 $87
Data Engineer $75 $80 $86

Eastern Europe
2024 Rates, Regional
Trends & Advice

It has been disheartening to see the slowdown in development work in Eastern Europe as a result of the tragic war
in Ukraine, an outsourcing destination with incredible depth of talent and capability.

Development firms working in Ukraine and neighboring countries seem to be resigned to the conflict dragging on in
the east of the country and are instead fretting about the global economic climate.

The inevitable slowdown in venture capital deals in Eastern Europe also has implications for tech investment.
Ukraine isn’t a lost cause, and significant development work continues there. But businesses should carefully
evaluate the risks involved in outsourcing to the region and have contingency plans in place to deal with the fallout
of the conflict widening.

Rate Changes Through the Years Eastern Europe

Senior Developer Rate Comparison
Development rates inevitably plateaued in 2023 as a
$80 $75
direct impact of the geopolitical situation. We don’t $71 $71
see much room for upward movement in 2024 with
60% of surveyed firms flagging an increase in the $70
Senior Developer Rate

region of 1%—10%.
$60 $56 $55

The strength of the region’s software engineering

expertise, and the solid track record of development $50 $45
firms based there, continue to be reflected in
developer rates, which remain the highest of the
four regions we compare. 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Eastern Europe | 2024 Key Trends

Single digit rates increases will be the norm across While 67% of respondents expect some increase in
Eastern Europe in 2024. demand in the next six months, most are still cautious
about that, noting a "slight" increase.
Despite the slowdown in development deal flow,
two-thirds of companies surveyed plan to increase The majority of surveyed firms expect to increase rates
headcount in 2024. in 2024 to the tune of 1%—10%.

Appetite to base development work in countries like It’s no surprise that finding new work, the impact of the
Poland, Hungary, Romania, and Bulgaria will remain war in Ukraine, and securing enough specialist talent in
subdued, while inflation and broader economic the AI field are the primary risks identified by developers
factors will weigh on demand. in the region.

South Asia
Insights & Rates

After the interest in nearshoring wore off, Asia was arrangements, harkening back to the negotiations that
once again the outsourcing destination of choice in played out in most regions in 2021—2022.
the second half of 2023 as businesses looked east to
reduce costs. Business confidence in Asia was high, despite
lackluster global economic conditions, and 87% of
The work was welcomed with open arms, but had survey respondents reported that their clients
implications for building development teams, with responded positively to developer rates they quoted
77% of firms in the region encountering challenges in with minimal requests for discounts. That shows the
finding qualified candidates for job openings. In extent to which businesses facing scaled-back
places like India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, budgets saw Asia as a safe harbor in 2023.
candidates cited a preference for work from home

R OLE ( U SD) $20 $30 $40 $50 $60 $70

Junior Developer $28 $30 $32

Intermediate Developer $35 $37 $41

Senior Developer $40 $45 $46
Lead Developer $44 $47 $51
Architect $54 $64 $70

Junior QA Engineer (Automated) $24 $29 $35

Intermediate QA Engineer (Automated) $33 $38 $45
Senior QA Engineer (Automated) $39 $45 $51

Junior QA Engineer (Manual) $24 $25 $30

Intermediate QA Engineer (Manual) $29 $32 $37
Senior QA Engineer (Manual) $30 $39 $44

Project Manager $43 $49 $57

Scrum Master $38 $45 $51
Business Analyst $38 $40 $43
Graphic Designer $37 $37 $42
Dev Ops $38 $42 $48

Data Scientist $39 $40 $43

Data Analyst $37 $40 $43
Data Engineer $37 $40 $43

South Asia
2024 Rates, Regional
Trends & Advice

Demand for software outsourcing is booming in Asia, particularly on the Indian sub-continent where India, Pakistan,
and Bangladesh are winning deals based on sharp pricing and the ability to resource projects with highly capable
developer talent.

In countries like Vietnam and the Philippines, the talent pool of skilled and experienced engineers isn’t as deep, which
means business process and call center outsourcing continue to be the bread and butter of a fast-evolving outsourcing
industry in Southeast Asia.

The region represents incredibly good value for money — if you find the right company to work with and can be assured
of getting the right people assigned to your software projects.

South Asia
Rate Changes Through the Years Senior Developer Rate Comparison
$46 $46
Firms in the region reported hourly rates that were lower $43
overall than the peak in 2022. Asia is the only region
Senior Developer Rate

where this occurred and suggests discounting was used $40 $37
$36 $36
to attract work to the region, a strategy that appears to
have paid off. $35

We can expect rates increases in the region of 6%—15%
across Asian outsourcing destinations in 2024.
2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

South Asia | 2024 Key Trends

We will likely see upward pressure on rates in Asia Demand is anticipated to remain high, with 83% of
(6%—15%) as the market responds to the firms surveyed planning to increase their workforce in
international demand that built steadily through 2023. 2024 and the vast majority planning on growing
headcount by 11% or more.
Business confidence in the region will remain high.
Firms report high customer satisfaction with the Many in the region see the accelerating adoption of
rates they charge, and in 2024, rates will generally cloud computing platforms as a key opportunity for
still represent good value for money. solution providers in the next 12—18 months.

