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Textbook Answer Key

GRADE/DIV: VII A TOPIC: Understanding Media SUBJECT: Social Science

A. Fill in the blanks.
1. personal communication 2. mass communication
3. rational 4. advertisements
5. storehouse

B. State whether the following sentences are true or false.

1. True 2. False 3. False 4. True 5. True

C. Answer the following questions very briefly.

1. Media refers to the means of communication.
2. Electronic media and print media are the two branches of media based on technology
3. It is the power that the government has in disallowing printing and viewing of any content
to the public.
4. The main objective of the media is to keep the public informed with the correct
information which helps in forming right opinion with freedom.
5. Media acts as a watchdog by not letting the government abuse its power. It reports about
any corrupt practices on the part of the government to the people.

D. Answer the following questions briefly.

1. Independence of media is very important because it helps
- in making a balanced report.
- helps the citizens to form opinions on the policies framed by the government
2. The most popular form of earning money for media is through advertisements. All the
business houses pay money to the media houses for the airing of ads shown during the
telecast of any programme. Apart from this even the government also funs in media for its
smooth functioning.

3. In recent times, media plays a very important role in the lives of citizens. Not only does it
keep them abreast of the latest news in the national and international arena, it
also provides information to people, based on which they can make informed and

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unbiased decisions.

4. the work of media is to provide information on any issue to the mass media through
different media tools. In this way in influences the thoughts and feelings of the people. It
brings such issues to light and sometimes even helps to gets justice to the people, like
Jessica Lal murder case.

5. a critical evaluation of all news appearing in the media is important in order to know the
truthfulness and reliability of the information. All sources of information are not
considered to be reliable as the objective differs. Hence, it may mislead the citizens in
formation of wrong opinions.

E. Answer the following questions in detail.

1. In democracy, people have the freedom of speech whereby they can express their opinion
about any issue.
Media acts as a bridge between the people and the government in forming of policies. It
helps the government to consider and act on their opinion. Accordingly, the government
also shares and express its viewpoints with the people through media.
Media also acts as a watchdog and does not allow the government abuse its powers.

2. When the communication is undertaken on a one-to-one basis in the form of letters,

telephone, email, etc., it is termed as personal communication. When the communication
is between many, it is termed as mass communication.
Mass media can be broadly categorised into two, print media which includes newspapers,
books, journals, magazines, billboards etc. and electronic media which comprises of
television, radio, internet etc.

3. Tits bits refer to small pieces of information which can be nearing gossip. Media provides
information to masses with varied interests. There might be certain group of people who
are more interested in gossips like what their favourite actors do in their leisure time,
where a particular sports personality has gone to spent his vacation etc. Such information
provides entertainment for the masses and make such media houses gain popularity.
Hence, media covers issues which are in the realm of tit bits.

4. Of course, there is an agenda behind every event covered. Agenda is based on time, place
and group of viewers. Media is always looking for newsworthy events. Most of the time
the event is important for an organiser but for media it may not be newsworthy at all
because it may not be valid at that particular time. For example, major part of the country
is faced with a disaster or any loved celebrity or leader has passed away. During such time
it would not be worthy for the media to show events on dance or fashion shows.

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5. It is very important that the media is honest and gives a balanced view about any subject.
It should not spread any news just for the sake of publicity or money. It is unethical for the
media to focus on particular aspects of a story instead of giving all facts related to it.
The media has a moral responsibility not to be biased towards any political party, view,
religion or group. It has to be careful not to publish or present any matter in a way that
instigate violence.
I think media in India is not of a responsible one. Initially, media was thought to be an
agent of ushering social change through developmental programs directed at the non-
privileged and marginalised sections of the society. In recent times Indian media has been
subject to a lot of criticism for the manner in which they have disregarded their obligation
to social responsibility. For example, as newspapers and many channels are owned by big
business houses, the news may be influenced by their viewpoints. Whatever is projected is
not necessarily the truth. Their purpose is only to earn money and create a market for
products to make the money flow back to the business houses. Thus, private interest is of
more priority than public interest.

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