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1. As an investigator, what are the first step to do, applying Juvenile Justice.?

The latest incident that transpired at the 7-11 store at Taft Avenue, Manila particularly in the vicinity of
the Western police District Headquarters has been greatly received with lots of concern by its past and
present patrons. The violent attack claimed the lives of three innocent Persons; thus, the public was in a
state of shock searching for an explanation or understanding. Such consequences relating to the very
important considerations of juveniles’ right can be drawn from the direct or indirect connection of the
following arrest of the seventeen years old young man, who declare himself to being under age. Given
this case, it is important for the investigator to understand the working of the juvenile justice system so
that he/she knows the limits with in which the system has to operate.

The process of exclusion of a person through the preliminary investigation started with an identification
of the alleged offender age. Since the suspect is claiming to be 17 years, yet he can hardly produce any
identification to that effect, it will be important for his age to be discovered through further
investigation. This can be done with the help of questions addressed to the suspect’s close relatives,
friends, and people, who knew him, using available records, including school or medical related
documents. This dictates the jurisdiction of the given case and the manner in which it will be handled
under the juvenile justice system depending on the age of the suspect.

The next step in the process would be to ascertain the extent of the offender’s complicity as well as
responsibility in the offense after his age has been authenticated. The biographic study together with
the results of the forensic examination and testimonies of witnesses will reveal the suspect’s
involvement in the robbery and the subsequent shooting of the victims. This information will also be
vital in the process of deciding whether the suspect should be tried as a juvenile or an adult.

Philippines law on Juvenile justice and Welfare is the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006 (RA 9344)
that state children between the age of 15 and 18 years who commit a crime may not be criminally
responsible but can be placed under an intervention program and may also undergo rehabilitation.
However, where the suspect did act with discernment this means that he knew the difference between
right and wrong and deserves to be charged as an adult.

During the investigation, the main focus of the experiment is to understand if there are any factors in
the suspect’s life that could contribute to his participation in the crime. This means understanding his
family structure, his education level, his previous conduct in relation to the laws of the country and
whether or not he has a record with the police force. This information will also be useful in the
formulation of an adequate intervention plan in the event that the suspect is ascertained to be a

The investigator must also consider the suspect’s aspects of physical and psychological armor, such as
deep-sea eyes and an assured body language that may imply a high level of professional crime. This
information will be important in ascertaining the suspect’s maturity and ability to appreciate his actions
as well as the degree of his reform ability.
2. How can you help the suspect in proving that he is only 17 years old at the time the crime was

However, the suspect was young, but due to baldness and deep-set eyes and a serious look on his face,
one would wonder if the suspect was a one-time juvenile or already a one-time professional. During the
police investigation, the enshrinement of rights state that it is pertinent to know the age of the suspect
as it will affect his lawful punishment procession. In case the suspect is below the stipulated age, then he
may be reformed and reintegrated into the society as opposed to a grown man facing harsh
consequences in court.

Over and above this, a comprehensive strategy has to be applied in order to aid the suspect establish his
age. First of all, it is necessary to admit and conduct a medical check-up in order to roughly determine
the age of the suspect based on his or her physique and bones. They can be done by a team of
physicians comprising pediatricians, forensic anthropologists, and radiologists. The examination should
comprise of basic assessment, an arterial blood gas test, bone densitometry, and dental check-up.

Secondly, the police should therefore carry out a thorough search on the character of the suspect,
history of the family, the school records, and any other relevant papers. This may involve engaging other
people that may be in a position to ascertain the age of the suspect including family members, teachers
among others. Furthermore, the police should also scrutinize any documents which may be available to
support the suspect’s ages these may include; birth certificates, school records among other legal

Thirdly, it is necessary to assess the credibility of the suspect and the facts and circumstances stated by
him including the inconsistency of the statement. Therefore, one cannot turn a blind eye to the fact that
the suspect insisted he was 17 years old, and thus, the given evidence should be evaluated seriously
with the hypothesis that he is telling the truth. A repetition of some questions may also be necessary in
order to ensure that the suspect is mentally capable of providing his age without exaggerating or
minimizing his age due to psychological conditions, therefore, a through psychological test should be
done on the suspect to determine this aspect.

