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Philippine Value System

Value Clarification

1. How do values clarification theory help individuals live a more fulfilling life and make
meaningful choices?
Values clarification theory helps people in identifying and prioritizing their values. It
aims to help people in determining what is most important to them in order for them to make
better decisions and live a more fulfilling life. It helps people in developing an understanding of
purpose and direction in their lives. People can develop objectives and strive toward them when
they have a clear understanding of what they value. This sense of purpose may be a strong
motivator, helping people in overcoming problems and staying focused on what is most
important to them.
2. Choose one of the characteristics that makes an instrumental to values development
according to Raths. Give an instance based on your experience as a teacher.
As a teacher, I had the opportunity to witness the many attitudes that my students
displayed. In reaction to a specific scenario, they expressed their feelings and attitudes about that
certain thing. For instance, if one of their classmates slipped and fell on the floor, some students
would make fun of him or her, while others might approach and assist him to stand. This
demonstrates how attitudes are displayed and developed at a young age. Therefore, it is our
responsibility as teachers to instill in them the value of helping those in need and refrain from
making fun of them when they stumble or fall.

Topic: The Essence and Nature of Values Education

Reporter: Runnah Lusica
1. State the Importance of Values Education.
The Essence of Values Education is that it contributes to building the character
development of learners. It provides individuals with the information, skills, and
attitudes they need to solve problems, make morally sound decisions, and make a
meaningful contribution to society. It seeks to provide a strong moral basis that guides
people's behaviors and choices.
2. Elaborate on one way of Acquiring Values Education.
Through formal education systems that include explicit values education
programs or curricula, one might acquire values education. Along with academic
subjects, these programs are intended to systematically educate and promote values. An
institution might create a values-based curriculum wherein values are integrated into
different subjects. It should be aligned with the competencies to be learned.

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