AI is a hot topic in the region, but firms will have to 50% of respondents plan to increase their rates by
dig deep to find the skills to advance their customers’ 6%—15+% in 2024, while the other half anticipate no
projects, with 50% of firms expecting to encounter change as cost remains a priority for many customers.
significant challenges in recruitment.

Southeast Asia
Insights & Rates

Southeast Asia also benefited from a pivot away from projects and engagements due to economic
Latin America due to price in 2023 as well as a more uncertainty.
general search for lower developer rates to combat
pressure on clients’ budgets. Overall thought, developers based in the region report
that clients are happing with their rates and pricing
The uptick in demand had a flow-on effect on structure. While customers are seeking out good
developer rates, with increased of 6%—10% most deals, they prioritize quality, expertise, and efficiency
common. Others held off on increasing rates, sensing in negotiations.
a hesitancy among clients to commit to ongoing

R OLE ( U SD) $20 $30 $40 $50 $60

Junior Developer $16 $23 $24

Intermediate Developer $25 $26 $27
Senior Developer $29 $32 $42
Lead Developer $35 $37 $49
Architect $42 $50 $61

Junior QA Engineer (Automated) $21 $23 $25

Intermediate QA Engineer (Automated) $27 $27 $28
Senior QA Engineer (Automated) $30 $32 $37

Junior QA Engineer (Manual) $21 $22 $22

Intermediate QA Engineer (Manual) $24 $26 $27
Senior QA Engineer (Manual) $27 $30 $32

Project Manager $31 $35 $41

Scrum Master $32 $40 $44
Business Analyst $30 $31 $37
Graphic Designer $27 $36 $44
Dev Ops $30 $38 $39

Data Scientist $37 $44 $50

Data Analyst $32 $39 $45
Data Engineer $35 $44 $48

Southeast Asia
2024 Rates, Regional
Trends & Advice

In countries like Vietnam and the Philippines, the talent pool of skilled and experienced engineers isn’t as deep as on
the subcontinent.

Business process and call center outsourcing continue to be the bread and butter of a fast-evolving outsourcing industry
in Southeast Asia, though the region’s focus on STEM education is seeing skilled, specialized teams of developers
starting to proliferate.

The region represents incredibly good value for money - if you find the right company to work with and can be assured of
getting the right people assigned to your software projects.

Southeast Asia
Rate Changes Through the Years Senior Developer Rate Comparison

Firms in the region disclosed that their hourly rates either $40 $38 $38
matched or, in certain instances, were even lower than the peak
rates observed in 2022. This indicates an intentional use of $35
Senior Developer Rate

discounting as a tactic to attract business to the region, a $35

strategy that seems to have yielded positive results.

Anticipated trends suggest that hourly rates will likely maintain $30

stable, with some projections indicating nominal increases

ranging from 3% to 10% across outsourcing destinations in
Southeast Asia in 2024. $25
2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

Southeast Asia | 2024 Key Trends

The majority of survey respondents from Southeast Development firms point to a shortage of skilled
Asia plan to hold rates steady in the next six months developers, concerns about recession and inflation,
or make modest increases in the range of 1%—5%. and clients’ budgetary constraints as the key
challenges they’ll face in 2024
Development firms anticipate stable or increasing
revenue in the next six months. Two-thirds of developers plan to increase their head-
count in 2024 in the range of 6%—15%.
Increasing salaries to remain competitive with the
market is the main reason cited for anticipated rates Many in the region see the accelerating adoption of
increases in 2024. cloud computing platforms as a key opportunity for
solution providers in the next 12—18 months.

Summary View:
2024 Global Software
Outsourcing Rates Per Region



Junior Developer $38—$52 $37—$52 $28—$32 $16—$24

Intermediate Developer $50—$64 $53—$68 $35—$41 $25—$27
Senior Developer $65—$74 $64—$78 $40—$46 $29—$42
Lead Developer $68—$82 $75—$88 $44—$51 $35—$49
Architect $80—$92 $75—$101 $54—$70 $42—$61

Junior QA Engineer (Automated) $38—$47 $40—$42 $24—$35 $21—$25

Intermediate QA Engineer (Automated) $49—$61 $50—$63 $33—$45 $27—$28
Senior QA Engineer (Automated) $60—$72 $65—$76 $39—$51 $30—$37

Junior QA Engineer (Manual) $34—$42 $37—$58 $24—$30 $21—$22

Intermediate QA Engineer (Manual) $41—$54 $44—$61 $29—$37 $24—$27
Senior QA Engineer (Manual) $50—$65 $54—$71 $30—$44 $27—$32

Project Manager $62—$77 $59—$78 $43—$57 $31—$41

Scrum Master $55—$72 $55—$74 $38—$51 $32—$44
Business Analyst $57—$69 $55—$83 $38—$43 $30—$37
Graphic Designer $49—$66 $59—$87 $37—$42 $27—$44
Dev Ops $62—$80 $74—$84 $38—$48 $30—$39

Data Scientist $62—$77 $80—$87 $39—$43 $37—$50

Data Analyst $60—$71 $75—$86 $37—$43 $35—$48
Data Engineer $61—$81 $80—$87 $37—$43 $32—$45

Thank you for your interest in our
2024 Global Software Outsourcing Rates and Trends Guide.

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