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1. What is a Resource “Give two examples

Development of Resources
2. 2 Define sustainable Development
3. 3 State the importance of Rio convention
4. What is the most important of Agenda 21.
5. Resource Planning Planning in India
6. Name the place which has very rich cultural heritage but it is deficient in water, infrastructure
and some vital minerals

Conservation of Resources
7. Who said. “There is enough for everybody’s need and not for anybody’s greed?

Land Resources-Land Utilisation-Land Use Pattern in India

8. What is net sown area?
9. Name any two states which have high percentage of Net Area sawn. Punjab, Haryana
10. Land Degradation and Conservation Measures
11. Name any two states where over irrigation is responsible for land degradation Punjab Haryana
12. State the most concerned factor for deforestation in Madhya Pradesh.
13. Suggest any two measures to check Land Degradation.
14. Mention any two man-made and two natural factors responsible for land degradation. 7

Soil As a Resource
1. How can alluvial soil be classified according to their age.
2. Why is alluvial soil called ferule soil?
3. What type of soil is found in piedmont zone of western Ghats?
4. Even though Rajasthan is arid. But has some specific potential? What is that
5. How are laterite soil formed? Why is the humus content in laterite soil low?

Soil Erosion and Soil Conservation

1. What is Soil erosion? How is soil eroded?

2. What are gullies?
3. What is Sheet erosion?
4. What is contour ploughing?
5. What is strip cropping
6. Mention any proper farming techniques which can be helpful in conservation of soil
7. contour ploughing, strip cropping, shelterbelts, sand dunes, Terace farming
1. Do you think that resources are free gifts of nature as is assumed by many “Justify your answer
with Any three suitable arguments
2. Explain the role of humans in resource development

Development of Resources
3. Which summit was convened for addressing urgent problems of environmental protection and
sector economic development at the global level Explain sustainable development in this context
4. What is sustainable economic development
5. Resource Planning-Planning in India
6. Why is resource Planning essential Describe three stages of Resource Planning
7. “Planning is the widely accepted strategy for judicious use of resources in a country like India”
8. Justify this statement with two relevant points and an example
9. “India is rich in certain types of resources but deficient in some other resources Support your
answer With examples.

Conservation of Resources
10. Whom did Gandhiji make responsible for the depletion of resources at the global level” Explain
any two reasons.

Mass production to production by recession

11. What is the importance of natural resources? Why is it necessary to conserve them?
Indiscriminate use of resources has led to numerous problems” Justify the statement.
12. Land Resources-Land Utilisation-Land Use Pattern in India
13. Land is a natural resource of utmost importance Support the statement
14. Land Degradation and Conservation Measures 12 How is over irrigation responsible for land
degradation? Which states of India face this problem?
15. 13. Which is the main cause of land degradation in Gujarat, Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh?
How can It be checked? Explain.

16. State any three physical factors, as well as three human factors that determine the use of land in
Explain any three human activities responsible for land degradation in India.
17. Examine the three major problems created as a result of indiscriminate utilization of natural

18. What are the main factors affecting the formation of soil! Describe each factor briefly.
19. Define alluvial soil. Distinguish between khadar and Bhangar
20. Write any three characteristics of Black soil.
Which soil is called “Regur soil? Explain any two special characteristics of this soil? Lava flows
cotton, extremely fine le

21. Which geographical factors are responsible for the evolution of black soil Why is it considered
the most suitable for growing cotton
22. Name the soil type which is widely found in Western Rajasthan. Explain two important
characteristics of this soil type which makes it unsuitable for cultivation

Soil Erosion and Soil Conservation

23. Mention any two human activities which are responsible for the process of soil erosion Explain
the Two types of soil erosion mostly observed in India.
24. Suggest any three methods of soil conservation suitable to Indian conditions.


1. Explain Land Resources-Land Utilisation-Land Use Pattern in India

Illustrate the land-use pattern of India

Land Degradation and Conservation Measures

2. “Human activities are mainly responsible for land degradation in India”. Support the statement.
How does land degradation takes place through human activities in India? Explain any four
measures to control their degradation.

3. “Consequences of environmental degradation do not respect National and State boundaries”.

Support the statement with examples.

Soil As a Resource

4. Distinguish between Khadar and Bhangar.

5. Explain the formation and important features of the laterite soil.

6. Mention any four characteristic of alluvial soil,

7. How is red soil formed? Mention its three characteristics.

8. Black soil need to be tilled after the first ram. Give reasons:

9. Explain briefly any five types of soils found in India.

10. Soil Erosion and Soil Conservation

11. What is soil erosion? Illustrate the major types of soil erosions prevailing in India.

12. Analyze any four proper farming techniques which can be used for soil conservation. 12 Why is
conservation of resources essential? List out three methods of soil conservation

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