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In this essay I am discussing the importance of being a critical thinker.

Thinking is part
of our daily process because we make different decision every day and in order to make
those decisions we have to think first.

Many if us do not realize how important it is to be a critical thinker not just as an

individual but also in our professional career. Every career path needs a critical thinker
does not matter whether you’re a doctor, a pilot or if have a professional career in the
law industry. There are many benefits of being a critical thinker of which I will discuss in
further detail.

Basic definition of being a critical thinker is to analyze facts in order to understand a

certain problem or topic. There is so much to being a critical thinker one has to apply an
understanding to fact through thinking and analyzing l. As a critical thinker you also
have to collect information and the necessary data in order to solve problems you need
to ask yourself thoughtful question so that you can get the best possible solution for any
problem type question.

In a legal profession to resolve conflict or a criminal charge you have to use critical
thinking to understand the nature if the case so that you can get the best and most
suitable solution for the situation. Being a critical thinker has many benefits especially
for law student one of many examples are being observant, in the legal profession being
observant is very important because you have to cross examine every case you get
your listening skills also improve because when you examine what you hear and see
regarding a case might be very helpful for you to address and find a proper solution for
the situation.

Communication is another benefits it is very important for you as a legal practitioner to

have good communication skills in order to understand the legal situation especially if
there is an disagreement between two parties. Which is what happens in most part of
the legal profession

Being critical and taking time to make decisions can also help us in our daily life’s so
that we can better ourselves through analyzing fact and understanding different point of
views in doing so will automatically lead to another benefits of critical thinking which is
problem solving skills.

Problems are part of our life does not matter whether it’s person or professional we deal
with different kind of problems each and everyday these problems might differ because
of person life and professional career are two different things hence why different

Critical thinking can lead to problem solving skills which we all need especially in a legal
profession because whether your are lawyer or professor or even a judge all those
professions have one think in common and that is in order to fulfill your role to the best
of your ability you have to be a critical thinker.

In conclusion critical thinking is a very important part of our life not just on a personal
view point but also professional one even more so in the legal practice where critical
thinking is very important because it will only make you better in making decisions and
solving problems in short it will make you a better person both in your daily life and in a
professional capacity.

Jennifer Wilson Mulnix, Thinking Critically about Critical Thinking. EDUCATIONAL

PHILOSOPHY & THEORY , volume 10 Posted: 2010 (accessed on 13 July 2023)

5 Top Critical Thinking Skills (And How To Improve

skills(Date accessed

July 13, 2023)

Lee, C. Legal Skills for Law School & Legal Practice. Retrieved at
skills.pdf(accessed 13 July 2023)

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