It may also be necessary to involve social workers and child welfare agencies to provide support and
guidance to the suspect, regardless of his age. Furthermore, in this case too, even besides these basic
enquiries assistance by expert personnel will probably have been needed by experts working amongst
others at the level of the social worker or with the Children's Aid Society. To help the suspect prove his
age, a comprehensive approach must be taken, involving medical examinations, background
investigations, and psychological evaluations. Taking such care will allow us eventually not only to do
away with this injustice but at the same time provide real assistance for those who need it most, both in
terms of their physical development and as regards appropriate moral guidance. The goal should be to
provide a fair and just outcome that takes into account the suspect's age and circumstances, while also
acknowledging the severity of the crime and the need to protect the community.
3. What is your primary recommendation to mitigate the condition of the suspect, in case proven
that he is only 17 years old at the time the crime was committed?
The crime committed is severe and since the suspect is believed to be below the required age, it is
mandatory to adopt an analytical approach on how the condition of the suspect will be handled in
case he is below the age of requirement. First of all, it is necessary to take care and pay due
attention to the fact that the suspect needs to be protected and be in good physical and
psychological condition while in custody. He is a juvenile and thus protected by the law mainly due
to the fact that he is still young. The police and detention authorities should ensure that the suspect
is not harassed in any manner or forced to submit to torture either psychologically or otherwise; the
suspect should also be provided with food, clothing as well as medical attention if need be.
Secondly, the government has to pay attention to all the circumstances that contribute to the
development of this mental condition. The reasons that could have led to the minor, who is accused
of pleasing in a horrible act, to commit the act. Perhaps taking his psychological examination will
reveal any case of mental illness, trauma or socio-economic factors that will lead him to be a
criminal. This assessment will also help in development of a correct rehabilitation program if he is
Thirdly, the suspect’s education as well as rehabilitation must be an utmost priority. He is still a
minor and vulnerable, thus, he should be given another chance to go to school and acquire skills for
change and reintegration into society. The authorities should admit him in a juvenile rehabilitation
program within the legislation which involves a program of practicing character and vocational
training as well as counseling. It will also assist him in eradicating any simmering problems he may
have while at the same time attaining the right disposition as pertains to being a responsible
individual in society.
Fourthly, the authorities should prioritize family and community involvement in the suspect's
rehabilitation process. Some of the research shows that it’s important for the children concerned to
have their families behind them and be integrated into social groups while they’re undergoing
reform. The authorities should work closely with the suspect's family, providing them with
counseling and support services to help them cope with the situation. We should have Community-
based programs and organizations that can be involved in the rehabilitation process, providing the
suspect with positive role models and a supportive environment.
Finally, one has also got to consider what effect the present measures will have on the judiciary as
well. If proven to be a minor at the time of the crime, the suspect's age should be taken into account
during sentencing. The Philippine Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006 provides for the
rehabilitation of juvenile offenders, and the authorities should prioritize rehabilitation over
punishment. This approach not only acknowledges the suspect's age and vulnerability but also
recognizes the need to address the root causes of juvenile delinquency.
4. Suppose the suspect was sentenced by the court, and it was proven that he was only 17 years old
at the time of the commission of the offense, what actions can you do to prevent him from being
imprisoned with hardcore elements? (Explain, what is the suspended sentence)

Assuming the suspect is sentenced by the court and his age is proven to be 17 at the time of the
offense, He is arrested and convicted, possibly if at the time of the offense taking place, it is very
important to ensure that he does not associate with other hardcore criminals. This is because he is
17 years old and is still below the legally advised age and thus should be handled as a juvenile.
Introducing him to the real world with other criminals might make him worst and be a candidate to
be killed or drop more antisocial behaviors due to peer pressure.
To avoid such misfortune the Court may decide on suspension. A suspended sentence is a type of
sentence where the offender is not required to serve time in prison, provided they comply with
certain conditions set by the court. In this case, the court could fine the suspect without
imprisonment or imprison him/her under a prisoners’ probation or send the suspect to the juvenile
rehabilitation center or a youth detention center. This would enable him to be taken for the right
direction on matters determining his reform and rehabilitation instead of being subjected to actually
experiencing the monster that is an adult prison. The court could also recommend to the offender to
do community service, receive probation or undertake some restorative justice programs. These
forms of punishment would allow the suspect an opportunity to repay what he or she did besides
dealing with the issues characterizing the suspect’s actions. Giving him the chances to gain
education, vocational training, and counseling the court would contribute a great deal to his persona
and thought making him a useful citizen.
The court could also compel the suspect to undertake programs that should be carried out by
juvenile offenders including anger management, substance use and life skills programs. Thus, it
attempts to have a better analysis of what could be the root cause of this misconduct, crimes among
individuals. This way, the court can significantly enhance the likelihood of the suspect mending
his/her ways and having a better future in terms of adherence to the law. the court could order the
suspect to participate in programs specifically designed for juvenile offenders, such as anger
management, substance abuse treatment, and life skills training. In doing so it tries to achieve a
better understanding of what might be the deeper cause behind criminal behavior. By taking a
rehabilitative approach, the court can increase the chances of the suspect reforming and becoming
a law-abiding citizen.
In the event that the suspect is traced and charged, and found to be 17 years at the time of the
offense, there is need to assure that the young suspect does not associate with other hardcore
criminals. Thus, by passing a suspended sentence and offering an opportunity to substitute the
punishment with the help of a specialist, the court assists the suspect to change for the better
instead of turning him or her into a repeat offender. It would also be advantageous to the suspect
and also help enhance the security of the society/ people.

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