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It´s like a tall, colossal cliff with huge amount of snow, that snow
would be my memories in my hometown. My whole life, I have seen
the sun rise and set from this exquisite town, seeing everything from
day 1 to the day when the journey ends. That day is soon going to
come, and that day will be the starting of my journey as an
individual. I´ve seen this place grow, it has grown so much
throughout the years. The plants, the agriculture, it´s just like me, it
never stops growing. We all grow, and have to make a life-changing
situation, does it happen with you too?

I step foot outside, my first step, out of my comfort zone, here I go!
but this step is different, it leads me to a completely new path. It was
5:30Am in the morning, and during the walk I see Golden, sparkling
rays, right to the point, my eye! I still can´t believe the fact I am
leaving this town, even though its just a 2-3 hour walk, it´s a
completely different area and the area consists of really advanced
technology. My family was pleading to send me on a car but I
wanted every bit of my memory in this town. This town is ariel, it´s
perfect. A question suddenly arises in my mind, what if I fail, what if
I don´t touch my family´s expectation, they have invested so much
money in me, to stay here, study, and earn. This can end up really
badly, the fear of failure is pretty deadly. Well……..…., about that, first
things first, I will think about that later.

The sun is so beautiful, isn´t it? Talking about that, the sun has risen
like a rising star, it perfectly places itself into the sky, and now it´s
6:30Am in the morning. Out of nowhere I see may dad´s shop but
something´s off. This time it´s not full of clothes but it´s full of
memories, my dad used to make me clothes with adorable, and cute
prints when I was little, ohh, weren´t they the best days. I walk a bit
more, somewhere around my previous house, in which I stayed 5
years ago. I see a playground, old, rusty, and a house for little
creatures. Yeah, little creautre, perfect! I was one of those. Tears fill
my eyes, colors blast upwards through my brain´s nerves, my nerves
acting as poles and supplying me with colors. I close my eyes gently
as I feel a gentle breeze acting upon my shoulders, and then I open
my eyes, a completely new playground made 7 years ago in which I
played with all my heart. Those were the beautiful days, we need to
enjoy our childhood the most, did you all enjoy your mesmorizing
childhood. I wipe my tears and go on, I will never forget this day,
and on my own way I go to make new advancments.

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